After seeing the three girls leave, Yumi-chan couldn't help but give Youyi a high-five: "Wow, Yuyi, you have a tacit understanding. How do you know that we want to lure these girls away?"

Youyi chuckled, glanced at Kogoro inexplicably, and asked, "Why do you want to lure them away?"

Yumi-chan said without hesitation: "Of course I want to take Kogoro to fool around, haha, let's go to KTV."

Miwako couldn't help but knocked Meijiang on the head, this daredevil dared to say anything, this habit is too bad.

Uehara Yui crossed her arms and stared at Mori Kogoro with narrowed almond eyes: "Mori-kun, I think I need an explanation."

ha? X3

The three daughters of Meihezi looked at this scene in bewilderment.

Chapter 0011 The four female wheels on the Land Rover

[Wonderful, I didn't expect these four policewomen to like Maori detectives.

Maori Detective's charm is too great, he really deserves to be a celebrity with tens of millions of fans!

But it seems that the new policewoman doesn't know the existence of other people. Is this a fight?

Don't fight, they should have guns on them, don't shoot them! 】

The 0S in the boss's heart keeps passing by!

The atmosphere in the ramen restaurant was a little stagnant. The fat boss and the waitress hiding at the bar didn't dare to speak, and focused on watching the plot.Miwako quickly swallowed the noodles in her mouth, and couldn't help but said, "No, Kogoro, do you know Yuyi?"

"She used to work in Nagano County and was transferred here yesterday. Do you two know each other?"

Yui Uehara sneered: "I'm a widow who lives well in a small county town. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't apply from Nagano County to work in Tokyo!"

"I didn't expect to see such a wonderful picture on the second day of my visit. Hmph, scumbag!"

But even though Uehara Yui scolded Mori Kogoro, she didn't turn around and leave.

Although it was the first time she encountered this kind of thing, she was very angry when she was raped in a row, but she didn't plan to quit, let alone give up.widow? ? ?

Miwako, Yumi, and Naeko looked at Kogoro Mori in shock, but then the three girls gasped at the same time.The boss and waiter at the bar also covered their mouths, for fear of screaming.

I saw Mori Kogoro pressing forward, holding Yui's wrist and pressing it against the wall, and kissed directly after the wall thumped.

He has always believed that actions speak louder than words!

And this kind of picture, if you say soft words and be seen as a joke by outsiders, it is better not to say it.

The three daughters of Meihezi watched helplessly as they were greened.

Eh, no, I just watched Mori Kogoro open the harem, and couldn't help turning out the eyes of dead fish.

Yui still wanted to struggle and resist, but with her strength, it was totally worthless to Kogoro.

As the passionate kiss continued, his struggle and resistance gradually weakened, and his body became a little weak.

"Is this explanation enough?" Then he threatened in a low voice: "Or, you want to try the art of war I taught you now."

Youyi's cheeks blushed immediately, recalling the previous scene, he didn't dare to speak anymore!

Yumi-chan's eyes were almost turned upside down, and the yin and yang said strangely: "So, do we have another sister?"

Miaozi was also a little dissatisfied, and pouted: "Mr. Mao Li, how can you do this?"

Mori Kogoro walked over with Yui who had been calmed down, and quickly pecked the cheek of the third daughter, saying sophistry.

"Didn't I think Yumi and Miaozi would be partners. It's too dangerous for Miwako to handle the case by herself. Find her a partner!"

After hearing this brazen words, Mei Hezi lost her appetite for noodles: "Thank you so much!"

Immediately afterwards, his prime fingers pinched Moori Kogoro's ears.

"You big scumbag, don't think I don't know, you are having an affair with Chief Yazi, who else is there, tell me the truth."

Upon hearing this, the other three girls were shocked, and there was more gossip in their eyes: "Mr. Yazi?"

The three women all admired the Silver Fox of the Metropolitan Police Department very much, and they didn't expect that she was also Kogoro's woman.

The fat boss in the bar was almost dizzy. Detective Maori is really a genius. This kind of situation can be resolved with this kind of move. I learned it!learnt!

And besides these four policewomen, they also provoked high-ranking officials in the police circle, which is too powerful!Is it so attractive to be smart?

The fat boss was a little unsteady, and even stepped on the iron plate to make a sound.

Miwako caught a glimpse and felt that these words should not be said in front of outsiders, so the four of them dragged Mori Kogoro out.

Before going out, she patted her pistol and threatened: "Boss, just pretend you haven't heard about what happened today. If it gets out, you know what the consequences will be."

The fat boss immediately covered his mouth, nodded repeatedly, and made a 0K gesture with his right hand.

Kogoro Moori was dragged out by four female hooligans and put into Miwako's car.

The little rich woman Miwako bought the long-awaited Land Rover off-road vehicle after she had money. The chassis of this car is extremely high and the interior space is also huge.Boyish, she has always liked this kind of car, and driving this kind of car to chase prisoners is even more enjoyable!

