Haibara grabbed the curious Ayumi and protected her from seeing the tragedy inside.

Seeing the sudden murder, Fushae narrowed her eyes slightly, and temporarily postponed her plan to talk to Mori Kogoro.

She backed away quietly, and stood behind Dr. Ali, pretending to be afraid, and stopped moving forward.

"Dr. A Li, call the police, they are all burnt to death."

After Mori Kogoro ordered, Dr. Ali, who came back to his senses, immediately called the police.

Not long after, people from the Metropolitan Police Department led a team to appear.

Because it was an arson case, it was the Fire Criminal Search Department of the First Investigation Section, led by the Gongchang Police Department.

"Gongchang Police Department, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Rubbing his beard and looking unkempt, Gong Zhang, the Police Department, laughed and said, "You haven't seen me for a long time, but I always see you on the news. What's the situation with today's case?"

Conan, the little ghost on the side, quickly interjected, "I know, the one who died was Shiaki Urushihara, a member of the basketball club of Baiwang University."

"Just now he had a quarrel with his friends in the society, and he went back to rest in the tent by himself."

"Then it was about dinner time that the tent suddenly caught fire and he was burned to death inside."

Junto Ashizawa, the pockmarked boy, couldn't help but argue: "Kids, don't talk nonsense, we didn't quarrel."

"Ukihara has a bad temper, and he will make such a fuss from time to time. Everyone is used to it."

Hearing this, the other two also nodded repeatedly.

The Gongchang Police Department ignored them and started investigating the scene instead.

"If it was a normal fire, the burned person would definitely wake up and save himself, so why didn't he escape?"

Conan pointed to the cans and bottles in the tent: "It should be because he was drunk, so he couldn't escape in time."

"As for the source of the fire, it should be the candle. There is also wax that has recondensed after melting!"

The Gongchang Police Department asked: "Then why would he light candles in the tent in broad daylight?"

Curly-haired Mitori Guoka wiped away her tears and said, "Because Urushihara likes the smell of scented candles very much, she often lights up scented candles by herself, and then does fitness exercises in the room."

"It was the same just now. When I went to call him, I saw him doing squats inside through the silhouette reflected by the candle!"

"But he doesn't seem to have heard what I said, he may be listening to music with headphones on!"

Hearing this, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help twitching.

It's really a wonderful hobby to burn incense to exercise!

The pockmarked man Ashizawa Junto also nodded and said: "I can also prove this. When I went to deliver curry rice to Urushihara later, I also saw the silhouette on the tent. He was still doing squats!"

Mori Kogoro asked: "So, both of you have gone to him? Who else has gone to him, please tell me in order."

Duan Ye, the long-haired man, said, "Actually, I was the first to go to him. I had an argument with him just now, and I wanted to apologize to him."

"But he ignored me, and there were no candles in the tent at that time, so I didn't see anything."

Gu Gang, the curly-haired girl, said, "I cooked the curry and asked him to eat, but he also ignored me."

Lu Ze, a man with a pockmarked face, said: "After everyone finished eating, I went to look for him with the curry rice specially reserved for him, but he didn't respond to my words. In the end, I just put down the curry rice and left."

At this time, Mori Kogoro keenly observed some abnormalities, so he couldn't help asking: "Miss Guoka, can you let us see the back of your right hand that you have been holding on to?"

"I seem to see a circular burn mark, maybe it has something to do with the candle."

Mitori Gugang immediately panicked, quickly waved her hands and said, "No way, that's not the case."

The Gongchang Police Department put on a straight face: "Please cooperate with our police investigation."

Seeing this, Mitori Guoka could only turn the back of her hand over: "This was accidentally burned when I was making curry just now, and it has nothing to do with the candle."

Duan Ye, the long-haired man next to her, quickly said, "I can testify that I was the one who helped deal with the scalding of Meitiao. There was also scald medicine on it, and the smell of medicine could be smelled."

Hearing this, the Gongzhang Police Department even approached and sniffed it, then turned his head and nodded to Mori Kogoro, indicating that what he said was correct.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Zhang rubbed his beard and said: "If two people saw that he could do squats, there is a possibility of colluding confessions. If it was intentional arson, then only the latter one is possible."

"So Mr. Ashizawa, you are suspected."

Hearing this, Mazi's face turned pale with fright.

At this time, the forensic personnel took a bag, which contained the unburned end of the zipper.

This kind of zipper is specially made, and it can also be locked inside.

In the bag brought by the forensic personnel, the lock was still locked.

Gong Zhang rubbed his beard and said, "If you lock it, you can't get in, that is to say, it's a secret room. It seems that it was really an accident."

Hearing this, the three of them were obviously relieved.

It would be too miserable to become a suspect because of a small dispute.

