At this time, Xiao Ai in front of the screen said: "Eldest sister, second sister, I found something." The two sisters who were arguing got up immediately, and they all came to Xiao Ai's side, watching the screen.

This is Xiaoai's own design, remote drone monitoring.

After returning to the hotel, she has been operating the drone, spying on Leon.

After the theft, Leon himself and Jamaldin drove to the port.

Such a strange whereabouts caught Xiao Ai's attention, and she kept monitoring with the drone.

The picture on the screen was Leon talking with several men with guns on the speedboat.

Xiaolei couldn't help frowning: "It's such a blurry picture, I can't see the shape of the mouth, Xiao Ai, can you eavesdrop on what they are saying?"

"No way, you'll be spotted if you get too close, but I'm a little familiar with the people on this speedboat."

Hearing this, Xiaotong immediately turned on the laptop, took a photo from the screen, and uploaded it to the matching system of the laptop to start matching.This is a matching system for global criminals, and it is also developed by Xiaoai.

Soon, the results came out.

"Lin Youjin, the boss of the Rattlesnake Pirates, is an active militant in Southeast Asia. He makes a living by robbing cargo ships and extorting cargo owners. There are probably three or four hundred people under his command."

Xiaolei immediately folded her hands on her chest, pointing her fingers at her temples and began to think.

"Lyon is the president of a security company, why is he colluding with pirates?"

"I don't know, nothing good will happen anyway."

Xiao Ai immediately exclaimed again: "Why are they still fighting?"

On the screen, several subordinates of Jamaldin and Lin Youjin fought, and kicked the pirates into the water with a few whips. It seemed that the two sides were quite at odds.

Seeing this scene, the three sisters were confused for a while.

Then the two groups of people on the screen reconciled and dispersed after the conversation.

Xiaotong then speculated: "Do you think it is for the Cyan Blue Fist? In the last century, the Cyan Blue Fist was not the symbol of the pirate king?"

"Maybe Lin Youjin wanted to get the Cyan Blue Fist to become the pirate king, and then Leon asked Lin Youjin, so he did everything possible to get the Cyan Blue Fist and hired him for help!"

It has to be said that Xiao Tong is extremely intelligent, and this speculation is not far from the reality.

Xiaolei followed suit and nodded: "Hey, why are you thinking so much? When Xiao Wulang comes over, won't it be clear if you ask him?"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Qianying entered the room with a smile on his face: "Why is Kogoro coming?"

Hearing this, the hearts of the three sisters trembled.

Xiao Ai repeatedly defended: "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just that we found out that Leon was in collusion with the pirate Lin Youjin, and we want to see what Maori detective thinks!"

This new information diverted Qianying's attention, and she also followed the playback on the screen.

"Things are really getting more and more complicated. Now there are pirates involved. Do you want to grab the Cyan Blue Fist?"

"Okay, don't worry about it too much, Kogoro said that everything will be settled tomorrow, he must know."

"Now let's rest first, recharge your batteries, and steal the gems tomorrow."

"Hey!" X3

The three sisters all looked astonished.

"Aren't you going to tell Kogoro?"

"And Master, isn't your room here?"

Qianying patted the heads of the three sisters continuously, and snorted softly: "Master, can't you sleep with you tonight? I'm protecting you. That woman, Fujiko, has a very treacherous mind, and this is to avoid being broken by her one by one. "That's what I said, but no one can guess what Qianying is thinking.

And the Fujiko in the next room is simply too busy to take care of himself, how can he have the mind to play and break each one!

Hearing that Master had made up his mind to rest with him, Xiaolei and Xiaotong suddenly fell down.

Xiaolei was even a little flustered, picked up the phone and wanted to send a text message to Xiao Wulang, telling him not to come.

But as soon as the phone was lifted up, it was snatched away by Qianying: "I'm going to rest, why are you still playing with the phone, confiscate it first."

Xiaolei wanted to cry immediately, but she could only silently pray in her heart that Kogoro Moori would not come over tonight, otherwise she would definitely die a miserable death.The three sisters, who were full of grief, were driven to bed by Qianying to rest.

Nothing happened overnight, and the thing that I was worried about in the next life didn't happen after all, and Kogoro didn't come over.

It was only when she woke up the next day that she saw the faint dark circles under Master's eyes, and thought to herself that last night was really dangerous.

All the girls went out after washing one after another, and gathered in the restaurant on the [-]th floor with Kogoro and his party.

Today they are going to the National Stadium to cheer for Sumei who participated in the Zhonghan Cup, and Rachel is also among them.The Zhonghan Cup this time is considered a big event, and there are a lot of people going to watch the game.

In addition, Chen Zhonghan has the right to speak in this one-third of an acre of land in Singapore, and many high-ranking politicians also gave him face, and they all ran to support him.

For the vast.

When the four daughters of Qianying came over, they didn't see Fujiko. She committed a big crime last night. She woke up early in the morning and used various materials to disguise her makeup, and she didn't know who she was pretending to be.

Now I don't know where I went, and I didn't appear in the restaurant.

However, the atmosphere at the dining table where Kogoro was was a bit weird, Sonoko looked at Mouri Kogoro with a resentful face.

Beside Mouri Kogoro, Zhenchun lowered her head, with a reddish face, she kept handling the ingredients for Kogoro.

