"I'm here to invite Mr. Kyogoku to participate in today's Zhonghan Cup final. Jamaldin is still looking forward to the competition with him."

Saying this, Leon stretched out his hand to hold Kyogoku Makoto's wrist, with the appearance of a virtuous corporal.

It seems to be so hard that Kyogoku really can't break free.

Kyogoku really looked at Leon's purple glasses, as if seeing layers of vortices, but he didn't notice the strange look in the triangular eyes behind the lenses.

Leon continued to speak, his voice had a unique rhythm.

"Mr. Kyogoku, what is your martial arts, and what are you punching for?"

There was a trace of trance in Kyogoku Shin's eyes.

Martial arts?Why punch?

A man's figure appeared in his mind.

"For the challenge, to defeat a man, Mori Kogoro."

Hearing this, Leon's pupils shrank, and a treacherous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Then you shouldn't be leaving. Detective Maori is in Singapore. He will also appear in the Zhonghan Cup later. You will have the opportunity to challenge him." "Opportunity?"

"I have used a lot of resources yesterday to recommend you to enter today's competition. As long as you listen to me and follow me, today I will make your long-cherished wish come true."

Saying this, Leon took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and the pocket watch began to float left and right in the air.

"Let's see, it's still early, and I can still participate in the competition now."

"As long as you listen to me, I can find anything you want to call, as long as you listen to me."

These raving words made Kyogoku really look even more dazed.

A sudden snap of his fingers came, and his eyes became dull as if out of focus.

Only then did Leon heave a long sigh of relief, and took off his glasses, his eyes were full of tiredness.

Although the process was a bit difficult, the hypnosis was successful after all.

Chapter 0056 Keen Sonoko

Jamaldin, the towering man, came in, and Leon gave the order: "Follow him to the gym."

Kyogoku really had no objection, and followed obediently.

After the two left, a man with a haggard hedgehog head came in, it was Reijiro Nakatomi.

"Is this guy useful? Is it worthwhile for you to come to him specifically?"

Leon sat on the chair and rubbed his browbones: "This is an insurance policy. I must win the Cyan Blue Fist this time, and I can't afford to lose it. But I didn't expect you to get such a big limelight. I want you to go to the police station to get you out."

Speaking of this incident, Nakatomi Reijiro blushed with anger, and said incompetently and furiously: "I didn't do it voluntarily, and it was probably drugged by someone. I like women, women!"

"It must have been done by the gang yesterday, that Maori detective is very wicked."

Maori detective?

Hearing this name again, Leon's eyes flashed coldly.

The man he couldn't see through seemed to have his shadow in everything.

Fujiko Mine, who came to steal last night, is very similar to the accompanying woman of the Maori detective who came to visit yesterday afternoon.

Moreover, Kyogoku's inner opponent is also him, and he has something to do with him.

Now Nakatomi Reijiro also said that after meeting this detective, he made a big joke.

It seems that this time I really ran into an opponent.

Leon reached out and pressed Nakatomi Reijiro's shoulder, and said softly: "I need your help this time, don't you have a group of masters in captivity? Call them, I have something to let them do!"

Hearing this, Nakatomi Reijiro's eyes flashed with embarrassment: "You also know that those people obey my father."

But seeing the threatening look in Leon's bloodshot eyes, he resolutely confessed: "Okay, okay, I'll call them right away, but after it's done, I want to get my share."

"Of course, I'm a businessman, and I'm the most trustworthy."

After finishing speaking, Nakatomi Reijiro walked out slowly, clutching his buttocks, leaving Leon alone in the room thinking.

"Hehe, Mori Kogoro!"

At around nine o'clock in the morning, at the Singapore National Stadium, Maori and his party had already arrived.

Sumei changed into her martial arts uniform and warmed up in the arena, while Xiaolan served as a training partner underneath.

In the auditorium, Sonoko managed to find a chance to hold Kogoro Mouri's arm and asked in a low voice, "Uncle Maori, didn't you promise me last night? Why didn't you come to see me?"

"Uh, I encountered a small situation and couldn't get away."

There is no way, since yesterday evening there have been constant battles, Kogoro Mori really can't do anything anymore.

He not only released the pigeons in the garden, but also released the three sisters in the next life.

"Hmph!" Yuanzi didn't pay too much attention to this matter, and instead asked, "Then what's going on with Zhenchun, why did she change her attitude towards you when she got up early this morning?"

Mori Kogoro immediately widened his eyes and pretended to be stupid skillfully.

"Is there, isn't she always like this? Well, maybe the massage technique I taught has an effect, and if she reciprocates, she just wants to treat me better. This is normal!"

"Really?" Yuanzi's amber eyes were full of suspicion, but when she turned her head to look at Zhenchun, she found that she was also secretly looking at herself.

