With this in mind, Mori Kogoro entered the gymnasium along the passage, and soon appeared on the field.

Sumi also competed with the stone-like Kyogoku, and the scene was very anxious.

The staff in the venue came up one by one, they didn't know the situation, and planned to invite Kogoro Mouri out of the venue, but Kogoro Mouri easily knocked down with a few tricks!

The sea water was approaching, and Mori Kogoro didn't knock them out, but just made them unable to use force, and they still had the ability to escape.

Seeing this change, the audience who were still watching the game exclaimed.

When Kogoro Mori appeared, the two people in the final circle stopped.

Kyogoku's dull eyes gradually became a little more agile, but his gaze towards Mori Kogoro was full of hostility.

This guy seems to have been given a psychological suggestion by Leon, and he was activated when he saw Mori Kogoro.

Sumi, who was covered in sweat, panted heavily, and couldn't help asking, "Master, why are you here?"

Seeing that the referee in karate uniform was also coming up to meet him, Kogoro Mori didn't say much, he was stunned by another hand knife, and then he grabbed the microphone on his face and said.

"Of course I'm here to pick you up. This gymnasium is not safe anymore. A giant cruise ship is about to crash over and the gymnasium will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, the auditorium was immediately in a commotion. They didn't know that the cruise ship was crashing this way, so they couldn't sit still after hearing the news, and rushed towards the exit.

"But Master, I'm still competing, and I almost beat him."

In Sumei's eyes, she was a little unwilling. She had been fighting Kyogoku for so long, and it was a pity that there was no winner.

But Kyogoku really didn't pay attention to what the two were talking about, and a sonic boom came out with a whip leg, and it landed directly on Mori Kogoro's waist.

He gave up a few dollars and turned to attack Mori Kogoro. Although the speed was fast, Mori Kogoro's reaction was even quicker.

Just took a step back and dodged away!

Sumei shouted angrily in an instant: "Bastard, today is a duel between the two of us. You didn't win against me. You are not qualified to compete with my master."

Mori Kogoro took a step forward and pressed Sumi's shoulder: "Don't be impulsive, it's too inappropriate to compete now."

"And Kyogoku is being hypnotized at the moment, and it's not his original strength, there is nothing comparable."

While speaking, Kyogoku launched another sneak attack, kicking Kogoro Mori in the head with a volley.

Mori Kogoro's big hand came later and grabbed his ankle directly.

Kyogoku really couldn't struggle, and was caught in mid-air.

A smile appeared on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and the easiest way to undo the hypnosis was to slap the black charcoal head unconscious and then wake up.With his xinxing, this can roughly be recovered.

If he thought so, Mori Kogoro did the same.

Ever since, this undefeated Cuju nobleman was like a broken sandbag, and was slammed by Mouri Kogoro by his ankle.

Its head bombarded the cushion from time to time, and it had no backhand ability at all.

The audience who hadn't left the stage couldn't help rubbing their eyeballs when they saw this scene.

This is too fake, right?Is this still an invincible martial arts master?that's it?

I have to say that Kyogoku's forehead is really resistant to beating.

Kogoro Moori shook his head more than [-] times in a row, concussed his head, and then knocked him unconscious.

Then he picked up the mineral water next to the arena and poured it directly on his face.

Tsukamoto Sumi who was on the side looked at the extremely cruel master, immediately clutched the belt tightly with her small hands, pursed her lips and made an obedient, weak, and cute expression.

It's terrible, Master can hang Kyogoku to beat him, and I'm on par with this guy, so I've practiced for so long, and I'm no match for Master at all!

It seems that the masters in the previous sparring have secretly released water.

Only then did the Heitantou comrade wake up in a daze, his eyes regained clarity, as if he had regained his sanity.

"Okay, Kyogoku, the hypnosis on your body should be undone, now run for your life, this gymnasium is about to be flooded."

Kyogoku, who had just woken up, was still in a daze, and he couldn't help moaning while clutching the back of his neck.

What he did when he was hypnotized, he couldn't see clearly. Now he is a little confused and doesn't know what happened.It was only when the sea water kept pouring up in the downward escape passage that he knew it was time to run for his life.

As for Mori Kogoro, he rushed to the auditorium with his good disciples as early as after he finished speaking. The passage above has not been flooded yet!

On the other hand, Conan the Devil didn't enter the gymnasium. He saw Lupine and Daisuke Jigen being escorted out halfway, and quietly followed behind the police.

Pirates are about to drive the world's heaviest cruise ship into Singapore, how can I stop it with my small arms and legs!

Of course, you need to find a helper. There is nothing better than people from the Lupine Group.

Conan hid in the corner and thought for a while. Although he didn't know what happened to Lupine and the others, he still decided to save people.

It was also his first time to rob a prison, and he was a little inexplicably excited!

The little ghost overturned the trash can on the side, picked out a few soda cans from inside, and after setting them up, he installed the power-up shoes, and then started pumping vigorously.



The four soda cans hit the target, knocking out all four policemen.

Lupine also said with surprise on his face: "Fuji, are you here to save me?"

