She looked at Kogoro with red eyes, her eyes mixed with love and hate, very complicated.

"Can you treat us well for the rest of your life?"

Mori Kogoro nodded firmly: "I swear, I will be good to you all my life, at the risk of my life!"

Hearing this, Tomoko's eyes were filled with the threat of a wolf: "You'd better do what you say, or I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go." Mori Kogoro's lips were on.

No, this is not a kiss, but a bite, and the bite is bleeding!

Even though blood oozes from the corner of his mouth, Mori Kogoro still laughed, and a stone fell from his heart.

This is the moment to clear the clouds and see the sun!

While kissing, Tomoko narrowed his eyes and fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro immediately checked nervously, but luckily nothing serious happened.

It's just that I didn't sleep well in the past two nights, and the emotional ups and downs were too high, so I fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro gently brushed the hair around her ears, then gently picked her up and walked towards her room.Go to Tomoko's bedroom and put him on the bed.

After taking off her high heels and changing into pajamas, Mori Kogoro followed her and hugged her to sleep.

At this moment, he didn't think about anything, he gently caressed Tomoko's body with witch power in his hand, humming a lullaby.

He just hoped that Tomoko could sleep soundly tonight and have a good dream!

Soon, Mori Kogoro, who was humming a lullaby softly, also felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

He was also overworked today, so he also fell asleep.

This sleep went straight to the sun for three poles!

In the morning of the second day, the sun was still playing mischievously on the faces of the two of them, Tomoko frowned slightly, and then opened his sleepy eyes.When she woke up, she felt refreshed, never had such a comfortable sleep.

Feeling the forearm of the arm resting on the head, smelling the familiar masculinity.

Looking back, Moori Kogoro fell asleep with him in a good manner, and Tomoko felt a little more happy in his heart!

Hmph, why didn't you behave so well before!

I'm already awake, it seems like a waste not to do something.

Tomoko pinched a section of her short hair, trying to tickle Kogoro and wake him up too.

Short hair brushed his nose, and Kogoro sneezed in his sleep.


But then, there was a muffled hum from the bed.

Tomoko's purple eyes widened in an instant, his face full of disbelief.

His little hands grabbed the corner of the quilt and lifted it up with all his might.

In this bed, the bodies of two girls, Sonoko and Ayako, appeared magically.

The two girls were curled up, and they were pretending to be asleep with their eyes closed.

And they were the same as last night, they looked like they had just finished learning the art of war and hadn't taken a bath yet, looking at them made me feel pitiful!This was a ghostly idea from Yuanzi, and it was done in one go, like a tiger!

Last night, Yuanzi heard the entanglement of the eldest sister, and had a brainstorm, and came up with this genius idea.

In the middle of the night, she dragged her sister into the friend's bed and created this shocking tragedy.

Last night, Mori Kogoro and Tomoko were too tired and fell into a deep sleep.

Neither of them noticed the tricks of the two sisters!

Mori Kogoro was sleeping like a dead pig at the moment, completely unaware that a shocking black pot had been covered on his head.

No, it's not a shocking scapegoat, this is his fault in the first place!

"Aya, Ayako, why are you here, why are you like this?"

The corners of Tomoko's mouth trembled slightly, Su pointed at Ayako, unable to finish his sentence.

Seeing Mori Kogoro sleeping soundly next to him, Tomoko couldn't bear it anymore.

He kicked Mori Kogoro heavily in the abdomen and kicked him off the bed.

Kogoro who fell to the ground just woke up, and yawned in a daze: "Tomoko, why are you kicking people? Hey! Wow!" Mouri Kogoro immediately rolled on a donkey, dodging a slashing knife Turn the big knife.

What the hell, why is there a Daguan knife in the bedroom!It's too unreal!

"Tomoko, what are you doing? Do you want to kill someone?"

Looking at Qianying who was wielding a big knife on the bed, he bristled with anger, as if he had activated a unparalleled skill.

Seeing the two sisters who had woken up on the bed and huddled together, Mouri Kogoro couldn't react, his face turned green in an instant!I lost it, don't take it to cheat me like this!

"I'm going to kill you scum today!"

Another slash came down, and Mouri Kogoro spread his legs quickly.

A crack appeared in the floor.

