"Is it possible? Little brother!"

Fujiko's female voice suddenly appeared, and Rishi was stunned for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she threw out the hypnotic bomb in her arms, while holding her breath, she rushed towards the exit.

The surrounding policemen fired one after another, but they lost their aim as soon as they were hit by the drug.

Fujiko pushed the door out and quickly disappeared into the auditorium.


Li Xi, who was chasing after him, had double visions in his eyes, and couldn't find anyone at all, so he quickly said to the walkie-talkie: "Inspector, the fake Chen Sheng escaped, and it was a lady in disguise."

As soon as the words fell, he lost consciousness and fell into a coma at the exit of this passage!

Superintendent Aidan frowned, and immediately ordered: "The police and security guards in the venue will search the auditorium, and the pretender must be found out." For a while, policemen appeared on the top of every staircase in the auditorium, guarding them. The police entered the seats and searched carefully.

And in the arena below, Kyogoku really defeated his opponent.

The final of the Zhonghan Cup is about to start.

Mori Kogoro took Sonoko back outside the gymnasium, and saw the police car chasing Kidd's paraglider away.

And on the distant coastline, a giant cruise ship appeared!

Sonoko was still a little curious, but was dragged away by Mori Kogoro, and there was no time to ask.

There was a murder incident in the gymnasium, and the security at the moment became extremely strict, and no outsiders were allowed to enter at all.

Even Mori Kogoro tried to use his face to enter, but he failed. No one here knows him.

Fortunately, when they met Inspector Aidan who came out, he recognized the great detective Mori Kogoro, and the two returned to the gymnasium.

Not having time to look at the corpse in the secret room, Moori Kogoro dragged Sonoko to the auditorium.

Things are getting out of hand!

As soon as he entered the auditorium, Mori Kogoro looked around with his falcon-like eyes, but he didn't find any trace of Leon, that guy had disappeared

He didn't bother to look for him. According to the guidance of the Ant-Man robot, Mori Kogoro followed a direction, one step ahead of the police, and found Fujiko hiding under the lady's hat.

Next to her was an unlucky lady who was knocked out.

The disguise mask on Fujiko's face has been removed, but she has no clothes to replace at all. She is still wearing Chen Zhonghan's clothes, and it will be a matter of time before she is found.

When she saw Kogoro appearing, she couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Xiaogoro, how did you find me?" Maori Kogoro didn't talk to her much, and the police behind him were about to approach.

His big hand directly sank into Fujiko's skirt, and took out the disguise mask that he had taken off.

Looking around, he immediately found the extremely conspicuous horse-faced man!

It's up to you, Lupine!

Ant-man robots crawled into the mask, and Kogoro Mouri threw it away with all his might.

The disguise mask was slapped on Lupine's forehead with the precision of dough.

With the strength of the Ant-Man robot, it was put on for Lu Bang in an instant, and Chen Zhonghan appeared.

"Who is it, who plotted against me?"

Extremely frightened and furious, Lupine stood up, as if he had brought the police a target.

One by one, the police surrounded him with electric batons, and there was chaos around Lupine. .

Chapter 0061 Chain Reaction

Lupine, the strong man who blamed him, once again helped Fujiko take the blame. Before he could figure out the situation, the strong police officers rushed on him one by one.

With Lupine and Jigen Daisuke struggling, the auditorium was in chaos, and the audience left in panic.

Mori Kogoro took the opportunity to take Fujiko and Sonoko to Xiaolan.

Fujiko still wanted to break free from Mori Kogoro's arm.

"Xiao Wulang, now is a good opportunity. Someone helps to attract the attention of the police. I can take this opportunity to steal gems."

A slap on Fujiko's buttocks: "The idea is so naive, Leon has long since disappeared, and he has already taken that gem away. And the troubles now are not at all, things are getting more and more chaotic, we should evacuate It is."

Mori Kogoro's eyes fell on the karate field, and Sumi was constantly tossing and shifting, but he was at a disadvantage.

He could tell at a glance that Jingjizhen had been hypnotized, that his fists and legs had lost their agility, and that he was destroying in disorder.

But his physical fitness is really strong enough, even if several beautiful punches fall on him, he will not be moved at all.

In exchange for injuries, he faintly crushed Sumei. He really deserves to be the most physically fit guy in the world of Conan.

Sumei went completely berserk, her eyes were full of fighting spirit, and she refused to give in at all.

Xiaolan in the auditorium broke into a cold sweat and kept cheering.

Kogoro Moori came back with Sonoko and Fujiko, but Xiaolan didn't notice, her big eyes were fixed on the field all the time.

"Don't watch the game, everyone, it's time to go!"

Xiaolan couldn't understand: "Dad, what are you talking about, senior sister is still playing games inside, how can you leave?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone heard a loud bang from the coastline in the distance, and the ground shook.

The auditorium became more and more riotous.

"what's the situation?"

"Did it explode?"

"Earthquake? Why does it feel like the ground is still shaking!"

But the people near the window shouted in surprise: "What's going on? Why are there cruise ships in the harbor?"

Mori Kogoro explained: "The gymnasium is not safe, and it will be submerged by sea water soon. I will take you to the exit first. I didn't expect Leon to act so crazy."

This scene was really unexpected by Mori Kogoro.