Caviar, crab meat, and fruit juice were all done by Kogoro Mori, and they were all arranged by Zhenchun, which caused Xiaolan and the girls to look shocked.

No one opened their mouths to speak, and all of them looked at this scene with strange eyes, and the air was a little sticky for a while.

Kogoro Mori sitting in it felt a little bit on pins and needles, like a light on his back.

Fortunately, Qianying showed up with the three sisters in the next life, breaking the atmosphere.

Mori Kogoro got up quickly and introduced the identities of Xiao Lei, Xiao Tong, and Xiao Ai to the girls, and this was the solution.

Chapter 0055

Seeing Conan and Kaidou feasting on the dining table, Xiao Ai couldn't help but said, "Little devil, the big brother next to you treated you so perverted last night, why are you still following him?"

Yuanzi Xiaolan looked over in surprise one by one, and immediately asked, "What pervert?"

"Don't you know? It's the two of them on the bed, and this black kid doesn't even have pants on!"

Hearing such harsh words, the girls couldn't help but gasped.

Yuanzi immediately covered his mouth in astonishment: "Xinyi, it's been a long time since I saw you, why did you become like this?"

Kuaido stared at Ai Shiai with a speechless face, cursed so many times in his heart, finally swallowed the food in his mouth, and wanted to explain.

However, seeing Conan on the side looking like he was enjoying the show, he rolled his eyes and said, "Tsk tsk, that's right, such a black kid is very fun."

Anyway, now he is bearing the identity of Kudo Shinichi, so it doesn't matter what he says.

As soon as these words came out, all the girls looked at Kuai Dou as if they were animals.

When Conan heard this, he couldn't help taking a sip of the juice, and quickly stood up to defend himself: "That's not true. I was bitten by a wild dog last night. Brother Xinyi was helping me with the injury. Sister Xiaoai misunderstood."

It's just that the child's words were not convincing. Qing Zi touched his little head and spoke softly.

"Arthur, you don't have to be afraid. Did this guy teach you these words? Don't worry, it's all right now. You can tell the truth."

"If he really does something excessive to you, we will call the police and arrest him now."

Conan was so anxious that his mouth was bubbling: "No, brother Shinichi is a good man, and I still have a dog bite wound on my ass."

The little ghost wished he could take off his pants to prove his innocence, his reputation could not be ruined like this.

Seeing Conan's agitated appearance, Kuai Dou smiled gloatingly at the corner of his mouth.

Building on the pain of others, sometimes happiness is as simple as that.

At this time, Qianying's eyes swept across the crowd, and the coldness in it was frightening: "Okay, stop joking, and Xiaoai, don't make a fuss, say it's not like this."

Afterlife Ai stuck out her tongue, then sat down and began to enjoy breakfast.

However, although this topic came to an abrupt end, the girls were a little confused because of Conan and Kaito's contradictory remarks just now.

For a moment, all the girls looked at Kaito with a bit of disgust, and they distanced him silently.

Even if it's a joke, making such bad jokes and teasing a child whose parents are not around, this person is not a good person.

And Qingzi pulled Arthur away from Kaito, and when he returned to the dining table and passed by Kaito, he whispered: "Kaito, I didn't expect you to be such a person."


She recognized it!

Kaito's face suddenly turned blue, he just wanted to trick Kudo Shinichi, but he didn't want to ruin his own image, especially in Aoko's mind.

"Qingzi, that's not the case, listen to my explanation."

"Hmm!" Qian Ying's face became a little more angry, and he gave Kuai Dou a cannibalistic look, and Kuai Dou didn't dare to say anything in an instant.Aoko didn't want to pay any attention to him, and turned around to sit next to Kogoro Mori.

In fact, she could recognize him as Kaito because she saw Aunt Chikage coming out of Kaito's room yesterday.

If it was Kudo Shinichi, Aunt Chikage would never have gotten so close to Kaito.

At this moment, Kaito really knew what it was like to shoot himself in the foot with a stone, and with an aggrieved expression on his face, unable to eat, he left in a hurry, intending to act alone.

The farce of the two little ghosts cheating each other attracted the attention of the girls, and Kogoro Mori spent the breakfast time leisurely.

And at the Singapore International Airport, Kyogoku Shinichi, who had already booked a flight back home today, set foot at the airport and was invited to the examination room by the staff inside.

The examination room was empty, and the hanging pendulum was in disrepair for a long time, and the sound of "creaking" and "creaking" kept making the listeners upset.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and there was another tooth-piercing sound of the rotating shaft, followed by the sound of leather shoes.

The person who came in was Leon in a suit and leather glasses, wearing purple glasses.

Seeing him, Kyogoku stood up immediately, with a look of vigilance: "Mr. Leon, what are you doing?"

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Kyogoku, I came to you with no malicious intentions."

"On the contrary, I would also like to thank you. If you hadn't tried your best to stop me last night, I would have almost committed a murderous mistake. I came here specially to thank you."

. "

Hearing this, Jingji really relaxed his vigilance: "It's great that you think so."

Leon chuckled, and slowly approached Kyogoku Shin: "Last night, my decision was not out of my heart, and you also know that all the treasures in my vault were stolen by thieves, and only when I was in a hurry to say stupid things, I'm not the bad guy you think."

"Then you're here?"

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