Zhenchun's pupils kept shrinking, she couldn't stop leaning back, and subconsciously said "No! Absolutely not!"

But the tone of these words is clearly acknowledging the general.

Mary spoke very quickly and shouted: "The person who massaged you is not Sonoko, but your Uncle Maori, right?"

"How do you know? Hey, no, Yuanzi didn't give me a massage, no, uncle didn't give me a massage either!"

Here, Mary used a small trick of speech, instead of choosing to ask questions, she caught Zhenchun by surprise, and forced her to ask.After getting the answer, Mary burst into anger, and immediately turned and ran upstairs, intending to go to Xingshi to question her.

But Zhenchun limp on the ground helplessly, muttering: "It's over! It's over!"

Immediately afterwards, she went to her room, opened the closet, and hid herself, not daring to face the storm that would come later.

However, when Mary opened the lobby on the third floor, her expression immediately froze.

This picture is a bit too strange, like some eighteen forbidden scene.

Fujiko was wearing a cool tank top and denim shorts, but knelt in front of the wall, pinching his ears with his hands, looking like weeping.

But Mori Kogoro was holding a whip, arrogant and angry.

The whip was swung down, as if to enforce Maori law.

No way, Fujiko is so annoying!

Not only was she fooled by that dead liar, but she also paid [-] million yen in intention money.

He also planned to transfer all his net worth, including hundreds of billions of yen, as soon as the contract was signed tomorrow.

No loser loses like this!

Mori Kogoro told her that the project would definitely be yellow, and she was cheated, but Fujiko just didn't believe it.

This prodigal girl seems to have mysterious confidence in her investment vision, and she also shares other projects she is optimistic about with Mori Kogoro, hoping to pull Mori Kogoro into a share, invest together, and make a fortune together!

Like a land swimming machine, put on waterproof clothing and climb up, you can enjoy the taste of swimming on land, and artificially add some salt to turn it into sea water!Or drill a hole in the underside of an Arctic iceberg, install a diesel engine, and transport the iceberg to arid land to make a fortune!

Or planting plants on Mars and bringing them back to Earth to sell after harvest are all unreliable projects like this.

And this prodigal girl is very stubborn, no matter how she says it doesn't make sense!

Mori Kogoro ran out of patience, and was so angry that he used his weapon, and whipped up the small leather whip one by one.

It shouldn't be like this when playing the piano with a cow!

His hair was scratched and his eyes were fierce. He happened to catch a glimpse of Mary who opened the door, and said in a bad voice, "Mary, what's the matter?"

Mary was shocked instantly, looking at Kogoro Mouri who was holding the murder weapon.

Kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey, she is that monkey!

The little blonde loli swallowed, lowered her volume subconsciously, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, that Zhenchun said that you massaged her in Singapore, is it true?"

"That's right, I did it!" Mori Kogoro replied loudly, as if he had done nothing wrong.

Little Lolita was taken aback, moved her short legs lightly, walked back, subconsciously said: "That's nothing, I'll just ask casually, just ask—just ask!"


Hearing this, little loli froze immediately. "You don't want to go back to trouble Zhenchun, do you?"

"How is it possible, of course not!"

It's a pity that Mary's micro-expressions can't be hidden from this expression master.

The irritable Mouri Kogoro had no patience, and said domineeringly, "Come here, kneel down!"

【How could I... how could I kneel down! 】

Under Mori Kogoro's gaze, little Loli knelt down beside Fujiko involuntarily, without daring to resist at all.

Weak, well-behaved and sensible!

"You two, reflect on it for me. Where did you go wrong?"

【Hey, I'm obviously right, why am I kneeling here? It's all because of this big-breasted and brainless woman next to me. 】

But Fuji stubbornly raised his head, not to be outdone, and said: "Xiao Wulang, I'm right, you just want to prevent me from making a fortune."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's blood surged up, and he could hear the sound of blood vessels bursting.

"You, you wait for me!"

Mori Kogoro turned around and walked to his room.

Kneeling on the ground, little Loli Marie didn't dare to get up, and instead said, "Slutty girl, what did you say to Kogoro to make him so angry."

"Why am I angry with him? He is the one who is angry with me. I kindly lured him to make money, but he doesn't appreciate it and wants to prevent me from making a fortune..."

Fujiko then told what happened today.

After hearing Fujiko's sad complaint, Mary rolled her eyes to the sky.

【Well, this woman should teach her a lesson. She plans to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on such an idiot project. Has she replaced her brain with big breasts?Unexpectedly, this crazy woman turned out to be a rich woman with hundreds of billions in cash. The female snitch is really profitable!

But it still implicated himself, causing him to kneel here, and he would not have come up if he had known.

