It's a pity that Yumu's head is like a buddy, but it doesn't make sense at all: "You belong to this bad guy, so naturally speak for him, I don't believe you." of."

"What's so good about being ranked [-]st? Is it possible to get to the first place? It's impossible to double the assets, and it's impossible to make money with money."

It's not like she's stupid, but she really has some economic theories.

Debating with her on investment is very likely to be pulled to the same IQ level and then hanged.

This is how Mary feels now, and the corners of her mouth twitched speechlessly.

This high-quality asset pays dividends every year, isn't it fragrant?Want to double your assets?Flip you big-headed ghost!

Mori Kogoro easily saw through his little thoughts.

"Fuji, don't you just want to try the taste of successful investment?"

"You can pick any unicorn company under my name, and I will give you one!"

The eyes of Fujiko who was sitting on his left leg lit up, and the little bird immediately embraced him, and his arms were instantly filled with tenderness.His pink lips were imprinted on Maoli Kogoro's cheeks, and his tone was full of joy: "Xiaogoro, I love you so much."

After all, she proudly raised her eyebrows at Mary!

Mary was speechless right away, shit, she was tricked, I dare say this woman was just pretending to be stupid, she is so scheming!

Sure enough, the more successful a woman is, the better her life will be, and she will have another company all of a sudden, so angry!

Thinking of how she foolishly explained to Fujiko, Mary couldn't help pinching Fujiko's big butt!

"Oh, why are you pinching me? It hurts so much, it's all swollen."

Mary ignored her, and looked at Kogoro Mori with her watery green eyes, but she didn't speak, but her expression was extremely pitiful.Don't worry about scarcity but inequality!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and patted his soft back: "You have it too, just pick it if you want it!"

Mary smiled, swiped over gently, and kissed Kogoro Mori.

She turned her head to look at Fujiko, who completely ignored her and was concentrating on trying the art of war!

"Hey, the people inside, are you alright?"

At that moment, Eri's voice came from the door.

Mary was a little flustered right away. She looked like she was taking the antidote, so she couldn't let outsiders see her.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Don't panic, I'm here!" A small hidden barrier condensed out, covering the three of them.

With a touch of spiritual power, the doorknob was unscrewed immediately, creating the illusion that the door was ajar.

Eri pushed the door suspiciously and walked in, only to find that there was no one there, and all the voices were silent.

She couldn't help frowning and said: "Strange, I clearly heard the voice of that bad guy. Could it be that I'm hallucinating?"

But Mary and Fujiko looked at this scene with disbelief on their faces, their small mouths grew huge, and they couldn't help asking in a low voice. "Why can't Eri see us?" X2

Kogoro laughed badly: "Small magic, it's nothing!" After finishing speaking, Feng Lin Shan Huo cast it again.

Both women covered their mouths. In front of Yingli, they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to make a sound!

Seeing Yingli walking around here, and then Yukiko walked in and pulled her away, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, they asked about Kogoro Mori's spell.Mori Kogoro answered everything, and all of them suggested Fuso from Izumo Shrine.

But soon, the two girls didn't bother to listen to Mori Kogoro's answer.

About an hour later, Kogoro Mori walked out of the suite on the third floor with a comfortable body.

He lifted the hidden barrier on himself in the empty stairwell.

Fujiko is really investing in the law of causality!

Only an hour later, just after becoming popular, he reported that the two companies that Fujiko was optimistic about, the Indian Farming Group, and the mixed-oil motor vehicle company, all had various crises.

The stock price fell again and again, and it was about to go bankrupt. Fujiko's vision is also worthless!

It seems that the unicorn company she picked to go to is most likely doomed.

Mori Kogoro doesn't care much about it. It's a business. There are profits and losses. Not all unicorn companies can grow into behemoths.

, it doesn't matter.

Immediately after turning his mind, the monitoring of Suzuki's house appeared in his mind.

Tomoko in the living room is waving a mace at the sandbag, not to be messed with, not to be messed with!

But Yuanzi, who was locked in the room, looked a little sad, and she couldn't just ignore her like this, it would be too scumbag!

The big diversion talisman in the system space was held in the hand, and the location was determined with the mind, and then the diversion talisman was pressed.

Imprints of formations appeared around it, and then Mori Kogoro disappeared in the stairwell.

But the place where his body reappeared was in the heavily guarded Suzuki's house, in the boudoir of the second Miss Suzuki.

It seems to be the right time to steal fragrance on a moonlit night.

Tomoko in the living room never expected that the person he was waiting for had already broken through the siege and ran into his daughter's room.

At this moment, Yuanzi was wearing a white nightdress, and the gauze skirt could reach his thighs.

The pretty figure was lying on the dressing table, playing with the mermaid's tears sullenly, and muttering the name of Mori Kogoro from time to time.Girlish feelings are always poetry!

Mori Kogoro smiled and stepped forward lightly.

Chapter 0019 The garden of learning the art of war

"Who is calling me?" Mouri Kogoro's gentle voice appeared, Sonoko turned around immediately.

His amber eyes were full of surprise: "Uncle!"

