Fujiko looked surprised: "Hey, how do you know?"

"Of course I know. You guys all went to the vault to steal. How can I feel at ease? Naturally, I have to keep an eye on it in secret."

"At first, I was wondering if there would be a female snitch in distress who could be rescued, but I didn't expect that there was no room for development at all."

Hearing this, Fujiko's eyes suddenly softened, and he couldn't help leaning over: "Smelly guy, it's so well hidden, I didn't even notice it."

But Fujiko didn't expect it at all. Kogoro Mori said that Luezhen was in the rooftop pool of the Sands Hotel thousands of meters away.

Had she really known this was the case, she might have bitten off a piece of flesh and blood from Kogoro.

"Hey, you two, public places, pay attention to me."

Qianying, who was in a depressed mood, waited to teach his son a lesson, and when he saw the two leaning together, he became even more upset.

At this moment, Tsukamoto Suumi's voice sounded in the corridor: "Mrs. Chikage, Miss Fujiko, you are back!"

Sumi in a karate suit and Fuso in a white dress are also back.

Sumei looked calm and breezy, not even a drop of sweat.

Kogoro Mori asked, "How is the competition?"

Xiao Shumei clenched her fist confidently: "Of course it was easily won, but tonight's match is really meaningless. I can't meet any opponents I want to fight."

"Kyogoku, Jamaldin, these people don't know where they went, they didn't participate in the trials, and they directly sent them to tomorrow's finals. They are really speechless."

Fujiko chuckled: "If Sumi is with me tonight, maybe I can meet the opponent I want."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting!" Fujiko didn't intend to elaborate, instead he took out a red crystal ring from the sack and put it on Sumi's hand.

"Come on, this is my sister's gift for you to win the preliminaries. After Sumi wins the championship, my sister will give you a bigger gift."

"Sister is not like some stingy guys who didn't prepare anything, Sumi, remember to sell the Cyan Blue Fist to sister after winning the championship!" Open the door and go to Kaito's room.

I have evil fire in my heart, beat my son to vent it!

The door of Kaito's room was closed tightly immediately, and then there was a series of screams that seemed like nothing, which made people panic!

Chikage was so angry that Fujiko snickered like a little fox.

"Okay, Sumi just finished the competition, it's time to go back and have a good rest, Kogoro and I won't bother you."

"Xiao Goro, let's go and count the harvest tonight!"

Saying this, Fujiko dragged Mori Kogoro towards his room.

"Uh? Uh!"

Originally, Sumi wanted to press Mori Kogoro about Xiao Ran, but seeing this posture, she didn't say anything.

After looking through Sonoko's ins updates on her phone, Sumei dragged Fusang to her room.

"Let's go, let's change into our swimsuits and go up to see Xiaolan and the others for a swim."

The curtains were opened, and the fireworks show was still in full bloom, dazzling the eyes.

Apparently Sonoko is wielding his ability to keep this fleeting beauty alive.

On the bed in Jihua's suite, Fujiko dumped all kinds of treasures in the sack on the bed, his eyes were full of light, and he was counting the treasures excitedly.She was lying on the bed, biting a pen, holding an ipad to estimate the value of various things, and then scribbling and drawing in a notebook to calculate the total amount.The eyes of Fuji, who is completely obsessed with money, are full of $ signs.

After finishing the calculation, Fujiko got up from the bed, and immediately jumped onto Kogoro Mori by the window, hanging his long legs around his waist.

Mori Kogoro was hit and sat on the bay window.

"Xiao Goro, let's send it again this time, [-] billion yen, at least it's worth this much money, wow haha, rich again."

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Fujiko's plump thighs, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "It's only [-] billion, didn't you have [-] to [-] billion gold bricks last time? This time it's less than half! "

Fujiko raised his head arrogantly: "It's different, I got it myself today, it feels completely different."

"Forget it, for the sake of helping me sweep the formation, Miss Ben is kind enough to share half of the money with you!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro looked at Fujiko in amazement.

This woman has always loved money like her life, and she usually keeps her cooperation with Lu Bang all to herself, but today she actually splits half of her money, it's as if the sun has come out from the west.

Apart from love, I am afraid there is no reason for a woman to change her habits!

"Hmph, I'm very loyal. Last time I didn't help you, you split me up. This time, I split you up. It's very reasonable and normal!"

Saying this, Fujiko patted his chest, pretending to be righteous.

But Mori Kogoro kept staring at her in surprise, Fujiko couldn't pretend anymore after all.

For her, nothing in the world is more important to her than money!

Today, Mori Kogoro's weight in his heart has far exceeded money.

The words just now were not stingy with expressing their own thoughts, although they were clumsy, they were also extremely touching.

