It's a pity that what he encountered was a pervert who cheated, and his reaction speed was far faster than him.


One bullet comes first, and it shoots out as expected.

Before the grenade in the pirate's hand left his hand, the golden bullet passed through.

Before the joyful expression on his face was frozen, his pupils turned into horror.Boom!

A small firework exploded from the side of the ship, engulfing the pirate, and he couldn't die anymore!

Both Lupine and Conan were taken aback. When they turned their heads, they saw a dilapidated and scorched corpse falling on the water. Both of them were frowning.Call it a day!

Mori Kogoro retracted the two pistols into the system space, and immediately gave orders.

"Queen Red, hacked the cruise ship's control system, reversed course, and detonated the cruise ship in the direction of the deep sea, minimizing the impact as much as possible."

"Okay, master!" The control panel in the cockpit immediately lit up.

"Hey, there are still fish that slipped through the net!"

A figure appeared on the deck, wearing a kimono, holding a Zhantie sword, like a warrior in the middle ages, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

Ishikawa Goemon came out, looking at the purgatory-like deck, his pupils constricted.

"I didn't expect the famous Maori detective to be such a murderous person."

"Such indiscriminate killing, it seems that my Iron Slashing Sword is going to be stained with blood today."

Ishikawa Goemon stroked his beloved Zantiejian like a pervert.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro rolled his eyes speechlessly. It's incredible that there are still people who want to stand up for these vicious pirates.The touch of spiritual power was cast immediately, and a tentacle formed by condensed witch power pulled out the iron sword held by Ishikawa Goemon and threw it into the sea. "Um?"

Ishikawa Goemon immediately widened his eyes, and his whole body exuded panic.

This guy is the most unreasonable person in the Lupine Group, he is extremely good at swords, and he has practiced Juhezhan to perfection.

His invincibility is not just talking, but it is true.

However, he has two fatal weaknesses. One is the approach of beautiful women, and the other is that once he loses the Zhantie sword, it is like losing faith, and his strength is gone.

At this moment, he is weaker than normal.

Ishikawa Goemon saw the pistol raised by Mori Kogoro, waved his hands in a panic, and stepped back again and again.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Just like you, you still want to be stained with blood?"

In a panic, he stepped on the hem of his kimono with his wooden clogs, and fell instantly.

The two big hairy legs stood up, groaning and defending: "Don't dare, don't dare!"

You must know that this guy behaves like the ancients, and he does not wear underwear under the kimono. This picture is really unsightly!

Mori Kogoro didn't even want to get close. With a wave of his hand, a touch of spiritual power tied him up and threw him towards the sea. The medieval warrior flew out in a whirl.

The little ghost, who was gliding in the sea, was looking for a suitable angle to board the boat, intending to take a peek, but soon, a scream attracted his attention.

Conan looked up, his face changed wildly, his mouth was opened wide, and the word "Ya Butterfly" was still on his lips, and he tried to dodge immediately.

But this humanoid hidden weapon seems to have an automatic tracking system, and it goes straight to Conan's direction, and it can't be avoided no matter what.

It's really flying around!

With a plop, Ishikawa Goemon knocked over Conan who was on the skateboard, and both fell into the water.

When Lu Bang saw this, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and quickly stopped the motorboat, dropped the swimming ring to save the two.

Ishikawa Goemon managed to grab the swimming ring with great difficulty, and with his big hairy legs holding the little ghost's head, he also rescued him.

It's just that Conan the Kid couldn't bear such an impact, and he choked on several mouthfuls of seawater, and passed out.

Ishikawa Goemon, who finally climbed onto the motorboat with the child in his arms, looked embarrassed, but still pretended to be a master.

Lupine asked curiously: "Ishikawa, what happened up there, why did you fall down?"

Ishikawa Goemon looked at the cruise ship that had started to turn around, and sighed, "He really is a terrifying person!"

There is no more to say about other words!

It's too embarrassing to say that he fell into the sea without even fighting Mori Kogoro.

"Hey, where is my Zhantiejian, Lupine, help me find Zhantiejian, it just fell into the sea."

Lupine immediately had black lines all over his head, looking for a sword in the vast sea, how could this be possible!

But before he could react, a huge force came from his shoulder.

With a plop, Lupine was pushed into the sea.

Ishikawa Goemon, who couldn't swim, was anxiously urging on the motorboat.

Knowing the importance of Zhantiejian to Ishikawa Goemon, in desperation, Lu Bang obediently dived.

On the deck, Mori Kogoro sent an ant-man robot and used psychic witchcraft to investigate several times. After finding out that there were no other living people on board,

Then let the red queen fly the helicopter over.

After another burst of galloping, he grabbed the ladder of the helicopter and quickly climbed up.

When Kaito saw Mori Kogoro, he couldn't help shrinking back, and took a step back, with obvious fear on his face.

