However, Leon chuckled lightly: "Mr. Chen, you can trust me with confidence. Didn't I tell you during the handover last night? Except for you and Inspector Aidan, no one can open it privately."

"I can't trust you. To be honest, your security level is really not very good."

Leon laughed awkwardly: "Mr. Chen, it makes me sad when you say that."

"Actually, the gems will only stay for a few more hours, and they will be given to the winner after the game. A big man like you, Mr. Chen, doesn't need to care about such small things."

"Speaking of which, there are also people under me participating in this competition. Maybe I won the gem in the end, so it's just a matter of changing hands!" Leon looked at his watch, then turned and left: "Hahaha , well, I still have things to do, so I won’t be with you.”

"I'm really confident to be the champion of the Zhonghan Cup this time!"

Seeing Leon leave, Chen Zhonghan, who was disguised as Fujiko, leaned up again and spoke in a low voice.

"Xiao Goro, why does that guy speak strangely? Yesterday he was robbed of so many treasures, but now he doesn't care at all. It's not right!" Mao Li Kogoro nodded lightly: "There are nine out of ten deceitful things here. Don't take risks lightly."

"Hmph, no, hey, why didn't I see Qianying and her apprentices? Where did they go?"

"I don't know where their cats are. I'm afraid it's the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole. But can you restrain yourself a bit, don't say cute things with an old face, it's disgusting!"

Fuji rolled his eyes: "Okay, you, I didn't dislike you last night, but now you dislike me instead, do you not love me anymore?"

Rolling his eyes on Chen Zhonghan's old face, and asking such a question, it makes one's scalp tingle.

Mori Kogoro couldn't take it anymore, so he said goodbye to the two police officers, Aidan and Rishi, and turned to the direction of the gymnasium.

Fuji snorted softly, but he didn't follow. He stared at the slowly closing secret room, wondering what he was thinking.

And Kaito beside him had a confident smile on his face, as if he already had a plan.

When Mori Kogoro returned to the auditorium of the gymnasium, many spectators had already taken their seats, and the crowd was full of voices and excitement.

Mori Kogoro had just returned to his original location, but found that Sono was not there.

And Zhenchun at the side quickly came over and whispered into his ear.

"Uncle, just after you left, that guy named Leon came back here again. I don't know what he said to Yuanzi, so Yuanzi went towards the exit."


Mori Kogoro secretly thought it was bad, Sonoko was feeling a little awkward, what if he was provoked by Leon and got into a dead end.

Leon is a guy who can understand people's hearts, and his response really hit Kogoro Mori's weakness.

"You guys watch the game here, I'll go find Yuanzi and come back."

"Fusang, Hongzi, take care of the rest, especially Rachel, if someone comes to take Rachel away, don't be polite to them."

Before the two women realized what happened, they nodded in a daze, and kept stuffing various snacks into their mouths with their little hands.

Mori Kogoro climbed up the steps and ran out of the gymnasium.

At the same time, in the competition channel below, a strong man with an iron tower and a dark-skinned kid wearing glasses came out, and the arena erupted into loud cheers.

Jamaldin is a well-known martial arts master in China, and Kyogoku is also known as the noble son of Cuju. Both of them are extremely popular, and they naturally attracted much attention when they came out.

In the auditorium, Lupine, who was holding a newspaper in front of his face, almost stared out when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? Didn't Kyogoku have a falling out with Leon? Why did he come back here?"

On the field, Kyogoku Shin's eyes were dull, but his whole body was walking like a tiger, and he couldn't see anything abnormal.

Sumei who was warming up at the side instantly felt a strong fighting spirit, and the whole person became a little excited, bouncing around on the spot, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This female martial arts idiot has also started to get serious!

But Xiaolan beside her frowned, she could clearly sense the real hostility from Jamaldin and Kyogoku.

In her opinion, although the senior sister is very powerful, if she endures the wheel battle between these two people, she will probably be defeated.

But when she looked back at the auditorium, but her father was not there, Xiaolan's brows became more and more wrinkled.

And Leon, who was in the VIP seat, looked at the direction of the exit with a telescope, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.It seems that this strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain has succeeded.

Chapter 0058: The Garden of the Love Brain

The gymnasium was built against the bay, and as soon as Mori Kogoro came out, he saw the Binhai Dam in the distance.

But the sky gradually became gloomy, with dark clouds, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

There are many policemen standing guard outside the gymnasium, and the guard is very strict.

Following the guidance of the thousand paper cranes, Kogoro Mouri quickly ran towards the seaside pedestrian street.

In the pedestrian street, there are a variety of small shops, full of Southeast Asian style.

Yuanzi is also true, in this foreign country, where he is unfamiliar, he is still running around.

Mori Kogoro followed at an extremely fast speed. As soon as he entered the pedestrian street, he saw that pink figure in the crowd, stopping in front of an old man's booth.

Drilling through the crowd and rushing to the booth, the pink figure disappeared again.

Mori Kogoro's face became more anxious, at this moment, a small hand patted up from behind: "Uncle, why are you here?" Turning his head, he was wearing a white round cap and pink long Sonoko's face was full of playful smiles.

