From the eyes of the girls outside, Mori Kogoro only took one step, and the three of them disappeared as if they melted into the water!

The sound of gasping kept ringing, and the pupils of all the girls kept shrinking, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Hiss! So there is really witchcraft and magic in this world, and Kogoro can also do magic."

When Qianying said this, she was full of amazement, but soon, the amazement in her expression turned into bewilderment, just like the girls beside her.The high-level psychedelic card was exchanged for use, and the phantom array enveloped the girls, and began to modify the power scene they had just seen.

However, one of them seems to be unaffected.

It doesn't mean that they have to hide it from them. They are all his own women. From the bottom of his heart, Mori Kogoro hopes that they can be honest with each other.

But the people in the organization are still investigating supernatural powers, such as Yuanzi, Qingzi, Lianhua, Xiaoai and other lax-spoken girls, it is easy for people to make stereotypes, not to mention that there is an outsider Rachel inside.

In this case, it is natural to delete the relevant memory just now to be safer!

Soon, after the effect of the phantom formation was over, all the girls came back to their senses, and they all felt that they were in a trance just now, and they didn't find it strange at all.

And the flying snow outside the window, together with the dragon sucking water pouring upside down, all disappeared.

The water evaporates into rain and pours down, bringing a modicum of relief to a city battered by pirates.

In the small hidden barrier in the middle of the fighter plane, the Maori family's family law was displayed, and the sound of slapping continued.

The exclamations of Fusang and Hongzi rang out one after another, and then turned into sobs and begging for mercy.

This time, Mori Kogoro is really teaching the two girls a lesson!

And at the place where Mori Kogoro disappeared just now, Xiaolan frowned slightly, looking at the visions of the girls beside her, couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

Of course she couldn't touch anything, Yuanzi asked in surprise, "Lan, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just remembered something interesting!" Xiaolan had a sly smile in her eyes.

"Yuanzi, why don't you wear a headband, it looks much better than before."

Sonoko made a shy look: "Really? Uncle said the same thing. He likes me without a headband, so I won't wear it from now on."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was speechless, and looked at the place where Mori Kogoro had just disappeared, full of remorse.Hateful smelly dad!

Chapter 0070 passionate girls

The Binhai Dam was destroyed, and the influx of sea water came and went in a hurry.

The sea water is gradually receding in the ebb and flow of the tide!

And on a messy beach, Lupine gently patted Conan's cheek.

It's just that his attention will always be attracted by a red mark on the left face of the little devil's head, and he can't help but look at Ishikawa Goemon who is holding the concave shape of Zhantiejian, and then he snickers.

Soon, the little ghost head was awakened, but he was still in shock!

"Go away, don't come here, don't come here!"

His memory was still stuck in the scene of the sudden disaster, and he subconsciously backed away when he started.

Seeing his reaction, Ishikawa Goemon couldn't help but blush, feeling a little helpless.

Conan saw Ishikawa Goemon's back, and took a few steps away from him. It took him a while to calm down, looking around with a pale face, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Lupin, what's going on? Where's the cruise ship?"

Lupine spread his hands: "Don't ask me, the cruise ship has left, and I don't know the details, you can ask him for details."

Seeing him pointing at Ishikawa Goemon, Conan shook his body with a bad cold, and didn't ask much about the cruise ship.

At this time, the white glider flew by, and the little devil's head was picked up by the waist.

Kaito said: "I'll take this kid away!"

The two flew towards the National Stadium.

Looking down at Singapore, which has suffered heavy losses but has returned to calm, Conan gradually recovered.

"What's the matter with you kid? Why did you faint at the beach halfway, I thought you came back to help!"

"Kidd, what's going on on the ship, who solved all the pirates you mentioned."

Kaito rolled his eyes and rubbed Conan's dog's head violently: "Who else, except your perverted uncle, who has such a great ability."

"He is really a terrifying guy. You see, the more than one hundred pirates who were controlled near the gymnasium were all settled by your uncle alone."

"However, this place is also very evil. There was a snowfall just now, and there were countless visions of dragons absorbing water, which almost washed me into the sea. It's very weird."

The little ghost's eyes widened in an instant: "What, it's snowing, the dragon sucks water, what is it all about?"

Kaito laughed softly: "Poor guy, it seems that you were really knocked out and didn't see anything."

"But these are not important, you can ask your uncle." Said these words, Kaito threw the little devil's head outside the gymnasium, and left on his own.

The police in the distance saw it and immediately chased after it, but was quickly stopped by Inspector Aidan.

"Don't worry about him, Detective Maori has explained to me that Chen Xuelin's case was not committed by Kidd."

"And he didn't steal anything here, so there's no need to waste police power to catch him. The top priority is to rescue the trapped people."

Hearing this, Qianying smiled lightly and said, "Inspector Aidan really understands righteousness."

