"Big brother is amazing. He signed a professional basketball team when he was in college. Can't I see you on TV in the future?"

The ace player of the basketball club, Junto Ashizawa, rubbed his head and laughed dryly.

"Not anymore. It will take a period of training before we can compete with professionals."

"It's the one next to me who is really good. He is the main defensive player of our basketball club, Urushihara Fumiaki."

"I've always been guarded by him. In my opinion, he is more suitable for playing professionally than me."

Urushihara Shisho, who had a finger injury, waved his hand and said, "Stop doing this, you've already signed a professional team, so don't embarrass me."

Shizaki Urushihara, a man with a short hair, laughed lightly: "But if it weren't for the beautiful manager of our basketball club, the few of us wouldn't be able to get together."

Mitori Guoka, the curly-haired woman, said again and again: "Nonsense, I'm just running errands for you, how can it be of any use."

While the three of them were chatting and laughing, a long-haired man with glasses and a wounded right eye came over: "The atmosphere is really good, it seems that my former master, who was injured by the defender's right eye, will come It's really not the time!"

Shizaki Urushihara, a man with a cropped head, chuckled lightly and said, "You still remember this incident, I said I accidentally rubbed it with my elbow."

Hearing this, the long-haired man Duan Yebangdian argued angrily: "How dare you say it was rubbish, it was obviously a collision on purpose. My right eye is almost blind, and I almost got a prosthetic eye. Already!"

Hearing the word prosthetic eye, Mr. Wakasa who was beside him immediately froze.

His right hand subconsciously presses on the back pocket, pinching something.

Shizaki Urushihara, a man with a short hair, laughed frivolously: "But you are also with our beautiful manager because of this, isn't this a blessing in disguise?"


Seeing that Urushihara Fumiaki didn't feel guilty at all, the long-haired man Danno Bangnian was even more furious, and he wanted to come forward and hit someone.

Aside his girlfriend quickly pulled him back.

Junto Ashizawa with a pockmarked face couldn't help but said, "Urushihara, you're going too far by saying that."

Hearing this, Urushihara Shiaki swayed his face, dropped the spoon of curry rice, put his hands on his chest and said, "Ashizawa, be careful with what you say, or you may be ruined like Danno one day in my hand."

With this threat, Junren Ashizawa's expression changed.

Urushihara Shisaki shook his head speechlessly, turned around and said, "Hey, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be here, it's boring."

"I'm going back to my tent to sleep, so you don't have to call me when you eat, just call me when you leave."

After that, he walked towards the tent under the shade of the tree.

The curly-haired beauty bird couldn't help covering her face in frustration, her voice was a little crying: "Today is really terrible. I organized this camp just to ease the atmosphere in the club, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this."

Duanno Bangdian looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I couldn't hold back."

"It's okay, that guy will feel better after eating curry." The pockmarked man comforted the two optimistically.

Rumi Wakasa on the side played face to face with all the young people, watching a dispute inexplicably.

Dr. A Li behind greeted: "Children, the dessert is ready, you can eat it."

The children turned and ran towards their camp.

Fushahui pretended to be virtuous in front of the children, and she played Dr. Ali's new girlfriend very handily.

From time to time, he pretended to be close, and made the old virgin Dr. Li blush.

Sanxiao quickly accepted her, without any defense against her, happily eating the food she prepared.

Ayumi scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and ate it, and couldn't help squinting her eyes, with a look of surprise on her face.

This look is so cute, Fushae stretched out her hand to caress Ayumi's little head: "How about it, isn't the strawberry ice cream made by Auntie delicious?" "Well, it's super delicious, better than Uncle's strawberry ice cream too much!"

Fu Shae couldn't help asking: "Hey, didn't Ayumi tell me that Uncle Mori's food is delicious?"

"Yes, Uncle's other dishes are super delicious, except for the strawberry ice cream, which is weird."

"My mother and Xiao Ai like it very much, I don't understand it either!"

The unsuspecting Ayumi said it casually.

Both Conan and Dr. Ali felt that this was a bit strange, but they didn't have time to think about it.

Immediately afterwards, Ayumi seemed to come to her senses, remembering Xiao Ai's exhortation that this matter should not be said casually, so she couldn't help sticking out her tongue.Little Loli rolled her eyes, and quickly changed the subject: "Aunt Fushahui, I want an apple, please help me get one."

Everyone quickly ignored it, only Rumi Wakasa looked at Ayumi with a look of horror.

"Wakasa-sensei, Wakasa-sensei!"

Sensing the hand on the right shoulder, Rumi Wakasa trembled, and her right hand seemed to bounce subconsciously, but she managed to control it in mid-air.

She turned her head and saw a faint smile on Fusha's face, and she said kindly: "Mr. Wakasa, you should eat some too. It's hard for you to take care of these children."

Rumi Wakasa felt that her hairs stood on end inexplicably, but this woman approached him silently.

