Because her career is a star, Yukiko will be very vigilant, and she and Mori Kogoro have been sneaking behind her concubine Eri's back for so many years, so Yukiko usually asks for this, and darkness can always bring strength to Yukiko.

But Kogoro Mori doesn't always do what she wants, and this time is no exception. He completely ignores Kogoro Mori who has Kiko, and his big hands are constantly moving around.

He was like a wild bull burning with flames, gradually passing his own flames to Yukiko.

The flames began to burn Youxizi's heart, and the resistance in her hands gradually decreased. When she recalled what she had promised, she didn't say any more. She opened her winking eyes full of mist, and began to respond enthusiastically.

Moori Kogoro supported Yukiko's two thighs, picked her up, walked on the thick hardwood floor, and soon came to the bedside with Yukiko in his arms. As soon as he exerted his strength, Yukiko was thrown directly to the bed bed.

Like a wolf pounced on a lamb, Mori Kogoro jumped on it. The clothes of the two on the big white bed kept flying up and down. Gradually, the two people's clothes became less and less. A stirring battle song sounded in the suite!

(A lot of text is omitted here.)


In Mori Kogoro's house, Conan was doing the second volume of Mathematical Olympiad on the office desk on the second floor. He was writing when the pen in his hand broke and stuck to his index finger, oozing a drop A drop of bright red blood came.

Conan stopped, he felt flustered inexplicably, his left eyelid began to throb wildly, his mood suddenly became bad, and even the thought of the topic that had been cleared before him suddenly became complicated, Conan sighed like an adult.

Is it because I have done too many topics and I am too tired.

Conan stared out of the window, dazed.

Really, Uncle Maori said that doing this can enhance logical thinking ability, and there is no change after doing it for so long!

At this moment, Xiaolan came in from outside the office, holding the ingredients for dinner in her hand, seeing Conan in a daze, she hurriedly shouted: "Conan, are you lazy again? I caught you deserting again! "

Conan immediately tensed up, pretended to be a child and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I'm not lazy, I just broke my pen!"

The black-bellied loli behind Xiaolan leaned out: "The pen is broken, there are so many pens on the pen holder on one side, don't you know how to use them?"

"Conan, you lied again. Sure enough, Dad is right. You have to be stricter. Since Dad is not here, I will do it for you. Write the first five pages of Mathematics Olympiad questions before dinner, otherwise don't come to dinner. After saying that, Xiaolan turned around and went up to the third floor without looking back.

Huiyuan opened his mouth and said mockingly: "Detective boy, come on, try to bring back a mathematician in the future!" After that, Huiyuan followed Xiaolan's steps upstairs with his short legs.

Conan immediately cried when he saw the two of them leaving. These two guys became more and more terrifying once Uncle Maori didn't come back.

Especially Hui Yuan, this black-bellied little lolita can't provoke her at all, a word can make people vomit blood.

Conan looked at the Mathematical Olympiad questions on the table, and couldn't help but raise his head and sigh: Uncle Maori, come back soon, I miss you so much!

But Mori Kogoro, who is doing shameful things with Conan's mother, is naturally at his wits' end, and of course he won't hear Conan's cry.


Three hours passed quickly, and the doorbell rang in the suite. Kogoro Mori walked up to the door with a scarf around his waist, and brought in the dinner and other things that the waiter was holding.

Mori Kogoro put the plate on the table in front of the bed, looked at Yukiko lying on the bed, and couldn't help but said: "Youkiko, didn't you say that you have practiced yoga in the United States? Why are you so weak!"

Yukiko who was lying on the bed gave Mori Kogoro a hard look, her whole body was flushed abnormally, she couldn't help but gasped a few times, her hands trembled towards her buttocks!

Mori Kogoro smiled guiltily, and patted Yukiko's beautiful back. The healing technique was performed instantly, and Yukiko was surprised to find that all the discomfort on her body had disappeared.

Yuxizi immediately got up triumphantly, and began to yell: "Xiao Goro, you are not as good as before, tsk tsk tsk!"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help vomiting blood in his heart when he heard this. If he had known it earlier, he would have let Yukiko continue to lie on her stomach and let her continue to feel the terror!

However, after some exercise, both of them were exhausted, so Mori Kogoro didn't care about Yukiko for the time being.

Yukiko put the white shirt bought by Kogoro Mori by the waiter on the side, and brushed her brown hair out of the shirt, and Kogoro Mori lost his mind for a moment.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, she couldn't help showing a look of complacency on her face. She walked catwalks to the sofa, sat down, folded her two beautiful legs, and ate dinner gracefully.

Chapter 0018 Hot Spring Hotel 2

Yukiko was wearing a white shirt, she was so beautiful, she gracefully picked up a sandwich, and ate it.

"Although I don't mind, are you really not going to rinse your mouth?"

Mouri Kogoro's words made Yukiko overwhelmed in an instant, and the sandwich she was biting in her mouth was not edible, so she just vomited it out.

Yukiko stared at Mori Kogoro fiercely, then turned and went to the bathroom. Soon there was the sound of rinsing mouth and brushing teeth in the bathroom, Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed, and then began to feast on the food on the table Woke up.

After brushing her teeth, Yuxizi came out quickly, first unscrewed the Coke, took a sip viciously, and then sat down to eat dinner, pretending not to be near strangers.

Mori Kogoro poured two glasses of champagne and leaned over. There were so many sofas left, he insisted on squeezing into Yukiko's one-seater sofa, and sat with Yukiko.

A smile appeared on Youxizi's sideways face, but it soon restrained herself and turned into an ice goddess again!

With their thighs close together, Mori Kogoro handed Yukiko a glass of champagne.

Yukiko turned her head away from taking the wine glass, Mua, Kogoro Mori kissed her fair cheek directly;

You Xizi still didn't take the wine glass, Mua kissed her shirt on her shoulder this time;

Yukiko still didn't take the wine glass, Kogoro Mori poked her waist with his index finger and scratched her itchy place;

Her pretended ice goddess appearance immediately shattered, Yukiko laughed, rolled her eyes at Mori Kogoro, and then took the champagne.

The two clinked glasses and drank the two glasses of pink champagne in one gulp. This is the champagne produced in Bolkoff. Because the marked price is 1314 pounds, Kogoro Mori ordered it, but Yukiko did not know that this was from China stalk.

The two sat on the narrow single sofa chair, huddled together, and happily ate dinner. The dinner was very rich, including suckling pig, steak, foie gras, caviar, fruit salad, and vegetables...

Even the hotel sent two bottles of red wine.

Although this Royal Hotel Yushu Hotel is expensive, it is also worth the money, and the food is very delicious.

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