Kaito laughed softly: "You are too famous, but you are investigating a very confidential case, and it is not convenient to show your face!"

And taking advantage of Fusha'e being attracted by Kaito, Fujiko, who has changed her disguise, walked out of the airport quickly, and ran away by herself.

The last operation on the viaduct failed, and she even blackmailed her employer, Fushahui, for one billion yen. Naturally, she dare not make a few mistakes in front of her. Of course, it is the best policy!

Fushae just felt that Fujiko's back was a little familiar, but she didn't think much about it. Instead, she chatted with this "Kudo Shinichi" who suddenly appeared.Conan the Little Devil was already suspicious of her, but when he saw her posture, he felt that something was wrong!

His little hand frantically tugged on Kaito, but Kaito didn't understand what it meant.

But Eri came to Mori Kogoro's side, took his arm directly, and swore sovereignty with a smile on her face, and her voice became extremely gentle.

"Xiao Goro, who are these people? Why don't you introduce them to me?"

Eri didn't know Akiko, Sumi, Chikage, and Kasagi three sisters, so she smiled and asked Mori Kogoro to introduce them.

Mori Kogoro began to introduce, but when he introduced one, his waist was twisted severely, and the other one was twisted again, really rhythmic!

Chikage also resumed her graceful posture and shook hands with Eri.

The two mature women looked at each other, and the middle seemed to be like lightning.

Xiao Ai from behind whispered: "At this time, the master is the most useful!" The other two sisters also nodded acquiescingly!

After shaking hands, Chikage stretched out her gloved hand to Kogoro Mori, and said softly, "Detective Mori, I am very satisfied with your commission this time, and I hope that next time we have a chance, we can work together~cooperate~ ~ do it!"

But Mori Kogoro held Haibara with one hand, and Eri held the other hand, and there was no way to shake it back.

Qianying smiled coquettishly and poked his chest with her small hand, teased him a bit, and then said in a high-spirited manner: "Xiaolei, let's go!" !

Eri's Danfeng eyes narrowed in an instant, and he added another one to Mori Kogoro from the bottom of his heart, waiting to go home and concoct it one by one.

Immediately afterwards, Fusa gave up Kaito and asked Kogoro Mori curiously.

"Detective Maori, I heard that you encountered many visions in Singapore this time, and there were dragons sucking water. Is it true?"

Mori Kogoro became vigilant, he was really a good spirit but not a bad spirit.

He was worried that people in the organization would associate this supernatural phenomenon with himself.

It would be a bit bad if it was discovered that the mysterious V before was played by him!

Mori Kogoro replied: "That's true, it's really amazing, but it should have something to do with the pirates blowing up the dam!"

Fu Shahui laughed lightly: "Really? I can still see the photos. Someone took a picture of heavy snow."

"It's really amazing that it snows in the tropics. It seems that Singapore is a magical place. If I have a chance, I have to go there for a while." Mori Kogoro couldn't help but glanced at Hongzi, who was all caused by her. out of trouble.

Hongzi stuck out her tongue, showing a smug expression!

Looks like he wants to be spanked again.

Hmph, this big butt just went down from swelling today, is it going to kill you again now?

"Oh, by the way, Maori Detective, tomorrow we will take the children to go camping. If you have time, go with us. There will be more people. I would also like to thank you for taking care of Ali over the years." !"

Speaking of this, Fusha'e pretended to be gentle.

Dr. Li, an old maid beside him, benefited greatly, and his old face turned red again.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I will definitely go there when I have time."

"Well, cough cough!" Yukiko coughed extremely loudly, afraid that Kogoro Moori would not be able to hear.

The sensible and well-behaved Yukiko was waiting beside her, but she heard that Kogoro was planning to go out again as soon as she came back, so she couldn't bear it!

Kogoro Mori understood what Yukiko meant, so he stopped greeting Fusae, and instead said, "Let's talk about the camping, Dr. Ari, let's go first, Conan!"

The little ghost looked at Kaidou worriedly, and hurriedly followed.

A group of people walked out in a mighty way, and rushed home, leaving Kaito alone with Fushae and Dr. Ari.

Chapter 0002 Eri who was confused by the question

Dr. Ari had received a text message from Conan, knew what was going on, and was planning to create a chance for Kaito to leave!

But before he could speak, Fu Shahui invited, "Xinyi, don't mind if I call you that."

"Anyway, we are going home, and we are neighbors, so let's drop you off, and you can take your Dr. Li's car!"

There is no way to refuse the kindness!

Reluctantly, Kaito got on Dr. Agasa's beetle and headed towards Kudo's house.

During the entire drive, Fusha was attacking from the sidelines and inquiring about all kinds of information. Kaito was sweating profusely in response. He really didn't know the situation.

On the other side, Conan, the little ghost, got into the car and didn't wait for others, but just urged the driver to speed up and go to Kudou's house.

Only now did he remember what he was thinking before being knocked out by Kidd's sap, and that was to ask Akai Shuichi to investigate Fushae's identity! ! !

It's all Kidd's fault, the sap knocked him out of everything.

He was kidnapped to Singapore again, and a series of things happened, so that he didn't remember this terrible thing at all!

