Watching them arranging flowers, teasing the two little lolitas from time to time, and taking advantage of their big hands, I am very happy, and the time flies!Xiao Ai and Mary were very satisfied with Kogoro Mori's performance, and they spent time and energy with them as soon as they came back, which shows that he takes it seriously.It's just that Mingmei's expression is a little resentful, the other two women can pretend to be children in his arms and act like a baby, but she can't.

And if it wasn't for my aunt being here, it would definitely be a different scene!

Thinking of it, Mingmei couldn't help pouting, she could hang the oil bottle.

Kogoro Mori, who was sitting on the carpet, rubbed his feet against Minmei under the table, telling her not to mind.

Mingmei was docile, and her temper was quickly appeased.

Immediately afterwards, a phone call called Mori Kogoro out.

Kogoro Mori went to the stairs to pick up the phone, and Xiao Ai couldn't help but speak.

"Auntie, Zhenchun and Yuanzi were studying breast enhancement in the room, how did Uncle know about it?"

Mary frowned, but she didn't doubt it, instead she helped Kogoro Mori to excuse him.

"Zhenchun said that the massage technique was taught by Kogoro, maybe I told him about these things."

"What's the matter, Xiao Ai, did you think of something?"

Huiyuan put his chin on his head and showed a thoughtful look: "I always feel that uncle is not telling the truth."

"I met Yuanzi and Zhenchun just now. They are in a completely different state from before going to Singapore. I always feel that something happened." Mingmei couldn't help but interjected: "Could it be that Kogoro massaged them these few days? With big breasts?"

Hearing this, the two little Lolitas had a series of images of the Eighteen Bans in their minds, and their expressions changed wildly.

Mary was even a little speechless: "No way, Zhenchun!" She clenched her small fists tightly.

And in the stairwell, Mori Kogoro didn't know how the three girls in the room talked about him.

He connected the phone with a smile on his face: "Yuyi, how is it? Is everything going well? Are you in Tokyo now?"

Uehara Yui on the other end of the phone responded in a low voice, as if she took time to call herself during work.

"Everything is going well. Officer Kuroda and I joined the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday. Kogoro, I am very satisfied with the house you arranged, and I have already started handling the case."

"The higher-ups assigned me to the youngest female police department in the Metropolitan Police Department. Let me tell you, my chief is very beautiful. His name is Miwako Sato. You should know him!"

"I know him, not only know him, but also very familiar with him. If I have the chance, I will introduce him to you for a better understanding." Mori Kogoro replied meaningfully.

You silly girl, don't you know that I arranged all of this!

"And I didn't even expect that there would be such a young female police officer in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Sure enough, big cities are different, and the opportunities are different." This is of course Yazi!

"Okay, okay, Kogoro, stop talking, I'm going to call the police!"

"You just returned to Tokyo, so you should have a good rest. I'll go find you after get off work tonight."

Uehara Yui on the other end of the phone reluctantly hung up the phone, but a person appeared behind him, it was Miwako Sato.

Miwako put her hands on her shoulders, and she was startled: "What's the matter? Are you talking to your boyfriend on the phone? The next step is to act, please don't leak the information."

Youyi tensed up instantly, stood up straight and replied, "No, the police department, there is absolutely no leak!"

The carefree Miwako patted his shoulder: "Hey, don't be so reserved, you will be mine from now on, just call me Miwako."

"Let's go, Yuyi, we have to change our clothes for this operation, let's go to the office and change our clothes."

The two women walked towards the office!

Mori Kogoro put away his phone, but fell into deep thought.

This Kuroda soldier has come to the Metropolitan Police Department as a police officer, and it seems that it will not be long before he will confront the people in the organization.Perhaps tomorrow's camping will be wonderful!

And in the house on the third floor, Zhenchun twisted her fingers in confusion, a little confused about how to ask Xiaolan for advice.You must know that Xiaolan doesn't know her own business, so she didn't hesitate to blew herself up when she said it.

But if you don't say it, you don't know how to deal with your mother.

On the sofa, Xiaolan and Yuanzi watched TV with snacks in their hands, and the God Ramen Contest was being rebroadcasted on the TV.The two women were engrossed in watching, and they didn't care about Zhenchun's expression at all.

Yuanzi gnawed on the potato chips, but looking at the picture on the high-definition TV, he suddenly felt that the potato chips in his hand were not good.

"Wow, it looks delicious. When I was in Singapore, I always missed domestic ramen. I really want to try the salt-flavored ramen here!" Xiaolan retorted: "Miso ramen is obviously better. right."

"Zhenchun, what kind of ramen do you think you like?"

"Hey!" Zhenchun, who was distracted, was taken aback, and quickly touched his head when he realized it: "It should be tonkotsu ramen!"

Hearing this answer, Yuanzi and Xiaolan both agreed.

"The tonkotsu ramen seems to be pretty good. It's a delicious, chewy noodle roll."

"Coupled with springy and tender char siu and rich bone broth, it seems that this is more delicious."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan's stomach growled, and she couldn't help but blushed shyly.

