"But don't eat it!" Mori Kogoro said quickly: "Akemi like this is already very good!"

On the other hand, Shiho widened his ice-blue eyes, as if he had realized something, and looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief.Mori Kogoro caught a glimpse of Shiho's expression out of the corner of his eye, and woke up with a start. He actually slipped his mouth.

He quickly pretended to be frivolous, and smiled cheaply: "It seems that you two sisters are still in good spirits, do you want to learn some new knowledge?"

Immediately, Shiho's attention was diverted, he slapped Mouri Kogoro's big hand that was getting too much, and softly shouted: "Don't do anything wrong, stay well."

But Mingmei couldn't help but marvel: "Xiao Wulang, you are so energetic!"

Seeing that the two sisters were distracted by him, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that I shouldn't tell them about the drug experiment. I can't afford to be defensive towards them, and it's easy to slip up when I'm chatting.I just hope that Shiho doesn't think too deeply!

At this time, little Loli Marie finished drinking the juice with a straw, raised her blue eyes slightly, and saw the three of them sitting leaning on the sofa under the setting sun.She twisted her buttocks, rolled a few times, and rolled to Kogoro Mori's left leg from a distance.

Then, like a little panda, it crawled a few times, sat on Mouri Kogoro's left leg, and then lay his little head in his arms.

His eyelids were closed like this, and he took a nap on his body.

Mori Kogoro smiled, and caressed Mary's blond head with a big hand!

And Shiliang Zhenchun also saw this scene, and couldn't help but said: "Wow, you are so treacherous, you actually took up all the uncles like this, no, leave me a place ten."

Little Loli Marie, who was in Kogoro's arms, turned her head sideways, slightly opened her green eyes full of evil spirits, Zhenchun was frightened instantly, and dared not say anything.

Mori Kogoro chuckled, covered Mary's eyes with his big hands, and pushed her little head back.

"Zhenchun, come here!"

The short-haired girl leaned over in a hurry, resting her head on Kogoro Mouri's other leg, and made a sound of comfort.

Looking at the four daughters beside him, Kogoro Mori was satisfied like never before with this big family!

Chapter 0041 Not Simple Two Suzuki Sisters

Mori Kogoro glanced at the Miyano sisters Hana, then at Mary and Masumi, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"You guys look bigger than Mary, but your development is not as good as a little girl!"

As soon as these words came out, the Miyano sisters quickly stretched out their hands and pinched the waist of Moori Kogoro.

One person and one side, the two sisters have a tacit understanding.

On the contrary, Zhenchun turned his head and looked at Mori Kogoro firmly: "Uncle, I will definitely try my best to massage, and one day I will be bigger than my mother."

Thinking of Zhenchun having the same figure as Queen Mary one day, Mori Kogoro felt very unsuitable for no reason.

He couldn't help but said: "It's so pure, in fact, you don't need to pay attention to this matter."

"Now you are very cute. Poor breasts are a very scarce resource. Your breasts are too big, and you can't look good in clothes!"

As soon as these words came out, Mary, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, punched his abdomen with a fist.

Zhenchun couldn't help asking: "Really?"

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "Uncle, you can press it yourself. If you master it yourself, it's just right."

"Pervert!" X2

The two sisters slapped Mori Kogoro vigorously again, but little Loli Marie opened her small mouth and tried to bite on his chest.For a while, Mori Kogoro became the target of everyone's criticism, only Zhenchun's face was flushed, and he looked like he was teased.

At this time, Xiaolan's doorbell sounded: "Xiao Ai, are you inside? Why did you lock the door? Is Dad also inside? Are you doing something bad? Open the door quickly, there is a commission coming from below." .”

Hearing this sound, the living room was in a panic.

Soon, except for Shiho, the other three girls hid in Haibara's room.

Mori Kogoro even secretly used magic to change the air in the room.

Soon, the door opened.

Seeing Shiho restored to its original size, countless images filled his mind.

"Okay, you guys, mess around again while I'm not around."

"Father, come down with me quickly, butler Sato is going crazy waiting!"

Xiaolan immediately took Kogoro Mori's arm and led him to the second floor.

After the two left, Huiyuan's room was opened, and three heads came out side by side.

Zhibao said: "They have arrived at the office on the second floor." Then the other three girls hurriedly set off, tiptoeing towards the suite on the second floor.

In the office, Butler Sato was waiting anxiously.

As soon as he saw Mori Kogoro, he immediately stepped forward and shook his hand: "Detective Mori, now only you can save Madam."

"What did you say, something happened to Tomoko?"

No, the Ant-Man robot she was protecting was not a decoration, and the Red Queen didn't report it, so how could something happen.