Fusha draws the woman with a troubled beauty, who circles between Dr. A Li and Kogoro Mori, fascinating them all.This matter cannot be easily revealed to the two of them!

Thinking this way, Conan's face became more and more ugly, his brows were furrowed, and he kept thinking of ways to break the situation.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about the troubles Conan Kaito and the others encountered.

From his point of view, even if Conan Shuichi's identity was exposed, Fushahui would not dare to act rashly, anyway, it is safe now.Now it's Yingli who has some headaches, and he really has the posture of sharpening his knife and rushing towards pigs and sheep!

Soon, several taxis returned to the detective agency.

Qingzi, Lianhua, Hongzi, and Sumi left together.

Koshikigami Fuso also waved goodbye to Mori Kogoro and walked towards the shrine.Yuanzi still had the cheek to follow Xiaolan and Zhenchun upstairs.

She only succeeded last night, she didn't want to leave her uncle so easily!

Anyway, when I go home and meet my mother, there will always be quarrels, so it's better to hide here.

And Eri smiled very softly, her small hands tightly wrapped around Mori Kogoro's arm, and whispered softly.

"Xiao Wulang, there is something I want to tell you, come with me."

Eri pretended to be extremely gentle, while Yukiko behind him looked like she was gloating and looking for a good show.

Kogoro Moori was dragged to the suite on the third floor. As soon as he entered the suite, he heard the voices of two women who felt wronged.

"Kogoro, you're back!" X2

In front of the sofa in the living room, the two women are making a standard Dogeza, which is the most advanced gift in Japan, meant to apologize.

The two girls are Midori Kuriyama and Ritsuko Usui.

Eri and Yukiko entered, and then closed the door.

Eri stood with her high heels on her chest, her arms crossed, her queenly aura exploded.

There was a gleam of coldness in her eyes, and she smiled lightly: "Explain it!"

"What are you explaining? Why are you two here? Why are you still doing such a big gift?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro stepped forward, pulled Xiaolu and Ritsuko up, and patted their knees, making them sit on the sofa.

Both women glanced at Yingli, as if they wanted to sit but didn't dare to sit. They thought they had been taught a lesson last night.

The corner of Yingli's mouth twitched, and he immediately stepped forward and pinched Kogoro's ear, and asked, "You still want to pretend to be stupid, so why don't you explain your relationship with my apprentice and my colleagues?"

"I caught them sending ambiguous text messages with you. There are only three women in my office, and you took over all of them." "Xiao Wulang, you really belong to me!"

Eri is very mad at the moment: the woman right under her nose, and Kogoro have kept it a secret from him for such a long time, it is completely unforgivable!Yukiko who was behind couldn't help but sniggered, wanting to see how Kogoro would react.

Kogoro Mori lifted Eri's little hand away, grabbed his collar, pulled him over, and said, "It's not because of you!"

Yingli's eyes widened in an instant, and Su pointed to himself: "I, Kogoro, are you drunk?"

"I'm not drunk, it's because of you."

"If it wasn't because you were concentrating on the case and didn't have three meals on time, I wouldn't have let Ritsuko and the others prepare lunch for you!"

"If it weren't for you not to let me worry so much and work overtime every day, I wouldn't call them and ask them to take care of you."

"If you hadn't moved out of your home at all before and cut off contact with me, I wouldn't have had to worry about asking them about you, so I wouldn't have gotten acquainted with Xiaolu and the others, and I wouldn't have appeared Now such a thing!"

"I shouldn't blame you for everything? You are the woman who stole my heart!"

"Hiss!" You Xizi couldn't help shaking when she heard these words.

This is so nasty, I can't teach it!

However, this sophistry caused tons of damage to Yingli, who was covered by firepower!

Looking at the face of Kogoro who was very close to him, and listening to his decisive words, Eri's pretty face blushed inexplicably, she was a little brainwashed, and she really suspected that it was her own fault.

"But, but I asked them, and they all said that they were with you after the trip to Karuizawa?"

Mori Kogoro held his cheeks, and asked loudly: "Is that important? Do you know what you mean to me!" After that, Mori Kogoro blocked Eri's slightly parted pink lips !

Yingli's Danfeng eyes widened again, and she let out an 'hmm' with her snort.

Unknowingly, his hands wrapped around Mori Kogoro's waist, and his right foot on the high-heeled shoes was raised up, as if he had been taken down!And Mori Kogoro, who was kissing him, had time to show victory gestures to Midori and Ritsuko.

The stunned two girls breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave Mouri Kogoro a thumbs up.

Yukiko on the side only felt black lines all over her head, Yingli's fighting power was really getting weaker and weaker, and she was directly taken down by this mouth!

Eh!Eh!What are you doing?Kiss as soon as you kiss, the attention of the public will affect it!

Looking at the scene in front of her, You Xizi felt that something was wrong, but her feet seemed to be rooted, and she was reluctant to leave.

I don't know if it's Mori Kogoro or Eri, who suddenly lost his balance and fell to the sofa, knocking down Xiaolu and Ritsuko, and the four immediately rolled into a ball!There seems to be something wrong with this expansion!

Nani, no!

Chapter 0003 Learn from Xiaolan

In the living room on the second floor, Mary and Mingmei are arranging flowers together.

The picture is peaceful, and the years are quiet and beautiful.

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