"Rachel, you also heard from Inspector Aidan that your boss Leon deserved what he deserved, and now the threat of pirates is gone, and your crisis is over."

Seeing Mori Kogoro's smiling face, Rachel felt inexplicably sad.

Now that the crisis is over, doesn't that mean that there is no way to be with the Maori detective?

Rachel resisted inexplicably, and replied in a muffled voice: "Detective Maori, didn't you say that the person who attacked me last night was not sent by the boss? If so, there should be someone else, so my life should be in danger, right?"

Speaking of this, she still raised her head, her delicate little face was full of anticipation.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Oh, that matter is also settled. In fact, the person who attacked you last night was Leon's enemy."

"They intend to hold you hostage and threaten Leon, but now that Leon is dead, there is no reason to attack you anymore. Don't worry, you are safe." Hearing this, Rachel's eyes were full of disappointment, and she lowered her head , murmured: "That's it, then I'm really safe!"

"Detective Maori, I really have troubled you this time!"

Rachel got up immediately, bowed to Mori Kogoro, then turned and walked out the door.

"Wait a minute!"

Hearing this, Rachel stopped immediately and turned around.

"Rachel, where are you going back now? Isn't the house you rented by the seaside? It's under the impact of the sea, so you can't live there. And it's so chaotic outside now, it's not safe for a girl to go out alone."

Rachel nodded in bewilderment.

"You can stay in the hotel with us temporarily tonight. Anyway, the traffic is paralyzed, and we have to stay one more night."

"This floor is covered by us, so we don't have to worry about having no room to live in."

"The outside is being repaired, and it should be restored tomorrow."

Fuji spit out the fruit core, and couldn't help interjecting again: "It seems that Kogoro really wants to experience the customs of Southeast Asia!"

These words instantly made Rachel blush, such a bold and unrestrained best son is really hard to teach.

Mori Kogoro knocked on Fujiko's forehead immediately: "Fujiko, if you talk nonsense again, I won't be polite."

At this moment, the door opened and Qianying walked in.

"Just now I have asked Officer Rich, and he said that when he found Leon's body, he did not see the Cyan Blue Fist."

"Kogoro, do you know where the sapphire went?"

Hearing this, Fujiko also became vigilant, narrowing her beautiful eyes, carefully observing Kogoro's expression.

"How do I know? I've been saving people, and I haven't met Leon."

"After all, it is a gem. The treasure touches people's hearts. It is very possible for someone to snatch it away."

"This gem is lost, it seems that it is God's will, you two don't look for it!"

The two girls looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

Chikage came forward, embraced Mori Kogoro's left arm, and looked directly into his eyes: "Really? Kogoro, you really haven't met Leon!"

Not to be outdone, Fuji embraced his right arm, and said coquettishly, "You can't lie, didn't you agree to bring the gem back to me?"

Qianying immediately stared back and said: "Nonsense, Kogoro would not say such a thing, if you want to bring it, you will bring it to me."

The two girls pulled Kogoro to the left and Kogoro to the right, constantly fighting over each other.

Sensing the warmth and softness of his arms, Mori Kogoro's body was a little crisp.

Seeing this, Xiaolan frowned slightly, and immediately stepped forward to pull her father back.

"You two, look for the gems yourself, my father said he didn't see them."

"And you, why are you staying in our room all by yourself? My dad just saved so many people, why don't you give him some time to rest?"

Mori Kogoro interjected weakly: "Lan, Dad is not tired!"

"Yeah!" Xiaolan's narrowed eyes turned sideways, and Kogoro Mori shut up immediately.

"You don't go out yet, my dad is going to take a nap!"

Seeing that Xiaolan started to show off her femininity, which was as aggressive as Yingli's, all the girls left one after another.

Among them, Zhenchun and Yuanzi's eyes were full of attachment and reluctance, and they said goodbye to Kogoro affectionately.

But when Xiaolan stomped her feet, she seemed to hear the sound of the floor breaking, and the two girls were also scared away.

Seeing that all the girls had left, Xiaolan quickly locked the door, and then regained her gentle and gentle appearance.

Mori Kogoro gave a thumbs up: "Lan, you were very imposing just now, and I feel that you are more powerful than your mother."

Xiaolan stepped forward on lotus steps, pushed him back on the sofa, sat on his lap, pinched his ears, and hummed softly.

"Smelly dad, how many things are you hiding from me!"

"When did you have that strange invisible plane just now, and how did you and Hongzi Fusang disappear on it? Do you know magic? Did you hypnotize other people, why don't they remember what happened? Why don't I know so many things, tell me the truth."

Mori Kogoro caressed Xiaolan's silky long legs, seeing his serious expression, he couldn't bear to lie.

Although I felt a little headache, I still explained them one by one.

