"Ugh! It's broken, it's broken, spare my life, spare my life!"

The man in the vest kept screaming, trembling all over, sweating coldly, and his eyes were full of fear.

The twisted arm was excruciatingly painful, no matter how tough a man was, he had to be subdued.

Kogoro Moori kicked him flying with one leg and knocked over another booth.

His eyes drifted, looking at a car outside the pedestrian street, and the hedgehog-haired man Tomi Rejiro was inside!

He was also frightened by Kogoro Mori's ferocity. He was so courageous after being photographed from a long distance away, sweating profusely, and immediately started the car and fled.It's ridiculous to want to run for my life after messing with me!

As soon as his fingertips popped out, a gust of wind spirit and witch power spread towards the car.

The Mercedes-Benz that Reijiro Nakatomi was in, which had just started, was suddenly blown by a cross wind, and the wheels were suspended in the air.

Encountering this situation, the prodigal son was a little flustered, and turned the steering wheel quickly, but accidentally fell into the rocks below.

The entire Mercedes turned upside down abruptly, rolling towards the sea, and the screams rang out immediately.

After dealing with this little man, Mori Kogoro didn't bother to care about his life and death, and planned to leave with his arms around Yuanzi's thin waist.

Xiao Nizi's face was full of red, her small hands were tightly wrapped around Mouri Kogoro's waist, and her eyes were full of intoxicating expressions.

The way my uncle saved me just now was so manly, ah, should I take this opportunity to kiss my uncle?

Ouch, so many people are watching, so shy!

The little girl obviously fell into a beautiful fantasy again and couldn't extricate herself.

At this moment, two Singaporean police officers emerged from the crowd and questioned Mori Kogoro and Sonoko in English.

These two policemen were on standby in the crowd just now, but they didn't come out when Mori Kogoro was besieged. On the contrary, he came out after solving these Lianjiazi.

There is no doubt that they are also the back-hands arranged by Lyon.

One after another, I really want to trap myself here!

I saw Mori Kogoro snapping his fingers, and the eyes of the two police officers who came over were in a daze, and they were immediately drawn into the psychedelic array.

They were manipulated by Mori Kogoro to deal with the few Lianjiazi who had lost their resistance.

And Mori Kogoro left with Sonoko leisurely, and no one came forward to stop him.

Walking out of the pedestrian street, Yuanzi looked at the seriously injured patients who were beaten to the ground by the two policemen behind, and was still a little surprised.

"Uncle, are the police in Singapore acting so recklessly? Just use lynching like this?"

"Who knows? This city is very chaotic. You have been attacked twice in the first two days. Do you dare to run around by yourself?"

Kogoro Mori rubbed Sonoko's small head with his big hands, messing up his brown hair.

In the chaos just now, Yuanzi's pink headband fell off, and her short brown hair fluttered in the wind, giving her a messy beauty.

Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment by his red face.

It's really amazing, Yuanzi changed her hairstyle, and unexpectedly, she can become so kawaii! ! !

Kogoro Mori subconsciously said: "It's really a beauty!"

The little girl's cheeks flushed instantly, and she was so happy in her heart, but on the surface she turned her head and pretended to be shy: "I am not as beautiful as my uncle said!"

"Of course there is."

Before the words fell, Yuanzi felt a big warm hand on her chin, and then turned her head uncontrollably, her pink lips were instantly blocked


His amber-like pupils trembled immediately, shrinking uncontrollably.

After she reacted, the end of her eyes arched, her big eyes narrowed into a pair of smiling eyes, she turned around, and then stood on tiptoe.

His plain wrist wrapped around the back of Mori Kogoro's neck, and the two embraced and kissed deeply in this seaside street.

After a passionate kiss, the lips parted.

"You are not allowed to act alone without saying a word. This is not in China. I will be worried, do you know?"

Hearing this gentle exhortation, the little girl was almost drunk with happiness, her little head leaned on Kogoro Mori's generous chest muscles, and she couldn't stop nodding.

"Also, don't wear headbands in the future, I like your current hairstyle."

Yuanzi nodded obediently again, silently remembering his uncle's preferences in his heart.

"Uh, there's one more thing, Yuanzi, you can come down now."

Mori Kogoro patted Sonoko's buttocks, and there were already people watching, the influence was too bad.

This girl Yuanzi has a shortcoming, that is, she is too unreserved!

After kissing and kissing, the legs were wrapped around Mori Kogoro's waist, and the whole person hung on his body like a koala.

This is a big road, it's too ugly, although it is quite flexible, it can't be like this!

Only then did the little girl come to her senses, she blushed immediately, and after jumping down, she grabbed Moori Kogoro's big hand and ran towards the gymnasium.Tourists who saw this scene couldn't help but smile kindly.

And on the field in the National Stadium, the semi-finals are being staged inside, Tsukamoto Sumi VS Jamaldin!The face of this local martial artist in Singapore was covered with sweat, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Such a petite girl is so powerful, she was completely suppressed and beaten!

