Immediately afterwards, he ordered: "All the cash flow under Fujiko's name will be replaced with shares of Japan New Energy Company, and then the shares of Yingguo New Energy Company will be transferred to Mary's name."

In less than five seconds, another mechanical sound came from the computer: "The bank invasion is complete, the cash flow transfer is complete, and the share transfer is complete!"

"It has been detected that Mary's identity information has been deleted, and new identity information has been recreated, and the share transfer is complete!"

The text message was quickly sent to the mobile phones of the two girls. Little Loli Marie was in a daze. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and it was really the case.This trillion-level company is your own?

What happened today was too dreamy, I knelt with her for a while, and suddenly she became a billionaire woman, isn't it too unreal?

Fujiko still doesn't know the situation, and the company he was optimistic about was sold just like that. Kogoro must have cheated himself of his money with junk stocks.

His small face was puffy and extremely angry.

"Xiao Wulang, you are too despicable, I regret it, I will not share with you the treasures I stole in Singapore."

This look is as cute as a little girl saying she won't play with you anymore!

In the face of this investment ghost, really elm-headed, Mori Kogoro didn't want to explain it in the business field.

It doesn't make sense here, there are always other ways to make sense.

He laughed softly: "No, I said that what I gave it to me is mine, including you, your wealth, your people, all belong to me!" Do you feel it? Today I will help you realize your dream." After saying this, he picked up Fujiko and walked towards the bathroom.

Standing at the bathroom door, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but stop, and turned to look back at little Loli Marie.

Mary held the notebook with a dull face, watching helplessly as the owner of the energy company was replaced by herself.

Then she caught a glimpse of the cold and domineering Kogoro, who seemed to be waiting for her, got up immediately, closed the notebook and put it away.

Then the little loli blushed and trotted over.

Carrying the struggling Fujiko, Mori Kogoro still had the strength to rub Mary's little head, and said with a gentle smile, "Mary, do you have the antidote with you?"

Little Lolita nodded slightly.

This is great, Mori Kogoro is trying to compare who is bigger! .

Chapter 0017 We will be a family from now on!

The music sounded, and Fujiko on the water bed was completely daring to speak out!

Her buttocks were completely red, and she was beaten up by Fatty. At the moment, her eyes were full of tears, and she was whispering.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Such a bad person!"

And the blond-haired little Loli Marie miraculously evolved into a bath towel, and she was doing her best to help Fujiko, the female snitch, take a bath!

The little loli was up and down up and down, very busy!

But soon, Mary's little face was flushed, and she couldn't help panting, a strange bright red appeared on her little body!Just now, the little Lolita took the temporary antidote, and now the power of the medicine has exploded.

Feeling that Mary was hot all over, Fujiko immediately panicked, wrapped his arms around Mary's body, patted her small head and asked, "Mary, Mary, what's the matter with you? Look at my sister, look at my sister!"

Terrible thoughts emerged in her mind, her eyes were full of panic, and her anger burst forth immediately.

Fujiko only knew that Haibara ate ATPX and shrunk his body, but he didn't know that Mary was in the same situation.

Therefore, what happened next made Fujiko open his mouth wide, his eyes full of astonishment.

The blond-haired little loli grew up at a flying speed as if the accelerator had been turned on.

Fuji couldn't hold her in his arms at all, but felt the weight on his body getting heavier and heavier, and couldn't help screaming: "Wow! Whoa! Whoa!"

In just over twenty seconds of magical time, the little loli turned into a mature lady, dripping with sweat.

Presumably this recovery took a lot of her energy.

Fujiko was speechless: "You, Huiyuan, aren't you, ATPX, Mary, did you take that medicine too?"

"Wow, it's amazing, it turned out to be restored like this, which completely violates the law of conservation of mass."

She also scratched Mary's flesh, her eyes were full of strangeness: "This is real flesh, this medicine is too powerful, it's made out of nothing!" Still scratching and touching curiously!

And Mary, who was exhausted physically, couldn't reply her at all, not to mention the wind, forest and mountain fire in her body was still raging violently!

And in Shiliang Zhenchun's room on the second floor, Zhenchun hid in the cabinet and waited for a long time.

Just now she was so frightened that she fainted, and woke up after sleeping for a while, but she never heard the sound of her mother coming back.

Her nervous mood gradually calmed down, and she was thinking about how to deal with it.

At this moment, the sound of the door being pushed open sounded.

Zhen Chunxin lifted it up all of a sudden, sweat dripping from his forehead again.

Please, don't spot me!Don't find out!Just look around like this and get out!

But the sky did not fulfill its wish, and the footsteps stopped in front of the cabinet.

"Come out, don't hide, Xiaolan has already told me everything!"

Hey, this voice is not my mother's, it's my cousin's voice!

The little girl pushed open the closet, and when she saw the little loli Hui Yuan in front of her, she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Hey, Xiaolan told you everything. Damn, it's a shame that I trust her so much, this dishonest guy."

