"I've been waiting for you to do it, but I didn't expect it to be today. This can be regarded as a big day, so forget about it."

Hearing this, Rishi frowned, feeling full of uneasiness.

At first, I thought I was caught in a trap, but I didn't realize that I seemed to have fallen into a trap of myself!

"Rich, stop talking nonsense, with me here, you don't even want to leave Singapore!"

"Hahaha!" Leon laughed wantonly, laughing until tears came out.

"My boy, you really misunderstood me. When did I say I was leaving Singapore?"

"After today," he pointed to the sky and then to the ground, and said proudly, "I will be the master of this land! My dear disciple, your death is approaching, so Master will teach you the last lesson. , don't trust the people around you!"

As soon as the words fell, the gunshots rang out!

Chapter 0067 gems in hand

Among a group of strong men in white vests, a middle-aged man suddenly turned his gun and shot at Rishi.

The speed is so fast, Rishi can't dodge at all!

With a bang, he was shot in the waist and abdomen, and Rishi immediately couldn't believe it.

"How is it possible? Uncle Lin, aren't you my father's brother?"

The middle-aged man didn't respond, instead he took a step and grabbed him, with the pistol pointed at his jaw.

On the other hand, Leon hugged his stomach and laughed maniacally, as if he was very complacent.

At this time, a man's voice suddenly sounded.

"He is indeed your father's brother, but he has been hypnotized by Leon, so he acts so unexpectedly."

"You don't know yet, your master is not only a security expert, but also a master hypnotist, but he always likes to hide things when he teaches his apprentices!"

The figure of Mori Kogoro appeared from around the corner, and this dog-eat-dog scene was enough.

Of course, he didn't mean to help at all!

The person who attacked the little secretary Rachel in Raffles Winery last night was not sent by Leon, the main messenger was the vengeful squinting police officer Richie.Richie had already noticed the truth about Chen Xuelin's death, and also knew something about Lyon's plan.

He planned to kill Zhang Ruiqiu, put the blame on Leon, destroy his plan, and avenge his father.

It can be said that Mori Kogoro didn't go to rescue people last night, Rachel was taken away by the people in the winery, and the ending is sure to die!

A guy who behaves so badly is not worth saving at all!

Moreover, Mori Kogoro investigated Chen Xuelin's file, and none of the witnesses at the time of the incident mentioned the Kidd card.

On the contrary, after the police arrived, someone found the blood-stained Kidd card.

The only one with this motive was Rich, and he did this only to attract Kidd, make the water more turbid, and let Leon divert his attention, so that he could get what he wanted.

That's why this guy did everything possible to find him, and he didn't hesitate to block him in the hotel lobby, just to guide him to investigate the case about Chen Xuelin in Lyon, so that he could enter Lyon's field of vision.

Seeing the emergence of variables, Leon's laughter stopped abruptly: "Moori Kogoro, why are you here

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Of course it's to stop some people's unrealistic dreams, and they still want to be kings. They're seriously ill!"

Leon's expression turned gloomy immediately: "Detective Maori, I admit that you are a smart man who can see through my plan and find this place. It's no wonder that I have always regarded you as my opponent."

"But now, shouldn't you go to the gymnasium to save people? At this moment, your daughter, your woman may be crying in the water, begging you for help?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I forgot to tell you that your partner, Reijiro Nakatomi, seems to have accidentally fallen into the sea. Maybe he is crying for help!"

Hearing this, Leon's face completely darkened, and he sneered instead.

"That useless prodigal son, huh, I will clean him up after the matter is over, thank you Detective Maori for your trouble."

"However, it's up to you, how can you stop me?" Leon raised his hands, pointing at the chaos of the city outside, his face flushed, "This is the general trend, this is the torrent of history, an inviolable force .”

It's really the late second year of middle school, so abnormal to morbid!

Mori Kogoro hid his face speechlessly, he was overwhelmed and couldn't continue to communicate with him.

"Just rely on my fist."

"Ahem, ridiculous, my bodyguards can kill you with one shot, wow!!!"

A punch like lightning hit Leon's abdomen, and there was a sonic boom.

Leon's body soared into the air, turning into a prawn, with protruding eyes, the whites of which were bloodshot.

The strength penetrated the body, and the suit behind him immediately shattered, and the whole person rolled out like a rag doll, breaking several tall coconut trees.

Leon fell on the grass, not knowing how many pieces of his body were broken, unable to move at all.

Blood was spitting out from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't say a word!

Everyone on the scene was stunned. This, this should not be the power that humans can explode, it's terrible.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and calmly smashed the combination box on the table, took out the Cyan Blue Fist embedded in the golden belt, and stroked it lightly.

In the face of absolute power, all schemes and tricks are futile!

The bodyguards in black reacted and immediately drew their guns and fired.

