"So it must have been given sleeping pills or other drugs that induce a strong coma. Dissecting the stomach organs can roughly find out what the drug is."

"Nine times out of ten, the medicine bottle is still on you. In addition, the alcohol needed to start the fire, and the knife used to cut the tent, and the fibers on the knife."

"So much evidence still exists, and this is just a superficially charred corpse, and there are still many remaining physical evidence. Do you have any excuses?"

Hearing this, Danno Bangdian collapsed and knelt down, shaking his head, unable to say anything.

No, it should be said that he started to collapse when he knew the identity of Mori Kogoro!

The beautiful bird with curly hair exclaimed: "Impossible, Duan Ye, you really did it, no, no." She cried and patted her boyfriend's shoulder: "Why did you do this, you are so stupid, How stupid!" The police officers on the side came forward to comfort Mitori Gugang.

Immediately afterwards, the police department of Gong Chang said: "Mr. Duan Ye, you can go back with us to accept the investigation."

The long-haired man Duan Yebangdian didn't resist either, and followed him in a daze, without saying anything.

Once Mori Kogoro's reasoning is finished, the case is considered to be a conclusion.No one will question his reasoning again, and his reasoning is not wrong.Gongchang Police Department came forward to thank him with a smile.

But before he could speak, someone squeezed to the side of Mori Kogoro.

This is Fusha Hui!

Fushae was still holding Ayumi, and she looked over with bright eyes.

"Maori-kun, do you have time, I want to talk to you alone."

Hearing this and seeing the eagerness in Fusa'e's eyes, Mori Kogoro could only apologize to Kuroda Hei: "Mr. Kuroda, there is no other way, ladies come first."

Saying this, he took Ayumi Ayumi from Fushae's arms, put her down tenderly, and led Fushae to the direction of the tent that Dr. Ali had just set up next to her.

Kuroda Hei and Kid Conan frowned at the same time when they saw this scene.

However, the two were too close, so they both observed each other's expressions, couldn't help but glanced at each other, and turned sideways in unison.

Kuroda Hei stared at Rumi Wakasa who was taking care of the children, and his one-eyed eyes narrowed again.

Under Dr. Ali's resentful eyes, Fusha drew the zipper of the tent.

The woman then leaned towards Mori Kogoro, clung to him, and whispered into his ear.

"Detective Maori, someone is going to kill me..."

Chapter 0029 Heartbroken Dr. Li

Fushae approached Mori Kogoro because she was afraid that the conversation would be overheard.

But Mori Kogoro's big hand took advantage of the situation to wrap around his slender waist.

Before he could react, Fusha was pulled into his arms and sat on Kogoro Mouri's lap.

"It's impossible to kill you, Madam is so beautiful, how could anyone be willing to do it?"

Saying this, his big hand slowly swam away!

This feeling, the skin of thirty years old, is really pleasant!

A dagger appeared in Fusha's hands at some point, and it was put on Kogoro Mori's neck.

Goosebumps from the cold touch!

Mori Kogoro laughed, not feeling any danger at all.

Fusha's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Maori-kun, I definitely don't feel wrong, a sniper rifle was pointed at me just now, you have to help me!" At first, Fusha'e had some doubts that Moori Kogoro wanted to deal with it. Own.

But as soon as he saw his posture, he subconsciously ruled out his suspicion and turned to him for help.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows in surprise.

According to what Qianzhihe, who came out of his psychic, saw, Akai Shuichi did set up a sniper to aim at Fushae just now.

But at the moment when Fushae hugged Ayumi, Akai Shuichi put down the sniper rifle!

Unexpectedly, after being so far away, Fu Shahui also felt danger, no wonder she ran to find herself.

This woman has a strong sixth sense!

Mori Kogoro didn't care about the dagger on his neck at all, his hands became more and more irregular, and he quickly put them on.

A strange smile flashed across the corner of his mouth: "This is Madam's way of begging for help. It's really special!"

Fusha Hui's eyes were full of disbelief, and then a flash of anger flashed, and she wanted to slash the dagger off.

But the dagger had already touched it, and even cut blood marks, she still didn't want to do it.

At the same time, Dr. Ali escaped everyone's sight, made a big circle from the forest, and finally came to the back of the tent he built.The big-nosed and bald-headed old man lay down slowly with his buttocks pouted, his ears leaning against the tent.

I just heard the words of Kogoro Mori!

"Ma'am, don't you think that if we do something like that in the doctor's house, if you give me orders, I will obey? If you think so, then you are too naive."