Huiyuan gave Zhenchun a blank look: "Nonsense, what kind of friendship do I have with Xiaolan, what kind of friendship do you have with her, she won't keep this kind of thing from me."

Immediately afterwards, the little Lolita jumped up, pinched Zhenchun's ear in the air, and squatted down halfway.

"I knew that you looked at uncle strangely, but I didn't expect you to do such a big thing by not following me just once."

"Big Tits Lan is really useless, I don't like it personally!" Huiyuan complained about Xiao Lan sharply, but in fact she herself can't look down on others.

Zhenchun took advantage of the situation and fell on the bed, folded her hands together and said with a smile: "Cousin, I know you have a lot of adults, and you will definitely forgive me." You must help me this time, if my mother finds out, then I will die It's fixed! "

"Just now I accidentally fell asleep in the closet, and dreamed that my mother made me sit on a tiger stool and whipped me with a leather whip."

"If she finds out, maybe she will use some tricks. She used to be a scientific engineer and was proficient in many tricks."

Huiyuan's little white hand patted Zhenchun's forehead: "Don't scare yourself, you think too much."

"If you have the ability to steal food, why don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Zhenchun replied: "Yuanzi admitted it, and she screamed all the way and was taken home by her mother. I don't want to do this."

"Cousin, you must save me!" At this moment, Zhenchun called out to her cousin with extra sincerity.

But the appearance of holding the little loli for help is really not handsome at all!

Little Lolita had a headache, one was her aunt and the other was her cousin, it was difficult.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhenchun hugged Hui Yuan and acted coquettishly!

The little Lolita trembled, and then she said, "How about I ask my sister to make some aphrodisiac flowers, and then arrange to play flower arrangements together, and then..."

Zhenchun's green eyes lit up, and then he clasped his hands together and bowed heavily to Huiyuan on the bed.

Huiyuan was still a little angry, so he pinched her other ear, and only after venting his anger did he feel happier.

But looking at Zhenchun who obediently admitted his mistake and confessed his love, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It turns out that this is my sister, this is what it feels like to wipe my sister's butt, it's not bad!

Gently rubbed Zhenchun's short hair with his little hands, and then said: "Okay, don't worry about it, your mother really wants to deal with you, and sister is here, at worst, sister will stop her medicine for you. "

"Let's go, let's go to the movies. Xiaolan said that she bought some new horror movies, let's watch them together." Little Lolita took Zhenchun's hand and walked out the door.

Seeing the two younger sisters coming out, Ming Mei who was waiting at the door had a gentle smile on her face.

"Don't be afraid of Zhenchun, that's great. Then from now on, we will be a whole family. Please take care of me!"

A slight blush appeared on Zhenchun's face, and she bowed respectfully: "Please give me your advice!"

Mingmei with a smile on the corner of her mouth rubbed the heads of the two children: "Hehe, don't be so cautious, and you don't need to deliberately avoid Zhenchun in the future. This is a good thing!"

These unrestrained words instantly made Zhenchun blush again.

And Huiyuan patted his little hand away, and said rather annoyedly: "Hey, don't act like a gentle big sister, I'm not the youngest now, I'm also a big sister."

"Xiao Ai is not good again!"

Saying this, Mingmei knelt down and tapped Huiyuan's upturned little nose: "Okay, okay, you are also a big sister, a short little sister!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, I should be taller than you when I recover."

"Nonsense, sister is taller!"

"I'm the tallest woman in the Miyano family!" Haibara desperately stood on tiptoe, but it's a pity that this little lolita's body, no matter how much she stood on tiptoe, was useless. "Believe it or not, I'll take the antidote and compare it with you!"

Seeing the two noisy sisters in front of her, a smile appeared on Zhenchun's face, as if things were not as bad as imagined!

And the battle upstairs finally came to a result. After careful caressing, weighing, and tasting, in the end, Mary was the winner.

Chapter 0018 In front of Eri

Maori Kogoro of Dama Jindao sits in the middle and enjoys the massage of two women. It feels great!

Especially the head massage just now, it covers all aspects in four directions, which is great!

Only then did Fujiko know Mary's true identity: "Unexpectedly, you are still a relative of that little scientist, and you also have such magical abilities. Wow, isn't it possible for one person to be used as two? It's amazing!"

But then she looked at Kogoro, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her little face turned red, and she pinched Moori Kogoro lightly with her little hand, as gentle as water!

"Kogoro, don't think that I will forgive you."

"You don't count what you say. You have swallowed all my money. I will leave tomorrow, so you will never find me for the rest of your life."

This woman, after being taught a lesson by forest fires, is still not good enough to speak like this.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, flashing a dangerous light!

Mary, who was sitting on Kogoro's right leg, smiled and explained: "Fuji, you misunderstood."

"Just now Kogoro exchanged all your cash for the shares of Japan's New Energy Group, which is the twenty-first company in the world and the most valuable and high-quality assets."

"That kind of stock cannot be bought by the rich, and only the big men can get their hands on it."

"As a shareholder of that company, even the top political figures in the country dare not underestimate you. He didn't take your money at all!"

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