At this moment, Mori Kogoro was like a prisoner, with handcuffs on his hands, and was held in the back seat by two female detectives, Miwako and Yui.

Yumi-chan, the cleavage, drove the car, and even took out a special alarm bell for the hospital, and installed it on the roof of the car.

The Land Rover was on a rampage all the way, and no vehicle dared to stop it.

Yumi-chan looked at the rearview mirror, Naeko in the passenger seat turned her head, and the four girls stared at Kogoro Mori, looking like they were being judged by three parties. "Say, scumbag, how many girlfriends do you have?"

"Huh? Should I count? I really can't remember clearly!"

Mei Hezi didn't believe it at all: "Tell me honestly, who are you fooling, you are the smartest in the world, and you don't even remember how many women you have." To be honest, be lenient, and to resist, be strict! "

"Hehe, about four, five, six, seven," the four girls' eyes widened when each number appeared. "Ten!"

I thought it was a single digit, but I didn't expect it to be a tens digit, and the four girls all ran away!

"Kogoro, I'm going to kill you!" Miwako punched directly, hitting Kogoro Mori's abdomen.

Yumi-chan lost control of the steering wheel and hit the guardrail on the bridge.

Impulsively, she took off her seat belt and rushed over from the front.

Fortunately, Miaozi was holding the steering wheel with his little hand, so the car didn't fall into the river!

Depend on!It also turned the sky upside down for you!

As soon as he changed his mind, the Ant-Man robot took over the off-road vehicle and drove the car back on track.

As soon as Mouri Kogoro exerted his strange strength, the handcuffs immediately fell apart.

The touch of spiritual power imprisoned the four girls in an instant.

Anyway, the space at the back of the car was big enough, so Mori Kogoro lined up the three immobile girls side by side in the back seat, kneeling and facing the back of the car. "It seems that if you don't give you a little bit of power, you will all be turned upside down."

The three girls were a little flustered, and couldn't help but ask, "Xiao Wulang, what did you do? Why can't we move?"

"Guess, I won't tell you if you guess right!"

Immediately, the big hand waved down, and there was a crisp slap sound, and the Maori family method was reproduced in this Land Rover sedan.

"Although Miaozi's performance is not bad, I have to treat you all equally." After saying this, his big hand also beat down, but soon, it turned into punishment by the hand of God.

Chapter 0012 – Road to the West

The galloping Land Rover kept accelerating like a wild beast.

The speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and all the bystanders saw was an afterimage passing by, and they couldn't see the scene inside the car clearly.

Gorgeous music kept ringing in the car, and Mori Kogoro's big hands slapped down like percussion.

The face of Youyi on the far left was flushed, and the Miaozi in the front seat also squeezed in, and the four girls squeezed in the back seat at the same time, feeling extremely aggrieved.But they were all unable to move.

Uehara Yui opened his mouth and threatened: "Xiao Wulang, you are too courageous. You are attacking the police, or a group of police. Let me go, you are charged with a serious crime."

What retaliated to her was the Maori family law, and the tiny electric current made her tremble a little, and she couldn't even speak!

And Miwako on the far right is still struggling: "Kogoro, what did you do, why can't we move?"

"Let go of me first, let's have a good talk!"

"You are not afraid of me, I will tell Officer Yazi and let her arrest you."

But what responded to her was Maori family law!

Obviously Kogoro didn't intend to have a good talk with them, he just wanted to punish the four girls.

But Yumi-chan, who has always been reckless, kept silent, gritted her silver teeth, covered with fine sweat, and silently endured.

She was on the verge of tears and kept whimpering.

The most obedient seedling is fine!

But when she looked at the receding scenery, her face turned pale, and her voice was full of tears.

"Xiao Wulang, please don't mess around, no one is driving in front, something will happen."

"I forgive you, let me go, I'll go drive, okay, you and the three of them continue to talk? Continue to persuade them!"

Miaozi's temperament is docile, she has already succumbed before she even got serious!

Maoli Kogoro gently grabbed Miaozi's ponytail with his big hand, pulled his head over, and then said with a smirk: "No, if something happens, let's forget about it together. I'd be happy to die with you anyway!"

There were tears in Miaozi's eyes, but before she could react, Kogoro blocked her pink lips.

A passionate kiss confused Miaozi!

I have to say that being able to distract and multi-task is really awesome, multi-line operation, don't panic at all!

After the kiss was over, Miaozi returned to the car consciously, and was extremely flustered, for fear that the car would turn over if she was not careful.But soon, she didn't have the heart to worry about these anymore.

Mei Hezi was still a little annoyed and said: "Xiao Wulang, just like this, don't make me submit? You are obviously wrong, and you have been hiding it from us." Ouch, this little pony Mei Hezi is still very unconvinced!

Mori Kogoro couldn't stand his violent temper, he immediately turned around and hit Miwako hard.

Don't move like a mountain!

"Didn't I admit that I was wrong? But it doesn't mean you can treat me as a prisoner and handcuff me back. It's against you. Do you still think I'm wrong now?"

"You are wrong!"

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