She screamed and jumped into Mouri Kogoro's arms, with a pair of long legs hanging around his waist, her bare hands wrapped around his neck, and she spoke happily.

"How did you come in? There was no sound. It scared me!"

Despite being excited, the little girl did not suppress her voice.

Holding his delicate body, Mori Kogoro said in a low voice: "Shanren has his own tricks. Your uncle is very familiar with it. Hush, keep your voice down, don't disturb your mother!"

The little girl was also afraid of alarming her mother, so she quickly lowered her volume.

But looking at Moori Kogoro's face, she couldn't help but smirk again, sweeping away the gloomy look just now.

Just a smirk wasn't enough, he pouted his mouth and held Kogoro's head and gently pecked it like a woodpecker!

Mori Kogoro held his pink lips, and immediately displayed his master-level kissing skills, and the little girl immediately closed her eyes and responded.

He hugged the girl, walked forward slowly, and sat on the edge of the bed.

After a passionate kiss, Sonoko's small head like a koala rested on his right shoulder, whispering about his tragic experience.

She said how her mother bullied her, she didn't give her food, she didn't give her a drink, she was locked in the room and didn't let her out, her cell phone was confiscated, and she was asked to reflect inside.

Sonoko kept selling pitifully, but Mori Kogoro ate this set, rubbing his cheek against his short brown hair: "Then uncle, go get you something to eat!" "No!" Sonoko hugged Kogoro, and said softly: "I see When uncle arrives, he will neither be hungry nor thirsty."

"Yo, I still have this effect, what a silly girl!" Yuanzi pecked her cheek, and laughed silly again.

"Don't worry, with me here, your mother can't bully you."

"Yeah! I trust Uncle!" Sonoko nodded, but he really believed in Kogoro.

The little girl held Kogoro Mori tightly in her small hands, unwilling to part for a moment.

Talking on twitter, I really don't know why there are so many things to say.

First he asked about Zhenchun's situation, then asked if Xiaolan told her about it, and then asked about Zhenchun's mother who had never been masked.

Then he said that he threw away all the headbands, and mentioned that the name of Mori Kogoro was engraved on the dressing table.

Even the classmates at school, my sister's preferences, and gossip about the old housekeeper at home all spoke out.

Girls' love is like this, I can't wait to share the whole world with Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Moori gently stroked Yuanzi's Bai Jie's calf with his big hand, clutching his jade feet, with a smile on his face, he listened carefully, and remembered carefully, even remembering the name of the dog that Yuanzi raised when he was a child.

In fact, he enjoyed this moment very much, as if he was fully involved in this little girl's life.

It's really strange, the little kid who used to follow Xiaolan's buttocks up the tree and climb the mountain, now has transformed into this scene.The scene in front of him collided with the picture of the little kid in Sonoko in his memory, and Kogoro Mori felt inexplicably that he was too inhuman.

Alas, in the end, she was still taken down by this little girl!

But as long as the smile on Yuanzi's face is real, it doesn't matter if he is human or not!

Smelling Kogoro Mori's masculine breath, the blush on the little girl's face never faded.

His fingers were twirling on Mori Kogoro, his amber eyes stared straight at him, he pursed his lips lightly, and asked in a low voice. "Uncle, you came to see me, do you want to drink red wine?"

After saying that, the girl turned her head away.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but burst out laughing. After talking about him for so long, he finally couldn't hold back.He cupped his little face with a smirk: "No!" Yuanzi was full of puzzlement, and couldn't help pouting.

"I'm here to teach you the art of war!"

The little girl then punched Kogoro Maori a few times in embarrassment: "Uncle, I hate it so much! I hate it so much!" She chased after Kogoro, playing and rolling in a ball.

In the end, Kogoro Moori grabbed his plain wrist and joked, "Do you want to learn from Yuanzi?"

The little girl pretended to be vicious: "Learn!"

In the magnificent living room of Suzuki's house, Tomoko Suzuki was sitting on the sofa, holding tea and drinking tea gracefully.However, the gleaming mace beside him does not match his temperament!

The elder daughter Ayako, who was kneeling in front of her and performing the tea ceremony, couldn't help but said, "After Sonoko came back, I didn't give her dinner. I wonder if she will turn over?"

Pengzi felt angry, and snorted softly: "This girl has been outside for so many days, and she has forgotten her family. It won't matter if she starves her. How can I discipline her if I don't give her a warning first!"

It's a pity, Tomoko has no idea that her little daughter is swimming in the ocean of knowledge, unable to extricate herself!

"I'm still thinking of a way to deal with me, Ayako, tell me, your sister is like this now, how should you discipline her?"

Uh! ! !

Ayako was speechless, unable to answer.

In fact, she also has her part in dealing with my mother, but unfortunately she dare not say it.

After being silent for a while, Ayako changed the subject and said, "Mom, my little sister has only been away from home for a few days, so using meteor hammers and maces is too, too outrageous."

"Why don't you change it to rattan, it's not dangerous!" Saying this, Ayako stretched her little hand towards the mace, trying to put it away.

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