Mori Kogoro doesn't know what to do, this situation can only make everyone calm down!

At this time, the phone rang, and Kogoro Mouri connected.

It was the voice of the little loli Huiyuan: "Uncle, why didn't you stay home all night last night? Today, Dr. A Li asked us to go camping. Will you come?"

"Of course I'm going, where are you?"

Huiyuan's mobile phone was snatched by Ayumi: "We are in the coffee shop downstairs of Uncle, Mr. Wakasa is also here, Uncle, hurry up!"

"Okay, you wait, I'll be there soon!"

Lexus roared and rushed towards the office.

Very soon, the car appeared at the door of Polo Cafe.

Mori Kogoro entered the Polo Café, and he saw that there was a lot of money in the cafeteria.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I didn't feel sorry for her!

If there is, it is probably just teasing and not eating!

When passing by Xiao Azusa, Mori Kogoro smiled at her, but Xiao Azusa turned her head and ignored him.

She licked the paw of the tricolor cat captain, showing the cat's paw, silently protesting.


Ayumi happily bumped into Kogoro Mouri's arms again, hugging his thigh and laughing foolishly.

Seeing this little loli and hearing her voice, Mori Kogoro also laughed unconsciously, feeling relieved all of a sudden.

Children always have magical healing powers!

"Has Ayumi behaved lately? Have you listened to the teacher?"

"Yes, Mr. Wakasa can prove it."

Rumi Wakasa, who was wearing glasses, bowed respectfully to Mori Kogoro, but she bumped into the table again recklessly.

Teacher Wakasa, who was covering his head, took a breath and said, "Detective Mori, Ayumi has always been very good, and her academic performance is also very good."

And Hui Yuan, the elder sister, jumped down from the sofa and gave orders: "Okay, everyone is here, and it's time for us to set off. Don't keep Dr. A Li waiting."

Hearing this, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko became excited, shouting: "Camping! Camping!"

A group of people walked out the door, and when Rumi Wakasa passed Mori Kogoro, she said something more: "Detective Mori, I will trouble you this time."

"No trouble, no trouble, just change your mood!"

"Hmph!" Seeing the two of them chatting, Xiao Zi, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, snorted twice in displeasure.

Rumi Wakasa immediately walked out quickly.

And Mori Kogoro, after passing through the donation, the words are clever and enthalpy, and the words are clever and enthalpy. Hey×chanting ¤ Muyin sword   refers to  flattery 砗笾喇船话选?/p>

"The next time you see me, don't have this expression, or I will punish you!"

After the sneak attack succeeded, Mori Kogoro turned around and walked out with a chuckle.

And donate to the shepherd's account cloth bang to play?/p>

Chapter 0023 Camping in the wild

The big hand was full of soft aftertaste, and Mori Kogoro walked out of the Polo Cafe with a smile on his face.

And the little loli Huiyuan, who was leaning against the car door, snorted softly: "You haven't wiped off the lipstick on your mouth yet!"

Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but frowned, and then reacted: "Xiao Ai really knows how to joke, and uncle has never kissed anyone, so there is no lipstick."

Little Lolita looked at him suspiciously, seeing that she couldn't cheat, she could only let him go suspiciously.

A group of people got into the car, two little lolis squeezed into the passenger seat, and the rest sat in the back.

"Hey, where's Conan?"

The car started, and Kogoro Mori realized that one person was missing.

Hui Yuan said: "He ran out early in the morning to have fun, he should be looking for Dr. A Li."

"But compared to someone who is away from home all day, Conan is doing pretty well."

Mori Kogoro laughed guiltily again.

He hadn't seen Hui Yuan for several days, so he should have been with her last night, and he had originally planned to do so.

But man is not as good as God, he urgently needed to deal with the matter of Sonoko's mother and daughter last night, so he could only stay overnight at Suzuki's house.

But it's not too late now, just spend a good time with Hui Yuan today.

Rumi Wakasa who was behind saw this scene and felt very strange.

Haibara's tone was as if the newlywed wife was complaining to her husband, it was so peculiar.

But Wakasa Rumi quickly remembered something, and couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, I heard that Kudo Shinichi also appeared when you went to Singapore, is it true?"

The temptation couldn't be more obvious.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Actually, that's not Shinichi, it's Kaitou Kidd. He disguised himself as Shinichi and followed us to steal gems. But Mr. Wakasa asked Shinichi what he was doing?"

