Once it is determined that Wakasa Rumi is the person he is looking for, the assigned subordinates will immediately start the arrest operation.

But when he saw Mori Kogoro and Wakasa Rumi walking together, he hesitated a little, this could be regarded as his ally.

Kurodahei hesitated for a moment, but decided to talk to Mori Kogoro first, and then decide how to proceed.Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Kazemi, the action is temporarily suspended."

But there was no response from the intercom.

Kuroda Bingwei's expression changed immediately, and he rushed towards the position where he set up an ambush.

He ran alone in the forest, and after a while, he finally arrived at the ambush point he arranged.

But the scene in front of him made his one eye tremble.

The eight public security subordinates who had been arranged were lying in a mess in the forest, as if they had been taken over by a pot.

Kuroda Hei immediately rushed forward, suppressing Kazemi Yuya's pulse.

Fortunately, it is still beating.

This group of police officers was knocked out, who did it?

Only then did Kuroda Hei suddenly realize that the look that Detective Maori gave just now was to remind him of this matter.

On the other side, at the camp, Fushahui was still very concerned about the figure that just passed by.

She entrusted the curry to Dr. A Li, and then quietly left under the pretext of going to the toilet, and turned around and entered the forest.That direction was exactly the opposite of the direction of Maori and his party.

Just now Fushahui saw that figure from this direction.

As she continued to go deeper, she couldn't help frowning, and she held the pocket pistol in her hand.

Soon, the shadow of the black windbreaker flashed past, and Fusha followed silently.

The two walked quickly through the forest.

Finally, at the edge of the cliff, the shadow of the black windbreaker stopped.

But Fushahui's demeanor was completely different, the safety of the pistol was released, and then she opened her mouth to bark.

"I know you, the traitor of the organization, Gin." The strong wind swept over the cliff, curling up the long white hair of the man in the black windbreaker.

A pale face was revealed under the black top hat, with a dangerous light shining like a lone wolf in his eyes.

Fusha'e confronted this extremely dangerous person.

Chapter 0026

Qin Jiu said: "I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Its voice was cold and hoarse, like a poisonous snake.

Fushahui raised the pistol, and she had time to straighten her short blond hair that was blown by the wind.

"I'm also very surprised. The traitor of the organization, Gin Jiu, how dare you show your face in front of me."

"If I kill you and put your head in front of Rum, his expression should be very exciting."

Gin Jiu turned around indifferently, with his back to Fu Shahui, completely ignoring the confident appearance of being pointed at by a pistol. "I'm not a traitor, and you can't kill me either."

"However, I'm curious, is the target you're looking at the same as me? Kudo?"

Fushahui chuckled lightly: "It will be his turn later, let's deal with the Maori detective first!"

But after saying this, Fushahui's expression changed immediately, and the guy in front of her seemed to be talking about herself.

Frowning slightly, Fushahui shot decisively.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet was shot in the direction of the gin in the shape of a character, but unfortunately, the sound was clearly hitting the body armor.Qin Jiu didn't take out his gun to fight back. Instead, he staggered and fell towards the bottom of the cliff.Seeing this situation, Fu Shahui obviously felt that something was wrong, how could Gin be so easy to kill!

She hurried to the edge of the cliff.

But looking down, the cliff is slanting inwards, there is a blind spot, where can you see the figure of gin!Fushahui's complexion instantly became extremely ugly: careless, that person doesn't look like Gin at all!

And it was a planned escape, just asking a few words, obviously trying to test his identity.

Could it be Mori Kogoro?

She made a quick decision, and instead of running away, she turned around and ran towards the camp.

Anyway, there are a group of children around, and no one can make the first move if they are thrown at the mouse!

And at the bottom of the cliff, Gin took off the downhill gear from his body, and said in a low voice: "You heard me, she is a member of the organization, the doctor is really pitiful!" After saying this, he took off the black windbreaker, Then the disguise mask was torn off.

A short curly hair was revealed, it was Akai Shuichi.

This guy learned disguise from Kaito at Conan's expense.

As soon as I use it now, it has achieved initial results.

Akai Hideichi removed the voice changer attached to his throat and restored his original voice.

"Pretending to be this guy is disgusting, what are you going to do next?"

