"wrong answer!"

Switching moves like thunder!

"am I wrong?"


"It's still a wrong answer!"

Toggle aggression like fire!

Fenglin Shanhuo's art of war has been mastered by him!

"am I wrong?"

"Woo, you're right! You're right!"

"That's good!"

Yui Uehara, on the far left, swallowed, seeing that his new boss had just confessed, he couldn't help scolding softly. "Xiao Wulang, I'm not afraid of you, don't try to beat me up!"

The tearful almond eyes are full of firmness, this is clearly a provocation!

In this situation, Mori Kogoro couldn't stand it anymore.

This Land Rover, which was taken over by the Ant-Man robot, drove westward, farther and farther, and it didn't know where it was going!

On the other side, on the way back to Maori's house, three young girls were holding hands and getting very close.

Sonoko played with her short hair uncomfortably. After she didn't wear a headband, she always wanted to grab the strands of hair that ran to the front. "Xiao Lan, did you say that Uncle really went to investigate the case with the policemen? It always feels very strange."

"And the unknown policeman also said that the actress was killed, so he couldn't go to the scene of the recording to investigate."

"You said that if uncle provokes a few actresses there, what should we do?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan immediately widened her eyes: "He dares, really dares to do this, so I'll break his leg."

"Probably not, uncle likes at least a beautiful girl like me, it's not so easy to meet!" Sonoko held his face again and boasted.

On the other hand, Zhenchun wanted to intervene several times, but didn't know how to say it.

Until Xiaolan found that Zhenchun's expression was a little weird, she couldn't help asking: "Zhenchun, do you have something to say?"

"Uh, that, isn't the Yan Mo Ramen delicious just now? Hehe!"

Still embarrassed to ask bluntly, Zhenchun rubbed her short hair and asked this nonsense question.

Xiaolan nodded, "It's delicious, and it's as good as my father's craftsmanship, but I forgot to pack a few servings for my family."

"But, Zhenchun, I have a question I want to ask!"

Xiaolan's big eyes narrowed, with a little bit of cold light shining.

"You ask."

"Just now in the ramen restaurant, you also grabbed my father and said that he is also your boyfriend. What's going on?"


Xiao Zhenchun's pupils contracted instantly, and her smile froze.

"Did I say it? I didn't say it, Xiaolan, did you hear me wrong?"

Xiaolan had a polite smile on her face: "That's right, you said it several times, especially when you were robbing my father with Yumi and the others!"


At this time, Yuanzi patted Xiaolan's shoulder heavily with his little hand: "Hey, this matter is nothing, so I'll just help Zhenchun and tell you the truth. This girl is also jealous of her uncle, and she likes him too. Let's go Sisters, we share blessings and share hardships..."

Before Yuanzi could finish his unscrupulous words, Xiaolan hit his head hard, causing a big bag.

Zhenchun didn't dare to hug Xiaolan anymore, she lowered her head and pointed her index fingers together, looking extremely guilty.

Xiaolan's voice became colder, and she raised her brows and asked, "Really?" "Yeah!"

The "hmm" was very low, but the head nod was super big, as if Xiaolan didn't see it.

Xiaolan immediately covered her head speechlessly, not because she had a headache, but because she had a very serious headache.

My girlfriends are falling in love with my dad one by one, what should I do, wait online!

After taking a few breaths, Xiaolan calmed down and continued to ask, "When did it start?"

“First night in Singapore!”

Zhenchun didn't dare to hide it from Xiaolan, so she blew herself up directly.

Yuanzi's amber eyes widened in an instant, and she looked at Zhenchun in disbelief.

What the hell?Didn't uncle say to bring Zhenchun to investigate the case?How did it start?

Damn, no way, I let this little girl with poor breasts run away!



The ranaway Yuanzi chased the escaped Zhenchun on the street, and Xiaolan behind him sighed speechlessly, with a helpless expression on his face.Passers-by couldn't help smiling when they saw these three noisy girls. This is youth!

Chapter 0013

In the end, Zhenchun pretended to be caught up by Yuanzi, and then she flicked her fingers several times, which gradually calmed down her anger.It's also mainly because Yuanzi succeeded, and she's in a good mood recently, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to let it go!

"I really didn't expect you, Xiao Zhenchun, to be so disrespectful."

"I've already told you, you still dare to cut my beard, it's too much."

