"Hiss! Lan, I really misjudged you. I always thought you were a very pure girl. I didn't expect you to do such a thing."

Xiaolan rolled her eyes at her speechlessly, and struggled to let go of her little hand: "Senior sister, that's too much to say, I haven't said what you did before to worship my father as a teacher."

"It's because I want to learn martial arts, but because my father is handsome."

Hearing this, Sumei couldn't help laughing a few times, seeming a little guilty.

I don't seem to have any position to talk about Xiaolan.

"Okay, okay, let's even it out, let's not talk about you."

"I'm just worried that you were forced, so that's why I care."

"Since it's your own choice, there's nothing to say, tsk tsk tsk, it's amazing, the plot in the movie also happened in reality." Sumei's face is full of interesting smiles, and it seems to be shared Xiaolan's secret, she felt that she was getting closer to it.

His little face was full of gossip: "Except for the girls in the room, who knows about this?"

Xiaolan was very familiar with this expression, so she chuckled lightly and said, "Now everyone in the swimming pool knows about it."


Sumei's face froze instantly. She thought she had discovered a big secret, but unexpectedly she was the last one to know.

The excitement in his heart was extinguished at once.

"So, senior sister, don't try to threaten me with this matter. Yuanzi has already done it. Just don't tell my mother." "It doesn't matter if you tell my mother, as long as you have the confidence to calm down." My father's anger is fine, and I also want to thank you for your help."

Sumei laughed guiltily, some evil thoughts had arisen in her heart just now.

"Nonsense, nonsense, how could I tell the truth, Xiaolan, you really misunderstood me."

Chapter 0053 the plan fell apart again

"Senior sister, Xiao Lan, why are you two secretly hiding here and whispering?"

Yuanzi from the side came over, and Sumei quickly waved her hands: "Nothing, nothing!"

Yuanzi wasn't too suspicious, and instead asked, "Senior sister, you just came up from the bottom, did uncle come back?"

"He came back, but he was dragged away by Fujiko. It may not be so easy for you to find Master to drink."

There was still a teasing look on Sumei's face, she always felt that Yuanzi was too disappointing, and even gave her a great opportunity but didn't grasp it, so she was blinded by such a good scene.

"Ah, why is this? Uncle clearly promised me."

At this time, Xiao Lan pointed at the shore and exclaimed, "Hey, look at the garden, your red wine."

At the beach chair, the little Shikigami Fusang was holding a red wine bottle and drinking, and Xiaomeng's face was full of satisfaction.

A whole bottle of wine was drained by her like this, and Fusang couldn't help laughing, looking like a child who had never seen the world.

"Wow, this is the red wine on TV, it's delicious!"

Yuanzi in the swimming pool turned pale with shock in an instant: "It's dead, why did you drink it for Fusang, I put a powerful aphrodisiac in it."

As soon as these words came out, both Sumei and Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi with a perverted look.

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "I also said why you are looking forward to drinking with my father so much. It turns out that you drugged it inside. Yuanzi is really a big pervert."

Sumei shook her head, and said with a little disdain: "Women still need to drug men? Isn't there a story if you take the initiative? Sonoko, you are too useless!"

Yuanzi, who was criticized repeatedly, became angry from embarrassment: "Why, don't give it!"


"Female hooligan!"


Sonoko, who was repeatedly complained about, shrank into a dust-like figure.

Xiaolan then said, "But the most urgent thing is how to deal with Fusang. Let's send her to the hospital for gastric lavage."

Sumei waved her hand again: "Don't be so nervous, just ask Kogoro to help detoxify."


As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were stunned again.

It was also the first time they knew that Fusang was having an affair with Mori Kogoro, and they couldn't help but look at Fusang on the shore with resentment.

Seemingly aware of the unfriendly gaze, Fusang hastily put the red wine bottle back to its original place, and sat upright, pretending that she didn't drink it secretly.

Soon, the three women in the water came ashore one after another and surrounded Fusang.

Shikigami felt a little uneasy immediately, and couldn't help hiccupping.

It shouldn't be a big deal to drink red wine secretly, why is it so big?

On weekdays in the shrine, Junhui is very strict. Although Fusang is the master in name, but in life, she is completely a noob and is completely controlled by Junhui.

Junhui is managed according to the standards of a witch, and Fusang is not allowed to drink.

So when Fusang saw the red wine, he got greedy and wanted to try it, and he drank the whole bottle of wine after trying it.

"It's strange. The seller told me that the medicine will take effect as soon as I take it in. Why doesn't Fusang respond at all?"

"Fusang, do you feel any changes in your body?"