And when Zhenchun was discovered, she immediately lowered her head in embarrassment, and even her ears were stained red.

Such a shy posture is completely different from the usual tomboy!

"It's not right. Zhenchun is like a different person. Something must have happened between you that I don't know."

"Uncle, tell me honestly, have you been with Zhenchun all the time last night?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the back of Maoli Kogoro's head, and he pretended to be calm and said, "It's nothing, we will be separated after finishing the case, didn't I say that? I went to save Rachel!"

It's obviously a seamless rhetoric, but it can't convince Yuanzi no matter what.

Yuanzi, who is usually silly, is very sensitive at this moment, and he always feels that something is wrong, so he insists on it.

Mori Kogoro was a little overwhelmed. At this moment, Chen Zhonghan, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, greeted him enthusiastically.

"Maori detective? It's an honor for you to come to my competition today."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, I'll arrange a big VIP room for you."

Mori Kogoro greeted him with a look of salvation, and hugged Chen Zhonghan tightly.

He whispered to her, "Don't strangle your chest."

Chen Zhonghan's face froze for a moment, and Fujiko's voice also came out: "Damn, how did you find out, I've disguised so well, I can see through it just by looking at it, it's too embarrassing."

"Tch, I've seen her without clothes on countless times, but with clothes on, do you think I don't recognize you? Fool."

"Hmph, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have come to save you."

The two hugged each other for a long time, others thought they were old friends meeting each other, and they separated after a long time.

And Yuanzi has recovered her smile, she looks like a lady, she has been educated by the upper class, she will not lose face to her man in front of outsiders.At this time, the sound of leather shoes sounded, and Leon appeared with a smile on his face.

"Detective Maori, we meet again!"

"Rachel, why are you sitting here? How many times have I called you but I still can't get through!"

Seeing the boss appearing, Rachel on the side was a little terrified, trembling unknowingly, obviously quite afraid of him.

Kogoro Mori opened his mouth and said, "I also met Miss Rachel by chance. She said she was on vacation today, so I invited her to watch a game and relax."

"Mr. Lyon shouldn't be the kind of boss who would desperately squeeze employees, wouldn't he give An Sheng a single holiday?"

"An Sheng!" Hearing these two words, Leon shook his head and chuckled.

"Of course not, then Rachel should watch the game and work hard when she is at work!"

Rachel didn't dare to look directly at Leon, so she just nodded wordlessly.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro turned his side slightly to block his view of the little secretary.

At this time, Li Xi, a trainee policeman with squinting eyes, ran over quickly: "Maori-kun, teacher, the Cyan Blue Fist has been placed properly, should we check it again?"

When Leon heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to invite: "Mr. Mao Li, let's go together. I invited you to visit the treasury yesterday, so today's place is not bad."

These words sounded quite meaningful, but before Mori Kogoro could say anything, Chen Zhonghan, the best son of Yi Rongcheng, said, "Go with me, go with me, I want to see how my Cyan Blue Fist is doing, I will keep it for you I'm really worried."

The group of people talked and moved towards the backstage of the gymnasium.

Chapter 0057

Seeing Mori and his group walking towards the backstage, Kaito and Conan who didn't know where to hide appeared again, and followed them cheekily.

Leon glanced at the two little devils, a trace of inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say much.

He turned to ask: "Detective Maori, speaking of which, why are the two beautiful beauties who walked with you yesterday gone?"

Kogoro Mori naturally wanted to cover Chikage and Fujiko.

He waved his hands and pretended to be annoyed: "Don't mention it, I met them by chance in Merlion Square. I thought it was an affair, but after I left your house yesterday, they all disappeared."

Leon laughed softly: "That's really a pity. I missed a character like Maori Detective. It's really a small loss."

Police officer Lixi squinted, but asked: "Teacher, I heard that your mansion was robbed yesterday. The strange thief Kidd appeared and made a lot of noise. Teacher, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, they're just clowns, and they haven't lost anything."

"It was the fire brigade who took some wrong medicine and somehow cleaned up my house, so that I couldn't find a place to rest."

Leon still looked calm and breezy, and Rishi breathed a sigh of relief.

While speaking, everyone came to the door of a room guarded by police officers, and Inspector Aidan with curly hair was making arrangements.

Chen Zhonghan, who was disguised as Fujiko, said: "Officer Aidan, is my gemstone just here? It's too hasty, it doesn't look safe at all!"

Inspector Aidan hurriedly replied: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, this secret room was designed by Mr. Leon himself, and there are many organs inside to keep the thieves going and never returning."

Inspector Aidan was still a little vigilant, seeing so many people appeared, he didn't talk about the organization in detail.

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