"Let's not disturb, let's take our leave first!"

After saying that, Tomoko got into the front seat of the car with her eldest daughter.

The Mercedes-Benz sped away, leaving Xiaolan and Zhenchun at a loss.

The mouth is happy for a while, and the crematorium is instant!

A gust of wind blew by, and Zhenchun's body trembled.

You shouldn't listen to Yuanzi's nonsense, if you really do this, you may die tomorrow.

Zhenchun suddenly remembered that her mother was an agent of Yingguo, who was proficient in countless tricks of torture to extract confessions.

His small body couldn't help trembling again: "Lan, you're more reliable!"

On the other side of the Land Rover, the sound insulation effect is not very good, and the sound of dynamic music continues to spread.

However, the car had already left the urban area of ​​Tokyo and came to the mountains. Kogoro kept climbing along the undulating peaks.

Under Feng Lin's Art of War, the four policewomen in the car all gave up!

Yumi sauce was still talking: "I was wrong! I was wrong!"

She kept repeating this sentence, not knowing where she was wrong, but her attitude of admitting her mistakes was very sincere.

At this time, Mori Kogoro would ask humbly: "What's wrong?"

And Yumi-chan would be stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "I was wrong everywhere, everything was wrong, everything was wrong!"

Look, Mori Kogoro is just so unreasonable and lawless.

The four policewomen couldn't stop him at all!

Chapter 0014

The confinement of the girls had already been lifted, and Miwako and Yumi in the back seat hugged each other, not wanting to move at all.

Youyi wore Miaozi's traffic police cap on his head, his face was blushing, and he was whispering about his relationship with Kogoro.

And Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat is holding the petite Naeko and teaching her how to drive!

He grabbed Miaozi's twin ponytails with both hands, and controlled the direction of the Land Rover by controlling her ponytails.

Miaozi was extremely nervous, sweat was dripping all over her body, and her little hands were holding the steering wheel tightly!

However, the seat was too far back, and her little Jio couldn't reach the foot brake and accelerator even after all her efforts, so she could only step on Kogoro Mori's instep and work hard to cooperate.

"Accelerate, decelerate, accelerate again, turn left, turn right, woo!"

Mori Kogoro grabbed Naoko's twin ponytails and had a great time.

Miwako in the back seat couldn't help complaining after hearing Yuihao Kogoro's story.

"Xiao Wulang, you are really an animal. You have only been in Nagano for a few days, and you have provoked Yui back."


Mori Kogoro turned his head slightly, and glanced at Miwako: "It seems that Miwako still has a lot of opinions?"

Miwako immediately panicked, shaking her head wildly: "I have no opinion, I have no opinion at all, Kogoro did the right thing, I'm only short of a partner, what a great decision!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro nodded with a smile: "You are so good, it seems that I will reward you later!"

Meihezi's pretty face immediately turned pale, and her heart palpitations were abnormal.

She has long understood Kogoro Mori's routine, and the reward and punishment are clearly the same!

She immediately asked Yumi in her arms for help: "Yumi-chan, you have to help me."

Yumi shuddered a few times, raised her head with teary eyes, and her little head twitched like a rattle.

Then she turned to Youyi and said, "New here, it's your turn to show yourself!"

Bullying the newcomer is Yumi's favorite thing to do!

"So, now, do you have any opinions on the fact that I have many girlfriends?"

Miao Zi was the first to speak, his little head frantically shaking: "No objection, Xiao Wulang, as long as you like it, I will listen to you."

"Miaozi is so cute!"

Mori Kogoro held Naoko's head in his hands, and kissed her on the cheek.

Then he turned his head to look at the back seat of the car, and the three women immediately replied at the same time: "No objection!" "No objection!" "No objection!"

I was really beaten into a trick by him, and I dare not raise my opinion if I really have it!

Mei Hezi didn't dare to ask why she couldn't move just now, she didn't dare to mention it, and she didn't dare to ask, she looked weak, helpless and pitiful.I just miss Mrs. Kobayashi a little bit, and she will definitely help me a lot.

"The cars have all come to the mountains, we should go back to Tokyo, and then Miwako will drive!"


The Witch Screaming in the Fog is back online!

In the evening, the Land Rover off-road vehicle was driven home by Mori Kogoro.As for the four policewomen in the car, they were all sent to Yumi's house by him.