Chapter 0066 Master and Apprentice

Kaito's expression was very complicated, and he couldn't help but said: "Actually, you can choose not to kill them, but to arrest them and put them in prison." Mori Kogoro sneered: "You are really a naive child, then Do you know where the original crew of the Nakatomi cruise ship went?

Hearing this, Kaito froze for a moment, showing hesitation.

After all, he is just a high school student!

"Those innocent crew members, after the pirates boarded the ship, were all thrown into the sea with their throats cut, like sharks that lost their dorsal fins, sinking into the deep sea."

"The reason why the Rattlesnake Pirates are so famous is that they have been massacred one after another."

"And as you said, knock them out and arrest them, do you know what will happen next?"

"The pirates are all nationalities, and the Singapore government has no way to deal with them."

"The captive lawyers will be dispatched to use the extradition treaty to extradite them back to small countries."

"Afterwards, the pirates were acquitted and boarded the ship again to plunder and slaughter the islanders."

"So...sometimes you should understand a truth, get rid of the evil, especially these scum, let the tiger go back to the mountain, and someone will suffer again in the future, wouldn't it be a crime!"

After hearing this, Kaito was stunned. He faintly felt that what Kogoro Mori said was right, but it was hard to accept for a while.Kaito has always been harmless, no matter how vicious people he encounters.

Mori Kogoro sat back in the driver's seat and said with a light smile, "You have taken over your father's mantle and become a phantom thief walking in the dark world. You will see these things sooner or later."

"This world is not black and white. You are as merciful as the Holy Mother. If you meet real vicious people in the future, you will be in bad luck."

"After all, it is impossible for Qianying to protect you forever."

Hearing this, Kaito blushed instantly: "Nonsense, I acted alone, my mother didn't help me!"

"Hehehe, I suffered a loss in my hands before. Your mother came secretly to find a place to protect the calf, and even called the three apprentices."

"It means that you are Qianying's son, that's why I told you so much!"


The two turned their heads and looked out the window. Singapore, the lion city, had already fallen, and the sound of explosions kept ringing.

On the elevated side of the Ferris wheel, several pirates carried bazookas on their shoulders and bombarded the entire city indiscriminately, detonating the bombs planted by Lyon from time to time.The citizens below screamed, fled, and wept.

"So, do you think such a guy who recklessly harvests human lives deserves to be forgiven?"

Kaito's face changed drastically, he closed his eyes tightly, then opened them, and said firmly, "It's not worth it!"

After that, he jumped out of the helicopter.

The hang glider stretched out, and immediately flew towards the elevated side of the Ferris wheel.

Kaito couldn't just watch so many people die, and tried his best to stop the group of pirates on the viaduct.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro smiled with satisfaction.

It seems to be limping Kaito, but it's much more pleasing to the eye, and it's better than the phantom thief Kidd, who was a bitch and a virgin before.

I just don't know if Qianying will blame herself, no matter, let's deal with that old bastard Leon first.

With this guy's character, of course he will appreciate the masterpiece he created, so it should be in the place with the best view.

In the helicopter, the figure of Kogoro Mori suddenly disappeared.

Under the control of the Red Queen, the unmanned helicopter slowly returned to the military base.

On the edge of the infinity pool on the top floor of the Sands Hotel, Leon watched the scene with a glass of red wine in his hand.

He took a deep breath and only felt that he was the king of this world.

However, the bodyguard on the side said in a distasteful manner: "Boss, something is wrong, why did the boat stop? Didn't it mean that the crude oil would be detonated and the people in the gymnasium would be killed?"

Hearing this, Leon looked at the seaside and frowned when he saw the cruise ship turn around.

Seeing that the hearts of his bodyguards were fluctuating, Leon pretended to be calm, and said, "It's okay, contact Lin Youjin and ask him to lead the team and silence the people in the stadium first."

Immediately someone obeyed the order!

The bodyguards worked hard with Leon because there is a big pie to rebuild Singapore!

But to go according to Lyon's plan, people from Chen Zhonghan's faction in the gymnasium must not stay.

Those are the powerful figures in Singapore. Once they leave alive, the force of counterattack will be irresistible to Leon and the people behind him.

At this time, the entrance gate of the pool was kicked open, and a group of strong men with guns in white vests surrounded one person and entered. Lyon's bodyguards raised their guns and confronted him.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Leon's mouth, and then he said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, my good apprentice."

Surrounded by this group of strong men in vests, it was the reserve police officer who had been stunned by Fujiko before, squinting Rishi.

"Rishi Ramanasan, I recognized you the first time I saw you. After all, you are so similar to your archeology father."

"You have tried everything possible to come under my door, and I actually know what you are thinking."

"But it's also thanks to your archaeologist father, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get involved with that prodigal son of the Zhongfu family, and this blue fist would not be able to see the light of day again, so I just turned a blind eye. "

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