Mori Kogoro grabbed his little hand and said with a sigh of relief, "I'm asking you, why did you run out without saying a word without watching the game?"

"I really left you in Singapore, how can I explain to your mother!"

"It turns out that uncle is worried about me!"

The little girl showed a happy smile, grabbed Kogoro Mouri's big hand and said, "It's nothing, I just came out to get some air."

But the old man at the booth said: "Little girl, this is your sweetheart, give him the Merlion's tears, and you will reap sweet love."

"Sir, do you want to buy a Merlion's tear for this girl?"

The old man's impromptu sales promotion exposed Yuanzi's actions, and the little girl blushed immediately.

Damn, I thought Leon was trying to provoke the relationship between Yuanzi and himself, I really think highly of him.

This girl is clearly a love brain, as long as you tell her where there is something that blesses love, she will rush to buy it.

It couldn't be easier to use the garden.

Seeing Sonoko's expectant look, Mori Kogoro began to choose from the stalls.

Yuanzi was still chirping at the side, "Mr. Lyon told me that the Merlion's tears are super effective."

"Only this pedestrian street can buy it. Many celebrities will wear it when they get married. The lion god will bless the love between the two parties to be consummated."

This is a legend made up of nonsense, and only a simple-minded Yuanzi will believe it.

But Mori Kogoro would not say that it was a fake.

He carefully selected a pink stone carved in the shape of a Merlion, bought it from the old man and gave it to the garden.

The little girl smiled brightly as if she had received some valuable gift.

Then, coyly and solemnly, she handed over the blue Merlion stone she had chosen and gave it to Kogoro Mori, as if performing some special ceremony.

Mori Kogoro doesn't quite understand the girl's mind, but this doesn't prevent him from cooperating obediently.

But at this moment, behind Yuanzi, a strong man in a blue vest ran straight up.Kogoro Mori, who reacted quickly, immediately pulled Sonoko behind him.

The brawny man failed to touch the porcelain, and he was not at all embarrassed. Instead, he said viciously: "Little girl, my boss wants to invite you to meet me." Really, the market for this young lady who has gone abroad is so good, there are people everywhere strike up a conversation?

Yuanzi still wanted to sneak away, but soon came back to his senses: "No, I don't know your boss."

The burly man in the vest shouted coldly: "That's up to you."

After saying that, he took out the foldable dagger and made a lot of knives one by one, and there was a bit more sternness in his eyes.

The tourists around were frightened and spontaneously avoided.

Mori Kogoro could tell at a glance how many lives this guy had at least in his hand, this is for real.

There are still a few men in the crowd who are eager to move. I think this is Leon's backer, trying to hold me back?

Sonoko hiding behind Mori Kogoro was not afraid at all, and was still cheering loudly: "Uncle, beat him up, beat him up."

Mori Kogoro dodged the dagger stabbed by him, strayed forward, pulled his arm and twisted it, directly removed the joint, and then kicked his abdomen.This strong man slammed heavily on a booth, and the scene immediately became a mess.

The tourists ran away one after another, while the rest of the ambushing people did not retreat but advanced, swarming up, and immediately formed a momentum of encircling Mori Kogoro.

There was a scarred face wielding a three-section cudgel, a long-haired man doing mantis boxing, a bald man playing Hongquan, and a skinny man playing muay thai. They were all practitioners.

However, Kogoro Mori became interested. These are all types of boxing that he has experienced a lot in Japan.

The martial arts atmosphere in Southeast Asia is strong. All kinds of boxing that flourished in Xiangjiang back then spread throughout Southeast Asia with the active Chinese, and there are also many masters here.

These people all had human lives on their hands, and their moves were ruthless, pointing at the vitals.

The temples, eyes, throat, genitals, everything is attacking, Mori Kogoro handles it very freely.

With his level of martial arts, it is easy to kill them instantly, just want to see more moves of these types of boxing.

But Yuanzi couldn't tell, seeing her uncle being beaten by several people, her face was full of anxiety.

The girl found a brick from nowhere, stood on a high place and threw it at the guy who was punching the Mantis Fist, trying to slap him on the head.

Obviously this didn't work out!

And the strong man in the blue vest who had just been kicked away got up, reluctantly pulled his arm away, and grabbed the dagger and rushed towards the garden. "Uncle, help!"

Sonoko's screams like killing a pig came, Kogoro Mori was startled, and he didn't dare to keep his hand.

Bengquan, roundhouse kick, foot axe, over-the-shoulder throw, but in an instant, the four masters surrounding him were all knocked down.

Then his figure ran towards the garden like a gust of wind, and instantly grabbed the right hand of the man in the vest holding the dagger, and unleashed all the monster power like a tyrannosaurus.

The tendon-filled arms of the man in the vest were entangled like twists, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard inside.

The extremely shrill screams spread from his mouth immediately, but Mori Kogoro didn't care at all, instead he stepped forward and gently embraced Sonoko, covering his ears.

Don't let them see, don't let them hear.

Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief, and buried his little head in Kogoro Mouri's arms like a quail.

If my uncle doesn't let me see it, then I don't want to watch it.

Chapter 0059 Kawaii's garden

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