"Fuji, I know it's not fair to you, but you are a big-hearted woman, and this is my own family. It would be too embarrassing for Qianying to lose any face."

"Besides, you see she brought her apprentices here to embarrass herself in front of the juniors, how can she get down like this!"

Hearing these words, Fujiko's attitude softened, and he snorted softly.

"Who told her to trouble me in the first place, she deserves it! You, you, how can you help her like this..."

Fujiko was interrupted by Mori Kogoro in the middle of his words.

"After returning to China, I will give you all my share of gold."

"make a deal!"

Kogoro Mori hadn't finished speaking, but Fujiko said the word "deal" faster than anyone else.

The rich man whose eyes were full of $ left Kogoro Mori speechless for a while.

Then Fujiko coughed twice in embarrassment: "Ahem, I am not the kind of woman who can be bought with money, poor, um, yes, I just feel sorry for her."

Mori Kogoro gave her an annoyed look, but didn't say much.

It's not easy for Fujiko to reverse his money-obsessed thinking all at once. .

Chapter 0082 Missing Little Sorrow

After overnight repairs, the road leading to the airport has been largely repaired.

Under the gaze of little secretary Rachel, Mao Li and his party left by car.

This process is naturally indispensable to squatting for reporters to take pictures, but overall it is still very smooth.

Fujiko, who was sitting in the same car as Kogoro Mori, glanced at Rachel, and chuckled lightly: "It's rare, you came all the way to Singapore, and you didn't make a move?"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help patting Fujiko's plump thigh with his big hand: "Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?"

"Hmm!" Fujiko nodded naturally.

Too lazy to talk to this woman, Mori Kogoro waved goodbye to Rachel, and Rachel responded with a smile on her face.

Watching the cars go away, Rachel was not too melancholy, but murmured softly, "Japan seems to be a different life." In fact, Leon died, and Rachel lost her job.

Before Lyon caused huge losses to Singapore and left behind countless enemies, Rachel would most likely be implicated if she stayed here to work.

She has accepted the invitation of Mori Kogoro, and will work in a Japanese group soon.

It's just because there are still friends here who haven't said goodbye, and they can't go together immediately, so she doesn't have much sadness about the parting.

And in the car behind, Xiaolan, Zhenchun, and Sumei kept asking Yuanzi about the details of last night, and the topic was extremely hot.

Yuanzi's little face was flushed, and she was a little ashamed.

Fortunately, the driver in their car was a female driver who couldn't understand Japanese.

Otherwise, knowing what they are talking about, I am afraid there will be a car accident!

Yuanzi was about to go crazy, holding Xiaolan in his arms and asking: "Lan, why do you all know, I obviously didn't say anything."

Sumei laughed softly, like old Siji: "Yuanzi can't hide things too much, we know what you are going to do when you poke your butt."

"We even know what you learned last night like the back of our hands!"

"Nonsense, I don't believe it, you must have lied to me! Could there be surveillance on the yacht last night?"

But the three girls all laughed and said nothing, they just refused to tell Yuanzi the reason.

On the other side, Conan the Kid was stuffed into the trunk by Kaito and left in the trunk.

Kaito didn't stun him this time, but what Conan had to endure was being unable to move for several hours, which was hard to think about.

Depressed Conan had difficulty turning around in the suitcase.

But at the moment in Marina Bay, Lupine couldn't contact Conan who had entered the signal isolation suitcase, and he was scratching his head and cheeks.

"Damn kid, didn't you say you want to give me an assist? How dare you shake me, let's see how I deal with you next time I see you"

Beside him are Ishikawa Goemon, who is posing against the rising sun, and Jigen Daisuke, who bows his head and smokes.

But then, the sound of a police car sounded, and Superintendent Aidan shouted with a loudspeaker: "People of the Lupine Group, you are surrounded. Hurry up and put down your weapons and sneak attack. If you dare to resist, you will be dealt with strictly."

The three immediately got into the black car and staged a chase scene with the Singapore police.

And in a karate gym in the center of Singapore, the air is filled with the taste of brother expensive, very heavy!

Jamaldin, the strong man of the iron tower, lay on the ground of the dojo with a satisfied face, and couldn't help moaning: "Kyogoku, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I really can't do it!"

This bad line is really misleading!

Jamaldin, who competed with Kyogoku, was completely defeated, and his body was bruised and purple, but it was his long-cherished wish.

Kyogoku, who was opposite him, had a flat face, untied the bandage on his palm, and said, "Compared to that person, I haven't even won his apprentice."

Jamaldin laughed, but pulled the strain on his face: "The Maori detective is inhuman, so don't compare yourself with him."

Kyogoku really clenched his fists: "But I will definitely win, not only for myself, but also for my martial arts!"

"Haha, you are ambitious, you are worthy of being the noble son of Cuju, hiss! hiss!"

"Let's go, have a few drinks, and treat it as a practice for me."

Saying this, Kyogoku pulled Jamaldin up, and the two muscular brothers hooked their shoulders and walked out, the smell was particularly spicy!

