"Why do you pretend to be Kogoro like this, make fun of me!"

Xiaotong rolled her eyes speechlessly, then pushed back tears in the future, and patted her pants.

"Whoever made fun of you, I felt that what Kogoro said just now was not true, so I pretended to be him to find out some information."

"It's not true." Laisheng's tears collapsed on the bed like a puddle of ooze. She was so disappointed that she seemed to have been drained of energy. She had no intention of listening, and her face was full of resentment. , as if asking: Why doesn't Kogoro come to me?Why doesn't Kogoro come to see me?

"It's the Fist of Cyan Blue. Kogoro said that he has never seen Leon, and he didn't get the Fist of Cyan Blue. I don't think it makes sense."

"Master and Fujiko are both so concerned about the gem, Kogoro couldn't have missed it, so I ran to ask Rishi."

"Guess what, when Rishi saw my disguised appearance, he was frightened and trembled all over. Before I asked any questions, all the information came out. That Cyan Blue Fist is really in Kogoro's hands!"

"So!" Lai Shenglei couldn't get up his spirits at all: "Sister, it doesn't matter who owns that gem, and it's not what we want. It has nothing to do with Master and Fujiko's anger."

"I want Kogoro, not gems!"

Lai Shengtong couldn't help but pat Lai Shenglei's head.

"Idiot big sister, it's the master who cares so much about the competition with Fujiko and this gem, that's why it became a weakness."

"As long as we get the gems, can't we make a deal with Master? You don't want to be so sneaky in the future, do you?"

"Well, it's interesting!" Lai Shenglei finally raised a little interest.

Chapter 0073 Three sisters who cast themselves into the net

"However, even if you really get the gem, do you think Master will really agree to our request?" Xiaolei seemed to be a little distressed, her fingers wrapped around her curly hair and she was thinking.

Xiao Tong was a little confident: "I think it's possible, Master has always been very sensitive, maybe she has discovered our matter long ago, and she is just holding back the bad things."

"Let's get the gem and save face for her. Maybe she will agree."

"But no matter what, let's get the gem first."

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and Love in the Next Life walked in quietly.

Seeing the two older sisters lying on the bed, she stepped forward and patted the two girls' buttocks.

"Elder Sister and Second Sister, what are you two discussing again, don't you want to leave me to steal something again?"

"I was scared to death, Xiao Ai, you came in without making a sound, please close the door quickly."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai's face became more excited, and she ran to close the door: "I really want to steal something, take me, take me."

"Just now I have completed the research on the Kun-style fighter, and later we will fly this stealth fighter, so that we can sneak in and evacuate without anyone noticing."

Before he could finish talking about love in the next life, his little head was hit by the second sister.

"It's not about going out to steal things, it's about fighting the Cyan Blue Fist with Kogoro."

Xiao Ai chuckled lightly: "It's simple, I can take it by acting like a baby with Xiao Wulang, hey, is the Cyan Blue Fist with him? I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After saying that, Lai Shengai hurried out and ran towards Xiao Goro's room, Xiao Lei and Xiao Tong didn't have time to stop her.

"This girl is so reckless that she doesn't listen to everything she says."

The two sisters waited patiently in the room.

However, after waiting for a long, long time, the love in the next life still has not come back.

Xiaotong and Xiaolei looked at each other, their cheeks flushed slightly, as if they both thought of the same thing.

Xiaotong immediately got up to change clothes, took off the suit she had just dressed up as Mori Kogoro, and found a light white long skirt from the suitcase, which set off her graceful figure even more.

While changing her clothes, she said: "Sister, I'm going to find my little sister. You can stay and watch Master, we will be back soon."

"Hehe!" Xiaolei sneered twice, she had already put her plain hand on the doorknob, and opened the door first to go to Xiaowulang's room.

Little Tong didn't even bother to tie up the corset, and quickly chased after her.

The two girls were pushing and shoving in the corridor, scrambling to get to the door of Xiao Wulang's room.

The gate was still locked, but that didn't bother the two female snitches.

Xiao Tong was about to take off the card, tore it open and stuck it into the keyhole, and flicked it casually twice, and the door was opened by him.

But what happened in front of them made the two women turn pale with fright again, they couldn't help but backed up a few steps, and almost screamed.

The naked girl was suspended in mid-air, as if she had fallen prey into a spider's web.

Before Xiaotong and Xiaolei could react, both sisters felt that something was wrapped around their ankles, and they flew in uncontrollably. "Ya Yu!"

Before the scream came out, the two disappeared and were pulled into the room and disappeared in the corridor.

Then the door closed, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

In Yuanzi and Zhenchun's room, Yuanzi sitting on the sofa has been observing Zhenchun.

No matter where she went, Sonoko kept looking at her.

Xiao Zhenchun was extremely guilty, and couldn't help asking: "Yuanzi, why are you so weird, why do you keep looking at me?"

"It's you who are strange, your walking posture is very strange today, as if something happened!"

