The corner of Xiaolan's mouth twitched, it couldn't be those two women!

Before the words were finished, the door of the ramen restaurant was opened, and two beautiful police officers in traffic police uniforms walked in. It was Yumi Miyamoto and Naeko Miike.

Miyamoto Yumi grabbed the waitress's collar, and immediately began to ask: "How is it? What happened to the three guests who just left today?" "Has anyone suddenly become extravagant? Did you buy something expensive?"

The waitress said with an innocent face: "Ah, this is a ramen restaurant. Even if you order two ramen, it's not that rich. Anyway, it still looks the same as before."

At this time, the sharp-eyed Miaozi saw Maoli Kogoro, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Xiaogoro, why are you here too!"

Upon hearing the name, Yumi's eyes lit up, she immediately abandoned the waitress, and ran to Mori Kogoro's side to wrap her arms around her, looking like a nympho. "Xiao Goro, you're back to China, really, don't go to such a dangerous place in Singapore, I'm so worried that I can't sleep all night!"

"Hey! Hey! Senior, please respect yourself, this is a public place, don't talk about it." Miaozi who said this took Kogoro Mori's other hand and hugged her tightly, completely duplicity Well!

Xiaolan held her forehead speechlessly, and she knew it was these two women when she heard the boss's description.

Seeing this, Yuanzi and Zhenchun frowned slightly.

The two girls had just confirmed their relationship with Mori Kogoro, so they couldn't bear to see this scene.Glancing at each other, the two girls immediately got up and stepped forward, planning to fight for Kogoro Mori back.

"What's the matter with you two women, don't think that the traffic police can harass uncle in public, let me go!"

"Hey, little girl, this is my boyfriend!"

"Senior, don't talk nonsense, please, you are causing trouble to everyone, in fact, Mao Li-kun is my boyfriend."

"You two old women, are you suffering from hypochondria? Uncle is mine!"

Looking at the four girls who are constantly arguing, each of them grabbing one side like a fan, and the loveless Mouri Kogoro in the middle, Xiaolan covered her eyes speechlessly, she has nothing to look at!

Hey, no, the other women are father's women, but what's the fun for Zhenchun to go in!

Something is wrong!Something is wrong!

Xiaolan instantly sensed the abnormality.

The boss and waitress in the ramen restaurant were completely dumbfounded.

The picture of the four women fighting for husband is too shocking. I didn't expect Maori detective to be such a person, and so many girls like him.

But the question is, wasn't he still inquiring about the case just now?Is it appropriate to suddenly become like this?

Sensing the tenderness of the arms, Mori Kogoro strengthened his will, raised his hands, and gave each of the four women a thumb. "Calm down, let's talk about the case first."

The domineering drink was still very intimidating, and the girls rubbed their heads and separated.

Chapter 0008

Yumi opened her mouth to tell about the murder that happened before.

"Three nights ago, Miaozi and I were patrolling the neighborhood in a patrol car, and we happened to see someone committing a crime just in front of this road."

"However, it was too late and there were no street lights on the side of the road, so the murderer's face could not be seen clearly. He ran away immediately when he saw us."

"Then I asked Miaozi to drive a patrol car to block him at the intersection ahead, and then I got out of the car and chased him."

Miaozi said, "But I waited for a long time at the intersection on the other side, and only saw Yumi running over."

"And that night, only this Xiaokura ramen shop was open in the whole street, so the murderer must have hid here."

Zhenchun couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said: "Then boss, don't you have any impression? If you were chased and rushed in, you will definitely have an impression."

The fat boss laughed dryly and said, "Hehe, I was too tired that night, and I kept my head down to settle accounts, and those three guys came in one after the other, so I can't tell the difference."

Yumi continued: "Then we dragged the three suspects into the hall for interrogation, but nothing unusual was found, and we couldn't find any evidence, so we had to release them all."

"I wouldn't have let him go if the prisoner hadn't thrown something at me halfway and knocked me down."

"We have been staying here for the past few days, just to find out the real culprit."

"I wanted to call you at first, but I heard from Miwako that you went to Singapore to handle the case, so I didn't bother you."

"But now that you're back, that's great! Kogoro, you must help me solve this case!"

Saying this, Yumi-chan took Mori Kogoro's arm again, her whole body was like a cat, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, full of dependence!Zhenchun on the side quickly pulled it away, and a series of questions came out of his mouth.

"If it was really a homicide case, how did he do it, and the street is so tidy, where is the murder weapon, maybe there are fingerprints, wouldn't it be possible to solve the case by comparing them?"

Yumi knocked on Zhenchun's head: "Little girl, it's really as simple as you said."

"After investigation, the prisoner was a burglar. When he was leaving, he happened to bump into the hotel lady who was returning home."

"The murderer pushed the wine girl, causing her to fall to the ground and hit the back of her head, and that's how she died."

"Therefore, there was no murder weapon at all. As for the fingerprints, the burglar had gloves on his hands, and no useful fingerprints were collected at the scene."

"And the gloves were also discarded in the sewer, so polluted by sewage that it is impossible to know who used them, so what you said is not true at all. But there is one thing that is very strange, and I have been unable to figure it out."

Sonoko asked, "What's so strange?"

"When Miaozi and I saw the prisoner, he was standing next to the corpse, holding the hose for watering the garden and spinning it constantly."

"It feels like doing a mysterious ritual with a corpse!"

Yumi said this in a cold tone on purpose, Sonoko was frightened instantly, and grabbed Xiaolan's arm not to say much.

Mori Kogoro raised his brows slightly: "A hose for watering?"

