Damn Lupine only bought a standing ticket, there is no room for him on the ship.

Chapter 0036 Men Like Sister Flowers Most

Lianhua couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear at all, her pupils trembled, and she looked extremely shocked.

It turned out that what Mira and Qingzi said was true, it was true!

She couldn't help turning her little head, her heartbeat instantly became extremely fast, and her body temperature rose inexplicably.

His cheeks were completely red, but he couldn't help but peek at it from the corner of his eye!

Mori Kogoro naturally took his expression into his eyes, but a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Fenglin Shanhuo's Art of War was used, the little angel was instantly restrained, without any ability to resist.

Seeing Lianhua's bewildered look, Mori Kogoro smirked, and said, "Lianhua, stand up." The little girl got up from the floor hesitantly, but her long fair legs Weakened.

She was trembling and unsteady, as if she would fall down at any moment.

"Come here, come closer, come closer!"

The little girl trembled and stepped forward, her appearance like a lamb really made people salivate.

"kiss Me!"

"Ah?" Lianhua was stunned for an instant, with an extremely cute expression.

"Hmm!" Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, his tone seemed to become a little harsher, and the little girl was instantly stunned.

She subconsciously stepped forward, turned her head, and kissed Kogoro Mori with her pink lips.

Kogoro Mori's master-level kissing skills unfolded, and the little girl was immediately in a daze, not knowing where she was.That's right!

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt extremely satisfied, and he was having a good time, thinking that this moment is the pinnacle of his life.

The art of war is completely mobilized, changing again and again, [aggression like fire] has changed to [it is as fast as wind].

At this time, Sumei who came out of Hongzi's room still had strength, and came to check the situation here after resting.

She opened the door here curiously, and the scene that greeted her eyes made Sumei dumbfounded again.

Sumei couldn't help but swallowed, rubbed her eyes, and suspected that she was wrong.

how is this possible?How could this be?I must be dreaming?

But after a while, the picture still didn't change at all, and Sumei became flustered.

What happened today? Could it be that the I Ching has washed the marrow and ruined the brain, otherwise why do I keep seeing strange things?This female martial arts idiot has some doubts about her life.

She struggled at the door for a long time, but in the end she chose not to bother, and quietly closed the door.

Suppressing the surging emotions in her heart, Sumi turned her head and went to Hongzi's room.

It's better to lie down with Hongzi Fusang and stay calm!

Sumi shook her head and left without attracting anyone's attention!

The passionate kiss in the room continued, Lianhua couldn't breathe.

Doesn't this silly girl know how to breathe through her nose?

Maybe she was so frightened today that she even forgot how to breathe!

Mori Kogoro let go of Lianhua's mouth, and the little girl hugged her neck and was struggling to breathe, her little face flushed.

Immediately after, Kogoro Moori smirked: "Lianhua, come and help me, uncle will teach you some new knowledge, come, help me break it apart."

The little girl blushed abnormally and was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

And in the room on the lower floor, the young and beautiful three sisters of the next life followed Master Qianying into the room.

This is the temporary war room for the four girls.

Holding up the military binoculars, Xiaolei was observing Lyon's house and the gymnasium used for competitions from afar, surveying the terrain.

"Master, the security level of the Leon house you mentioned is too high. I suggest stealing from the gymnasium, so the success rate will be higher."

Qianying, who was sitting on the bed, shook her head: "No, we still have Fujiko as a competitor. It is very important to steal the gem, but it is more important to seize the time, so we must act tonight."

"If the gemstone falls into the hands of Fujiko first, then where will I save my face, and what will Kogoro think of me!"

Xiao Ai grabbed Qianying's arm and said coquettishly: "Then let's ask Uncle Mao Li to help, and if he makes a move, won't we be sure?"

"Thinking too much, Kogoro has other things to be busy with, besides, Fujio, that foxy son, has hooked up with Kogoro in all likelihood, then

Bad guys don't help each other at best. "

Hearing this, the three sisters in the next life narrowed their eyes slightly, with a cold light in their eyes.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees!

Xiao Ai continued to speak: "That's easy, since Master is so immoral, then let's send the eldest sister and second sister to seduce him with beauty tricks, won't we be able to win him over?"

"No matter how bad it is, it's okay to add me, sisters, don't men like sisters the most?"

Xiao Ai, who wanted to die, began to slowly test Master's bottom line, and Xiaotong and Xiaolei on the side both frowned and looked worried.

A dangerous smile flashed across the corner of Qianying's mouth, and he directly flipped Xiaoai over and spanked her.

"You damn girl, don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Can you arrange Xiao Wulang? He's your elder!"

