Mori Kogoro hugged the beauty while eating delicious food, his big hands kept walking on Yukiko's smooth thighs, his eyes admired Yukiko beside her, her sexy figure under the white shirt was looming, and her hair was brushed up from time to time The little hands are the most touching!

But Yukiko didn't care at all, she picked up the food from time to time and fed it to Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Moori just needs to open his mouth for the meal, and he tells Yukiko what he wants to eat from time to time, and Yukiko obeys obediently like other neon women.

This kind of enjoyment is really not ordinary!

The two of them had almost finished eating, and Mori Kogoro moved the wooden plate to the dining table. He looked at the setting sun outside and the hot water rising.

Kogoro Moori pulled Yukiko up and said, "Youkiko, let's go, let's go to the hot spring together!"

"No, I've just had enough, so it's not suitable to soak in the hot spring!" You Xizi looked at the scenery outside, hesitated for a moment, but still refused.

Kogoro Mori had a playful smile on his face, and said, "It seems that someone forgot what he promised me at Suuchi's house, besides, you just ate a little bit, and there is no harm in soaking in the hot springs." If there is a problem, even if there is a problem, I will be there!"

Yukiko wrinkled her nose and couldn't help sighing, but in the end she could only do what Kogoro Mori wanted.

She took the bath towel out from the bathroom, changed the white shirt, wrapped it in the bath towel, and followed Mori Kogoro into the hot spring!

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what Yukiko was worried about.

As an international movie star, Yukiko Fujimine has seen too many scandals in the film and television industry that resulted from sneak shots. She is not afraid of ruining her own reputation, but is afraid that it will ruin Mori Kogoro's hard-won reputation. , even more afraid of ruining the possibility of his reunion with Fei Yingli.

So she had never soaked in this kind of open-air hot spring with Kogoro Mori, this time entering the hot spring pool with Kogoro Mori gave Yukiko a different experience.

The two groaned comfortably as soon as they entered the red hot spring water.

Mori Kogoro comforted the uncomfortable Yukiko, stroked her little hand lightly, and said, "Don't worry, Yukiko, this hotel is already the tallest building, and it's very private, no one will be able to take pictures of it. "

Mori Kogoro had already scanned the entire suite with the small props exchanged in the system before, and found no abnormalities, but he blocked the scary sight from the top of the mountain with a psychedelic array, and no one would see it at all, so naturally he was not afraid Someone secretly filmed...

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Yukiko, and the two leaned against a black rock, soaking comfortably in the hot spring.

After a long time, Yukiko in Mori Kogoro's arms was still a little embarrassed, and Mori Kogoro couldn't help but feel a little headache seeing Yukiko in this state.

As the saying goes, the way to transfer one emotion is to replace it with another emotion. Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile evilly, and he poked his big hand from the bottom of the water, holding Yukiko's bath towel tightly. Take it away.

Yukiko exclaimed immediately, and Mori Kogoro stepped forward to hug Yukiko's hot body.

For a while, water splashed in the hot spring pool, exclamations rang out wildly, and passionate battle songs were played one after another.

(A lot of text is omitted here.)

More than three hours have passed, and the hot spring battle has been fought from evening to nightfall, and the venue is constantly changing.

Wars have been fought at hot springs, poolsides, bridges, gazebos, everywhere.

Mori Kogoro continued to attack and killed the enemy, and finally he could only raise a white flag to beg for mercy.

Mori Kogoro carried Yukiko into the room, placed her gently on the bed in the bedroom, and then covered the quilt. Yukiko was too tired to speak, and immediately fell asleep on the bed.

Seeing that it was getting late at night, Mori Kogoro followed into the bed and rested with Yukiko in his arms.


Conan, who worked hard all night, finally finished the first fifteen pages of exercises in the second volume of Mathematical Olympiad, and the time was already approaching [-] pm.

Conan rushed up to the third floor with the results excitedly. After scanning the questions, Xiaolan nodded calmly, and then let Conan go to eat.

For a while, Conan's psychological gap was huge, and he worked hard all day, from [-]:[-] in the morning to [-]:[-] in the evening, but only got Xiaolan's nod in an understatement.

And when Conan saw the leftovers left on the table, he couldn't help vomiting blood.

The leftovers are naturally Hui Yuan's masterpiece. Little Lolita is in a bad mood today, so she deliberately teases Conan.

Xiaolan ignored the two of them, she was trying her best to look at the Olympiad question, Xiaolan couldn't understand the question just now, so she nodded as if she understood!

Chapter 0019 Water of Life SPY

One night passed, after ten o'clock in the morning, in the luxurious suite of Yushu Hotel.

Facing the warm morning sun, Yuxiko was lying on the white sofa and recliner, her crystal clear body seemed to be shining.

After three hours of morning exercise with Mori Kogoro, Yukiko was already exhausted and didn't want to move at all.

Mori Kogoro stood beside her, as if applying sunscreen for her, holding a bottle of liquid with a pink glow in his hand, poured the liquid into his hand, and smeared it on Kiko's back.

This is the water of life worth [-] points exchanged from the point mall. It can maintain youth in a short period of time, and can also eliminate impurities in the body and improve physical fitness.

It was also the item that Mori Kogoro gave to Fei Eri at the Christmas party before.

After this smear, amazing heat radiated from the back, and Yuxiko, who was lying on the sofa and recliner, immediately turned around, her eyes were full of begging for mercy: "Xiao Wulang, what do you put on, I really can't come, please forgive me Bar!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, and slapped Yukiko's buttocks, causing ripples immediately.

"What are you thinking, I painted you this is a good thing, you know the fountain of youth, it can keep you young forever!"

When Mori Kogoro said this, Yukiko was full of disbelief, but she soon noticed that the skin that Mori Kogoro smeared was abnormal, and it was significantly different from the skin in other places, becoming firmer and more delicate.

A look of surprise appeared on Yukiko's face immediately, and her eyes were fixed on the pink liquid in Kogoro Mori's hand.

Sure enough, all women are unable to resist the words of eternal youth, and Yukiko is no exception.

Kogoro Mori smiled: "Believe it now, just lie on your stomach!" After saying that, Kogoro Mori continued to smear the pink liquid on Yukiko.

The fiery hands brushed over the slender legs, buttocks, back, neck, and arms, and then Mori Kogoro turned Yukiko over, from the face, shoulders, chest, belly button, to the calf, and finally the crystal clear little feet, Smear Yukiko all over her body.

Sure enough, after spending [-] points, the effect is astonishing, and the beauty of Yukiko has risen again after smearing, and people can't help being fascinated.

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