But Xiaolan exploded in an instant, baring her teeth and claws like a cat protecting food: "Daba, absolutely not, dad is my dad alone, you can't call him dad."

Mira would not spoil Xiaolan, so she called out coquettishly: "Oh Dusang?" and made a long and loud sound.

Xiaolan couldn't help whining: "Mila, just wait and see how I teach you a lesson."

"Oh Dusang, listen, Xiaolan is threatening me, she's going to bully people again!"

Saying this, Mira stepped forward and took Kogoro Mori's arm, shaking her body and acting like a spoiled child.

Mori Kogoro's body is a little weak, it's not going well!

"Okay, okay, help you decide, and see how I educate Xiaolan."

Xiaolan suffered another disaster.

Huh, dad is bullying again, hate, hate!

At the gate of the Singapore Military Region, Fujiko was sent out respectfully by the soldiers inside. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously in a very happy mood.At this moment, a large bouquet of red roses appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a monkey face rose from behind the bouquet, with one hand smearing a lot of oil, and he thought he was very handsome.

"Fantasy flowers are only worthy of Fujiko!"

"Lupin, why are you here?"

Fujiko was a little surprised, she hadn't seen Lupine since the last Visbania kingdom.

They have already promised Kogoro to part ways with Lupine, so naturally they will do what they say.

"I heard that you are in trouble. I flew over from Mexico non-stop, wanting to help you."

"Think too much. I don't need your help at all if I have any difficulties."

Saying this, Fujiko raised the bouquet of roses, slammed it heavily on Lupine's face, and then turned and left.

Countless flower thorns were stuck on his face.

"Hey, Fujiko, you have changed, why are you so indifferent to me, let's go back to the past, back to the happy time before, how about the action?"

The same is true for licking dogs!

It's a pity that Lupine didn't understand the truth that licking a dog usually leaves nothing in the end.

"It's not good, I don't need you this time, you go back!"

"It's unreasonable. I came all the way to help, and you treat me like this. Is it because of that Maori Kogoro, that little boy." "Fuji, you are not such a superficial woman. A real man is like me."

Lupine excitedly took a bodybuilding pose by the side of the road.

Hearing him criticize Mori Kogoro, Fujiko's eyes turned cold, and he smiled coquettishly:

"Xiao Wulang is not a bad guy, he is my boyfriend, he treats me very well, and even gave me hundreds of billions worth of gold, tens of thousands of catties, even if you steal it for three to five years, you can't steal that much money."

Hearing this, Lupine was furious: "No, Fuji, you are not such a money-worshiping woman."

"Hehehehe, sorry, I really am."

After finishing speaking, she put on her sunglasses, got into the jeep provided by the military, and walked away, ignoring Lu Bang's intentions.

Lupine walked back dejectedly.

Daisuke Jigen, who was smoking at the corner, saw his appearance and knew what had happened. He shook his head but didn't say anything.

Chapter 0038

Lupine returned to the car with a disappointed expression on his face, heaved a long sigh, but he regained his spirits soon.

"Fu Erzi must have been bewitched by that little boy, but I will never give up. One day she will change her mind and come back to me."

"Drive, let's go to Lyon now, I'll take that guy's commission."

"As long as I get the gem, Fujiko will eventually ask me for it, woohahaha!"

The black car started immediately and drove towards Lyon's residence.

And Fujiko in the military jeep frowned slightly, as if he felt a little troubled by Lupine's sudden appearance.

But when he thought of what he had borrowed from the military commander, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

You'd better not interfere, otherwise I don't care if I lose my life!

Oh, it will be easier to steal the gems tonight, or if I kidnap Kogoro and rent a cruise ship to go on vacation, Chikage Kuroba is a very difficult woman!

Fujiko began to plan a vacation with a smile on his lips.

And the other side...

"Qingzi, Lianhua, each of you, grab Xiaolan's ankle and help her break into a split."


Xiaolan, who was sweating profusely, shook her head, her hair was covered with sweat, but unfortunately no one cared what she said.

Qingzi and Lianhua obeyed obediently, and the two women gently pressed Xiaolan's plain ankle, their eyes were full of excitement.Gradually exert strength, break Xiaolan's long legs into a split-horse shape, and make a stretching posture.

Xiaolan's black eyebrows frowned, her flexibility was still not perfect, and her stretching was still uncomfortable, so her body started to shake.It seemed that the muscles were involved, and the body trembled uncontrollably, as if the whole body was constantly tightening.

How could Mira on the side miss this opportunity to add insult to injury.

There was a smirk on his face, and his ten fingernails gently scratched the itchy flesh around Xiaolan's waist.

"Pfft!" Xiaolan couldn't stop laughing, her expression was crying and laughing, sweat was still hanging on her forehead, she was extremely embarrassed.