According to the original plot, the pirates hijacked the ship and crashed into Singapore, which should happen tomorrow night.

However, it should be the chain reaction caused by Fujiko stealing Lyon's vault last night, and Lyon contacted the pirates in advance to attack.

And Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to this change. He was almost hollowed out last night, so he didn't have the heart to pay so much attention.

He knew what was going on, so naturally he had to arrange for his women to evacuate safely first.

Who knows how the quality of the islanders in Singapore is, and if there is a panic, there will be a stampede. Of course, my own women should not encounter these.

And on the giant oil transport cruise ship of Zhongfu Shipping, the poisonous snake flag of the Rattlesnake Pirates is flying.Lin Youjin, who had met with Leon last night, was stepping on the deck, looking rather high-spirited.

Attacking a city with a single ship, I am afraid no one would dare to do this kind of thing in the New World.

After this attack, he should be the veritable king of pirates in Southeast Asia.

Thinking of this, Lin Youjin raised his head and laughed.

And the giant cruise ship under its feet was riding a small tsunami and heading towards the Lion City.

The cruise ship was still carrying a full load of combustible oil, and the bomb was installed, just thinking about making a big noise.

As for the small tsunami, it was caused by the explosion of the Binhai Dam.

Both Singapore and Marina Bay are low-lying places, thanks to the interception of the Marina Bay, the inner bay is calm.

Now that the dam has been blown up, the sea water from the outside sea is naturally rushing in. Under the dark clouds, the tsunami with a height of several meters is unparalleled, almost as powerful as the heaven and earth.Mori Kogoro led the girls to evacuate from the VIP passage, explaining the situation very quickly.

"Six years ago, Lyon submitted a design drawing on Singapore's future city to high-level government officials, but this drawing was rejected by politicians headed by Chen Zhonghan."

"Lyon was hit hard and resigned from the government department to form a security company, but he did not give up his dream, and instead wanted to realize his ambition in another way."

"I just heard from Superintendent Aidan that Chen Zhonghan's body appeared in the secret room where the Fist of Cyan Blue was stored. Presumably, Leon killed him. He already hated Chen Zhonghan, so he used it to blame Kidd and divert other people's attention."

"Now that Leon is gone, it is most likely because he told the police that the Cyan Green Fist is in his custody. He has been keeping the gemstones before. Of course, the police will not disagree."

"And this Cyan Blue Fist is an item traded between Leon and the pirates who are carrying out terrorist attacks outside."

"The symbol of the pirate king, those pirates obviously care more about it."

"I was attacked by Reijiro Nakatomi's subordinates when I was looking for Sonoko just now. The cooperation between Leon and Reijiro Nakatomi was naturally to obtain the route map of Nakatomi Shipping, which was leaked to the pirates so that they could seize the oil transportation cruise ship of Nakatomi Shipping. .”

"Zhongfu Shipping owns the giant cruise ship with the highest displacement in the world. It is full of oil and it just passes through Singapore."

"After being hijacked by pirates, as long as it is paired with a little bomb, this giant cruise ship full of oil will become a giant moving bomb, riding the waves to hit Singapore, and boom..."

Hearing this, Little Ghost Conan turned pale in shock, and didn't even bother to pretend: "Uncle, what should we do, we have to prevent this cruise ship from exploding."

"Cold salad, because of the Zhonghan Cup, all the high-ranking politicians who are familiar with Chen Zhonghan gathered in the gymnasium, and Lyon wants to destroy Singapore and let it rebuild after the disaster. It is bound to remove all the people from Chen Zhonghan's faction."

"So, this gymnasium will be the first to be affected by the Zhongfu cruise ship. It's such a dangerous place, with so many of us, so naturally we have to evacuate first before we can think about anything else."

Mori Kogoro led the team to the exit of the passage, carefully counted the number of people, and after confirming that there were not many people, he said, "Fusang, Hongzi, you two take good care of everyone."

"As soon as you go out, head to the small pier in the south. I have already asked Qianying and the others to meet you there."

"Don't go back to the hotel, and don't go back to the land. Rachel told me last night that that lunatic Leon has planted explosives in many places in Singapore. He really wants to destroy the city."

"Now it's the safest place to stay on the Quin-jet fighter I prepared. I'll go back to pick up Sumi now, and I'll send a signal for you to pick me up later." The girls wanted to say something more, but Mori Kogoro was the first to stop. He said: "Be obedient!" After that, he turned and ran into the gymnasium.

Xiaolan naturally has experience in dealing with this kind of situation. She completely trusts her father and leads the team to the south pier without delay.But the girls didn't notice that there was a little kid Arthur missing from the team, and this deadly kid followed Mori Kogoro and ran into the gymnasium.

Chapter 0062

Mori Kogoro doesn't really care much about the life and death of the city of Singapore.

I didn't have any feelings at all, I just came here for a trip, and I was attacked twice for no reason, so I didn't have a good impression of this place.

Then I met the paranoid Leon who wanted to destroy the city and make it rise from the ashes, and I was really speechless!

It's really frustrating that a good vacation is gone like this!

This matter has nothing to do with oneself, the most important thing is to protect one's own woman.

At most, it is convenient to prevent terrorist attacks.

As for the great mission of protecting the earth, let's pass it on to the little devil who follows behind!

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