At this moment, Sumei has completely revealed the side of her female martial idiot, her slightly red eyes are full of fighting spirit.

That punch far surpassed the power of ordinary people faintly caused a subtle howl, and Jamaldin could only defend passively, his whole scalp was numb.

Another Beng fist landed, and Jamaldin crossed his arms to resist, but his body weighing more than two hundred pounds still swung uncontrollably backwards.

He just felt that these hands did not belong to him, and the bones inside were faintly cracked.

There were exclamations in the auditorium, but fierce cheers broke out.

This beauty vs. beast match is already eye-catching, but it's unbelievable that the beauty is still fighting against the beast!There is nothing more exciting than this scene.

On the other hand, Lyon, who was in the VIP seat, had an extremely gloomy expression, and couldn't help but drop the water glass.

"What do you say this trash is doing? With such a strong body, he will still lose in a fist fight with a woman. Get it for me quickly."

"Damn, he shouldn't be bribed!"

Leon became anxious all over, and he pulled off his tie to breathe.

He didn't like variables the most, and the deal with the pirate captain of the Rattlesnake was extremely dangerous. If he couldn't get the Cyan Blue Fist, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Leon immediately shouted violently: "Jamaldine, take her down for me, or you will know the consequences." Hearing Lyon's violent shout, Jamaldine on the field showed a wry smile.

He also wanted to take down Sumi Tsukamoto, but he couldn't!

Chapter 0060 This girl is really fierce

"Big man, I didn't expect you to be quite strong. You can block so many punches from me. It's not bad!"

Sumi stepped forward, and the foot of strength stepped on the cushion to make an extra footprint, and she couldn't even recover.

And Jamaldin was forced to keep stepping back, his feet were already on the edge of the field.

He was panting heavily, unable to answer at all, his arms were swollen in a big circle, and he was completely unconscious.

Tsukamoto Sumi didn't intend to tease him anymore, her speed increased sharply, and she lifted her leg instantly.

Whirlwind kick!

As soon as he showed his housekeeping skills, he turned his waist and kicked Jamaldin's abdomen one after another at almost the same time four times.

A strong man from Nuo Da immediately flew upside down, rolled three or four times before stopping, and lost consciousness.

Watching Jamaldin being kicked dozens of meters away, the entire stadium was silent, and then there was a very violent applause and cheers.This is definitely not fake, this girl is really fierce!

Lyon saw Sumi in the field tightening his belt and performing a martial arts salute, then leaned on his seat slumped, and didn't bother to blame Jamaldin.

When I met Kogoro Mori, I was really shackled everywhere!

However, when he heard the report from his subordinates in the earphones, his triangular eyes lit up, and the plan on the other side was successful.

In the secret room at the back of the gymnasium, the door opened, and in the cabinet under the exhibition stand, an already stiff corpse fell down, its eyes full of unwillingness.

The deceased was obviously the organizer of this karate competition, Chen Zhonghan.

Kid Yihao, who was dressed in a white suit, was in this secret room, and was blocked by the officials who hurried over.

There are dead bodies!

Fortunately, the Cyan Blue Fist was not stolen!

The curly-haired Inspector Allen drew his gun immediately: "Kidd, give up resisting, put your head in your hands and lie down."

No matter how unwise Kaito is, he still knows that he has been tricked, so he dares not stay any longer.


The smoke bomb exploded, and white smoke filled the air.

Kaito's figure flew out of the secret room.

Inspector Aidan immediately spoke into the walkie-talkie: "Kidd is fleeing towards the back exit of the gymnasium. Everyone should act. If there is any resistance, kill him on the spot!"

In an instant, all the policemen in the gymnasium took action and gathered in the direction of the back door of the gymnasium.

As soon as they saw Kidd fleeing, they did not hesitate to shoot.

Kaito ran away in a panic, the exit door was guarded, and there was no way to get out.

He smashed through the glass and used the hang glider to escape.

Singapore Qiangfang had been prepared for a long time. When he saw the white hang glider, the police car chased after it.

The chaos behind the stadium did not affect the competition in the stadium at all.

Chen Zhonghan, who was disguised by Fujiko, was in the VIP box, socializing with a group of dignitaries in Singapore watching the game below. She still didn't know what happened behind the venue.

It wasn't until the narrow-eyed policeman Detective Rishi led a team and said he wanted to ask her to assist in the investigation that Fujiko discovered the anomaly.

Putting down the wine glass, Yanyan's Fujiko narrowed his eyes slightly, and followed Lixi and the others to the VIP passage.

But with his eyes, he found that all the police officers around him were holding pistols at their waists, and his heart was frozen.

Fuji immediately put his little hand into his pocket, but Rishi, who was extremely vigilant, drew his gun immediately: "Stop your movements, put your head in your hands."

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