"It's nothing, I just have some questions that I want to know about, so forget it!"

Rumi Wakasa immediately changed the subject and didn't mention it again.

Lexus is headed towards the newly built and open camping ground Toto no Mori.

Along the way, the children were all in high spirits. Under the guidance of the teacher, they sang nursery rhymes one after another, which really made people relax!

After about [-] minutes' drive, we arrived at the camping destination. The environment is excellent and the air is very fresh.

And Dr. Ali's beetle car has already parked here.

Mouri Kogoro carried the big and small bags and set off into the forest with all the little ones.

Not long after, a clean and tidy lawn area appeared, with seven or eight tents scattered around it, which was quite lively.

Dr. Ali and Conan were setting up tents at the moment, and Fushahui was cooking today's lunch in front of the fire.

Seeing Mori Kogoro, she waved her hand to greet him, her expression as usual.

Mori Kogoro also responded: "Madam, let's meet again, this taste is curry, it seems that there will be delicious food to taste later." Fusha painted lightly: "Maori-san was joking, listen to the children say , your cooking level is really superb, I just do it casually." During the pleasantries, Mouri Kogoro glanced around.

The hawk-like eyes instantly discovered two eyes hiding in the dark, one was staring at Fushae, the other was staring at Rumi Wakasa.It seems that Kuroda Hei and Akai Shuichi are two guys. Conan was not idle when he went out early in the morning.

He teamed up with Akai Shuichi, is this trying to test Fusha's true identity?

It's just that Fushahui really didn't notice it?

Mori Kogoro looked at Fushae with an inexplicable expression.

Seeing this, Xiao Ai on the side kicked Mori Kogoro's shin hard with his little feet, his eyes were very clear.

"Uncle, what are you looking at, don't make up your mind!"

Mori Kogoro said speechlessly, "Is uncle so unbearable in your heart?"

Xiao Ai pretended to be shocked: "You still have doubts about this matter?"

Hearing this, Teacher Wakasa who was on the side laughed lightly.

Maori Kogoro pretended to be a bad wolf, picked up little loli Huiyuan, and walked into the depths of the woods: "It seems that uncle has to teach you a lesson."

From the perspective of others, they only think that the two of them are just playing around.

Seeing Huiyuan riding on Kogoro Mouri, Fusha painted, "Detective Maori, remember to pick up firewood and come back."

Mori Kogoro returned a 0K gesture.

Everyone didn't find it strange, only Ayumi thought that Uncle and Xiao Ai would not come back so soon.

Huiyuan is wearing a short skirt, knee socks, and sneakers today. It's a wild outfit!

The gray over-the-knee socks are very smooth to the touch, but no matter how you touch them, they are like two short legs.

Little Loli blushed slightly, holding Kogoro Mouri's head, waving her little hand and knocking on her uncle twice from time to time.

But it didn't break the defense at all, it could only make Kogoro Mouri chuckle.

"Xiao Ai, today's situation is a bit complicated, no matter what happens later, remember to stay by my side."

Hearing this, Huiyuan frowned slightly: "Uncle, what do you mean? This camping will be dangerous?"

"We are not in danger, but others don't know!"

"After all, that brat Conan and Akai Shuichi have set up a joint situation again, and the two of them get together, nothing good will happen, not to mention that there is an old guy who is also ready to go!"

Huiyuan came to his senses: "Are you dealing with the doctor's girlfriend? Or Mr. Wakasa? Will the children be in danger?"

"Both of them are in the game, don't worry, with me here, the children will be fine."

"No, uncle, let's pick up firewood and go back quickly!"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "No way, uncle wants to taste the sweet and salty taste of Xiao Ai!"

Hearing this, little Loli blushed immediately, and couldn't help but slapped Moori Kogoro's cheek with her little hand: "You pervert!"

"Just kidding, just kidding, Xiao Ai, don't get me wrong."

On the other side, the young detectives were playing around in the campsite.

Kogoro Mori was away, and Conan's pretentious spirit couldn't hold back again.

He imitated Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning, looking at a crew-cut man with sports tape on his right index and middle fingers in the next camp, and deduced that he played basketball.

It is obviously an extremely simple reasoning, which can be easily seen based on the height and hairstyle of these people.

But just because it was said by a child, the four people in the camp next door thought it was amazing, so they chatted with Conan and the boys. .

Chapter 0024 two women with ghosts

After hearing the self-introduction of the pockmarked man, Mitsuhiko couldn't help but exclaimed.

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