She felt extremely shy when Kogoro Mori saw through her, she couldn't help but blushed, and couldn't help avoiding his sight: "What are you doing?"


"Hey, what are you talking about!"

Chapter 0052 The last one to know

The gorgeous movement sounded, and under the moonlight, under the bright fireworks of this golden city, the suite was set off more and more brilliantly.

The sound waves of the music festival on the Merlion Square are constantly beating, even in the high-altitude rooms of the Sands Hotel, you can also appreciate the shocking music rhythm.

Looking at this Fujiko who is completely devoted to him, with an inexplicable blush on his cheeks, Mori Kogoro's eyes are full of pampering.

He kissed Fujiko's red lips without hesitation, wrapped his arms around his back, hugged him tighter, and hugged him tighter.

Fujiko didn't drink, but his beautiful eyes were full of intoxicating look.

All she could think of was Moori Kogoro under the fireworks, and all the treasures beside her were forgotten by him!

When she just won a sack of treasures, the first thought that popped up in her mind was that it would be great if Kogoro was by her side.

From that moment on, she knew that she would not be able to escape from this man's arms in her life.

In fact, she didn't want to run away anymore!

After a passionate kiss, Fujiko opened his teeth and bit the shoulder of Mori Kogoro directly, leaving a tooth mark.

"Hey, are you a dog? Why bite me!"

"Bastard, just bite you, can't you?"

Seeing Fujiko's disheveled curly hair and that pretended fierce look, Kogoro Mori confessed verbally:

"Okay, okay, of course no problem."

A man doesn't look at what he says, but what he does. The retaliation in action is always greater than that in words!

"Humph, hum, Kogoro, I'll give you half of tonight's harvest, and tomorrow you have to help me get the Cyan Blue Fist, or I'll, I'll bite you to death."

Holding Fujiko's slender waist, Mori Kogoro was a little troubled: "Hey, it's not necessary, didn't you beat Chikage today? What's there to fight for the number one in the female bandit world? It's my own."

Hearing this, Fujiko immediately turned his eyebrows coldly at Kogoro, and snorted softly: "Can you help me?"

Fujiko wouldn't tell Kogoro that he was blocked by Chikage and four people in the alley just now, and his pants were stripped and spanked.

Such a great shame and humiliation, if you don't take revenge, you won't be the best son!

"No help." Mori Kogoro took advantage of the opportunity to pat Fujiko's buttocks.


Following Fujiko's cry of pain, Mori Kogoro seemed to have noticed something, and a strange look appeared on his face.

The embarrassed Fujiko was a little flustered, and immediately bit Mouri Kogoro again, and said in a low voice, "Can you help me?"

Mori Kogoro gasped, but shook his head firmly: "Hiss! If you don't help, how can the notary end up helping you?"


"Fuji, you won't be bullied by Qianying, right?"

"How is it possible, how could that female hooligan take advantage of me!"

Fujiko exclaimed repeatedly as if his tail had been stepped on.

Seeing Kogoro's expression of disbelief, Fujiko said sternly: "Xiaogoro, you are doomed, let me teach you a lesson."

"Who is afraid of whom!"

On the other side, Sumi and Fusang had already arrived on the rooftop. After changing into their swimsuits, the two women also appeared in the swimming pool. Yuanzi and Xiaolan called them to get into the water.

"Shumei, Fusang, come here quickly, there is a water massage here, it's very comfortable."

These two girls are both big-breasted, and they killed Sonoko as soon as they came.

Especially the little Shikigami Fuso, under the moonlight, his skin was crystal clear as if emitting fluorescent light, like an elf who had strayed into the mortal world.

Yuanzi, who was bragging in front of Zhenchun just now, immediately shrank back, not daring to swear anymore.

As soon as Sumi entered the swimming pool, she dragged Xiaolan aside and began to ask questions in a low voice.

But at the beginning, she seemed to think of something, and couldn't help asking: "Let me tell you first, are you Mira or Xiaolan?"

Xiaolan was speechless: "Senior sister, we have practiced in a karate club for so long, you still don't recognize me?"

"No way, who told you to look so similar to Mira, I think Kogoro might admit it!"

"Nonsense, Dad is very powerful, he always knows who we are!"

Sumei nodded acquiescingly: "Of course your father is very powerful, I know that too, bah bah bah, I just want to ask you what happened just now?"

"What's the situation?" Xiaolan stared at her big eyes and began to act cute.

Sumei pinched her small ears, with a serious expression on her face: "Don't try to fool me, I'm asking that you were the girl who was put on the bed by Mira and Qingzi after playing mahjong in Mira's room just now!"

Xiao Lan's cheeks turned red, she turned her head to the side and fell silent.

"When I went in later, the four of you were lying on the bed, and one of them was you too. Tell me, what is going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just what you see!" Xiaolan whispered. .

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