Everyone got off the Quin-jet fighter plane a long time ago. All of them were neatly dressed and showed no sign of being affected by the flood at all. They were completely different from the affected people around them.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his old waist, and it hurt from being pinched by Lan.

He said, "Inspector Aidan, Officer Rishi should have returned to you, has Leon caught the mastermind behind this?"

"Rich has already called me just now. Unfortunately, Leon and his bodyguards fought stubbornly and were all shot dead."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of satisfaction, but he still said something like "it's a pity".

Sure enough, Rishi was right, those squinting eyes were all monsters.

"Then Inspector Aidan, I have something to trouble you."

"Detective Maori, whatever you say, as long as you can do it, I will never refuse!" Superintendent Aidan slapped his chest loudly.

"Actually, it's nothing, just can you block the news for me, and don't contact me with this incident."

The main reason is that wherever you go, supernatural phenomena will appear, which may leave hidden dangers.

Inspector Aidan, on the other hand, looked embarrassed and couldn't help but look around.

"Detective Maori, you're making things difficult for me. This time you helped deal with so many pirates and rescued so many hostages, it's not easy to block it."

"I can't keep the mouths of these pirates alone, let alone there are so many people who are grateful to you, I dare not take credit for your achievements!"

Before the words were finished, several girls surrounded him and spoke to Maori Kogoro in English, Malay, Chinese, and Tamil.

The grateful people gathered more and more, and even pushed Xiaolan and the others away.

Most of these people are young and beautiful women who have just been kidnapped by pirates, and they are deeply impressed by Kogoro Mori, who has fallen from the sky.

Originally thought that he was about to face an extremely tragic fate, but it was easily reversed by one person.

There is almost no repayment for the grace of saving lives!

Even Sumi and Kyogoku were surrounded by rescued people, but compared to the intensified battle around Mori Kogoro, they were completely small battles.

Rachel, the little secretary, looked at Kogoro Mori, who was being sought after by everyone, and felt that his whole body was glowing.

But soon, Xiaolan became a little dissatisfied: thank you, thank you, what are you doing, that's my father!

Xiaolan's strange power was displayed, she forced her way into the crowd, and 'rescued' Moori Kogoro.

The rescued Moori Kogoro still had lipstick marks on his face.

Then Xiaolan pushed her father into the police off-road vehicle, quickly fled this place, and headed towards the hotel.

Mira Lianhua and the others naturally followed, off-road vehicles drove on the muddy road, and the convoy left the National Stadium soon

It was gone, leaving Conan the little devil alone, bleak in the sea breeze.

Damn, why did you leave me behind again!

But Conan soon discovered something of interest, which was the corpse of the pirate leader Lin Youjin.

There is no obvious trauma, but the whole person is restrained, and the cause of death seems to be drowning, which is a bit strange.

The fact that the pirate leader was drowned by the water seemed unbelievable.

The little ghost started wandering around the corpse again as if he had found a novel case.

Only this time, there was no Mori Kogoro around to back him up, and soon he was taken away by the Singaporean police, and he was taken to the police station as a lost child.

"Ya, daba, can-you-speak-English?"

"What are you talking about, you are still a foreign kid!" 【Tamil】

The two talked like chickens and ducks, but they couldn't talk about it together.

Chapter 0071 Smelly Dad, how much more is hiding from me

Back in the Sands Hotel, in the room, Xiaolan took a handkerchief and wiped the lipstick on Kogoro Mori's face vigorously, with a speechless expression, and kept muttering.

"Father, you are really going too far. Don't you know how to push away so many women? You don't know if there will be bacteria on it." Kogoro Maoli replied with a little guilty conscience: "They just came to thank me Yes, and they are all so excited, it’s hard for me to do anything!"

Bu Erzi laughed softly: "I'm afraid Xiao Wulang is very happy inside, and accidentally saved so many little fans."

"I see, the charm of Maori detectives is probably going to spread in the land of Singapore, and maybe you can get a taste of the customs of Southeast Asia."

"Fuji, what nonsense are you talking about!" Seeing his daughter's expression getting worse, sweat dripped from Mori Kogoro's forehead again.

Fujiko sat lightly on the sofa, crossed his legs, took a cherry into his mouth, and winked.

"Hey, I'm not talking nonsense, isn't there a silly girl looking at you obsessively?"

Hearing this, all the girls turned their attention to Zhang Ruiqiu, the secretary of Heizhi!

Rachel was really peeking at Mori Kogoro, and when she saw this, she couldn't help lowering her head shyly, holding the skirt with her little hands, her ears were stained red.

When Xiaolan saw this, the corner of her mouth twitched, and then her little hand skillfully grasped the soft flesh of Mouri Kogoro's waist, one hundred and eighty degrees to the left and one hundred and eighty degrees to the right.

Mori Kogoro almost couldn't sit still, and soon, he broke free from his daughter's little hand and came to Rachel.

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