"That's right, Miaozi and I both saw it. There is still tape on the hose, so it's weird anyway."

Zhenchun asked: "Then investigate the suspect's belongings, isn't it obvious that there is tape?"

Yumi spread her hands: "The tape was thrown along with the water hose, didn't it take away at all?"

"We have checked all the belongings, and I even asked Miwako to write them down."

Yumi took out her phone and read out the memo.

"Shono Yuna, who works at the hotel, carried a wallet, cigarettes, lighter, mobile phone, chewing gum, handkerchiefs, tissues and keys in her handbag."

"Mr. Mizuke Zongsuke, a migrant worker, puts change, mobile phone, mask, keys and glasses case in his pocket."

"Mr. Osamu Nakashi, an office worker, puts his mobile phone, wallet, keys, documents, and towels in his briefcase."

"A few of them did not carry any valuables on them, so there is no way to define who is a thief."

Miao Zi interjected, "And we have also searched this small store carefully, and found no valuables hidden anywhere."

"But there were indeed signs of breaking into the house of the deceased, and there were scratches on the safe, and it was obvious that someone wanted to open it."

"Besides, the deceased lived alone. She died, and we don't know what was stolen from her house, so it's a headache!" Seeing Miaozi's distressed expression, Kogoro Mouri gently followed the other with his big hand. ponytail.

However, Xiaolan and Yuanzi beside him stared at the same time, and he stopped in embarrassment.

The waitress at the side said, "I think Ms. Zhuang Ye, who also works in the hotel, is suspicious?"

Miaozi shook her head while holding the memo: "Although Ms. Zhuangye and the victim used to be colleagues, after the investigation, it was found that their jobs had little overlap."

"Besides, Ms. Zhuangye switched jobs to work in a bigger hotel a year ago. The two of them are strangers, so it has nothing to do with this case."

Zhenchun's blue eyes brightened: "I heard that the working hours of the accompanying wine girl are very free. If they had worked together before, wouldn't Ms. Zhuangye know the off-duty time of the deceased? Isn't it possible to take the opportunity to break into the empty door?"

Hearing this, Miaozi still shook her head: "If it's working hours, Mr. Water Science and Mr. Zhongxi should both know about it."

"Mr. Nakanishi often goes to the hotel to check on the dead. I heard that he is still a regular customer and has talked about many topics."

"And the convenience store where Mr. Shui Ke worked happened to be facing the door of the deceased. On weekdays, when the deceased returned home, Mr. Shui Ke could see it."

"So the three of them are quite consistent in their suspicions on this point, and it is even more difficult to distinguish."

Hearing this, Zhenchun felt a little discouraged, and tapped her temples to think about other ideas.

However, Kogoro Mouri laughed lightly: "So, actually, those three guests all knew the deceased, so they are not considered strangers!"

But at this time, the boss seemed to be thinking of something, and couldn't help asking: "Officer Yumi, the deceased you mentioned is Miss Duntian, right?"


Yumi stared: "Why, you know him, you probably killed that person, right?"

The fat boss broke into sweat instantly, and said with a dry smile, "How is it possible? I just remembered that that evening, Miss Duntian and the three suspects you mentioned all had dinner here."

"What, why didn't you say this earlier?" Yumi clapped her hands on the bar with a menacing look.

The fat boss immediately picked up a tissue to wipe his sweat: "Your police didn't say that it was Ms. Duntian who died, so I didn't remember it. It was the Maori detective who reminded me that they were not strangers, so I remembered it!"

Chapter 0009 is better at picking up girls

Miaozi asked, "Is there anything unusual that night?"

The fat boss looked reminiscent: "I remember that Miss Duntian was a little drunk when she came to my store to eat ramen."

"It seems that because she accompanied a rich customer the day before and was given a very expensive gift, she drank a lot of wine, got carried away, and mocked the three of them in the store."

"First of all, he said to Ms. Zhuangye in a strange way, saying that she is not ugly, she has a stupid mouth, and she doesn't know how to please guests. She deserves not to get such a gift in her life!"

"Then he said that Mr. Zhongxi, who often clocks her clock, is an iron cock, a poor man, he will take advantage of it, and no gifts will be given. He also said that he and Miss Zhuangye are a perfect match!"

"At the end, I also talked about Mr. Shui Ke, saying that the eyes he peeked at my chest and thighs were so obscene, and that I was a woman that Mr. Shui Ke couldn't afford in his life!"

"Miss Duntian scolded her so harshly, it's unimaginable that a gentle and gentle lady who usually comes to dinner speaks so rudely when she's drunk."

"I remember that when the three guests left, their faces were all blue!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but wondered, "Didn't the three suspects say anything about this when they were interrogated by the Metropolitan Police Department?"

Zhenchun explained: "This kind of thing is very common. In order to reduce his suspicion, the suspect will hide some information that is not good for him."

Mori Kogoro asked: "Boss, do you still remember the gift that Ms. Duntian showed off?"

The fat boss propped his beard under his chin and pondered: "Uh, well, I was completely attracted by the scolding, but I didn't notice it. It seems to be a very expensive accessory."


Mori Kogoro snapped his fingers, then laughed lightly.

"This is probably a stolen item. Wealth leaked out, coupled with drinking and provoking others, so it caused disaster at night."

Yumi frowned and said, "But Kogoro, we've searched the whole street to the store, but we didn't find anything. The jewelry is still on the deceased in all likelihood, so it hasn't been stolen!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "No, the murderer must have succeeded, otherwise he wouldn't come to this ramen restaurant again and again."

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