At this time, Conan the Little Ghost Head picked up a burned book, and couldn't help saying: "But it's so strange, why the book here is burned like this."

"Look, the triangle in the middle is burned, but the two sides are not burned, I don't understand!"

The little ghost head maliciously pretended to be the voice again, and Kogoro Mouri, who couldn't stand it, punched him on the forehead.

Teacher Wakasa couldn't help exclaiming: "Mori-kun!"

"This child is too naughty. He takes things from the scene of the murder casually. He needs to be disciplined."

Rumi Wakasa clearly disapproved of Kogoro Mori's violent behavior, and quickly pulled Conan back to prevent him from messing around.

Conan immediately looked depressed, obviously he had found the key evidence, but he was punched for no reason.

But he couldn't figure out what the book was about.

Chapter 0028 and Fusha painting diamond tent

At this moment, Kuroda Bingwei, who had arranged a group of his men, rushed back.

Seeing this, the Gongchang police department couldn't help asking: "Mr. Kuroda, why are you here?"

Kuroda Hei had already participated in the induction meeting before, and most people in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department knew this new boss.

"I just started working under a lot of pressure, so I just found a campsite to relax. Hey, Maori-kun, are you there?"

"Yeah, I just came to this newly opened campground to relax, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing!"

Rumi Wakasa's left eye narrowed slightly, flashing a dangerous light, and she felt that Kuroda Hei's eyes were very familiar.

Ayumi hid behind Haibara, seeming a little afraid of this disfigured uncle.

But when she saw that Fusha's reaction was the same as her own, she was no longer afraid.

Little Lolita turned to pull Fushahui's clothes, and whispered, "Aunt Fushahui, are you afraid too?"

Fushahui was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Yes, it's the first time for Auntie to see a dead body, and she's not used to it, Ayumi is really brave."

Little Lolita farted: "That's right, our young detective team has solved many big cases."

Hearing this, Fu Shae hugged Ayumi: "Then Auntie is holding Ayumi, Ayumi must give Auntie some courage!"

"Yeah!" Ayumi nodded, smiling very cheerfully.

When Conan the Little Ghost saw this scene, his expression turned ugly instantly.

It's broken, Ayumi is in danger, I have to tell my uncle quickly!

He immediately ran to the front, tugging at the hem of Mori Kogoro's clothes, trying to talk to him.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew Fushae's intention of hugging Ayumi, but with him in control, it is naturally impossible to be in danger, so he ignored the little devil.

Heiwei Kuroda at the side also approached Kogoro, and said softly, "Maori-kun, it's inconvenient for me to take a step to talk."

Another one!This is something to ask Wakasa Rumi!

This is a person looking for himself, and he should solve one thing at a time.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Let's solve the murder case first!"

The police department of Gongchang asked suspiciously: "Brother Maoli, isn't this an accident? The zippers inside are all locked, isn't it a secret room?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Of course it's not a secret room, it's a tent."

"The prisoner used a knife to cut open the tent from the back, and then set fire to it, so there was no need to destroy the zipper and lock."

Gongchang Police Department asked: "Then someone deliberately set the fire!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "That's right, it's still a delayed ignition device, which can be made with these incense candles."

"These incense dipped candles are about [-] to [-] centimeters each. You only need to use combustibles such as toothpicks to make them into a shelf, and then hang a horizontal candle in the middle."

"Then the candle was lit at the front and back, and the candle kept burning and dripping."

"When the weight changes, it will shift up and down like a seesaw, and the candlelight will also shift up and down."

"Afterwards, use the original comic books in the tent and set them up to cover the candlelight on one side."

"There will only be a single candlelight that shifts up and down in the tent."

"At that time, Urushihara Fumiaki, who was unconscious and fixed in a sitting position with his head in his hands, would appear as if he was squatting under the candlelight that shifted up and down."

"As for the prisoner, after we arrange everything, we will leave early."

"I'm right, right? The first Mr. Duano to go to the tent!"

Hearing this, the long-haired man Duan Yebangdian couldn't help taking a few steps back, his face turning pale.

"Maoli-kun, you are joking, how could I possibly do such a fantasy technique!"

At this time, Xiao Ai started to introduce: "The one in front of you is Kogoro Mori, a well-known and well-known detective in Tokyo, can his judgment still be wrong?"

Hearing this, the three of them recognized Kogoro Mori just now, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Danno Bangdian's face became paler.

But his girlfriend, Mitori Kooka, was full of disbelief, covered her mouth and shouted: "Danye, did you really do this?"

Mori Kogoro ignored them and continued to reason.

"The beer cans are only three or four bottles, and the alcohol content is not enough to make people fall into a state of deep intoxication."

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