She was led by the nose, gritted her silver teeth and thought.

After pondering for a moment, I finally started to blew myself up: "I am a member of the Karasuma Group, code-named Marsala!"

"If Maori detective, you know Irene Adler, the Queen of the Whiplash, you should have heard of my existence from her mouth."

Mori Kogoro nodded slightly, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Before, the area I was in charge of was Eagle Country, and I cooperated with Eileen."

"However, a while ago, the forces under my command suffered crazy revenge from a lunatic, so I had to return to Japan to rest."

"You should also know that crazy Maori detective?"

"Well, I know Yusaku Kudo, but in my impression he has always been gentle and refined, how could he be evaluated as a lunatic?"

Hearing this, Fusha's body trembled slightly, with a look of resistance in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile, "If you don't want to say it, I won't force it."

"No, Mori-kun, can you let go of your hand?"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "No, this is my special judgment skill. I want to know if you are lying to me. Words, movements, and eyes can all deceive people, but the palpitations are real Not fake, this is also the premise of cooperation!"

Hearing this, Fushae couldn't help but want to spit on Kogoro Moori's face: Big pervert!

Under the emotional agitation, his chest became more and more obvious.

"Tell me, why are you willing to help me deal with Rum?"

Fushahui resisted the strangeness of her body, adjusted her breathing slightly, and spoke softly.

"This person hides his face. I have never seen his true face since I joined the organization."

"He assigned me so many missions that I suffered a lot."

"I can't understand, just such a character, what qualifications do I have to take orders from him."

"The Japanese region he took over was also messed up by him."

"If you want me to say, he comes down, I go up, that's right."

Fusa painted no secret of her ambition in front of Mori Kogoro!

Mori Kogoro chuckled, stretched out one hand, and gently lifted his chin.

"For me, it's better to take down your boss in one step, and I will push you to become the new boss of the Karasuma Group, how about it?" Hearing this, Fusha's body trembled, and her face froze instantly. up.

His emerald green eyes stared at Mori Kogoro, but he was speechless.

"Your body has already told me the answer, and you are actually scared, heh, heh!"

Hearing this laughter, Fushahui inexplicably felt a little terrified, and fine sweat oozes from her back.

Maybe it was a complete mistake for me to come here today, this Maori detective is even scarier than I imagined.

It seemed as if he was seeking skin from a tiger. This was a fierce tiger that wanted to devour people, but he had no ability to resist.

"It seems that you are very afraid of your boss, you have seen him!"

Fu Shahui shook her head lightly, the arc was so small that it was almost invisible.

She was lying, she had naturally seen the true face of the boss.

"Okay, I won't tease you!"

As soon as these words came out, the suffocating sense of oppression and darkness receded like a tide, as if it had never appeared before.

"Cooperation is fine, and it's okay to deal with Rum."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro slowly leaned forward: "However, I want to know the whole process of the experiment you underwent in Japan nineteen years ago."

"I want to know the whole truth about your eternal youth. I have to say, your young body is really amazing!"

Hearing this, Fushae's pupils trembled sharply, looking at Kogoro Mori's face full of disbelief.

The experiment nineteen years ago was concealed and abnormal, and no one was left alive. Why did this man know?

"This is the only condition for cooperation. I can push you to the top, and I can also help you rebuild the team. Even if you want to start anew, I will fully support you, as long as you say it."

"Before that, saving your life is also a little sincerity of mine, so think about it carefully!"

Saying this, he patted Fushahui's thigh, signaling her to get up.

If they stayed any longer, Kuroda Heiwei and Conan could bear it, but Dr. Ali had to come in.

The zipper was opened, and the light from outside shone in, which made Fushae feel a little relieved inexplicably.

But his face was very strange, slightly flushed, but faintly frightened, which made Dr. A Li extremely worried.Even though the doctor just overheard the two of them saying that, he still didn't believe that the two of them really had an affair.His eyes looked at Fushahui pitifully.

It's a pity that Fusha'e completely ignored him, thinking about Kogoro Mori's request just now.

And at this time, Conan the Kid rushed into the tent like the wind before Kuroda Hei got up.

He grabbed Mori Kogoro's tie, trying to pull him over.

But what came oncoming was a few explosive hammers, and a big red envelope instantly swelled up in the head.

"Uncle, you must have been captured by that woman's beauty trick. Do you know who she is?"

