"Yeah, I miss it so much. At that time, the floors were very low. My primary school was in Gunma County. I could gather a large group of children casually. I was the big sister of the school at that time, but the whole family moved after high school. I went to Tokyo and never came back, look, Kogoro, that izakaya has been open for [-] years, I didn’t expect it to still be here!”

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked over, the four sisters izakaya, there are four youthful and beautiful photos outside, it is not a serious izakaya at first glance.

You Xizi immediately had a sly smile on her face: "Xiao Goro, why don't you go in and have a glass of wine, there is a cute little sister inside!"

Mori Kogoro tapped Yukiko's helmet and said, "After thirty years of driving, the four sisters have become four big mothers, and they are cute little sisters. You are enough for me."

"Let's go, let's go to the hotel first!" Mori Kogoro took Yukiko to Ikahocho. The scenery here is excellent, and the most famous one is the hot spring town. The whole town was built along more than [-] stone steps. All hot spring hotels.

Ikaho Onsen is the most famous hot spring in Gunma Prefecture. The hot spring water there is surprisingly red because it is full of sulfate and carbonic acid. Soaking in this hot spring is better for the body.

Mori Kogoro brought Yukiko to Ikahocho, and Yukiko immediately laughed: "Mori-kun, you have bad motives, what are you doing with me here!"

Mori Kogoro smiled: "I heard that you are intensively practicing yoga in the United States, and I am also honing my marksmanship day and night in Neon. Today, I came here to learn from each other, so that I can test the depth, and decide the difference between life and death!"

Yukiko immediately blushed and patted Kogoro Mori on the back.

The Harley motorcycle soon stopped at a hot spring hotel in Ojuku Yushu. This is the most luxurious hot spring hotel in Ikahocho. Mori Kogoro booked the most expensive courtyard-style hot spring suite. There is only one in this hotel. .

However, the two of them didn't check into this hotel from the very beginning, they just handed over their luggage to the waiter at the front desk and asked him to take it to the suite, and then the two walked out together.

In this hot spring town, there are hotels, restaurants, and gift shops on the left and right. There are a lot of tourists, mostly young men and women. Most of them wear kimonos or bathrobes when visiting such a scenic spot. The excitement is comparable to the previous New Year festival.

You Xizi's eyes lit up immediately when she saw this scene. Both of them are masters of disguise. They entered a clothing store, and when they came out, their images had changed drastically.

Mori Kogoro's sharp and sexy moustache was turned into a big curled beard by Yukiko, with a pair of brown sunglasses on his face, a cowboy hat on his head, and wearing cowboys, he appeared like a tough cowboy in the American West .

On the other hand, Yukiko put on a blue skirt, white short sleeves on her upper body, and wrapped her long hair into short hair with a headscarf, just like Audrey Hepburn's dress in Roman Holiday. The real peerless beauty is constantly being introduced. look sideways.

The appearance of the two people is extremely eye-catching, but they are completely unrecognizable. People who pass by stop and stop, and they can't help but marvel that there are such amazing two people in the world.

Mori Kogoro said, "Yukiko Hepburn, I should be wearing a suit when you're dressed like this, why make me look like a western cowboy."

"I like it, leave me alone!" Yukiko shook Mori Kogoro's beard mischievously, then put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and walked down the steps regardless of everyone's admiring gazes.

The two of them started to hang out in the small town of Ikaho just like the royal princess and the American reporter in Roman Holiday.

There was a bright smile on Yukiko's face, and a bright smile on Mori Kogoro's face.

Kogoro Mori looked at Yukiko's ice-breaking task in the favorability system, and the completion rate had reached [-]%, but the last [-]% could not be raised no matter what.

As for Feiyingli's ice-breaking task, it could climb to [-]%. He recalled the last time when he and Yukiko met at the Mihua Hotel, Yukiko said that in order to get her back, she must first go after Feiyingli.

Recalling the scene in Roman Holiday when the royal princess fell into the world and parted ways with her beloved reporter after only enjoying a day of love, Mori Kogoro immediately understood what Yukiko was thinking.

