Mouri Kogoro took her little hand, stepped forward, and continued to reason: "A witness said that on the first floor of Building C of the Sands Hotel, Chen Xuelin was stabbed in the back, walked out of the elevator, and then fell down in the atrium. "

"At the same time, Leon took the elevator down in the elevator in Building A, so he has an alibi."

"But the woman who fell down with a knife in her back is probably not Chen Xuelin."

"It should be you who put on her clothes and a wig to pretend, and the handle of the knife on the back is probably just a magic prop. You used this method to pretend that Chen Xuelin was still alive at that time, but in fact she was killed by your boss ."

"After you fell down, the bomb in the underground parking lot exploded. As a result, the Sands Hotel was in a state of power outage, all monitoring was reimbursed, and tourists poured out."

"Just taking advantage of this opportunity, Leon pushed the suitcase containing Chen Xuelin's body from Building A to Building C, and then dropped it where you fell."

"Using this blindfold method, there will be an alibi."

After listening to the whole reasoning, Rachel's eyes kept trembling, and then they dimmed instantly, and a sad smile appeared on her face.

"The Maori detective really lives up to his reputation. No wonder the boss is so afraid of you. All this is exactly what you said."

"Boss has always claimed to be clever, and he has the habit of setting up puzzles and tricks for people to solve. That day, I also thought it was an ordinary trick. I didn't know that he had committed a murder until I saw Chen Xuelin's body."

"I wanted to call the police, but from that day on, there were always strangers around me watching me, so I didn't dare to act rashly."

"But no matter how you say it, I am also responsible for Chen Xuelin's unjust death. It is not wrong to say that she is an accomplice. Mr. Mao Li, how do you plan to deal with me?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "To deal with you, why to deal with you, at most you are considered to be used by Leon, and if you come to me, it is considered to be an outcast. Don't worry, I will protect you well."

Hearing this, Rachel's eyes were full of astonishment again, she did not expect Mori Kogoro to have such an attitude.

Looking at his broad shoulders, as if he was in the winery just now, his heart suddenly settled down, as if he had a backbone.

"Let's go back to the hotel and get a room!"

But when she heard this, Rachel misunderstood it instantly, her face flushed red all of a sudden, she quickly retracted her little hand from Moori Kogoro's big hand, her eyes flickered: "Maori-san, I'm not that kind of woman. "

Mori Kogoro was stunned, and it took him a long time to realize that he couldn't help but pat Rachel on the head.

"What are you thinking? I mean let you live next to me, so I can take care of you, don't be tied up again."

Knowing that she had misunderstood, Rachel lowered her head shyly and silently followed behind her, not daring to say anything.

Mori Kogoro shook his head speechlessly, he really didn't mean that.

The women in my family didn't take care of them properly, so I wouldn't care to care about them any more.

Chapter 0050

Along the way, Rachel silently followed Mori Kogoro, looking up at his back from time to time, his cheeks were a little red, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Mori Kogoro was a little speechless, and couldn't help asking: "Why stop talking halfway, you haven't told me what you want me to stop."

The female secretary came back to her senses, and quickly said, "It's the cooperation between the boss and Reijiro Nakatomi."

"Nakatomi Reijiro, son of shipping tycoon Nakatomi Shisan?"

Nakatomi Reijiro Mori Kogoro still has an impression.

The unlucky one was the man with the hedgehog who molested the garden in the Merlion Square during the day.

In addition to being beaten up by himself, he was also cursed by Hongzi, and was manipulated to mess with his bodyguards on the main road, and even made social news.

Now he should be put in prison on charges of immorality!

Rachel nodded: "It's the rich second generation, he seems to have some agreement with the boss in private."

"I saw a map of Singapore in the boss's office. Many parts of the city were secretly planted with explosives. I felt that my boss was carrying out a terrible plan."

"I think Lawyer Chen was killed by the boss because he discovered the boss' plan."

"Maori-kun, no matter what, please stop what he is going to do next."

Mori Kogoro nodded, as he agreed.

The Sands Hotel was just around the corner. At this moment, a car sped past.

The driver of the car seemed to see Kogoro Mori on the side of the road, so he turned around.

The car window slid down, revealing the pretty face with tears in the next life, and seeing Rachel beside him, there was a little displeasure on his face.

"Oh, isn't this our master?"

"We worked hard outside with the master, but I didn't expect the master to be quite leisurely and elegant, even walking the road with the little girl."

The vinegary smell of Laishenglei almost came out.

Before Mori Kogoro could respond, Fujiko Mine in the back seat said repeatedly: "Kogoro, you don't care about these female hooligans, they stole all my gains."

"All the treasures that I managed to steal from Lyon's house were all taken away. They are all robbers and hooligans!"

Hearing this, Rachel behind couldn't help looking at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

The person who co-authored to steal the boss's house was also ordered by you. It seems that Mr. Mao Li is not such a well-behaved person!

Seeing that Fuji's hands were tied up, and he was in a state of embarrassment under the control of others, Mori Kogoro spoke.

"Qianying, hurry up and release Fujiko, the competition is the competition, don't hurt your peace." Qianying obediently cut the rope from Fujiko's hand, and threw the sack back into her arms.

