Gunshots rang out one after another, and the refugees kept falling in the sea.


Seeing this, Sumi immediately turned her head and asked, "Do you still have the strength?" Kyogoku nodded angrily.

"You two, what are you going to do? The other party is not a pistol, but a submachine gun!" Jamaldin's face changed a little, and it was still difficult for him to hide the small-caliber pistol, but this kind of posture was absolutely unacceptable. Dare to go up.

"Oh, so you are really bad at it, you can't even dodge bullets, so how can you say you are a master of martial arts?"

As soon as the words fell, the two jumped out, stepped on the top of the building on the water, and kept approaching the yacht.

The pirates soon spotted them and turned their fire to focus on them.

However, the gun-wielding pirates were not as fast as the two of them, and the bullets could only eat farts behind them.

Jamaldin's lips were constantly trembling, looking at the backs of the two, his pupils kept shrinking: "What kind of monsters are these!" safe place to go.

When Mori Kogoro arrived, he saw Sumi and Kyogoku fighting the pirates.

The gunfire was flickering, and Kyogoku was already disgraced, his body was covered with bloodstains from the bullets, and he looked extremely embarrassed.However, Sumei was unscathed, heroic and brave, and the bullets avoided her!

After a little perception, Mori Kogoro understood.

Fusang quietly gave Sumei a set of shields, and became a qualified nurse.

Sumi, who was hidden in the void, still had time to take out potato chips and gnaw on them, watching a show above!

Damn, this is a bad taste I learned from someone.

Too lazy to complain about his own little shikigami, Mori Kogoro followed suit.

The field of vision around here is too wide, and there are too many refugees watching, it is troublesome!

Otherwise, any random wind-controlling witchcraft could overthrow this group of pirates.

Now it's still hand-to-hand combat, and firearms can't be used easily.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared on the stage, he was only called a crush.

He drove the domineering body, and pushed the boats sideways.

The inhuman speed and strength were revealed, and every punch was well controlled.

It wouldn't kill them with a single punch, but Beng Jin really sneaked into their bodies.

It just happens that they are disabled, so that they will become useless people who can only live in hospital beds in the future!

Wherever they went, none of the pirates could stand still and rescued every hostage beauties.

Speedboats flew by one after another, and soon he came to the white dome of the gymnasium, where the young disciple Sumei was fighting with Lin Youjin.

The one who can become a pirate leader is naturally not a simple person, but also one who has been killed in constant bloody battles.

He had two daggers wrapped around his hands, and his eyes were full of cruelty like a hungry wolf.

Shumei's level of martial arts is higher than that of Lin Youjin, but she has less fighting experience, so she can't please her for a while.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came to the roof of the gymnasium, both of them found out.

Lin Youjin's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Mori Kogoro, the invisible richest man in the world, if I catch you, I'll have more money than I can spend in my lifetime."

Saying this, his eyes couldn't help but glance behind him.

However, Kogoro Moori laughed lightly: "I didn't expect that your intelligence skills are not bad. You can find out all of this. It seems that it will be hard to keep you."

Lin Youjin licked the dagger, and his tongue was stained red: "Heh, the old man told me last night, Mao Li Kogoro, if you give me half of my net worth, maybe I will let you go."

Hearing this brazen words, Mori Kogoro also laughed speechlessly.

But Lin Youjin saw him squinting, but he didn't attack, instead he ran towards the water and jumped.

He has always done things with his head. It has been a long time since Kogoro Mori came from the direction of gunshots, and it is obvious that his subordinates are not doing well.

Moreover, this girl in karate is extremely wicked, no matter how many shots she shoots secretly, she will be fine, plus a dangerous person who can't see the depth, how dare Lin Youjin stay here.

Naturally, he chose to jump into the sea. Being a pirate in Southeast Asia is not good enough!

In the past, Lin Youjin used this method to escape from his enemies many times, so he thought that this time would be no exception.

It's a pity that this time he met the badass Kogoro Mouri.

Seeing him jumping into the sea, Kogoro Mori smiled.

No one can see clearly under the water, and the witchcraft I practiced can also come in handy.

I saw his big hand facing the sea with a skill, and the water dragon chanted!

Streams of water turned into dragon shapes, wrapped around Lin Youjin, forcefully opened his mouth, and poured in...

The pirate leader who traveled across Southeast Asia drowned at the bottom of the water in an extremely aggrieved way...

Seeing that his little apprentice wanted to plunge into the water to chase after him, Kogoro Maoli immediately grabbed his slender waist and said, "Don't chase after poor pirates, it's beautiful, diving into the water is the home of these pirates."

There was some anxiety in Sumei's eyes: "No, master, if he spreads the news that you are the richest man, you will be in a lot of trouble in the future."

Hearing that Sumi cared about him, Mori Kogoro smiled with satisfaction and rubbed his little head with his big hands.

"Don't worry, Master has already made arrangements, that guy can't escape!" Hearing this, Sumei felt relieved.

"Hey, why are you soaked all over, you'll catch a cold."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro's big hand controlled the whirlwind, caressing the little disciple's delicate body.

The whirlwind quickly dispersed the moisture from Sumei's clothes.

