Chapter 0048

Looking at the sky full of fireworks under the bright starry sky, Zhenchun's green eyes were absent-minded for a long time, and she couldn't stop being fascinated.

And Mori Kogoro said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Zhenchun is great, as expected of someone who practices Jeet Kune Do!"

Hearing the voice, Xiao Zhenchun came back to his senses, his face was full of shyness, and his head was turned sideways: "Uncle, don't say such things, it's too shameful."

Mori Kogoro took this girl into his arms, urged on the art of war, and said with a light smile, "It's a shame, Zhenchun's name is really correct."

The little girl clasped Moori Kogoro's neck tightly with both hands, and took a deep breath, full of the smell of Moori Kogoro, and felt extremely satisfied.

But she always felt a little illusory at this moment, even if she hugged Mori Kogoro tightly, she was afraid that his body would shatter and go away in the next second, all of this was as disillusioned as a dream.

The little girl had something on her mind and couldn't hide it, so she couldn't help but Weng Sheng said: "Uncle, what should we do with mother?"

"Oh, Mary, this is really a problem!"

Hearing this, and seeing Mori Kogoro's frown, Zhenchun became nervous and couldn't stop trembling slightly.

"Speaking of which, Mary told me thousands of times before that I must not bully you."

Zhenchun raised her blue eyes slightly, full of confusion: "Then why don't you listen to her?"

Kogoro Maoli held up Zhenchun's little face, lightly pecked her pink lips, and said in a pampering tone: "Who made Zhenchun so cute, and even showed off in front of me if he has improved a little bit."

"But don't worry about your mother. Xiao Ai Mingmei and Mary have accepted it, so it's nothing."

"She really dares to get angry. With her small body now, uncle will catch her and spank her!"

Hearing this, Zhenchun relaxed a little, and couldn't help but fight: "I hate it, mom is not as weak as you said."

Mori Kogoro smirked: "But uncle is strong enough to suppress her, don't worry, Xiao Ai and Mingmei can accept her, so she has nothing to say."

"However, this matter has to be kept secret for the time being. After returning to China, we have to wait for a good time to have a showdown."

Knowing that Mori Kogoro had already been calculating in his heart, Zhenchun was relieved and nodded obediently.

The little girl was entirely up to Kogoro Mouri, and when the pressure was relieved, she took the initiative to come over again.

Mori Kogoro gave her a light peck, picked her up, and went down to the bottom of the pool.

After all, this is on the rooftop, and the night wind is a bit chilly, so it's better to go down into the water to get warmer.

"Lan, this way!"

Yuanzi, who was sitting on a white beach chair, waved to Xiaolan at the entrance.

Xiaolan is wearing a white one-piece swimsuit with a hollow back.

This figure is not inferior to Eri, but the childishness between her eyebrows makes people think that she is still a little girl.

She inspected the infinity pool on the rooftop suspiciously, but she couldn't find her father, so she couldn't help but said, "You are really the only one!"

"It's said that uncle is going to handle the case, but why are you alone? As for the others, I managed to book this swimming pool. It would be a pity not to come."

A blush flashed across Xiaolan's face: "Others are resting, you will be content with me to accompany you."

And Yuanzi obviously thought about it: "Oh, yes, isn't Senior Sumei having a karate competition tonight? Have they gone to cheer for Senior?"

"No wonder I couldn't call anyone, I forgot about it." Yuanzi laughed sheepishly.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes at her ungrateful best friend, but immediately shifted her gaze to the empty swimming pool.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong with the swimming pool, and the water waves were not in line with the normal rules.

Across a barrier, Mori Kogoro could see his daughter's gaze, and couldn't help but marvel at the sharpness of his five senses.

Xiaolan has come to accompany Yuanzi, it seems that the desire to drink red wine with Yuanzi tonight is somewhat slim.

But he didn't dare to be blind again, if the barrier was really broken, the scene would be so beautiful, Yuanzi might go berserk.Mori Kogoro took Zhenchun to walk underwater, walked a little farther, and after landing again, he went to the locker room instead.He is going to send Zhenchun back to his room to rest first.

By the pool, Xiaolan looked at the water surface, and the feeling of strangeness in her heart disappeared, so she also relaxed and went swimming with Yuanzi.The two girls were playing in the water, really happy.

It was almost eight o'clock in the evening, and melodious music was playing in the elegant and noble Raffles Chateau.

At the bar, Rachel, who was wearing a hat, looked at the entrance of the winery from time to time, and looked at the time of the watch from time to time, with anxiety in her eyes.

Is it not coming?Why haven't you arrived yet?

Rachel, the black and straight secretary, only paid attention to the direction of the gate, and didn't notice a few burly men scattered on the wine table, staring at her.One of the brawny men with bald heads and tattoos seemed to be unable to hold back, and got up and headed towards Rachel.

His big fan-like hand was about to grab Rachel's wrist, trying to take her away.

At this time, the other hand seemed to appear out of thin air, holding the tattooed bald wrist.

The bald-headed man couldn't move an inch, and the sweat kept oozing from his forehead, as if he couldn't bear the pain.

The person who came was Mori Kogoro, he smiled lightly and said, "It's a very rude thing to do something to a lady out of nowhere."