"How is it possible, how can something happen, isn't this normal?"

Xiao Zhenchun's heartbeat immediately accelerated, she was a little flustered, and her voice amplified inadvertently.

As she said this, she also kicked up sideways, holding her kicked right foot with both hands, showing a standing posture.

Seeing this scene, Sonoko felt a little relieved.

It seems that it does not match the knowledge I know. According to the experience of communicating with Xiaolan, if something really happens, it is impossible that there is no abnormality.

Thinking of this, Yuanzi showed a smile, then waved to Zhenchun, and showed her the necklace hanging around his neck.

Zhenchun leaned over curiously, picked up the pink stone in the shape of a Merlion, and couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

Yuanzi snickered, with a showy look on his face: "The token of love that my uncle gave me today, it is said that as long as lovers give each other tears of the Merlion, they will be blessed by heaven, and this relationship can also last forever. It's been sweet for a long time."

Zhenchun doesn't believe in these legends, but seeing Yuanzi's happy smile, she is inexplicably envious.

It's obviously just a rough pebble, but I want it so much!

"Zhenchun, I'm going to succeed, my uncle is about to be taken down by me."

"You don't know, he came out to find me this morning. Not only did he give me presents, some people teased me, he even beat them up." "And the two of us even kissed at the beach, a lot People are watching!"

Saying this, Yuanzi couldn't help but push Zhenchun's breasts with his little hands, a shy smile appeared on his pretty face.

And the corners of Zhenchun's mouth twitched crazily, but her little hands couldn't help but gripped the sofa, digging a few small holes in it.

Seeing Yuanzi's behavior of continuously throwing poisonous dog food, I have the urge to hit her on the head.

You can't do this, you can't do this, you have to restrain yourself, you have to restrain yourself, you were very disrespectful last night, you have to be patient, you have to be patient!

Suddenly, a voice of inquiry rang out: "Zhenchun, you like uncle too, don't you, do you also want to snatch uncle from me?"

Turning his head to look, Yuanzi's expression did not show off hiccups.

The delicate little face is full of seriousness and seriousness, and her eyes are fixed on the innocent little hands.

Obviously, everything just now was Yuanzi's performance and temptation, and she just wanted to see how Zhenchun would react.

And the innocence of a moment of inadvertence is still exposed.

Looking at Sonoko's staring eyes, Zhenchun couldn't convince herself to lie to her.

His little head nodded weakly, and then subconsciously laughed.

"What are you talking about? How can it be regarded as a robbery? Aren't we good sisters? Uncle belongs to everyone, why should we share yours!" Xiao Zhenchun put his arm around Yuanzi's right shoulder, acting like a boy. Sons and daughters, the appearance of loyalty is the most important thing.

Yuanzi was speechless in an instant, and she finally experienced the same feelings as Xiaolan.

My best friend also likes the man I like, this is too uncomfortable!

Chapter 0074

"So, you are also in love with Uncle, so let me tell you why you are acting so strange and so obvious today!"

"Is it obvious?" Zhenchun thought that she was well disguised, but she didn't know that the expression of her eyebrows and eyes had been exposed long ago, and anyone with a discerning eye could see through.

Immediately afterwards, Yuanzi pushed Zhenchun onto the sofa and asked forcefully, "Tell me, did you deliberately send uncle away last night and sabotage our good deed?"

Upon hearing this, Zhenchun was a little dazed.

She and Kogoro were on the rooftop the whole time last night, so Yuanzi didn't come back by himself!

But she didn't lose her mind after all, remembering the good talk with her uncle, she said, "No way, there is an emergency, we are going to save people!"

"Yuanzi, don't worry, I will definitely help with the matter between you and uncle."

When Yuanzi heard this, he rolled his eyes speechlessly: "I can handle it myself if I need your help."

"But, you also like uncle, then we can join forces in the future."

At this moment, Yuanzi has subconsciously started to win over his teammates, and wants to fight against the group of mature women on his mother's side.

Yuanzi continued to speak: "You know, on the way to attack uncle, there is a big mountain blocking the way!"

Hearing this, Zhenchun became a little curious, raised the garden with a little effort, and asked, "What is the big mountain blocking the way?"

"Tsk tsk, you don't even know this. Don't you live at your uncle's house? You didn't find out. Tsk tsk, it seems that Zhenchun's EQ is too low."

Yuanzi folded his long legs, making an appearance of strategizing and pointing out the country.

"Who is it?"

"Who else, of course Xiaolan."

"If she hadn't been a hindrance, I would have climbed into Uncle's bed a long time ago based on his love for me." Yuanzi clenched his fists and looked filled with righteous indignation.

"Don't be fooled by Xiaolan's gentle appearance. If you cut her apart, they are all black-bellied."

"If I hadn't been so naive, believed in her too much, and wanted her to help, my love would not have been so hard!"

Thinking of the whole strategy process, Yuanzi really wanted to shed tears of bitterness!

The corner of Zhenchun's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

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