"You caused me to wait on the rooftop alone for so long that night, you have to make it up to me!"

Xiao Zhenchun was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties, help with homework, impostors in sports training... this matter is settled.

Xiaolan only felt that this power had a strong sense of sight, and after a little recollection, she remembered that Yuanzi had threatened her like this before, and couldn't help but smile silently.

Seeing that Zhenchun is so pitiful, Xiaolan stopped scolding her, and asked instead.

"You hesitated just now, what question have you been trying to ask me?"

"Xiaolan, you can see it!"

"Nonsense, it depends on how many times you have opened your mouth."

Zhenchun bowed seriously, and said seriously: "Xiaolan, it's you and uncle..."

"Ahem!" Yuanzi coughed desperately from the side.

"I just want to ask you how you usually get along with your mother, and how did you hide it from your mother?"

"To be honest, I am in the same situation as you, but I feel uncomfortable when my mother stares at me, as if everything has been seen through. You have been hiding it for so long, so I want to ask you for your experience .”

Xiaolan couldn't help but stare at Yuanzi who pretended to be innocent, and she was the only one who might leak the secret.

But it's no big deal if you know it!

Now that one more person knows about this matter, Xiaolan's heart is not in a good mood, which is the same reason as having too many debts to worry about.

On the other hand, Yuanzi heard something unusual, and his big amber eyes were burning with gossip.

"What the hell, how could you be in the same situation as Lan!"

"And aren't you studying in China alone? How did your mother come to Japan? Have I seen it?"

Sonoko kept asking questions like there were a hundred thousand whys.

Xiaolan knew Mary's true identity, so she tore the garden apart and directly explained:

"My situation is very special, there is no reference value, and the strategy I adopt is also very complicated, you'd better not imitate it."

"The key to this matter is not you, but my father. If my father doesn't want your mother to know, your mother won't know."

Dad has a lot of tricks, and he knows hypnosis and barriers. If he really wants to hide it, it won't be a problem to hide it for the rest of his life.

"You can just pretend that nothing happened, but in fact, I suggest that you show some performance on weekdays and impress your mother. If she really knows, she won't be too excited."

Yuanzi listened for a while before finally understanding, and immediately said while patting his chest.

"True innocence, what are you afraid of? You're upright. My mother and I are like this. Showdown directly and compete fairly."

"Actually, these elders are just bluffing, it's not a big deal at all."

"Like this time, my uncle and I went to Singapore for a trip, and we lived together, and she couldn't do anything to me!"

"It's shameless to grab a boyfriend from your daughter, and you will be laughed at if you say it!"

Sonoko became more and more excited as he talked, and kept saying hi.

Xiaolan and Zhenchun both stopped, looking behind Yuanzi with pale faces.

Zhenchun pointed behind Yuanzi, and reminded in a low voice: "Yuanzi, stop talking."

"What, I've already figured out how to deal with my mother. If you're struggling with this, you might as well ask me."

"Hehe, I'm curious about what methods you have prepared to deal with me?"

A cold female voice sounded from behind Yuanzi, and the little girl froze immediately, turning around with pauses.

In front of the luxury Mercedes-Benz, her mother, Tomoko Suzuki, was looking at her unkindly, while her elder sister, Ayako, was full of displeasure.She had already sent a text message in advance, so Yuanzi didn't pay attention!

Yuanzi, who had been crazily talking just now, saw his mother coming in person, and he was scared all of a sudden, with a very guilty conscience!

"Damn girl, I haven't been home these days, and I haven't been home for a week."

"Going to Singapore to go on a cross-border date, and let your uncle drink your red wine?"

"I'm still thinking about how to deal with me, you see how I will deal with you when I go back!"

Regardless of being rude, Tomoko grabbed her daughter's ears and dragged her into the Mercedes-Benz.

Yuanzi kept struggling, desperately calling for help: "Xiaolan, Zhenchun, save me!"

"I won't go back, I won't go back, you are not my mother."

"Lan, tell my uncle quickly that I was taken away by my mother, he is the only one who can save me!"

Yuanzi's screams were quickly blocked by the sound-proof Mercedes-Benz, and she could only see her desperately patting the window inside.After Tomoko locked her daughter in the car, she returned to her appearance as an elegant lady, nodded slightly to the two girls, with a spring-like smile on her face. "Thank you Yuanzi for taking care of you these days, but you don't need to mention this matter to Kogoro."

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