Leaning against the window, he asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Isn't this the secretary of the Lyon family? Why are you with me?" Xiao Tong and Xiao Ai next to him looked like they were watching the show. His master is obviously angry!

"Rachel is in trouble. She knows about Chen Xuelin's case and Leon's. She asked me for help. That's why I came out to find her. Someone attacked her at the winery just now. I'll go back to the hotel and get a room later. Live next to us, and live with us temporarily during this time."

Hearing this man's case about his son, Qianying immediately calmed down.

She turned her head and patted the heads of the strange-looking apprentices, then directed them to drive towards the hotel.

When Mori Kogoro and Rachel entered the lobby of the hotel, all the girls had already helped Rachel open a room, so they surrounded them and went upstairs.

In the elevator, Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking: "Xiao Lei, Xiao Tong, Xiao Ai, when did you guys arrive? Why don't you come with me?"

Xiao Ai immediately said: "This is Master's idea, he wants to arrange us as a surprise soldier..."

At this time, Fujiko, who was carrying a sack of jewels, squeezed over, put his hand around Mouri Kogoro's arm, and couldn't help but coquettishly said, "Qiankage is really too cunning to find so many helpers secretly."

"It's a pity, after all, I'm getting old. In the end, I won it, Xiao Wulang, let's send it again this time, woohoo!"

Fujiko, whose buttocks were pinched heavily, couldn't help but exclaimed, turned around and saw Qianying with her hands folded over her chest and her head turned sideways, looking like she had nothing to do with her, and she couldn't help but itch with anger.

The last thing women want to hear is when others say that they are old, especially in front of the man they love.

Seeing that the two girls were still at odds, Mori Kogoro looked like he was having a headache.

It seems that we still have to find an opportunity to let them get close.

"Both of you give me a break, enough has happened today."

He pushed Fujiko to the front and physically separated the two women.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he pushed the girls out.

Looking at Kaito's room, Qianying's eyes became more worried, Leon's mansion can be regarded as a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, Kaito won't be planted in it!

She couldn't help asking: "Xiao Goro, have Kaito and the others come back?"

"I don't know about this, why don't you go to his room and have a look?"

Mori Kogoro only pays attention to his own woman at most, how can he have the leisure to pay attention to these two brats.

Is it pure and not fun, or the red wine of Yuanzi is not fragrant enough!

A group of people came to Kaito's room, knocked on the door, and then opened the door and entered.

What caught the eye was a scene of the world's best.

Conan's pants were down, sticking out his bleeding butt, while Kaito was doing indescribable movements behind him.

Obviously, Kaito is helping Conan to deal with the dog bite wound, but under the cover of body shape, this picture is particularly easy to misunderstand, especially with the blood-stained tissue next to it.

Xiao Ai couldn't help exclaiming: "Wow, Kaito is a pervert, to do such a thing to a child."

"Hey, hey, why did you come in, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Arthur."

Kaito was startled by the sudden intruder, jumped up from the bed, and waved his hands repeatedly to explain.

And Conan, who was extremely embarrassed, quickly pulled the quilt to cover himself, and now he couldn't see what he was doing.

Qianying's face darkened all of a sudden, but with outsiders around, she couldn't say much.

But seeing that he had come back, she hurriedly drove everyone out, and then closed the door.

Kaito in the room had a face full of tears, listening to his mother's voice outside the door.

"Stop messing with me and tidy it up. I need a reasonable explanation when I come over later."

Hearing these words, Kaito became even more depressed.

Chapter 0051

Xiao Ai, who was completely misunderstood, was still bluffing: "I really didn't expect that Kaidou is a gay guy with such a strong taste. He likes Singaporean niggas. I can't figure it out!"

Hearing this, Qianying rolled her eyes speechlessly, and couldn't help pinching Xiao Ai's round buttocks a few times.

Xiaolei and Xiaotong hurriedly tore the little girl away, and the three sisters walked towards the room.

Because Chikage kept staring at them, they didn't dare to give any hints to Mori Kogoro.

And Mori Kogoro sent the female secretary Rachel to the newly opened suite.

"Rachel, just rest here. After tomorrow, everything will be settled, and there will be no danger by then."

Hearing this, Hei Zhichang's little secretary couldn't help being surprised.

Mr. Mao Li clearly knew something, she couldn't help asking: "Mr. Mao Li, what will happen tomorrow?"

"You will know when the time comes, don't worry, no one can hurt you here, I will rush over as soon as there is any movement, so you can take a good rest."

Seeing that Mori Kogoro didn't want to say more, Rachel didn't ask any more questions, she nodded silently, and then went into the room.

It's just that when the door was closed, he was still a little reluctant, and looked back at Kogoro in the corridor from time to time.

Fujiko, who was carrying a sack of treasures, couldn't help but glanced at the closed door, as keen as she noticed it again: "It's really amazing, with just this little effort, I hooked up with a new girl again."

Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but patted Fujiko's buttocks: "Nonsense, I don't have the heart to hook up with others."

"It's you, who made such a big battle today, and even borrowed military tanks, it's too much noise!"

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