"No!" Although Fusang's small face was a little reddish, her expression was calm, her eyes were clear, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

After all, Fusang is a spiritual body cultivated by shikigami, and her body is different from that of ordinary people. It seems that this medicine can't work on her.

With the mobile phone in her hand, Xiaolan turned her head and asked, "Then is it still called Dad?"

Yuanzi immediately shook his head and said, "No need to call, Fusang didn't respond at all, this medicine must be fake."

"Damn it, is that merchant bought by my mother and dare to sell me fake medicines? Let's see how I teach her a lesson when I return home."

Yuanzi gritted her teeth, and Xiaolan who was beside her couldn't help but patted her on the head.

"You still want to go to the drug seller. I warn you, don't give my father some messy things. What if you eat something bad? If you dare to prescribe drugs indiscriminately, I won't be polite to you."

Yuanzi, who was intimidated by the speed of light, said with a dry smile: "No, no."

But in his heart, sadness flowed like a river.

Damn it, my strategy plan has failed again, why is it like this again!

"Don't swim, let's go down and rest, Fusang's body needs to be observed again." All the girls went to the dressing room to change their clothes, and then went down to the roof.


On the other side, Mori Kogoro put his hands on Fujiko's wound, and couldn't help but said, "He said he wasn't bullied, it's all swollen from the beating."

Fujiko squinted his eyes, refused to say anything, and began to pretend to be an ostrich.

It was impossible for her to explain such a shameful thing in detail.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, Feng Lin Shanhuo's military tactics were mobilized, and he was as slow as a forest!

Its movements were light and slow, and the rejuvenation technique was cast, and countless spirits of plants and trees were drawn from the void and gathered on his hands.

These hands pressed down lightly, and the spirit of grass and trees as cool as mint was poured into the injured area.

Immediately, Fuji snorted softly a few times, only to feel that the pain disappeared like soup melting snow, and the whole person felt much more relaxed.

The beautiful eyes are slightly opened, and the eyes are full of moving charm.

Duang! Duang! Duang!

"Qianying and the others really went too far, don't worry, I will help you get justice."

Fuji turned his head, opened his mouth slightly, and his voice was so charming that it could gnaw his bones: "Then will you help me steal the Cyan Blue Fist tomorrow?"

"Hey, I still can't help, I'll help you get back in other places."

"Hmph, with a man's broken mouth, he can only say nice things to coax me."

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly again.

He didn't dare to get involved in this unreasonable disaster. Although he was happy to help Fujiko, he would correspondingly hate Qianying, and the three sisters Xiaolei, Xiaotong, and Xiaoai.

How could he do this loss-making business? It would take a lot of effort to coax the four daughters back to the master and apprentice.

And it's really strange for a woman to fight so seriously for a false name.

Mori Kogoro was thinking about destroying the Fist of Cyan Blue, maybe it would be the best of both worlds.

In the next room, Xiao Ai is facing a screen and does not know what to do.

Xiao Tong, who was lying on the bed and changed into a purple nightgown, couldn't help but said, "Sister, do you think Master has noticed something?"

Lai Shenglei, who was watching Leon's house with a telescope, said in surprise, "No way, Master must not be that smart."

Xiao Ai on the side couldn't help but raised her head and said, "It's hard to say, a few times when I got closer to Master, Master looked at me very strangely, I think she might have noticed it."

Xiaolei frowned: "Then why didn't she say anything?"

"Who knows, I can't figure out what Master is thinking." Xiao Ai buried her head and continued to look at the screen after she finished speaking.

Xiaotong sighed: "It doesn't matter, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

She turned over, lay on the bed and looked at the fireworks outside, with a little hope in her eyes: "Sister, do you think someone will sneak over later?"

Xiaolei then sat on the bedside, and patted Xiaotong's buttocks with her small hand: "So you just waited dressed like this."

"Who said, I wear it like this when I sleep!" Xiao Tong's cheeks were slightly reddish after being told off.

Chapter 0054 is really dangerous

"I wear it like this when I sleep. I haven't seen this nightdress at home. It's a new one."

"Hey, you still put on perfume, it's really scheming." Xiaolei made a gesture and sniffed the smell on Xiaotong's body, and then pretended to be pungent to disperse the smell.

Xiao Tong hurriedly pushed the eldest sister away: "Hmph, I don't believe that I am the only one who has such thoughts. Just now, eldest sister, you secretly sent a text message to Xiao Wulang, don't think I didn't see it."

Xiaolei stretched her waist, looking at the ongoing fireworks outside the window, her face was calm.

"It's not too much to travel to Singapore to help, my sister, you still play tricks on me."

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