However, Xiao Shumei obviously didn't care, and turned to look at the shore.

The seawater rushing into the street showed signs of receding, but the flames from the serial explosions were still lingering in places that were not flooded by the seawater.The Lion City is still in the throes of war.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly appeared, faintly glowing red.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of snowflakes fell from the dark clouds, and it started to snow.

Sumei's eyes widened immediately, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "Master, June Feixue!"

Watching the snowflakes keep falling, the corners of Mori Kogoro's mouth twitched speechlessly.It seems that on the Quinjet, someone's butt is itching again!

Chapter 0069 hateful smelly dad

The snow fell more and more heavily, and the temperature kept dropping, slowly extinguishing the flames of war burning around.

"So Master, what the pirate chief said is true, are you really the richest man in the world?" Sumi snuggled into Mouri Kogoro's arms, lightly poking his chest muscles with her fingers.

"It seems, high probability, it should be!"

"Master, you are too bad, you still hide such money from me." Sumei showed her little tiger teeth and pretended to be dissatisfied.

Mori Kogoro chuckled, lifted his little head and pecked lightly.

"Why, is it possible that you are not interested in my people, but in my money?"

"That's not it!" The little girl shook her head in dissatisfaction: "I was just a little worried at first, Master, you have so many women, how will you be able to support yourself in the future, but I don't worry about it now."

At this moment, Jamaldin, who was running out of breath, also climbed onto the roof of the gymnasium. Seeing the two embracing each other, he immediately turned his head to avoid it.what!Are they not masters and apprentices?what's going on?Could it be that this is a master-student relationship?This strong man's expression kept changing.

But with the presence of outsiders, Mori Kogoro separated from Sumi.

Sumei wrinkled her nose and asked, "You idiot, what are you doing here?"

Jamaldin replied: "The survivors have all moved. I will see if there is any need for help. Also, people from the police and military have also rushed over."

Hearing the alarm bells of the speedboat, Kogoro Mori also complained speechlessly: "It seems that the police all over the world are the same, and they only show up after the event."

At this moment, the sea water flooding into the urban area of ​​Singapore suddenly surged!

The vortex started, and one after another waterspout rose into the sky, or connected to the dark clouds on the sky, or poured back into the place that was still on fire, or poured back into the bay area.

Countless dragons absorb water and stand in front of everyone, endlessly. This picture is so shocking that the superstitious residents immediately knelt down and shouted miracles!Mori Kogoro's brows twitched immediately, and he looked up at the sky. He could sense that above the dark clouds, the little Shikigami Fuso was also casting spells.This girl actually got into a fight with Hongzi!

What are you doing?

I have worked so hard to do things with my fists, I just don't want to expose my supernatural power.

You two women have secretly made such a big deal, which one can bear!

Too lazy to pay attention to Jamaldin, Mori Kogoro picked up Sumi and ran away.

And in the invisible Quin-style fighter, Koizumi Hongko, holding a magic wand, wearing a sexy witch costume, and a crown, is laughing wantonly, while all the girls in front of her are stunned.

"Thick and thick, have you seen it? In the end, Master Hongzi still has to take action, and the war can be quelled casually."

"You women, stop arguing. It's just a waste of time for you to go down. It's enough to see Master Hongzi show his might!"

"Only in the name of Red Magic, call, a blizzard is coming..."

Hongzi's personality is the same as Fujiko's, which is extremely outgoing.

As soon as there was a possibility of pretending to be coercive, I subconsciously pretended to be.

Floating in mid-air under the amazed eyes of all the girls, Hongzi felt extremely satisfied.

Outside, in a place covered by dark clouds, a huge crimson magic circle was arranged by Hongzi, and she was also the one who summoned this June blizzard.Unfortunately, with a bang, the stronger blizzard summoning magic was interrupted.

Heavy slaps sounded from Hongzi's buttocks, and the hatch of the Quin-jet fighter opened at some point.

Mori Kogoro, who was carrying a small Shikigami Fusang shirt at the back of the collar, appeared, followed by Sumi with a confused face.

Moori Kogoro with a very dark complexion appeared, and Hongzi saw it, and immediately gave a guilty laugh, and pulled up the broom beside him to fly away.

But the broom hadn't started yet, and Kogoro Mori grabbed Hongzi's back collar.

"Okay, I forgot what I told you before! I've said it all, you have to behave like ordinary people outside, and make so many big scenes, you want to be in the headlines?"

Fusang's cute little face was full of righteousness, his hands and feet were still flapping, and he kept saying, "No, master, I sensed that the evil red magic was raging, so I used witchcraft to prevent the magic from polluting the earth. Purified."

Hongzi immediately retorted: "You are the evil witchcraft, and I am the great red magic."

Saying this, Hongzi kicked Fusang with his long legs, and Fusang kicked back, kicking back and forth with his two white long legs, sometimes kicking Mori Kogoro.

The two girls were still restless after being picked up, and Kogoro Moori's veins kept throbbing.

"It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you will die!"

Saying this, a small hole in the hidden barrier opened, and Mori Kogoro walked in with the two girls in his arms.

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