Mori Kogoro stayed inside for a long time, and when he left later, the fourth daughter was visibly relieved.

God knows what happened inside!

As soon as the Land Rover stopped, it was driven away by the Ant-Man robot. Kogoro Mori stood still and straightened his clothes before going upstairs.

Before reaching the third floor, Xiaolan dragged him into the office on the second floor, and then checked him like a puppy.

"Dad went to investigate the case for the actress, didn't he get entangled by those bad women?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he knocked his daughter on the head speechlessly.

"What are you thinking about? How is this possible? Besides, they are not bad women. They should be called teachers."

Xiaolan immediately rolled her beautiful eyes, and then hurriedly said: "Oh, by the way, when we went home in the afternoon, Yuanzi was caught by her mother, and she said that only you can save her!"

Xiaolan is still very loyal, and is very concerned about her best friend's affairs.

Kogoro Mori changed his mind, and the scene of the garden appeared in his mind.

Nothing happened to this girl, she was locked up by Tomoko and her cell phone was taken away.

But what is Tomoko doing, choosing a weapon?

Daggers, swords, maces...

Tomoko is not easy to provoke at this time, we still have to wait for her to calm down before going over, I can only wrong Sonoko first!

I will send a message to Ayako later to ask her to take care of Sonoko, and there should be no problem.

The father and daughter stayed in the office on the second floor for a long time, and they didn't go upstairs until Yingzi's unique sound of dinner was heard upstairs.

And the two young lawyers of the Concubine Law Office: Midori Kuriyama and Ritsuko Usui naturally stayed here tonight, and they also talked about discussing a very complicated case with Eri.

Yingzi, who saw these two Legally Blonde for the first time, was a little surprised, but the others seemed to be familiar with it.

The dinner was very harmonious. After Mori Kogoro came back, the girls seemed to have a backbone, and they even felt delicious after eating.

Fujiko, who hadn't been seen all day, also came home, with a lost smile on his face from time to time.

Kogoro Mori was familiar with this kind of smile, it was always like that when Fujiko dreamed of getting rich.

When sleeping with her several times, Fujiko would show such a smile when he fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro was a little curious, not caring about other people's privacy, so he peeked at what happened to her today in his mind.

Well, in the morning, I went to deal with gold first, and found a black market. She wrangled with the black market boss all morning.

I used all my negotiation skills, and finally sold [-] gold at a high price.

Then in the afternoon, I met an investment businessman!

Bah bah bah!What investment businessman, that is clearly a liar.

That liar said he had a patent called a divergence terminal!

The one with a grand name also said that it can maintain world peace and eliminate all differences into nothingness.

But in fact, it is a rock-paper-scissors hand cover. After covering the hand, there is no way to peek inside, so it can be a fair rock-paper-scissors, and then a consensus can be reached!

What the hell?Fujiko was fooled and wanted to use all his wealth to invest in this product and use it for mass production to make a lot of money.

Was the shrewd female snitch who was arguing with the black market boss in the morning a fake?How could he be so stupid in the afternoon!

The original book is right. Fuji's investment vision is worse than a dog's. No wonder he has been a female snitch for so many years and is still penniless.

Mori Kogoro was full before finishing his meal, so he took Fujiko to the next room.

It's impossible for this prodigal girl to teach her a lesson.

Chapter 0015 The little loli who admits counsel at the speed of light

After dinner, Zhenchun wanted to sneak into Xiaolan's room.

After returning home, she has been with Xiaolan all the time, just wanting to avoid her mother.

But what they are afraid of will come!

Mary blocked her directly and dragged her downstairs.

So, in the living room on the second floor, the little blond girl stepped on the floor barefoot, crossed her arms, and stared up at her daughter.

Inexplicably, she found that her daughter, who was always full of boyishness, turned out to be like a girl today.

She couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Zhenchun, did something happen to you during this trip?"

Shiliang Zhenchun was a little flustered, sweat dripped from his forehead immediately, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it was very ugly.

Her body language was full of resistance and discomfort, and even the tone of the "no" she said changed.

Mary Dai frowned immediately, convinced that something really happened!

Thinking of what her eldest niece said in the afternoon, she took a deep breath and said, "Did your Uncle Maori bully you?"

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