Woohoo, I will be seen by Xiao Ai and the others later, where will I put the face of my elder! 】

But Mary still didn't dare to get up, she could tell whether Kogoro was really angry, and naturally she didn't dare to touch his bad luck at this moment.

Chapter 0016

Soon, Mori Kogoro came over with a laptop, on which was the map of his business empire, with various business maps, tree diagrams, and profits.

"Come on, you choose, see which project is more interesting, and exchange the money into the stocks inside, and don't invest blindly by yourself."

The blond-haired little Lolita Mary beside her was still poking her head curiously. When she took a closer look, she couldn't help being surprised.

Most of the companies inside are the world's top [-] groups, and there are many new-type companies that have gained fame and flourished.

Kogoro has shares in these conglomerates, so how rich must he be!

For a moment, the way Mary looked at Kogoro changed, she was a little discouraged, and felt that she was not worthy of him at all.

Among all the company groups, the most profitable one is naturally Kogoro Mori's new energy company!

Every time new energy appears, it will evolve into a revolution!

However, this revolution, under the great control of the Red Queen, proceeded from top to bottom, moistening things silently.

Clean energy with hydrogen energy as the core technology has a complete technological monopoly, and it has had a huge impact on the world's established energy sources as soon as it appeared.

New energy has cooperation with political groups from various countries.

Most of the previous top [-] were XX oil and petrochemical companies.

Most of the current top [-] are XX country new energy companies, and Kogoro Mori holds the majority of the equity.

There are more new companies such as aircraft, high-speed rail, automobiles, industrial equipment, and household equipment that rely on new energy.

These new companies are making efforts to replace the existence of other established electrical appliance brands.

All of this is woven into a big net, covering all national forces.

Mori Kogoro is the actual controller behind the scenes of these companies, and the webs of interests he has woven cover the power and responsibility of the political leaders of various countries.And he is the core, and his power is unparalleled!

Don't you see that on Bangzi Island, a mobile phone consortium can cover the sky with one hand, just like the emperor?

Sometimes Kogoro Mori can wipe out a small country with a single word.

But he didn't think much about wasting his power. He likes to solve cases every day, accumulate points, and sleep with his daughter in his arms!

And he has also prepared palladium element energy. People on Wall Street like to harvest wealth and cut leeks by setting off financial turmoil.

Mori Kogoro harvested wealth and established a business empire through the energy revolution.

It will be such a hopeless and wonderful picture when someone from all over the world breaks the technical blockade of hydrogen energy and then releases palladium!

In addition to these, some black technology companies are also very eye-catching, like galloping unicorns, and their profits are quite good.

Seeing so many companies, Fujiko's eyes lit up, obviously showing emotion.

"I didn't expect you to invest in so many companies, and you're still quite capable!"

"However, do you want to exchange your junk stocks for my cash? Let me tell you, I won't be fooled easily!"

Hearing this, Mary was going crazy.

The name of the company "New Century Energy", which ranks first in the world, the first in turnover, and the first in profit, is on the top. This is a junk stock. What else is a good stock in the world!

The little Lolita pinched Fujiko's big buttocks, turned [-] degrees left and right, and then said.

"Idiot, the opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you, choose quickly."

"Ouch!" Fujiko rubbed his butt, glared at the little loli behind him, took Kogoro Mori's notebook, and carefully selected it.Flicking the mouse lightly, a series of company names could not be read to the end.

The more Mary watched, the more panicked she became. Kogoro must have controlled too many companies.

At the beginning, she could calculate Kogoro Mori's net worth in her head, but later on, she used all ten little fingers and couldn't figure it out at all.

Suddenly, Fujiko's eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Xiao Wulang, I have chosen, this Indian breeding group is very good, and this mixed oil motor vehicle company is also very good, let's change the shares of these two companies, I'm sure I can make a lot of money lying down."

The breeding group, E]dulao, conducts cage farming by the Indus River. I heard that the Indus River is extremely polluted!

Mixed-fuel vehicle companies, whose main products are coal and oil-fueled vehicles, are almost eliminated now that new energy sources are available.


In the vast sea of ​​people, the companies that are all green are picked out. Fujiko is really an investment genius.

The stocks of these two companies were replaced when the Maori consortium exchanged shares and rights with politicians and dignitaries, and they were not founded by Maori Kogoro himself.

He immediately spoke to the computer: "Queen Hong, you heard me, these two companies should be in danger of going bankrupt in the near future, so sell their stocks as soon as possible."

Within five seconds, a mechanical voice came from the computer: "Master, your request has been fulfilled, and all the shares of the two companies have been delivered."

Fujiko got angry immediately, couldn't help but stood up, and waved his fist in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

"Xiao Goro, I knew you didn't want me to make a lot of money, you scumbag."

Mori Kogoro easily grabbed Fujiko's little pink fist, clamped his legs, and clamped his pussy legs.

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