"Wuuuu, Mira, just wait for me, and see how I deal with you when it's your turn, wuhaha, Yalu, Yalu!"

His little hand pushed Mira's chest, trying to push it away.

It's a pity that Xiaolan with this appearance doesn't have the strength left in her body, she can't push at all.

Mira laughed badly: "I'm not afraid of you. You'll probably be paralyzed by the time it's my turn. Now enjoy it obediently!"

And Lianhua pressed Xiaolan's jade feet, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Hiss, Xiaolan is too good, to be able to persist for so long."

Qingzi patted Xiaolan's long legs, which were round and elastic: "Of course, Xiaolan's physical fitness is the best. She practices karate with senior sister Shumei, and Mira and I can't beat her together. "

"This guy is super annoying!"

After finishing speaking, Qingzi patted Xiaolan's long legs in displeasure.

And Xiaolan obviously didn't care about Qingzi's words, and she was a little physically exhausted just to deal with Mira's tickle.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dad!" still can't hold on in the end, she cried and called her father, her little head shaking like a rattle drum.Seeing this, the two women on the left and right let go of Xiaolan's ankles one after another.

Xiaolan tried her best to turn over, turned Mira who was sitting on her body, and lay down on the side to catch her breath and recover her strength.

"Next it's Lianhua's turn!"

A flash of panic flashed across Lianhua's face, she couldn't help but move and wanted to run away, but Mira caught her back.

Qingzi and Mira's faces were full of smiles, the little sisters who just joined naturally had to be given some preferential treatment.

Hearing that it was Lianhua, Xiaolan gained a bit of strength out of thin air, and raised her head: "I'm here to help too!"

"Ah, Xiaolan, you are so deceitful, didn't you say you can't do it?"

"Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I can't. How about it, don't you give it?"

"Yes, yes, I have an idea, find a rope, tie Lianhua up, how about giving her an aerial yoga? It will definitely be great, and the impression will be particularly deep."

The corner of Mira's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but said, "Spiral take off?"

Qingzi on the side covered his face speechlessly, feeling ashamed to be with these two old Siji.

And Lianhua, who looked weak, helpless and pitiful, couldn't understand what they were talking about, and always felt that they had bad intentions.

But soon, Lianhua didn't have time to worry about it anymore, she was tied up by Wuhuada, and she really took off after getting on the plane.

In the private infinity swimming pool on the top floor, Yuanzi and Zhenchun both changed into swimsuits and came out.

Yuanzi finally chose a beige bikini, her long legs were dazzlingly white, but no one around could appreciate them.

She leaned against the door of the dressing room and said with a smirk: "Zhenchun, come out quickly, why are you shy?"

After repeated urging, Zhenchun came out shyly. She was wearing a purple bikini, which was completely different from her usual cheerful appearance.

The little girl was still hunched over, her chest shrunk, and she looked ashamed to see others.

Yuanzi patted his shoulder: "Look up, chest out, not bad, so pure, it's really a considerable improvement."

"Squeeze, it's quite interesting!"

Zhenchun's little face turned red again, and she held her chest and said, "It's the first time there is a ditch, it feels really strange."

"Tch, don't worry, uncle won't pay attention to you." Speaking of this, Yuanzi puffed out her chest proudly.

"Your area is at most a small valley, and the first thing a man will see is the Great Rift Valley!"

As he spoke, Yuanzi laughed triumphantly again, obviously calling himself himself.

Zhenchun rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Where is your place from the Great Rift Valley? Xiaolan is much bigger than you. You have a C cup at most now. To be honest, I think Miss Fuji's is considered a computer."

Yuanzi became angry from embarrassment, and couldn't help tapping Zhenchun's little head.

"What's the use of being so big? It's like a big cow. It doesn't get tired when you walk!"

"But really, didn't you just tell everyone in the group chat that you can come swimming? Why didn't anyone else come, just the two of us?" Yuanzi looked at the entrance, but still no one came in.

She picked up her cell phone and called Xiaolan.

It's a pity that the phone was not connected at all, Xiaolan was obviously still busy.

Yuanzi didn't pay much attention, watching the setting sun slanting to the west, watching the city begin to darken, and the lights gradually turned on, he called Zhenchun to take pictures everywhere.

Chapter 0039 Is this molesting

At about six o'clock in the evening, Mori Kogoro ordered room service, prepared dinner, and kept the food warm.

The scene of the girls stacking up one by one just now, lying on their stomachs like frogs and playing frog calls, I am afraid I will never forget it in my life.

Now the four girls are sleeping peacefully like angels, Mori Kogoro bowed his head and kissed their foreheads lightly, then walked out of the room.

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