It seems that a lot of things happened in Lyon's house, but in fact, it only took more than ten minutes.

But it's only been more than ten minutes, and Zhenchun beside her is a little unsteady.

His hands are like a garden, leaning against the glass at the edge of the infinity pool, barely supporting himself.

At this time, Yuanzi broke free, and said in a tender voice, "Uncle, you haven't eaten yet, I've already ordered dinner and red wine, go get them now."

The little girl's eyes are very strange, and nine out of ten she has some kind of plan.

Mori Kogoro saw the truth, waved his hand, and signaled her to go.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's big hand, Sonoko blushed again, turned around and walked out of the swimming pool.

As soon as Yuanzi left, only Kogoro Moori and Masumi were left in Nuoda's swimming pool.

Zhenchun's voice was a little trembling, and she couldn't help but speak: "Uncle? Uncle?"

Mori Kogoro didn't speak, and the healing technique was cast, and waves of warm energy passed through his palm.

"Kimo chicken!" The little girl couldn't help making a strange noise, and immediately covered her small mouth.

Mori Kogoro smirked, resting his chin lightly on Zhenchun's soft shoulder, he spoke slowly.

"It's so pure. There's something I've always wanted to say. I always feel a little strange at home."

"Every time I go to see Mary, I always feel that someone is peeking vaguely. I don't know if it is four or five times."

Hearing this, Zhenchun instantly became nervous, her heart beat so fast that she was speechless.

She was the one peeping, and she couldn't control herself when she was full of curiosity.

"It got even worse later on. When I was looking for your cousin Mingmei, someone seemed to be peeping. Do you know what's going on?" exposed himself.

At this moment, she is like a quail that accepts punishment, not daring to disobey Mori Kogoro at all.

But soon, his green eyes couldn't stop shrinking.

why is it like this?How could uncle do this?

Mori Kogoro cleared his throat, and continued to speak: "Ahem, actually, when I taught you the massage techniques before, I was always worried that you made a mistake, or that the acupoints were not pressed accurately, and the practice was deformed."

"So, it's still necessary to check by yourself."

"But now it seems that, except for one or two small biases, the others are still very accurate, not bad!"

Hearing this, Zhenchun became nervous, and subconsciously asked, "Uncle, where's the bias?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This is the acupoint. It needs to be lightly polished and squeezed down with kneading force. When it is filled, it is similar to the top edge of a plant!"

Hearing this, the little girl silently nodded her head, remembering it carefully, with a serious look.

She seemed very dull, not aware of anything.

"Come on, let me take a look, um, this is very good, keep it up, uncle will often check for you in the future."

Hearing this, the little girl's cheeks turned red again, her eyebrows and eyes really resembled her mother's, she was really attractive.

In a daze, Mori Kogoro couldn't help pecking his cheek lightly.

Xiao Zhenchun looked at him with a shocked expression again, eyes full of disbelief.

The slightly opened mouth seemed to be saying something, but Mori Kogoro didn't want to listen, and then blocked Zhenchun's mouth.

Zhenchun took a deep breath, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Chapter 0044 teaches pure

Zhenchun's body was as stiff as a tight string, as if it would break at any moment.

The look in his green eyes is constantly changing, just like his mind.

His body gradually weakened, and his little soft back could not help but lean against Mori Kogoro's solid chest.

Even though the mobile phone in the waterproof mobile phone case on his chest kept lighting up and sending out text messages, Zhenchun didn't notice it at all, and couldn't help but respond.At the entrance of the swimming pool, Yuanzi looked at his phone anxiously, but still did not wait for a reply.

Ah, why is this?Didn't you promise to create opportunities for me?Why haven't you left yet?

Yuanzi wanted to call Zhenchun directly, but he was also afraid of being noticed by his uncle.

She stomped her feet, and continued to edit the text message to urge her.

Sha Yuanzi had no idea what happened in the swimming pool.

Mori Kogoro has long known what Zhenchun means to him, and this girl looks at him differently on weekdays.

But with Mary at home, there was no chance.

This time it can be regarded as a wrong move, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake!

Hehe, after all, a family should be neat and tidy.

When the time comes, I will invite Xiaoai, Mingmei, Mary, and Zhenchun to do the experiment together, it will be great!

