"Don't be nervous, I won't say it." Zhenchun subconsciously replied before realizing what she said, her face turned completely red, steaming continuously, and her little head lowered again.

Seeing the silly girl's resignation, Kogoro Mori felt a little distressed.

He knew the strength of his hand, so he turned to rub it lightly, and Zhenchun pursed his lips.

Mori Kogoro turned his head sideways, smelling the aroma of Zhenchun's hair, and said warmly: "Zhenchun is great, very similar to Mary!"

When the little girl who bowed her head heard this, her ears turned red instantly, and her body trembled slightly nervously.

On the other hand, Yuanzi seemed to have noticed something abnormal, and looked back with winking eyes, full of suspicion.

She asked in a charming voice, "What are you two whispering?"

Zhenchun panicked, her body trembled again, and her head shook like a rattle: "No, no, I didn't whisper!"

And Kogoro Moori glanced at Yuanzi, once he showed his ancestral skills, the little girl didn't have the heart to ask questions.

Oh, woman!

After Mori Kogoro comforted the two girls, his consciousness fell into the surveillance, and his heart skipped a beat.

Damn, is it so fierce?

Jamaldine was hitting Lupine's head with fists the size of sandbags.

Kidd on the side also looked bruised and swollen.

In fact, they would not be so embarrassed against Jamal-din alone, mainly because Kidd and Lupine still pit each other, trying to trap each other, and they

It was easy to get away, but this gave Jamaldin an opportunity.

Boom boom boom!

Kaito's smoke bomb exploded with incense again, and white smoke filled the air, and Kidd was hidden in the smoke.

Jamaldine left Lupine, who seemed to be incapacitated, turned around and ran towards the smoke area at the corner of the vault.

"Ha, I got you!"

And a white shadow on the side rushed towards the entrance, and Kaito's laughter sounded: "Big guy, you have been tricked."

At the same time, Lupine, who pretended to be incapable of fighting, suddenly jumped up, carried a black big bag and rushed out, quickly catching up with Kaito.Jamal al-Din in the smoky area exploded Kidd's body with one punch, and countless rubber fragments split apart. This is Kidd's stand-in dummy!The two figures, one black and one white, stopped fighting each other this time, and rushed towards the exit side by side.

But just as soon as they stepped on the threshold, the mechanism above the entrance side emitted a high-voltage current, and the screams of the two people rang out again and again.

And Leon, who was covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, came out, with an indifferent smile on his face: "I have been waiting for you here for a long time, and I didn't expect you to come out so defenseless. in this way."

"Jamaldin, drag them in and let them taste the waters of Singapore!"

The big Jamaldin obeyed the order, dragged one of them with each hand, pulled them back to the center of the vault, and then began to operate on the control panel.

At the same time, in the vestibule of the Lyon mansion, Kyogoku had already fought three female snitches in tight attire.

Lyon didn't trust Kyogoku so much, so he arranged for him to stay in the vestibule.

Qianying, Xiaolei, and Xiaoai planned to sneak in on the black hang glider at first, while Xiaotong stayed outside to support them.

It's a pity that Xiao Ai, who was entrusted with the important task of blasting the vault, was a little reckless, and made some noise while gliding, which was discovered by Kyogoku.Kyogoku, who is inhumanly fit, picked up the left and right sundries and threw them towards the dark sky, just in time to penetrate Xiao Ai's hang glider.

In desperation, the three masters and apprentices all landed on the front lawn, intending to force their way in.

This is also the decision made when all the bodyguards in the mansion were attracted by Daisuke Jigen.

The three masters and apprentices faced each other, and the fight was very exciting, just like a samurai fighting a ninja.

Shurikens are constantly shooting, or smoke bombs, or various traps, or exquisite small weapons...

And Jingji, who was waving the coconut tree, really had the momentum of pulling up the weeping willows, and for a while, he fought with the three masters and apprentices, and the two sides kept stalemate.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro was a little nervous, and his right hand couldn't stop exerting force, and Zhenchun beside him pursed his lips, silently enduring.However, during the stalemate between the four people in the vestibule, Leon and Jamaldin in the atrium had already walked out of the vault.

At this moment, the completely sealed vault is pouring sea water in, intending to drown Lupine and Kidd.

And Jamaldin came out with Lupine's black big bag on his back, planning to save these treasures in another place.

At this moment, a red light came from the signal transmitter that Fujiko dropped on the atrium lawn during the day.

In the distant sky, a missile whizzed over and landed on the atrium lawn.

This was launched from the military area, but it was not filled with explosives, but high-concentration tear gas chemicals.

As soon as the crawler exploded, the indiscriminate attack of chemical weapons spread, and Leon and Jamaldin were the first to bear the brunt.

The two couldn't bear it immediately, coughed and burst into tears, their eyes kept weeping, and they couldn't see things at all.

But the lawn dragon in front of him turned over, and a heavy tank broke through the ground from below, and fired in the direction of the vault.

The smoke filled the air, as if bringing everyone into the battlefield.

Both Leon and Jamaldin had ashen-colored faces, with terrified expressions on their faces.

"What are you doing? You can't blow up the vault. Didn't I say that I want the most powerful firepower?"