Conan's voice sounded from the badge: "Didn't you say that there are still people staring at us?"

Akai Hideichi put back on his own clothes, and replied, "That's a member of the police. I've already knocked him out. Like us, he's probably already eyeing Fushahui."

Conan's voice became a little excited: "In this case, today is really a good time to catch her. We can choose to cooperate with the police." "Let's act after I talk to uncle!"

Akai Shuichi frowned slightly, he was extremely nervous about cooperating with Mori Kogoro.

But Conan has said so, so he can only acquiesce.

In the campsite, Conan the Kid stopped talking to Shuichi Akai.

Putting the detective badge away, he revealed a pensive expression.

At this time, a group of people who went out to collect firewood came back, and Kogoro Mori was still dragging a large pile of firewood.

Conan the little devil immediately went up to meet him, grabbed Moori Kogoro by the hem of his clothes, and said anxiously, "Uncle, I have something to tell you."

"No, uncle has something to do!"

Mori Kogoro showed an uncooperative attitude, and easily broke away from Conan.

He dragged the firewood to where it was needed, then took Hui Yuan's little hand and walked towards the tent.

Conan was so anxious that he didn't know what to say, but when he turned his head, he saw Fushahui's figure appearing from the other direction.

He didn't dare to say anything, so he could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and stayed by the side of the children.

Fushae caught a glimpse of Kogoro Mori who had just returned from Haibara, her eyes flashed.

She felt that she rushed here from the bottom of the cliff, obviously not enough time, obviously that person was not Mori Kogoro.

But there is no guarantee that he sent it.

No matter what, you must have a good talk with this Maori detective!

But Mori Kogoro and Haibara have already entered the tent, so we can only wait for them to come out.

The zipper of the tent was quickly closed, and the shading effect was so good that it was a little dark inside.

Mori Kogoro took out his backpack and rummaged through it.

The little loli Huiyuan on the side blushed slightly, clutching her skirt and urging: "Uncle, hurry up!"

In fact, Wakasa Rumi's sixth sense is very accurate, but it's a pity that she just didn't study it further, otherwise she might have discovered it.

When Hui Yuan was washing Nene by the stream, the stream was too fast and washed away his Nene.

So along the way, Huiyuan traveled lightly, walking in fear, for fear that a gust of wind would blow him up and expose him. "Okay, okay, I found it!"

Soon Mori Kogoro found Huiyuan's change of clothes in his backpack.

Huiyuan walked over obediently, stepped in, and let Kogoro Moori help.

"Uncle, you are really necrotic. You were almost discovered by the teacher just now."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Didn't you find out? Besides, Ming Xiaoai also likes it very much."

Saying this, he licked his lips as if, with an inexplicable expression.

Huiyuan's face blushed immediately, and he punched him with a small fist: "Nonsense, I don't like it, I don't want it in the wild, it was still on a tree last time."

"Hmph, don't follow me next time I go camping."

Mori Kogoro rubbed his soft and cute face: "No, I said that Dr. A Li can't take care of you. How can I feel relieved if I don't come here."

"Besides, today's situation is so complicated..."

But before the words fell, there was a lot of noise outside the tent!

"Fire, put out the fire!"

"Why is it burning, there are still people inside!"

Mori Kogoro unzipped the tent, and Haibara poked his head out.

They saw ten meters away, at the camp next door, under the shade of trees, a big tent was on fire.

And Conan, Dr. Ali and the others quickly carried water to help put out the fire.

People started to die again. Sure enough, wherever Conan went and died, Mori Kogoro was already very calm.He patted Huiyuan's little butt: "Let's go, go out and see what happened!"

Chapter 0027 wonderful hobby

Everyone worked together and quickly extinguished the fire in the tent.

Mori Kogoro stood in front of the smoking tent, inside was a half-burned corpse, and he knew at a glance that he was hopeless.

Beside him, the curly-haired manager of the basketball club, Mitori Guoka, was covering his face and crying.

Her boyfriend, the long-haired Danno Bangdian, is comforting her.

Junto Ashizawa, the pockmarked man, looked unbelievable.

The deceased was the main defensive player of the basketball club, Shiaki Urushihara, the cut-headed man who broke up with everyone and went back to the tent to drink and sleep by himself.

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