Yumi frowned and said, "Could it be that the ramen in this ramen restaurant is so delicious, hey, no, Kogoro, you know who the murderer is!"

"Who is who, tell me quickly!"

Yumi immediately embraced Mori Kogoro from behind, pressed her proud chest up completely, and locked her throat to ask questions.Even Xiaolan couldn't bear to see such behavior, and couldn't help pinching her buttocks quietly.

Only then did Yumi stand up in exclamation, rubbing her buttocks and looking suspiciously at the four girls behind her.

Mori Kogoro coughed twice, looking at the puzzled eyes of the people around him, he opened his mouth to remind. "Do you still remember what seasonings those three customers used in the store?" I still have the impression that Yuanzi complained that they all have strong tastes! "

"If it's an accessory, it should be a small object!" Hearing this, her pure blue eyes lit up, as if suddenly enlightened.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan also came to her senses, and followed Zhenchun to search for it.

The two women were tossing and turning at the bar, while the others looked confused.

But soon, Zhenchun took a glass bottle of soy sauce to claim credit and said, "Uncle, look, I found it."

Zhenchun shook the glass bottle vigorously, and there was a crashing sound inside the bottle!

Apparently the stolen item was hidden in this little cruet.

Zhenchun opened the soy sauce bottle, and picked out the contents with chopsticks.

It was a pair of earrings, with emeralds embedded in them.

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly, with a look of deep merit and fame!

Seeing this, Yumi pounced on her again, and kissed her directly on her cheek.

"Xiao Wulang, you are really great, you have found the key physical evidence so quickly, I love you to death!"

Sonoko recalled: "I remember the curly-haired man who used a lot of soy sauce."

The waitress then added: "That should be Mr. Shuike, oh, he uses so much soy sauce every time he comes to the store, so he wants to take back this pair of earrings, it's really cunning."

Immediately afterwards, Miaozi asked: "Xiao Wulang, then why did he turn the hose instead of running away after killing someone?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled again: "Do you still remember the belongings on Mizuke Zongsuke?"

"Change, mobile phones, masks, keys and glasses cases, this glasses case is very important."

"Even if you are a person who wears glasses, you will not carry the glasses case with you, it is too bulky."

"As for the glasses case, there is a high probability that it is because I bought new glasses and the store delivered them together, so that Mizuke Zongsuke should have two pairs of glasses."

"But this was not marked in your physical evidence search. Obviously, there is only one pair of glasses on his eyes. Where did the other pair go?"

"This, in all likelihood, was trampled to pieces while pushing and fighting with the dead."

"In this case, the glass shards must be cleaned up. Otherwise, if the degree is calculated based on the curvature of the glass and compared with the data of a nearby optical shop, it is easy to reveal the identity."

"So Water Science Zongsuke used a trick in life. He used a mask to seal the side of the soft water pipe with tape, and then rotated it desperately, using centrifugal force to make a simple vacuum cleaner."

"This kind of trick has been shown on TV. He probably thought of this and used the hose to recover the glass shards on the ground."

"Afterwards, he was chased by Yumi-chan, and he couldn't throw it away, so he could only hide in the ramen restaurant."

"Zhenchun, where do you think it will be?" Zhenchun's green eyes lit up again, and she exclaimed, "In the toilet's water tank!"

She immediately ran to the toilet, followed by Xiaolan Yuanzi, and Mori Kogoro still sat calmly, and had a few sips of barley tea in his spare time.

Soon, a voice of pure surprise came from inside: "Uncle, I found the glasses."

This time, not only Yumi, but even Naoko couldn't bear it anymore, and took the opportunity to kiss Kogoro Mori on the cheek.

"Xiao Wulang, it's really you."

Seeing the two policewomen offering kisses, the owner and waitress in the store were a little stunned.

After a long time, the fat boss came back to his senses and exclaimed: "Detective Maori, you are really amazing. This is the first time I have seen a person who can solve a case while eating ramen. I admire! Admire!"

Mori Kogoro humbly said: "It's nothing. This kind of frantic way of handling evidence after being found out about a murder by mistake actually has a lot of loopholes that can be caught, and it's easy to see through."

Yumi on the right opened her mouth and said softly, "Xiao Goro, are you calling me stupid?"

"It's quite stupid, confused, and rash."

"Hmph, stupid is stupid, you're here anyway, mua!" She couldn't help but kissed again.

The waitress couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "The Maori detective is obviously better at picking up girls!"

Chapter 0010 Old Si Ji's Rhythm

After collecting the physical evidence, Yumi called Miwako and told Kogoro's reasoning.

Because the emeralds on the earrings have obvious fingerprints, which are very conclusive evidence, and an arrest warrant can be issued if they are submitted.

After receiving the arrest warrant, Miwako, who was stalking in groups, launched an operation in the same block.

She and Uehara Yui broke in together and brought Mizuke Zongsuke under control.

Everything went very smoothly, and Zongsuke Mizuke gave up his resistance when he saw the police appear.

Then Miwako asked his men to escort the prisoner back for interrogation.

