But at this time, Ayako's wrist was grabbed by Mori Kogoro.

"Let's stop here, Ayako, I'll take care of it next!"

Ayako opened her squinted eyes slightly, and glanced at Tomoko hanging on the wall: "Then do you think that woman will give in easily?"

that woman?that woman?How dare you call yourself that!

The imprisoned Tomoko was so angry that his chest heaved and his body trembled slightly.

"Don't be delusional, Ayako, you let me down too much."

Sure enough, Tomoko reacted this way, and she was also extremely tough when she was fighting in Shanghai, and she was completely soft-hearted and not hard-working!

Mori Kogoro has fully understood his temperament, so there is no problem in his response.

You only need to wait for Tomoko's anger to dissipate, and then use gentle means to appease her.

It's a done deal, and Tomoko will agree in the end.

However, if Ayako and Sonoko do this, it will be counterproductive and will add fuel to the fire!

Mori Kogoro was about to say something, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

My own blood runs faster and my heart beats faster.

Not right! ! !

But Sonoko behind Ayako laughed lightly: "Uncle, you've been tricked!"

After all, Sonoko shook the candle in his hand, and specially brought it to Tomoko to smoke it.

Tomoko's eyes were immediately full of confusion, and then a slight mist appeared in his purple pupils.

Sonoko blushed and said, "Actually, Housekeeper Sato was released to inform you. Even if you came to stop me, my sister told me how to deal with it."

"Didn't expect that the dignified detective fell into the trap of two little girls so easily, aren't we very smart?"

Speaking of which, Sonoko went up and poked Kogoro Mori's chest muscles.

What a trick!

Obviously it was because she was her own woman that she didn't deliberately guard against it!

But even so, a healing technique can do the trick.

But at this time, Ayako pressed the button, and the door of the electronic mechanism in the basement was shut heavily.

"This door has been set by me. From now on, it will only open seventy-two hours later."

"And on the shelves are the food and water for the few of us for the past three days, so there will be no problems."

"And what we have to do is to solve the matter within three days and make the disobedient people obedient!" Ayako said this with excitement in her eyes and a smug smile on her lips.

She stepped on black high-heeled shoes and took two steps to the side, and then showed all the things on the table, which made Mori Kogoro frowned!Immediately afterwards, Ayako took the pointer and the downloaded strategy materials together, and pressed them in Kogoro Mori's hand.

Make him grab the whip and point it at Tomoko on the wall.

His lips were very close to Mori Kogoro's ear, and he said softly: "Actually, it is most suitable for you to do this from the beginning to the end. Go, train her well!"

Hearing these words, Mori Kogoro's pupils trembled slightly, and his heart started to move.

"Hey~~~" Yuanzi next to him couldn't help but tremble slightly when he heard this: "Sister, you are really perverted! You are so perverted!"

And Tomoko, who was imprisoned on the wall, looked at Ayako in disbelief, as if she only knew her true face today.

Looking at Kogoro with this appearance, he is very likely to be bewitched by Ayako to do that, then he is probably doomed today!

At this moment, the purification witchcraft was activated, and a wave of warm energy filled him, driving away all the medicinal properties of the candle.Mori Kogoro's eyes regained clarity instantly, and then he patted Ayako heavily with his big hand.

"It's really you. You can say such outrageous things. It seems that this time I don't teach you a lesson."

Ayako, who was clutching her buttocks and jumping forward, immediately expressed disbelief.

how is this possible?Why didn't the plot unfold in Ji's own imagination?

Isn't it drugged?At a time like this, you should have no judgment. How could you not act when you heard what I said?

Could it be that Yuanzi bought fake medicine?

Mori Kogoro slapped Sonoko again: "And you, I said that these hallucinogenic drugs have effects on the body, why do you still use them? Do you want to be a Breaking Bad master in the future?"

Sonoko also jumped a step forward in pain, but in the next moment, she leaned over again with her big watery eyes squinted, and rubbed against Kogoro's body, like a coquettish kitten.

"Uncle, don't be angry, this is all planned by my sister alone, I just help a little."

Yuanzi rebelled in an instant, throwing the pot away like a cloud!

When Ayako heard this, she suddenly felt tightness in her chest and pain in her breasts. She squinted her eyes and opened her eyes instantly, staring at her sister with a terrifying aura.

But his little head was quickly slapped by Kogoro again!

call out! ! !

The sound of the black pointer twitching sounded immediately.

Mori Kogoro's dark eyes flashed a strange color: "I think it's the two of you who really need to be repaired."

"Friend, don't worry, I'll help you out now!"

Hearing this, Tomoko still couldn't react.

But soon, her expression was full of confusion, and her purple eyes trembled slightly, which was completely unacceptable.