The flames suddenly appeared, and the bullets flew.

Amidst the hail of bullets, a figure kept flickering.

Every time a bodyguard approached, someone would fly out, some would be fractured, some would be paralyzed, it was like punching a child!

It didn't take long before the gunshots stopped, and all the bodyguards present fell to the ground, whimpering and moaning.

And the strong men in white vests huddled together, trembling, for fear that they would be seen by the humanoid tyrannosaurus who was turning and moving on the roof.

As for Lixi, he still has some skills. Taking advantage of his uncle's attention being attracted, he resisted angrily, and joined hands to beat him unconscious.

Mori Kogoro stepped on Leon's head, and said with a light smile, "Actually, you don't want to provoke me again and again, I have no opinion on your plan at all."

"This Cyan Blue Fist should be your apology for offending me."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro unleashed his strange strength, his five fingers turned into claws, and immediately dug out the sapphire the size of a duck egg.

As for the golden belt, I just thought it was an eyesore and threw it away.

Looking at the messy hotel rooftop, Mori Kogoro also felt a little pity.

After all, I had a wonderful memory here last night.

He turned his head to look at the pale-faced Richie. Although this guy sent someone to attack Rachel, he didn't offend him after all, and there was no need to kill him.

And he also received the punishment he deserved, his waist and abdomen are still bleeding heavily, so let him go.

He pointed to the sapphire in his hand, smiled lightly and said, "I don't want one more person to know about this gem, understand?"


"Also, keep your paws away, Rachel."

"Understand, understand, I will never offend Miss Zhang again."

Rishi nodded hurriedly, really not daring to disobey.

Mori Kogoro believed that Rishi could make him satisfied. This guy has endured for many years, and with so many subordinates, it is impossible for him to have no wrists.He ignored the matter here and walked towards the exit.

Just now that guy from Leon contacted Lin Youjin to go to the gymnasium to silence him, so he has to go back and have a look!

Chapter 0068 Lion City Snow

At the emergency exit of the National Stadium, there was a sound of slapping from time to time from the gate pressed by water pressure.

At this moment, the sea water had already submerged nearly two meters. Sumei who passed by heard the sound, and immediately plunged into the bottom of the water.Grasp the ground with both legs, and move forward!

His eyes opened, his sharp eyes flashed across the water, and his right hand was clenched in his waist and abdomen.

Then Sumei gave a soft drink and spit out a string of blisters.

The half-step Bengquan taught by Mori Kogoro blasted out immediately, the water patterns burst, and Wuyu fell on the gate with strength.Twelve Bending Forces gather at one point, smashing through the safety door in an instant!

Jamaldin, a strong iron tower, rushed out, dragging a few unconscious spectators, desperately upstream.The crowd resurfaced and climbed onto the outer iron frame of the gymnasium under the support of Kyogoku.

Jamaldin looked at Sumi Tsukamoto with a very complicated expression, then shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I didn't expect that after years of hard work, I couldn't even compare to a female doll, and I was saved by you in the end!"

Sumei's expression was particularly unfriendly: "You idiot, what, are you not satisfied with being saved by me?"

"No, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. This is just a momentary feeling. You are such a high-level martial arts girl, and I think you are also the top in the world. Why have you never heard of it before?"

"Tch, I'm so smart. My master is the best. This big black guy has always wanted to challenge my master, but it's a pity that he can't even pass me." Hearing this, Jingji really smiled wryly.

And Jamaldin was full of praise: "Maori, you are truly a god!"

Sumei has no respect for the two of them by their titles. They are either big fools or big blacks, but neither of them dare to have an opinion.

Seeing the explosion in the distance, Jamaldin looked very guilty: "I didn't expect Leon's plan to be like this. This time I really helped the evil!"

Sumei flicked her short hair and said with a relaxed face, "What are you afraid of? My master has already gone to stop it. There will be no bigger problems." She has full confidence in her master!

"Look, isn't the boy gliding in the sky helping too? Don't worry!"

Kidd on the hang glider in the distance is constantly circling the Ferris wheel, playing with the pirates carrying rocket launchers on the elevated.

His card pistol kept firing, forcing the pirates to retreat.

Kaito used all kinds of dazzling tricks to tease and eat the pirates, and the situation gradually became optimistic.

Several pirates failed to fire another lethal rocket, but two unlucky ones were forced back by the cards fired by the pistol, and fell from the elevated shelf.

At this moment, the sound of the speedboat was accompanied by gunfire, and mouthfuls of Southeast Asian indigenous words came.

Pirate leader Lin Youjin brought his men over to clear the scene!

This siege and looting, the pirates can be said to have returned with a rewarding experience.

As soon as they entered the city, the group of pirates planned to go to the bank and jewelry store.

Behind each speedboat, there are bags of money, bags of jewelry, or beauties tied up.

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