During the whole process, Maori and his party could see clearly at the entrance of the ramen restaurant!

Immediately afterwards, Miwako Sato brought Yui Uehara to the ramen restaurant.

Uehara Yui was surprised when he saw Mori Kogoro, and greeted him very gently: "Kogoro, why are you here?"

She smiled so sweetly that she thought he came here specially for her.

Miwako laughed lightly, and poked Kogoro's chest muscles with Su finger: "It was this great detective who gave me the information, and this time I was able to solve this case so smoothly."

"After several days of stalking, the skin has become a little bad."

Yui looked at Miwako's fingers with great concern.

When Xiaolan saw Yui Uehara from Nagano Prefecture appearing in Tokyo, she was even more surprised.

His suspicious eyes patrolled back and forth between Mori Kogoro and Uehara Yui.

After finishing the case, Miwako was obviously relaxed, and greeted everyone to enter the ramen restaurant.

"Boss, come to Yan Mo Ramen King, you guys should eat too, I treat you!"

Yumi grabbed Miwako's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Don't eat too much, maybe there will be strenuous exercise later!" Saying this, Yumi-chan glanced at Kogoro beside her, completely indifferent Three hundred taels of silver!

Mei Hezi also smirked: "It's true, I have to save some energy to teach the big devil!"

And Sanchi Miaozi's face turned red all of a sudden, and she sat down obediently, but she still couldn't keep up with the old Siji's rhythm.

Uehara Yui, who happened to overheard this, widened her almond eyes and looked at the three beautiful policewomen in disbelief.

what's going on?No way?

Immediately afterwards, Yumi-chan approached Miwako's ear and started a small report with her.

Mainly talking about Sonoko and Zhenchun also said that Kogoro is their boyfriend.

As she listened, Miwako's purple eyes narrowed slightly.

Mori Kogoro was a little bit dumbfounded, the corners of his mouth twitched constantly, trying hard to endure his daughter's pinch.

You know, the five senses of their father and daughter are far beyond that of ordinary people!

The so-called whispers are undefended to them and can be heard easily.

Xiaolan listened to Yumi-chan's small report, and soon knew what kind of relationship they had with her father, and the jealous jar fell out again.

It is really not suitable to stay here for a long time, the Shura field may erupt at any time!

Mori Kogoro got up immediately and said: "Miwako, eat first, I still have something to do, I'll see you later."

"Xiao Wulang, why are you leaving in such a hurry, you just came back from Singapore with great difficulty, we want to cleanse you up!"

Mei Hezi spoke immediately, her eyes narrowed slightly, full of intimidation.

Seeing this, Xiaolan glared at Miwako, her little hand tightly wrapped her father's arm, and said with a gentle smile, "Dad, we have to go home. Mom is still waiting at home!"

Mei Hezi laughed lightly: "Xiao Lan, men should have their own careers and entertainment outside, and if they go back too early, they will be looked down upon by your mother."

Xiaolan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Of course I won't stop Dad from socializing, but if he's just fooling around with a vixen, neither my mother nor I will allow it."

The two women looked at each other, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, as if lightning and flint were colliding between them!

Mori Kogoro felt a little panicked.

Yumi Naeko stood beside Miwako, and Masumu Sonoko stood beside Xiao Ran, creating a 3V3 battle.

Uehara, who still didn't understand the situation, swallowed his saliva and dared not speak.

Faced with Kogoro's daughter, Miwako couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

The scene in her imagination should be facing the concubine Yingli, but now she actually practiced it on his daughter first.

After all, Mei Hezi's brains turned quickly, and she quickly changed her tone: "Of course there can't be vixen, and it's even more impossible to fool around.

"Xiao Lan, it's just an excuse to accept the wind. In fact, there is a case that I want to ask him for help."

"You certainly don't want to let a murderer go unpunished."

Xiao Lan, who just overheard their conversation, naturally wouldn't believe it. She turned to Xiao Goro and smiled sweetly: "Is there another commission? Dad, let's go together!"

Zhenchun also said that he quickly echoed: "Yes, let's go together, I just happened to help uncle."

Mei Hezi's face turned dark, and suddenly felt that the group of little girls in front of her were extremely difficult to deal with!

At this time, Uehara Yui interjected: "The scene of the crime was in a pornographic place, and the one who died was an actress. Minors are not allowed to enter. You should not be adults yet, so you should go home first!"

As soon as Uehara Yui spoke, Xiaolan became a little skeptical.

The police officer Uehara and Miwako didn't discuss anything just now.

Could it be that a case really happened?

Zhenchun and Yuanzi also frowned slightly, they didn't know this new policewoman, they subconsciously thought she wouldn't lie, and they all believed her words.

At this time, Kogoro Mouri also said: "Xiao Lan, then you go back first, and go home when Dad is done with the case!"

Hearing what her father said, Xiaolan had no objection.

She stood on tiptoe and gently helped Kogoro straighten his tie: "Father, hurry home after investigating the case, I'll wait for you for dinner." After that, she left here with Zhenchun and Yuanzi Noodle House.

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