Seeing Yukiko smiling brightly in front of the wishing pool, Mori Kogoro stepped forward, held Yukiko's right hand tightly, and said firmly, "Youkiko is a princess, but Kogoro is not that American reporter, he's a western man with a gun." Cowboy, whoever dares to take you away will have to see how powerful my gun is!"

Hearing this, You Xizi couldn't help being moved, and leaned over, and the two kissed deeply and indulgently by the wishing pool. The kiss was so affectionate that pedestrians couldn't help but stop and admire the couple.

Some photographers captured this scene, and the dog food smell of love in the video almost filled the stomachs of all single dogs.

Seeing so many people looking at her, Yukiko blushed and grabbed Kogoro Mori's big hand, and ran out of everyone's sight.

Sure enough, even with a different face, an outstanding person will always be outstanding, and an eye-catching person will always be eye-catching!

Mori Kogoro only felt that he had returned to the stage of passionate love with Yukiko, holding her little hand, no matter what he did, he was full of interest and fun.

The two of them were like ordinary young people, they ordered a piece of sushi and had to rush to eat it.

I ordered a piece of milk tea with only one straw, you take a sip, I take a sip, if you want to drink it, you can just bite it together, bite the two small mouths and kiss together.

Yukiko also took Mori Kogoro to the Ikaho Shrine at the end of the stone steps to ask for a lottery and marriage.

Yuxiko, who got the signature, was as happy as a child, pulling Kogoro Mori up and down, Kogoro Mori took the opportunity to make some unreasonable demands, and she quickly agreed.

At the end, Yukiko called herself tired from shopping, and insisted that Kogoro Mori carry it back to the hotel.

Mori Kogoro supported Yukiko's two jade legs and walked towards Onyado Yushu Hotel.

Chapter 0017 Hot Spring Hotel

As soon as I got back to Yusu Yushu Hotel, the front desk saw two people with very different images. At first, I didn't believe it. It wasn't until Kogoro Mori moved out the flag consortium that the front desk lady was finally sure and gave the key to Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro carried Yukiko on his back into this courtyard-style hot spring suite. The decoration here is extremely luxurious, all decorated with high-grade mahogany, in a Japanese classical style. There are five suites in total, and the entire suite is connected into a curved shape. long dragon shape.

The suite is divided into functional areas of dining room, living room, bedroom, and bathroom, and the walls of the entire suite facing the courtyard are all replaced with glass doors, allowing the entire exquisite courtyard to be seen.

The unique ingenuity of Neon people is reflected everywhere outside the courtyard, surrounded by countless plants and flowers, colorful, revealing flower arrangement and gardening, which are very delicate.

A hot spring pool was specially dug out in the middle of the courtyard. The red hot spring is constantly emitting heat, and there are stream-like water inlets and outlets on both sides of the pool.

There is no problem at all to play the water cup here, there is a small bridge on one side, and a pavilion in the bamboo forest next to it, and there is no place that is not beautiful.

Because Yuju Yushu is the tallest building in the entire hot spring town, the fiery red hot spring water flowing down from the mountain is the first to flow into the hot spring pools in this courtyard after cooling down, which is the cleanest.

Moreover, the courtyard stands on a high place, and when you look around, you can have a panoramic view of the whole hot spring town, so there is no need for others to peep.

Yukiko's eyes lit up when she saw such an exquisite hotel suite.

After Mori Kogoro entered the room, he put Yukiko down, and the two threw off all the camouflage on their faces, revealing their true colors.

Looking at the playful and lovely Yukiko, her delicate face was full of amazement, Mori Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore, he pressed Yukiko's body against the wall, leaned over and kissed the red lips With one hand, he climbed up the peak in an instant, and with the other hand, he touched Yukiko's slender waist.

Although Mori Kogoro is very familiar with every inch of Yukiko's skin, every time he touches it, he feels like he doesn't want to let go.

Yukiko was fascinated by Kogoro Mori's fiery breath, even though she had been with Kogoro Mori for a long time, every time she encountered something like this, there would still be a blush on her face like a girl's.

She panicked and said: "Xiao Wulang wait a minute, it's daytime, there is light, you go and pull down the curtains!"

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