Chapter 0072 The Magical Use of Spiritual Touch

The five-dimensional attribute of the little angel is too high, and the psychedelic talisman has no effect on her. She has the memory of everything just now, and Mori Kogoro can only confess it.

Naturally, there is no way to explain the origin of the Kun-style battleship, so I just infer that it is the latest invention of the weapon company I bought.

As for the trick of disappearing oneself and others, it is said to be the witchcraft taught by Fusang...

After hearing this, the girl lying in his arms suddenly realized.

"Oh, it turns out that the enchantment is hidden. No wonder I felt weird several times. I clearly had the impression that there was someone, but I didn't find it anyway."

"Interesting, interesting, there is such a thing." The girl's face was full of smiles, as if she had thought of some crooked idea.

But then his face tensed, and he pretended to be serious and asked questions.

"On the fighter plane just now, did you use your hypnotism again? Didn't you promise me not to use this ability indiscriminately?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be stupid: "Is there? I don't remember it."

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and bit Kogoro Mori's right shoulder.

"Hmph, it must have been useful, I still have the memory, unlike other people who have no memory, it must be a good thing you did."

"Really, it's too perverted to hypnotize everyone, saying, have you cheated many girls with this technique?"

"how is this possible!"

Mori Kogoro smiled with a guilty conscience, slowly walking with his hands, trying to divert the girl's attention.

Although he often uses psychedelic charms, most of them are used in cases, and he also uses hypnosis to pick up girls, which is a failure.

The little angel's cheeks gradually turned red, but her gaze was still fixed on Kogoro Mori.

"Don't make trouble, I haven't finished asking, don't make nonsense."

"What about Zhenchun, what's going on with Zhenchun? Why is she a different person today!"

Sure enough, the little angel also noticed this. After all, she lives and goes to school with Zhenchun, and she can see that abnormality is also normal!

But Mori Kogoro felt a headache, he didn't want to be forced to continue questioning, so he immediately moved his head forward and blocked the girl's pink lips.The little angel struggled resolutely, his waist heaved like a small horse, and he almost broke free.

Fortunately, after all, Kogoro Mori has the better skills!

His arms were tightly wrapped around the girl's slender waist like steel, making her unable to dodge, and could only respond helplessly.

After a deep kiss, you can feel the little angel's heartbeat.

The lips parted, the girl's eyes were full of affection, but she couldn't help muttering: "You are guilty, something must have happened with Zhenchun, I haven't finished asking, what about Yuanzi, and that What happened to the little secretary?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, his eyes were hot and doting.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you all, and I won't hide it from you, but don't you want to experience witchcraft? I'll talk about it while I'm practicing."

Saying this, his two fingers containing witch power passed across the little angel's eyes, opening his heavenly eyes.

A series of azure blue touches of spiritual power appeared in the girl's sight, in the girl's surprised eyes.

The touch of spiritual power rose slowly, encircling the girl's wrists and ankles, and pulling her into the air.

The girl's eyes showed a sudden look: "Oh, this feeling, the acupressure you mentioned before is completely deceiving, that's the way it is, no, let me go."

Mori Kogoro chuckled, letting the little angel be tied up.

He still had time to come to the drunk driving place, poured a glass of red wine and tasted it.

Holding the wine glass, Mori Kogoro came to the girl, watching the scene of the little angel floating in mid-air constantly struggling, but unable to get away, I just found it very interesting!

He had wanted to do this a long time ago, the touch of spiritual power he manipulated was very easy to use, but he strangled the girl's figure even more perfectly!

"Hold on, this experience will be special, and I haven't started showing it yet."

Saying this, witch power surged in his body.

The power of ice condensed on the right hand and gently landed on the girl's skin.

The little angel shivered instantly, goosebumps popped up immediately, and her face was flushed, as if she had thought of something.

And on the same floor, in the room of the three sisters in the next life.

Xiaolei lay on the bed bored, her legs dangling unconsciously.

She stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze, but she was thinking of Kogoro Mori in her heart.

Compared with yesterday, the whole city has been dilapidated a lot, but the tears of the next life didn't care at all.At this moment, the door opened, and Kogoro Mori walked in.

Xiaolei immediately got up in surprise: "Xiao Wulang, you are here!"

Before he could react, Xiaolei flew into Mouri Kogoro's arms.

It's a pity that this Xiao Wulang couldn't catch her, and instead fell to the ground together with her, falling all over the ground.

"Sister, you are too excited, you don't even wait for me to say a word!"

Hearing this female voice, Xiaolei's face froze for a moment, and he quickly reached out to tear off her mask.

With long black hair, it is the pupil of the second younger sister.

"Wow!" Lai Shenglei threw herself into Xiao Tong's arms in disappointment, lying down wherever she fell.

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