Mori Kogoro straightened his tie and said, "Tell that guy, if you want the scotch incident to happen again, you can shoot him."

"Anyway, it's not like he didn't do a lot of things that make loved ones hurt and enemies happy."

Conan the little devil couldn't understand at all, and was a little confused. He had never been to Nagano County, and he had never known about Zhu Fu Jingguang.

Seeing Conan's appearance, Mori Kogoro immediately sent a text message to his mobile phone.

The content of the short message is a URL.

Conan clicked on it, and it turned out to be the top-secret information drawn by Fusha, and it turned out to be a member of the US National Security Agency (NSA).

All the resumes are available, which can be traced back thirty years ago.

Conan immediately shouted in his heart: Damn, it's an oolong, this is also an undercover agent!

Of course, these materials are all fake, they were fabricated by Kogoro Mori in advance, just to deceive these two guys.

Chapter 0031 is not a topic for children

Conan immediately jumped out of the tent, and saw Fusha's surprised face outside, and smiled shyly.

The little devil immediately ran to Rumi Wakasa's side and began to communicate with her in a low voice.

Kurodahei was the last to enter the tent and closed the zipper.

Sitting upright, the policeman with the appearance of a black boss couldn't help joking: "Mr. Mao Li is really a blessing, and there are beauties everywhere."

Mori Kogoro, who was sitting upright, said, "Haneda-kun, you came to see me, you probably didn't want to talk about these things!"

Heiwei Kuroda's face returned to seriousness, and he said straight to the point, "Mori-kun, Rumi Wakasa, is she the one I'm looking for?"

These people obviously had their own doubts in their hearts, but they came to Mori Kogoro for questioning one by one.

It's just that he thinks that Mori Kogoro is much smarter than them, and knows that he will never make mistakes.

Someone as smart as Mori Kogoro should have anticipated various situations.

Now to consult, just want to see a professional opinion, so as not to make mistakes and cause unnecessary losses.

Mori Kogoro also gave the answer Haneda Yasuharu wanted.

"Yes, as you expected, that woman is the one you want to find."

"Are there organized people around?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "If those people really took action, your subordinates would have already died."

"However, Mr. Wakasa has defected to the FBI, and it is the FBI who are fighting you."

"Haneda-kun, if you want to find out the truth seventeen years ago, my suggestion is to be more gentle, maybe there are other reasons for the matter!"

Hearing this, Kuroda Hei frowned: "Mori-kun, do you know the truth about Inuko's death?"

"Of course I'm not sure. I'm afraid you have to ask yourself."

"That's all I want to say, but I don't want the FBI and the police to conflict, especially when there are so many children here today."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro got up, unzipped the zipper, and walked out of the tent.

The little loli Ayumi waited at the door: "Uncle, what are you doing? Why do so many people want to sleep with you in the tent? Is it fun? I want to play too."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, stroking little Lolita's hair with his big hand: "Okay, okay, next time I'll take you to Uncle's tent."

When Rumi Wakasa heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched, feeling that there seemed to be some meaning to it.

But Dr. Ali didn't want to see Mori Kogoro very much. Some wanted to ask him what he said just now, but he was a little timid.In the end, Dr. Ali followed around Fushahui, asking for warmth.

But Fushahui, who was upset, ignored Dr. Ali.

The Gongchang police department has already completed the investigation of the scene and is preparing to withdraw the team.

As soon as Kurodahei came out, he didn't stop, and left with the police department of Gongchang and the others.

Rumi Wakasa watched Kuroda Hei go away, feeling a little caught off guard for no reason.

The one eye behind the glasses flickered thoughtfully.

Such a thing happened in this campsite, and there is no way for everyone to spend the night here.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Let's eat first, after the curry rice, I'm going to go back."

None of the little ones objected, sleeping next to the tent where people were burned to death always felt creepy.

Ever since, I originally planned to camp for a day and a night, so I just finished it hastily.

At lunch time, Yuantai, who was heartless and heartless, had the best appetite, and was not affected by the charred corpse at all.

While shouting delicious food, he inhaled the storm and ate five large servings.

Immediately afterwards, everyone packed up their things and left.

On the return trip, the three boys and Fu Shahui were in Dr. Ali's car.

Rumi Wakasa and two little lolitas ride in Kogoro Mori's car.

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