"It's the ladies. The eldest lady and the second lady have joined forces to charm the madam. It should be to seize the power of the consortium."

"It's my fault too. If the eldest lady hadn't known about Lily and me, she wouldn't have kidnapped Lily and threatened me to help, and I wouldn't have given that cup of coffee."

Hearing this, the corners of Xiaolan's mouth twitched: "Sonoko and Sister Ayako did such a thing!"

Mori Kogoro was immediately speechless. These two sisters really are living and making troubles.

"Obviously they are the good kids I saw growing up, why did they suddenly become like this?" The old butler was about to wipe away tears when he said this.

Mori Kogoro quickly comforted: "Butler Sato, don't worry, it's definitely not for the consortium to seize power, I'll deal with it now. Xiaolan, take care of the butler."

After that, he picked up the car keys, went downstairs to get in the car, and rushed to Suzuki's house.


While at Suzuki's house, Tomoko Yoyo woke up and felt pain in his hands and feet in an instant.

She opened her eyes and found herself hanging on the wall.

His legs were spread apart in a split-horse shape, and his hands were locked on the wall, making him unable to struggle.

In front of him is a basement, which was originally a wine cellar for storing wine, but it has been transformed into this appearance at some point.At the table in front, the two daughters were facing away from him.

Those tools on the table make people feel frightened.

Whips, clips, handcuffs, leashes, you name it.

Yuanzi flicked his whip, and couldn't help asking: "Sister, when did you buy these, isn't it too violent?"

"Where there is violence, the instructions have been written. As long as you use it correctly, you won't feel uncomfortable."

"The last time I clicked on the website, it popped up by myself. I just bought it. Look at the box over there. There is still a tricycle in it that hasn't been assembled. I wanted to surprise Kogoro, but I didn't expect to use it in advance today. up."

Yuanzi couldn't help but shook his head: "It's terrible, like me, I only buy some love potions online at most, sister, you actually bought this kind of thing, and even secretly remodeled the wine cellar like this."

Hearing this, Ayako laughed, her eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to be flickering coldly, Sonoko immediately jumped a little farther.

Ayako turned to ask: "When mom wakes up, which one should we use first?"

The little girl flipped through the printed book: "Let's start with the simple ones, drop the wax."

"The book says that the whole process takes three days, and then I can transform my mother into a very obedient one."

three days?

Tomoko's liver ached when she heard this, but when she saw that Ayako was about to turn her head, she immediately tilted her head and pretended to be sleeping.

But Ayako nodded: "Three days, it's okay if mom doesn't go to the company for three days, anyway, I can deal with anything. But the housekeeper is a hidden danger. Maybe he will call the police if he doesn't see his mother for three days , that would be bad."

"What should I do?"

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call and ask my subordinates to find a chance to tie up the butler as well, so he won't be able to make any big waves."

"Sister, I really have you, just do it like this, wow, you look so much like the big villain boss on TV now."

Ayako laughed complacently: "Silly girl, learn more, being a woman of Suzuki's family is not that simple!"

At this moment, the door to the basement was pushed open.

Mori Kogoro walked in with a speechless face: "It's really not easy, the two of you are drugging, kidnapping, imprisoning, and training, and it's really getting better and better."

Hearing Kogoro's voice, Tomoko yelled immediately: "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!"

Chapter 0042 Ayako's Calculation

Seeing this scene in front of him, Mori Kogoro was still shocked, this is completely a scene from a movie!

At this time, Ayako suddenly opened her hands to stop her and said, "Xiao Wulang, you can't go over!"

"It was hard for me to wait for this opportunity to fight back. It was hard for me to transfer all the family members away. It was hard for me and Yuanzi to get her here."

"As long as she disagrees with us for a day, I will never let her go!"

Ayako who said this has a firm face and a strong aura, she has a bit of her mother's queen aura!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being surprised and said, "You don't even listen to me now?"

"It's not that I don't listen, but I want to work hard for my own happiness."

"What you have to do now is just turn a blind eye, pretend you don't know anything, and go out."

"After three days, everything will be settled."

Wow!I didn't expect Ayako to have such a powerful side.

But the strategies you found online are not reliable at all.

How could it be possible for you to do this.

Yuanzi, who was busy lighting the candles behind, couldn't help asking: "Hey, by the way, uncle, how do you know what's going on here?"

Ayako immediately said, "Idiot, it must have been leaked by Butler Sato, otherwise how could Kogoro know?"

"After all, it was a miscalculation. See if I don't find someone to tie up Butler Sato and give him a little bit of trouble."

Saying this, Ayako made a gesture to pick up her mobile phone and call someone.

This is completely hooligan-like. I never thought that the eldest lady of the Suzuki family was such a person.

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