Something like that!My Home?What kind of thing is that?

Hearing this, Dr. A Li's face turned green instantly, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he shook his head unknowingly.

Impossible, impossible, Fushahui would not be such a frivolous woman!

She has been waiting for me for decades, how could she be involved with Maori detective, there must be some misunderstanding!

The doctor couldn't wait to rush in and ask what happened, but after all, he returned to his senses, suppressed his sorrow, and listened carefully.

But then, Fusha's pitiful voice sounded.

"You bullied me like that at the doctor's house, so don't you ignore me today?"

Bullying, Dr. Li's blood surged up when he heard these two words.

The bald forehead suddenly flushed red.

The brain was buzzing, and in an instant, the doctor could hear tinnitus!

What followed was the sound of heartbreaking.

Woohoo, Xiaohui has never talked to me in such a delicate tone.

As Dr. A Li staggered, his head hit the tent.

Fu Shahui couldn't help but screamed, turned her head and shouted: "Who is it?"

But seeing the shape of the bald head protruding from the tent, she also understood who was eavesdropping outside.

Seeing that he was discovered, Dr. A Li didn't have the courage to face the two of them, so he ran into the forest in a panic.

Seeing him leave and the surroundings returned to silence, Fu Shahui didn't dare to look out, for fear of being shot in the head by a bullet from somewhere.She put away the dagger, and wrapped her bare hands around Mori Kogoro's neck.

His cheeks were so close to Mori Kogoro's that his voice was breathless.

"Mr. Mao Li, Ming people don't speak dark words. You are so smart, do you dare to say that you don't know anything about the people who appeared here today? I invited you to camp because I wanted to find an opportunity to communicate with you frankly."

"But now I have miscalculated, and I have come to a Hongmen banquet!" Fu Shahui only felt that her current situation was very dangerous, and there were people in the forest who were testing and targeting her.

She couldn't see through Kuroda Hei and Wakasa Rumi in the campground. Both of them seemed to be hostile to her.

There was also a bunch of police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department, who just didn't know if there were more ambushes in the surrounding jungle.

And the only one she could ask for help was this guy in front of her.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm not Xiang Yu!"

Hearing this, Fu Shahui breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said, "Then help me!"

"What's the benefit?"

Fusha'e fell silent, pursed her lips, and looked at Mori Kogoro quietly.

His beautiful eyes moved down, turned to look at Kogoro Mouri's big hand, and stared at Kogoro Mouri's eyes again, making his heart tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Fushahui's small face came close again, speaking in a breathy voice: "Detective Maori, don't think I don't know that you have been fighting against our organization."

"In your office, our traitor, Akemi Miyano, is still hiding!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned.

And Fushahui continued to speak: "Don't worry, I didn't report the matter of Akemi Miyano."

"It's nothing more than a low-level member's betrayal. It's no big deal. Anyway, the traitor Gin Jiu let him go."

"It's just Maori detective, I have investigated you, I didn't expect you to hide very deeply!" Speaking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Fusha's mouth. "On the surface you are just an ordinary detective, but in fact you have a lot of industries, all over Tokyo and Japan."

"The forces you control are extremely powerful, and you have also colluded with the political circles. It is a great energy."

"To be honest, I really don't want to be an enemy of someone like you, especially if you're still so smart."

"In fact, we also have the possibility of cooperation."

"I didn't really offend you before. You are in Tokyo, so the person you want to deal with is Rum."

"I don't mind giving you some convenience in this matter. After all, I also want Rum to step down."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

He began to think seriously about Fusha's suggestion.

Chapter 0030: The Line of Defense Has Been Broken Fusha

"It's okay to cooperate," said Mouri Kogoro, who pinched his fingers lightly, feeling the Q spring in his hand, and his eyes became more and more strange.

"But the real cooperation should be evenly matched. Since my wife has investigated me, how can you cooperate with me?"

Immediately afterwards, she leaned her head against Fushahui's ear and blew lightly: "Or what level of frankness can you say?" Hearing this, Fushahui was instantly upset!

In the dark tent, his cheeks were flushed and his body trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to resist in the slightest.

The dagger in her hand was like a toy, and it was useless at all.

"If you want me to save your life, you still need to show your sincerity. Let's introduce yourself first!"

In Mori Kogoro's words, some hypnotic techniques and suggestion techniques have already been used.

The newly learned hypnotism is really easy to use.

Under the high tension, Fushahui was easily tricked.

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