It's only three centimeters away!It's only three centimeters away!The little brother is about to be reimbursed.

Mouri Kogoro, who was fully awake, stepped back immediately, his face pale and said: "Tomoko, this is a misunderstanding, please listen to my explanation!"

"Misunderstanding, you still have the face to say that you have misunderstood. You let me hack first, and I will listen to your explanation."

Saying this, Tomoko chased him out wielding a big sword, and Kogoro Mori fled out in a hurry.

This is a real Shura field! ! !

Tomoko has completely lost his mind, if he can't explain it, it's important to escape!

Mori Kogoro, who was rolling and crawling all the way, jumped out of the iron gate of Suzuki's house, and slammed on the gate with a big knife.

Kogoro got into his car, and the car shot out immediately.

In the room, Yuanzi who saw this scene by the window smiled awkwardly: "Sister, we seem to have tricked uncle."

Chapter 0022

Looking at the Lexus going away, Tomoko still looked angry.

The Daguan Dao in his hand was slashing wildly at the grass and trees in the front yard, looking completely berserk.

The maids and housekeepers at the side all looked at the always virtuous and elegant lady in horror, a little confused.

This, is this still Madam?

In the end, the Daguan knife was cut into two by his scourge, and Tomoko threw it away.

Then he hurriedly ran towards his bedroom.

Seeing the ravaged eldest daughter, Tomoko immediately reached out and hugged her, couldn't help feeling sad, and burst into tears!

"Ayako, it's mom who's sorry for you, it's mom who didn't protect you well!"

"That beast actually did something like this to you while I was asleep, I shouldn't have believed him."

"You wait, mom will help you decide, let's collect evidence now, invite the most powerful lawyer in the world, sue him, put him in jail, and make him regret for the rest of his life!"

Tomoko was so angry that he was trembling all over, thinking that he hadn't protected his eldest daughter well, and felt extremely guilty at this moment.

When Ayako heard that she was going to hire a lawyer and put him in jail, she panicked all of a sudden.

She hurriedly said: "Mom, don't do this, it's none of his business, I did it voluntarily!"



voluntary? ? ?

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was all wrong!

Tomoko slowly pushed the eldest daughter away from her arms, her brows were slightly raised, and there was a weird smile on the corner of her mouth. "Tell mom honestly, are you willing?"

"Like your sister, is it really voluntary?"

Seeing the gradually blackened mother, Yuanzi couldn't help covering her little face, and didn't dare to look any more.Only then did Ayako realize that she had said the wrong thing, and she trembled, not daring to respond.

"Kneel down!" A shout came from Friends.

The two women knelt down at the head of the bed nimbly, not daring to disobey their orders at all!

Seeing this scene, Tomoko really felt his head buzzing, it hurt so much!

"You two, you want to piss me off, right?"

"Ayako, Ayako, why don't you learn well, why do you just learn from your sister, do you want me to die early, so that the two sisters can let themselves go!" Hearing this, Sonoko complained in a low voice: "It's my sister! before me."

The betrayed Ayako immediately looked at her sister in disbelief, her eyes widened wider than ever: "Huh!!!"

Tomoko suddenly felt a little unsteady, and staggered a few times while holding his forehead.

She remembered how her eldest daughter helped her make suggestions, and how she guarded against her younger daughter.

At that time, she thought how obedient and obedient her eldest daughter was, but she didn't realize that she was lying to herself. It's too dark, old Yinbi!

A sense of betrayal filled Tomoko's heart, and he could hear his veins throbbing.

"Family law to serve!"

"Oh!" X2

The two women turned around at the same time, lay down obediently, and pouted their buttocks.

Seeing this scene, Tomoko couldn't help but leaned back against the wall, and then yelled, "I'm talking about the Suzuki family, not the Mori family!"

The little face blushed, and the two sisters turned back in sync, knelt on the bed, and straightened their right hands.

I don't know where Tomoko pulled out the cane in the bedroom, and then taught these two disobedient daughters one after another!

Kogoro Mori monitored the affairs of Suzuki's house remotely, but he didn't dare to show up again.

He was afraid that if he really appeared, he would add fuel to the fire, and Pengzi would have to chase him down with a knife again.

It was originally a good situation, but last night Tomoko calmed down, and was manipulated by the two sisters, and they were all ruined.

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