The top of the tank opens, revealing Fujiko in a gas mask and a soldier driving the tank.

Without further ado, Fujiko set up the rice-style stinger rocket launcher on his shoulder, and fired another shot at the door of the vault.

The effect was remarkable. Leon's boasted invincible vault was directly blown into a large part, but it still didn't break through.

Fujiko picked up a Gatling again, and started spraying wildly at the vault door.

The flames spurted wildly, and the momentum was frightening!

Leon and Jamaldin, whose faces were full of tears, trembled, and immediately shivered, pretending to be in a coma.

Mustache even put the blasted dirt around his head together, not daring to look at this ferocious female thug anymore.

Faced with the threat of heavy firepower from Fujiko, Jamaldin did not dare to say the words 'hot weapons are small toys'!

And Mori Kogoro, who was watching the live broadcast, couldn't help twitching. Although he had expected that Fujiko would be the last fisherman, he didn't expect such a crushing situation.

Chapter 0043 still needs to be checked by hand

After Fujiko emptied the bullet, seeing that the vault was still not penetrated, his face became a little stiff.

"It's really bad. Is what your commander gave me a fake? It can't even penetrate a vault."

But soon his eyes lit up, and he saw the big black bag next to the fallen duo on the lawn.

She recognized this bag, it belonged to Lupine, and it was only for treasures!

She immediately got off the tank and moved forward with a submachine gun in her hand.

If those two dared to move, Fujio wouldn't mind bumping them.

The tearful two had no strength left to resist, not to mention that the barrel of the tank was still pointing at them, they wished they could continue to pretend to be dead.Fujiko pulled the big black bag over smoothly, unwrapped it and saw the jewels and gems, and his expression became more joyful. "Oh, Lupine, you helped me a lot this time."

Thinking that the Fist of Cyan Blue was also inside, Fujiko picked up the black bag contentedly, and turned to walk in the direction of the tunnel where the tank came out.When passing the tank, she also found a necklace from it and threw it on it.

"It's my reward for asking you to help. Remember to share it with the engineer regiment who dug the tunnel."

The face of the soldier driving the tank turned black, it must be a broken diamond!The worthless things have to be shared with the engineering corps, this woman is too stingy!

The roar of the engine sounded from the tunnel, it was the sound of a Harley motorcycle.

Wearing a handsome leather jacket and wearing a mask, Fujiko drove a motorcycle out of the tunnel, smashed the glass at the entrance of the atrium, and continued to drive out along the corridor.

Along the way, she also saw countless bodyguards and wolfhounds stained with tear gas chemicals.

The motorcycle rolled straight past, screams rang out again and again, and Fujiko drew a crazy smile at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, the motorcycle drove straight out of Lyon's mansion and passed the vestibule.

Seeing the four people who were still fighting, Fujiko recognized Chikage Kuroba with just one glance.

She laughed provocatively: "Miss Strange Thief, you are too slow, I have already taken the things, you didn't even enter the door, how weak!"

"You play slowly, I will not accompany you!"

The Harley motorcycle sped away, and Kuroba Chikage's eyes became more anxious: "Damn it!"

However, smelling the tear gas gradually spreading out, Qianying immediately ordered: "Retreat."

The three girls kept waving the smoke bombs, depriving Kyogoku of his vision, and then ran in one direction.

A car came through the smoke, and it was Hitomi who was in the driver's seat.

The three masters and apprentices got into the car immediately, and followed them away, leaving only Kyogoku in a karate uniform panting continuously.

Then Kyogoku turned his head and looked in the direction of the mansion, and rushed in to support him.

On Binhai Boulevard, Fujiko, who was driving a Harley motorcycle, lifted off his gas mask and threw it into the sea, with a smug smile on his face.But soon, his face became a little stiff.

In the rearview mirror, a white Mazda galloped towards, it was Qianying and the three sisters of the next life.

"It's really lingering, so let's play with you."

Fujiko also became serious, and the two sides started a fierce chasing battle using the urban area of ​​Singapore as the battlefield.

Seeing that his women were out of danger, Mori Kogoro withdrew his attention.

It seems that a lot of things happened in Lyon's house, but in fact, it only took more than ten minutes.

But it was only a few minutes, and Zhenchun beside her was a little unsteady.

His hands are like a garden, leaning against the glass at the edge of the infinity pool, barely supporting himself.

At this time, Yuanzi broke free, and said in a delicate voice: "Uncle, you haven't eaten yet, I've already ordered dinner and red wine, go and get them now."

The little girl's eyes are very strange, and nine out of ten she has some kind of plan.

Mori Kogoro saw the truth, waved his hand, and signaled her to go.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's big hand, Sonoko blushed again, turned around and walked out of the swimming pool.

As soon as Yuanzi left, only Kogoro Moori and Masumi were left in Nuoda's swimming pool.

Zhenchun's voice was a little trembling, and she couldn't help but speak: "Uncle? Uncle?"

Mori Kogoro didn't speak, and the healing technique was cast, and waves of warm energy passed through his palm.

"Kimo chicken!" The little girl couldn't help making a strange noise, and immediately covered her small mouth.

Mori Kogoro smirked, resting his chin lightly on Zhenchun's soft shoulder, he spoke slowly.

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