Hearing the sound, Rachel turned around in surprise, only then did she find the two who had already confronted behind her.

Rachel immediately got up and stood behind Mori Kogoro: "Detective Mori, you are here, what's going on?"

"This guy wants to catch you. I'm afraid you've encountered a lot of trouble. There are many people in this winery who are here for you."

With a sweep of his gaze, those strong men who had already stood up rushed forward one after another.

The bald man endured the pain and said: "This matter has nothing to do with your Excellency, please don't meddle in your own business."

Hearing this, Rachel's face turned pale, and her little hands couldn't help but grab the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes.


With a wave of Mouri Kogoro's hand, the bald-headed strong man weighing nearly three hundred kilograms was directly thrown away by him, and hit the two strong men behind him, and the three of them rolled into a ball.

Screams sounded, the winery was in chaos, and some people ran towards the exit.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's attitude of lifting weights lightly, the rest of the strong men didn't know how to pierce their hands, and immediately pulled out the axes from their waists one by one. This desperate appearance scared the guests in the winery enough, and the guests who had no time to escape He and the bartender went under the table one after another.

Chapter 0049 how to deal with you

Rachel, who had always been shrewd and capable, was so frightened that her face paled when she saw such a posture, and her eyes were full of mist.

His little hand grabbed Kogoro Mori's clothes, and cried softly, "Detective Mori, let's run."

However, Kogoro Maoli didn't pay attention to these hooligans, and instead comforted in a gentle voice: "Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

After saying that, instead of retreating, he advanced, dodged into the encirclement of this group of strong men, punched out, and the sound of piercing the air came immediately!

The fist is so fast that the naked eye cannot catch it.

With a half-step Bengquan blasting out, Jiu Dao Bengjin shattered the ax that came with a single swing.

The iron pieces splashed, and each piece of fragments carried a huge momentum. According to the established trajectory, they chiseled into the bodies of the rest of the besieged, causing them to retreat one by one and suffer serious injuries.

Seeing the terrifying power of his punch, the rest of the strong men hesitated to move forward.

Rachel's eyes widened even more, and she covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief.

She has seen Jamaldin's daily training, the most powerful thing is that he can blow a sandbag with one punch.

But Jamaldin's brute force is far inferior to Mori Kogoro's punch!

The entire Raffles Winery was silent, and the onlookers were dumbfounded, but Mori Kogoro himself was not very satisfied.

Today, after all, he exhausted too much physical strength. He should have hit thirty-six punches with one punch, but now he only hit nine punches, which is really out of standard.But it's normal, that girl Zhenchun is very obsessed with her, she doesn't want to leave Mouri Kogoro in her arms.

Mori Kogoro had just calmed her down, and after changing his clothes, he immediately rushed over with a large teleportation talisman.

If it were any other man, let alone punching, he would not be able to stand still.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the burly men lying on the ground who were howling constantly, shook his head in disdain, then grabbed Rachel's wrist, and walked out of the winery as if no one was there.

The strong men who were still standing swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, but they did not dare to follow.

Immediately, they heard the 'action cancel' command from the wireless earphones, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

Kogoro Mori took Rachel's little hand and walked towards the Sands Hotel.

Rachel was still in shock, patting her chest and turning her head from time to time, for fear that someone would catch up to her again.

"Those guys must have been sent by the boss."

Mori Kogoro smiled noncommittally, then shook his head: "I don't think so, Leon's house was burglarized tonight, I'm afraid he won't have the heart to come looking for you."

"Boss's house was burglarized? When?"

Rachel hasn't gone back since she left Lyon's house in the afternoon, so she naturally doesn't know what happened at Lyon's house.

"Dinner time, around six o'clock. I heard that the loss was quite heavy. Now he is trying his best to hunt down the thieves, so these people should be sent by other people to plot against you."

Rachel frowned and thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason, so she shook her head and said, "Anyway, Mr. Mao Li, thank you for saving me this time. I didn't know that I would be taken away by those people. how."

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of effort!"

Sensing that Mori Kogoro was still holding her little hand, Rachel's cheeks were slightly red.

But when she was attacked just now, she didn't want to let go, she just thought it would make her feel more at ease.

"But you took the trouble to invite me to the winery. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Rachel's face was full of embarrassment, and it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

After hesitating for a moment, she still spoke: "Mr. Mao Li, do you know about the case of lawyer Chen Xuelin?"

"I know. The Singapore police said it was Kidd who did it. It's not true. As far as I know, Kidd will not kill people."

"Actually, I came to Singapore this time because of this case."

"Why, do you have any clues to tell me?"

Rachel nodded: "I know who the murderer of this case is, and I know the method. I can tell you everything. Please help prevent a very serious incident."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You want to say that the murderer is your boss, Leon."

Rachel looked over in shock: "How do you know?"

"This is not normal. Chen Xuelin is Leon's secretary. After she died, you came to me again. You subconsciously thought that the person who was attacked just now was your boss. Naturally, you defaulted to killing people to silence her. Who is it if it's not Leon."

"In addition to knowing that the murderer is your boss, I also know that you also helped in this case. It should be you who cooperated with Leon to provide an alibi."

Hearing this, Rachel's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of disbelief.

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