Chapter 0043 Tomoko, I will cure you

In the dark basement, the smell of wine from the previous wine cellar has not dissipated.

The gorgeous movement stopped temporarily, and after an unknown amount of time, Mori Kogoro walked slowly in front of Tomoko.

Looking at this pretty face that is flushed, there are still tears on the face, the eyes are still full of tears, and the eyes are very complicated.

Mori Kogoro stroked his big hand gently, caressing it lightly, and said in a gentle voice, "Tomoko, I've vented your anger for you."

Hearing this, Tomoko couldn't help clenching his hands and feet tightly!

If her wrists and ankles were not locked, she would definitely beat her hard.

In that scene just now, others had no idea what kind of suffering she had endured.

But Mori Kogoro didn't seem to see his expression, he put his big hand on the back of his head lightly, and then kissed him, and said while kissing lightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Tomoko, I'm late, you have suffered! Are your hands and feet strangled?"

Tomoko still stared at Kogoro Mori viciously, and kept opening his mouth to bite him.

But in front of Kogoro, whose reaction power is far beyond ordinary people, he can't bite at all.

He was bitten and bled last night, that was intentional by Mori Kogoro, but now it is unnecessary.

"Don't worry, I will cure you!"

As soon as the words fell, Tomoko's head was instantly tilted back, his eyes were rounded, and the purple pupils were trembling constantly.

She sensed a rush of herbal energy that was as cool as mint pouring into her body.

The energy of the vegetation continued to spread, reciprocating around the limbs.

The wrists and ankles that were strangled red, and even bleeding, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to a jade color.Mori Kogoro blocked Tomoko's pink lips again, and this time Tomoko didn't want to bite anymore!

I don't know how long it took, and Tomoko who came back to his senses opened his eyes, but was so frightened by Sonoko and Ayako standing next to him that he almost lost his mind.

The complaints were naturally made by Yuanzi: "Tch, I thought my mother was so powerful!"

And Ayako, who had been severely taught a lesson, hid the other side of S bursting at this moment, with a harmless smile on her face, and took out the key to open the lock that imprisoned her limbs.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Tomoko's thighs, picked her up, and rescued her who had been imprisoned for an unknown amount of time!Just like that, I hugged my koala-like friend and walked towards the sofa in the basement.

The sisters at the back followed suit!

And at Maori's home, Xiaolan worriedly made a phone call, but the phone kept disconnecting: Dad has already gone, so it should be fine!

The old housekeeper Sato was still talking to himself, saying that he was sorry for Madam, that he shouldn't have done that, and worried about his twilight crush.Xiaolan tried to persuade him to go away with good words.

After the old housekeeper left, the little loli Ayumi came down from the third floor rubbing her eyes and yawning constantly.

"Sister Xiaolan, the big sister upstairs asked you to take me home."

Hearing this, looking at Zhibao poking his head out, Xiaolan agreed.

She took Ayumi's little hand and walked down the stairwell step by step, just bumping into Fusha who came to the office.

After thinking about it, Fusha finally decided to cooperate with Mori Kogoro.

Anyway, the cost is nothing more than the memory of an experiment nineteen years ago. The memory is a little fuzzy, so it doesn't hurt to tell this detective.

Seeing Xiaolan coming down, Fu Shahui quickly asked: "Xiaolan, is Detective Maori there? I haven't been able to get through to him."

On the third floor of the stairwell, Zhibao poked his head out when he heard Fusha's voice, he retracted nervously and locked the door behind him.In the morning, the image of Haibara appeared, but now he is Miyano Shiho, so Fusa cannot draw the discovery.

"Hey, Miss Fushahui, what can I do with my father?"

"It's very important, I want to talk to him face to face."

"It's really unfortunate that my father is going to solve a very difficult matter now, and I can't get through his phone."

"Can you tell me where he went?"

Xiaolan immediately remembered the chaos in Suzuki's house, laughed dryly, and turned to push back: "It's really inconvenient, you also know that we are a detective agency."

"If my father comes back, I'll tell him to find you."

"That's fine, please ask him to contact me as soon as possible."

Xiaolan nodded, and then said, "I still have to take this child home, so excuse me."

Ayumi immediately waved her little hand to say goodbye to Fushahui: "Goodbye, Auntie, I will go to the doctor's house to find you to play."

Xiaolan took Ayumi away.

Under the setting sun, Fushahui frowned slightly as she watched the two people go away, and she couldn't help but sighed softly.

Looking at the stairwell going up, thinking of Miyano Akemi who she already knew, she still didn't go up after all, and walked back on her high heels instead.At this time, the curtain of the sushi restaurant on the left was lifted, and the one-eyed chef came out.

Wakita Kenze began to solicit customers: "This beautiful lady, do you want to come in and have some sushi?"

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