Xiao Ai, whose head was buried in the quilt, muttered inarticulately: "What kind of elder, you are obviously a big pervert!"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Xiao Ai, who had been taught a lesson by Qianying, finally calmed down, and didn't dare to say anything about the beauty trick.

Qianying looked at the three lovers thoughtfully, then turned on the ipad.

"Actually, the action this time is also simple, as long as we snatch the gem from Fujiko, or even from Fujiko, we are considered successful."

"Master has already made arrangements. You see, I secretly put a locator on Fuji."

"At that time, let's have a praying mantis, a cicada, and an oriole behind, and let Kaito and Fujiko attract attention in front, and then we can steal the gems, and there will be no problem."

Xiao Ai immediately applauded and praised: "Master is worthy of being a master. He really is a sword that never grows old. He easily put a locator on the female snitch. This skill is really perfect. Admiration, admiration!"

Qianying was delighted by this flattery, and even looked at Xiao Ai more pleasing to her eyes.

At this time, Xiao Tong looked at the ipad and couldn't help frowning: "This position, Fuji seems to have gone to the military area!"

Qianying immediately stepped forward to watch carefully, with a look of surprise and uncertainty: "What is this woman doing in the military area? She still has military friends here?"

Chapter 0037 – Calling My Dad

The touch of spiritual power covering her mouth finally dissipated, and Xiaolan was finally able to speak, so she couldn't help scolding.

"Pervert, pervert, pervert, dad is a pervert!"

This sounds inexplicably quite emotional!

Kogoro Moori couldn't help but patted Xiaolan's buttocks, and said with a light smile, "Lan, how can you talk like that, dad is just educating you!"

But Xiaolan turned around and said to Lianhua: "Huh, Lianhua, didn't you just call me sister? How can you help him deal with me? You are too disrespectful."

Lianhua blushed again, not knowing what to do.

Naturally, Kogoro Moori couldn't let his daughter bully Lianhua, he wrapped his slightly wet hands around Xiaolan's waist, and hugged his daughter into his arms.

Caressing her daughter with her big hand, she comforted her in a warm voice: "You can't be so stingy, you can blame Dad if you want to blame, this is the first time Lianhua has encountered this kind of situation, she just listens to me."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro turned his head and kissed Xiaolan on the cheek, and Feng Lin's Art of War followed.

Xiaolan narrowed her eyes slightly, and was instantly soothed.

The words just now were just words. At this moment, she was sitting in Kogoro Mouri's arms like a coquettish cat, with her soft back leaning against his arms.

Mira on the side came back to her senses, squinted her eyebrows and eyes slightly, then stretched out her hand to embrace the cramped Lianhua, and comforted her in a gentle voice: "It's okay, Xiaolan is just stubborn, you see, she is not unhappy now, in the future you You'll get used to it slowly."

Lianhua sat down with a blushing face, but her expression was a little more relaxed.

Mira's eyes couldn't help but glance at Mori Kogoro. It's probably his fault that he was imprisoned and silenced just now.

Hmph, this bad guy has so many tricks, but I didn't say it earlier, it's too scary!

Seeing that Lianhua's expression returned to normal, Mori Kogoro waved to him and pulled him over.

"Okay, since everything is fine, we should get along well in the future, come, kiss each other, and shake hands to make peace."

Hearing this, Qingzi on the side couldn't help but twitched, what a way to shake hands and make peace!

Lianhua looked hesitant, but Xiaolan opened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

Mori Kogoro put his big hands around Lianhua's slender waist and pulled her over, and the two girls kissed each other breast to chest.

That would be great!

Seeing two similar little faces kissing together, satisfying the evil taste in his heart, is really a full achievement!

In a daze, he couldn't tell which one was his daughter and which one was not.

I have to say that girls kissing together is not very erotic.

In particular, Lianhua and Xiaolan have similar pure angelic faces, exuding pure emotions, and it is pleasing to look at


The same is true for Qingzi and Mira next to them, their smiles are as hearty as a spring day.

It's a pity that there is a Mori Kogoro inserted in it, which destroys the beauty of this composition.

Seeing the two girls getting close, Qingzi couldn't help but leaned forward and said, "I want it too."

It's just that Qingzi is well versed in the art of attacking east and west, so he turned to Kogoro Mouri halfway, held his head and kissed him stealthily.

Maoli Kogoro managed to break away from Qingzi, and turned to speak: "Qingzi, Mira, Lianhua, you look so similar to Xiaolan and are about the same age. If you are the same as Xiaolan, call me Dad!"

Mori Kogoro really wanted to hear the four girls call him father.

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