But when he turned around, he saw a little black kid running over, his face turned purple from the pain as if he had eaten shit. "Lupine, Daddy Jiyuan, I need your help!"

"Singapore is suffering a great crisis right now, and only you can help me."

quack quack...

There seemed to be a bunch of crows flying in the sky, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant.

Chapter 0063

boom! boom! boom!

The three-plan explosive hammer landed on Conan the Little Devil's forehead, and hammered out three big red envelopes.

"Little devil, you idiot, what does Singapore's danger have to do with me?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you so tanned? Did you go to Africa?"

Conan held his head and stomped his feet, speaking very quickly about the bomb installed on the crude oil cruise ship and the fact that Leon had planted the bomb in the city, and then began to ask for help.

"Now is not the time to be prejudiced. Once a cruise ship carrying crude oil crashes into Singapore and the bomb detonates, the consequences will be unimaginable. I don't know how many people will die as a result."

Hearing this, Jigen Daisuke, who was adjusting his hat, also became serious.

Lupine still looked cynical, and still wanted to spit on the side.

"It's none of my business if someone dies. Didn't it mean that your Uncle Maori found out this? He's so capable, let him save it!"

"By the way, you little brat is from Mori Kogoro's side. That guy stole my best son. I will never cooperate with him. You should give up your heart!"

"Little devil, don't come close to me, or I'll beat you up."

Conan's head was full of black lines, and sea water had seeped in from the floor. At such a critical juncture, Lupine was still thinking about making love, so he was really speechless.

"Hey, Lupine, after the big deal is over, I'll be an undercover agent at Uncle's side to help you get Fuji back!"

Conan really did not hesitate to sell Mori Kogoro!

Hearing this, Lupine immediately beamed with joy: "Really?"

"Haha, you brat is still very angry with me, save people, save people, just save people!"

Saying this, Lupine picked up Conan and ran outside, while commanding: "Xiyuan, help send these unlucky police officers to a safe place!"

Daisuke Jigen sighed speechlessly, why do I always do these dirty jobs?

But after sighing, he still carried the four unconscious police officers on his back, carried the four of them still walking like flying, and quickly ran out of the gymnasium.It has to be said that the members of the Lupine Group are all freaks, and all of them have excellent physical fitness.

On the other side, Xiaolan and the others have already rushed to the pier in the south.

The pier was about to be submerged, but a Quin-jet fighter with a unique shape stood on the coast.

The cabin door was open, and Chikage Kuroba and the three sisters of the next life waited anxiously inside.

Seeing this, Fuji couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing, I thought you were going to steal gems, but it turned out that you were sent here to do logistics work."

"Really, don't be so obvious when you admit defeat, just pretend to struggle!"

Qianying was a little annoyed immediately: "Who said we surrendered, this is Kogoro Anji's back-up, and we are specially asked to take care of it here."

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that I won't let you board the ship."

Hearing this, Fujiko covered his mouth and laughed again: "Thick, thick, I'm so scared!"

This rampant laughter made the witch Koizumi Hongzi feel very familiar, just like her usual laughter, and felt extremely uncomfortable after hearing it!

Qingzi on the side pushed Hongzi with his elbow, and said with a teasing smile: "Now you understand how I feel when I hear you laughing, you have to be like a lady, otherwise you will be hated by uncle."

Hearing this, Hongzi glared at her with her crimson eyes, touched her with her little hand, and squeezed Qingzi's buttocks hard, causing Qingzi to exclaim: "Oh, it's okay, I'm fine!"

Fuji continued to speak nonsense: "Little girl, you thought it was a ship. When Kogoro taught me how to fly this fighter plane, you didn't know where to squeeze the mud. What do you think, Black Widow?"

The low-level artificial intelligence in the Kun-type fighter replied: "Hello, Miss Fuji!"

Fujiko continued to speak: "Hurry up and put the stairs down, we are going to board the plane."

The Quin-jet fighter obeyed obediently, and the foldable stairs were slowly erected on the edge of the pier for people to climb.

For a moment all the girls were astonished, but the three sisters and Chikage Kuroba were so annoyed that they all glared at Fujiko.

Although they got permission to control the Quin-jet fighter, but the contact time was too short, and they didn't use it very smoothly. They always thought it was just a submarine that could dive!

Facing the envious eyes of all the girls, Buerzi pretended to be pretty, and he just felt comfortable all over his body, it was really cool!

She led the girls into the fighter plane cheerfully, and the hatch closed.

Following her order, the Kun-type fighter spouted blue flames from its tail and flew into the air immediately. Then the anti-reconnaissance equipment was activated, and the entire Kun-type fighter became invisible in the sky like a chameleon.

All the girls were astonished again, among them the little secretary Rachel's expression was the most shocked.

And Xiaolan's expression darkened in an instant: Smelly dad, you didn't tell me about this fighter plane, wait for you to come back, and see how I teach you!

And Kogoro Mori, who was on the ground, had already run out of the gymnasium with Sumi on his shoulders, and his feet were covered with sea water over his ankles.

Water and fire are merciless, nothing more than that!

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