Thinking in this way, Kogoro Mouri had a sinister (sang) charm (xin) crazy (bing) kuang smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Zhenchun didn't know that her future life had been properly arranged.

Faced with the sudden kiss, she couldn't believe it at first, but after she realized it, she was extremely excited, feeling like a dream come true.

Although this kind of thing happened countless times in the dream, she didn't expect it to happen in reality.

Especially on the top floor of the Sands Hotel, in this infinity pool, in the romantic scene under the beautiful night view of the whole Singapore, everyone is drunk if they are not drunk!

Zhenchun Siwan was a little confused and a little lost in it.

Sure enough, men like big breasts. Once I got bigger, my uncle looked at me differently, ho ho ha ha!

Inexplicably, this thought flashed through Zhenchun's mind.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak warmly: "Zhenchun, turn around and let uncle take a good look."

The duplicity girl turned around obediently, moved her feet, and turned to face Moori Kogoro.Its underwater hands are tightly clenched together, and it seems to be very nervous.

"It's really beautiful, it's really grown up!"

Hearing this straightforward praise, the corners of the little girl's mouth couldn't stop rising.

"It's just like Mary!"


The innocent little hand couldn't help but patted it up, why are you mentioning your mother at this time?Disgusting uncle!

"Now that we're all grown up, we can't peek around in the future. It's not good to develop voyeurism."

"Zhenchun should be very curious. In that case, uncle will teach you?" After saying this, Kogoro Mouri's deep eyes stared straight at Zhenchun's green eyes.

In less than two seconds, the little girl couldn't bear the gaze, she quietly turned her head, her little face blushing.

But she didn't say a word, it seemed that she was acquiescing.

After a while, Zhenchun seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said: "Hey, no, isn't Yuanzi going to get some food? You'll be back soon?"

At this time, I can still think of Yuanzi, Zhenchun is already very loyal as a friend.

However, Kogoro Moori laughed lightly: "It's okay, Yuanzi will come back and teach with uncle? It's not a big deal!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhenchun was shocked again in an instant, her eyes widened, and she looked at Mori Kogoro with a look that looked like a pervert.

This is of course to tease this girl, Kogoro Mori hasn't lost his integrity to this level yet.

Uh, uh, although it is not far away! ! !

At the same time, a small hidden barrier spread, covering the two of them.

At the entrance of the swimming pool, Yuanzi waited for a long time but still didn't wait for his best friend's reply.

She didn't wait any longer, and planned to go directly to drive Zhenchun away.

So, holding all kinds of cooked fruits and red wine with spices, Yuanzi returned to the pool.

But the empty scene in front of her instantly shocked her.

Uncle ran away?Run?No, really ran away?

Are you still running away with Zhenchun?

impossible?what happened?

Yuanzi got into the water anxiously, dived into the bottom of the water to check, was there really no one?

The little girl went crazy in an instant, grabbing her short brown hair with both hands and messing it up.

Take all precautions, never thought of being pure!

When I went to Izu, I was preempted by Sumi-senpai;

When I went to the seaside villa for vacation, my mother snatched it first;

It was even worse when I went to Fuguiwan to gamble on the boat, and was robbed by the three sisters in the next life;

Why, why does God treat me like this?Is this God's will?

Yuanzi in the water couldn't help shouting to the dark sky, his little face was full of bright sadness.Soon, she picked up the mobile phone with a vicious look on her face, planning to call Master Zhenchun Xing to ask her guilt.

But before she could find Zhenchun's phone number, a text message was sent, which was from Kogoro Mori.

"Yuanzi is not good, even put medicine in the red wine, and you want Uncle Yao?

But it's not working now, there is an urgent case, uncle and Zhenchun are going to handle the case.

Keep this bottle of wine well, and drink it with you when uncle comes back! "

With just a few sentences, Yuanzi's mood suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny.

The little girl spun in circles in the water with her mobile phone in her arms, making 'woohoo' sounds like that, which made Kogoro chuckle.

If only all women were as easy to fool as Yuanzi.

Soon, Yuanzi remembered something again, and immediately got up from the water, went to the bank to re-cork the red wine, and then lay comfortably on the white sofa chair, holding his mobile phone and giggling.

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