Because everyone was traveling in a specially customized private jet, the speed was extremely fast, and the flight that originally took six or seven hours was shortened to four or five hours.After two o'clock in the afternoon, the private plane stopped at Tokyo International Airport!

A group of people took a private passage, and they escaped the guards of domestic reporters.

Walking out of the pick-up gate, I saw someone waiting outside.

Eri, Yukiko, Xiao Ai hiding behind Yukiko, Dr. Ari, and her nominal girlfriend Fusae!

No wonder Xiao Ai made such an appearance of being afraid of seeing strangers. It seems that the organization's radar has been activated again.

As soon as Huiyuan saw Mori Kogoro, he didn't care about anything else, and ran all the way on his short legs.

Mori Kogoro also showed a hearty smile, squatted down and hugged Xiao Ai tightly.

This feeling, like an old father hugging his daughter, warms his heart!

You Xizi also wanted to go up to her, but she had a lot of scruples. After all, her celebrity status is considered sensitive, and she was afraid of being photographed secretly by reporters, so she didn't act.

Eri, on the other hand, folded her arms and looked ready to go.

It's just that when she saw more than a dozen beauties of different kinds, including Yingying and Yanyan, followed behind Kogoro Mouri, her complexion turned dark, and she couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "There are so many people, if I knew it, I would have gone together!"

Fushahui watched this scene with great interest, and her gaze passed over the women behind her one by one. Fortunately, she didn't recognize Fujiko who had already disguised herself!

As for Dr. Ali, he held his stomach and pretended to have a stomachache, and ran to the toilet inside to deliver clothes to Conan, the kid.

"Uncle, I miss you so much, didn't you mean to go for two days? Why have you been gone for so long!"

So many days are too much for Huiyuan to bear!

Haibara, who was held in Kogoro Mori's arms, relied on his own identity as a child, and kissed Kogoro Mori lightly on the cheek openly.

Fenrun's small QQ is very playful, I can't wait to express my thoughts!

Since she moved into Maori's house, it seems that she hasn't been separated from her uncle for more than a day!

Hui originally thought that he could bear it, and he could still concentrate on the experiment on the first day.

But on the second day, miss ate into Xiao Ai's head like a virus.

Little Loli couldn't get up to do anything, she just stared blankly at the hands in the alarm clock, hoping that it could run faster.

Maori Kogoro supported the little Lolita's thigh, and said in a gentle voice, "Uncle misses you very much, didn't he call you last night? It's all because of the pirates, who blew up the road!"

"But is uncle in front of you now? Is Xiao Ai obedient these days?"

"Hmph, of course you are obedient! It's just that the woman named Fushahui is very strange!"

Volume Fourteen Daily


Chapter 0001 Fusha Hui's Invitation

"Just now, Fushahui has been looking at me, and I feel flustered."

"Uncle, you told me not to go to the doctor's house recently, was it because of her?"

"Her body is different from that of young people of the same age. This cannot be achieved by maintenance alone. Is she also a test subject of the organization and also took APTX?"

Xiao Ai is still as perceptive as ever. After all, she is the developer of the drug. If she observes closely, she can see whether she has taken the drug or not.

Mori Kogoro nodded, and rubbed his little head with his big hand: "Xiao Ai is really smart, indeed!"

Huiyuan's eyes showed panic: "Then she is also a member of the organization, so what should I do, wouldn't the Doctor, Ayumi, and Genta be in danger?"

"And tomorrow Saturday, we promised to go on an outing with her!"

Mori Kogoro stroked her little soft back with his big hand, and comforted the little Lolita: "Don't worry, everything is under control, and nothing will happen." The meaning of this naturally refers to Akai who lives in the room opposite the doctor. Xiuyi, no, I should change my name to Okiyao now!

The two are neighbors, and they are also in a mutual restraint relationship.

But the little loli Huiyuan was thinking the wrong way, twisting her ears with her small hands, her eyes were very obvious, and she whispered: "Uncle, that is Dr. A Li's first love girlfriend who has been waiting for many years, don't mess around!"

Haibara has heard how Kogoro Mori used the "beauty trick" to plot against Rena Mizumu, so naturally he must prevent such a thing from happening again.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be innocent and said, "How can Xiao Ai say that to Uncle, is that what I am in your heart?" It's a pity that his integrity has been shattered to the ground, and no one believes him at all. .

Huiyuan pretended to think for a while, then nodded without hesitation!

"Hey, you two, it's too rude to whisper for so long!" Xiaolan who was on the side saw the two hugging each other for so long, so she couldn't help but interrupted.

Fushahui laughed softly: "I didn't expect Detective Maori to like children so much, he really has a childlike innocence!"

At this time, Conan, who had already changed his clothes, came out from the direction of the toilet, followed by Kaito and Dr. Ari.

Kaito at this moment is still dressed in Kudo Shinichi's suit, as soon as he appeared, Fushae's eyes narrowed slightly, flashing a trace of treachery.

"This is Kudo Shinichi, the high school student detective. I've heard about you for a long time. There are rumors that you disappeared. It seems that the gossip is really unbelievable!"

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