Seeing this, Zhenchun's eyes lit up, and she quickly said, "I just happened to know a super delicious ramen shop, let me treat you to it."

The little girl intends to bribe Xiaolan first, and then she will be ashamed to ask for advice.

Hearing this suggestion, Yuanzi immediately threw the potato chips away: "I just happened to be hungry too, it's wrong not to eat ramen when I go back to China, let's call uncle and set off together."

Saying this, Sonoko walked to the entrance and began to put on his shoes.

The three girls opened the door, and Kogoro Mori was about to open it and enter.

Before he could react, he was dragged downstairs by the three girls.

Walking on the tidy street, Mori Kogoro finally understood what the three girls were doing, and couldn't help but smile silently.

What ramen restaurant can make ramen better than your own craft.

But female high school students are like this, they are in a hurry, they want to try everything, so they follow them.

The ramen restaurant that Zhenchun mentioned is not far away, it is in Mihua Town.

She continued to introduce: "That ramen restaurant has been around for decades. It used to be in Kubadocho. Even though the decoration is shabby, the business is still booming."

"Before, it seemed that the ramen restaurant was too delicious. In order to maintain the ramen restaurant, someone even killed the developer who bought the land, and there was a murder case. That's why the ramen restaurant was moved to Mihua Town. The name is so delicious. Ramen restaurant to die for!"

"Hiss, that sounds amazing!"

These gimmicks are very useful to Yuanzi, and the little girl's eyes are full of anticipation.

Chapter 0007

Soon, the four of them walked to this Xiaokura ramen restaurant five blocks away.

The decoration here is quite old-fashioned, so-so and passable.

Zhenchun obviously knows the boss very well, and greeted him as soon as he entered the door: "Boss, I brought a few friends over this time."

"Welcome, welcome!" The fat boss immediately greeted him warmly, but soon, he recognized Kogoro Mori.

"Mori-kun, are you a Mori detective? The pride of our Tokyo, haha, I didn't expect you to come to the shop, can you sign me?"

"Signing is of course no problem, but the premise is that the ramen must be delicious."

The boss patted his chest and said: "Absolutely no problem, my Yan Mo Ramen King will never let you down."

After finishing speaking, he immersed himself in the production, and the waitress led the four of them to the bar and sat beside the other three guests.

Soon, four servings of hot tonkotsu ramen were prepared and served.

The eyes of the three girls lit up, they took apart the chopsticks and said, "I'm starting!"

When the springy ramen entered the mouth, Sonoko and Xiaolan narrowed their eyes in satisfaction.

Yuanzi said in disbelief: "How is it possible, this is super delicious!"

"Yes, it's really delicious!"

Zhenchun looked proud and said with a light smile, "This is what I recommend, so it won't be bad!" She just thought it would be safe to ask for advice later!

Kogoro Mori tried the ramen and couldn't help giving the boss a thumbs up, who then smiled and touched his head.This hand-pulled noodles alone is almost at the level of a master in the system evaluation!

Whether it is noodles, soup, char siew, eggs, everything is impeccable, and it has been paid attention to to the extreme.

I heard from Zhenchun that this is the ingenious ramen master who treats each ramen as a handicraft, and it is true.

At this time, the blond woman at the side turned her head to look at the garden, and said, "Hello, the vinegar here is used up, can you give me your vinegar?" Mouri Kogoro only glanced at it, and knew that it was in the hotel The hostess at work.

Inferior perfume, haggard face, evasive eyes, traces of smoking fingers, and the wind-dusted femininity blowing in the face, there is nothing to be missed.

Her identity was not revealed.

But then, the curly-haired young man beside him also said, "Excuse me, pass me the soy sauce by the way."

This should be a wage earner!

Then, the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes on the outermost side also said: "The pepper is gone, boss, please change the bottle for me."

This is an office worker!

This strange series of words instantly made Mori Kogoro suspicious.

Damn, Conan didn't bring the trigger for this case, why is the rhythm of the case again!

Yuanzi just swallowed the egg in his mouth, and quickly pushed the soy sauce and vinegar from his position, but couldn't help but whisper to Xiaolan.

"The taste of these people is too strong. Such a delicious ramen is willing to add so many seasonings to destroy its original taste."

Xiaolan tapped Yuanzi's head with her chopsticks: "Others heard it."

Yuanzi smiled awkwardly, didn't turn his head, and started eating noodles.

Soon, the three guests next to them finished their meal and turned to leave.

Mori Kogoro was still a little stunned, he was observing who would suddenly fall to the ground and die, but nothing happened, so he couldn't help but look suspiciously.

The three people who walked out.

At this moment, the waitress couldn't help but said, "Detective Maori, do you also think the three of them are suspicious?"

"Uh, what do you say?"

"Didn't you come to investigate them? There was a murder case nearby, and many policemen came to the store. These three people are still regarded as suspects, so please go to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"But it seems that because there is no way to determine who is the prisoner and lack of evidence, they were all acquitted in the end."

The fat boss also interjected: "Because of this incident, the two policewomen with drooping eyes and hanging eyes come here every day to inquire!"

Droopy eyes!Hang your eyes!

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