His eyes behind the glasses narrowed slightly, and he smiled and took the ice cream handed over by Fu Shahui.

But even though she took it, she didn't have the slightest intention to move her mouth. Instead, she pretended to be thoughtful and stared at a place in a daze.After all, Fushahui was not familiar with her, so it was hard to say anything.

But when she turned around, her eyes flicked across the forest, and a black shadow flashed past, which instantly aroused Fusha to break out in a cold sweat.

Her expression also became serious: No way, how could it be that person!

Rumi Wakasa thought for a while, but finally felt a little weird.

So she quietly called Ayumi, and said in a low voice, "Ayumi, Xiao Ai and Detective Maori have been gone for a long time, how about we go find them?"

When Ayumi heard this, she naturally agreed happily.

The two of them held hands and walked in the direction where Kogoro and the others entered the forest.

At the same time, a tent in the corner opened quietly.

A man quietly followed behind the two women.

Chapter 0025 Little Lolita Driving a Baby Carriage

Rumi Wakasa took Ayumi's little hand, walked in the forest covered with fallen leaves, and gradually walked deeper into the forest.

Ayumi was bouncing up and down, looking carefree.

Rumi Wakasa narrowed her left eye slightly, pretending to mention it casually.

"Ayumi, has your mother ever eaten Mori-kun's food? Are they familiar with it?"

Ayumi was not prepared for it, so she replied, "Well, mom is the happiest when uncle comes to my house."

"She always puts on very see-through clothes, but she just tries to coax me to go to bed early every time, which is really disgusting."

The huge amount of information made Rumi Wakasa dumbfounded, and she hurriedly asked: "Could it be possible that Mori-kun is still staying at your house?"

Ayumi nodded: "Yes, my mother and I both like uncle very much."

Immediately afterwards, the little Lolita seemed to notice something, quickly covered her mouth, and looked at the teacher suspiciously.

At this moment, two figures walked towards her, and the little loli Ayumi ran up happily again.

"Uncle, Xiao Ai, my teacher and I are here to look for you."

Mori Kogoro is holding the rattan in his right hand, and the rattan is tied with dry firewood.

This amount is quite a lot, it seems that it has been picked up for a long time.

But a woman's sixth sense comes for no reason!

Once there is doubt in my heart, I will never give up. This is a woman.

Rumi Wakasa squinted her left eye, observing Haibara carefully.

Hui Yuan's brown hair was no longer as neat as before, it was a little messy, and it was even stained with a little dirt.

And the little skirt was wet in some places, and the pattern on the knees was obviously wrong. It seemed that it was turned down and put on again, especially because there was a blush on the little face that couldn't fade, which was even more suspicious.

Rumi Wakasa hurried forward and pulled Haibara from Kogoro Mori.

"Xiao Ai, tell the teacher, why is your skirt wet?"

Her arms were already tense, and once she got the answer she wanted in her heart, she would attack Mori Kogoro.

During this period of getting along with the children, she has already fallen in love with these innocent and lively children.

She doesn't allow anyone to bully her students!

Haibara's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing Kogoro Mori's playful gaze behind him, and he spoke angrily.

"I just took off my shoes and accidentally splashed them when I passed the creek."

Hearing this answer, Rumi Wakasa felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that I misunderstood, Maori detective is not the kind of person I thought.

But Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and joked: "Is that so, didn't Xiao Ai splash it when she went to the bathroom just now?"

Little Lolita's face turned red instantly, she squeezed her little pink fist and said angrily: "How is it possible, uncle, don't talk nonsense!"

However, Ayumi believed Kogoro's words, and said, "Xiao Ai, you can't do this, the teacher taught you not to go to the toilet casually in the wild, it is easy to be bitten by poisonous snakes."

Huiyuan rolled his eyes: "I was really bitten by a poisonous snake just now!"

Ayumi immediately looked worried: "Are you really bitten? Where did you get bitten? Let me see."

Huiyuan's small fist hit Ayumi on the head: "Idiot, idiot, can't you hear that this is a joke? Uncle is also joking. I didn't go to the toilet in the wild, and I didn't pee."

Rumi Wakasa twitched her lips.

She always felt that these two little lolitas were running over her face in a baby carriage today.

Two little lolitas walked in front arm in arm, Mori Kogoro followed behind dragging firewood, Wakasa Rumi was next to them, and the group headed towards the camp.

"Mr. Wakasa, you are used to camping with us today. Did you encounter any abnormalities?"

Hearing this, Rumi Wakasa was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "Of course not, there's nothing unusual about it, Maori-kun, you really love to joke."

"It's fine if you don't have it, so you can't be more lucky."

Saying this, his eyes vaguely glanced behind a big tree, as if giving him a wink.

Behind the big tree, Kuroda Hei, with half of his face disfigured, frowned slightly.

He was the one who followed Wakasa Rumi out of the camp just now, and he had been keeping an eye on this woman.

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