"No need, I'm not in the mood!" Fu Shahui waved her hand.

But at this moment, Wakita Kennori's lips moved: "Marsala!"

This title was passed on lightly, and Fushahui's footsteps stopped for a moment.

"Come in and have a taste, the sushi this time is very delicious, it's very suitable for eating together."

Wakita Kenze raised the curtain, and Fushae saw Conan, the little ghost head, who was eating happily inside, and her green eyes couldn't help shrinking.She didn't hesitate anymore, accepted the invitation and walked into this Yebisu sushi restaurant!

On the right side of the Mori Detective Agency, outside the gate of the Poro Cafe, under the cover of the pillars, the blond brother Toru Amuro is hiding behind it.

On his mobile phone, he received a text message from Rum. "Collect information about Shinichi Kudo!" "Time_is-money!"

Chapter 0044: The Suzuki Family's Inheritance

In the dark basement, Fenglin Shanhuo's alien energy is constantly tormenting!

Tomoko's purple eyes trembled slightly, and his body also trembled slightly.

His eyes fell on Yuanzi above him, but he couldn't help feeling distressed.

His lips trembled slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

The strange energy just now was passed down from his body to his little daughter!

The garden above did not wear a headband, and her short brown hair hung down in a mess, but it couldn't hide her delicate face.

But this little face was flushed red, all the pores were opened, and the sweat oozed out, then gathered into drops and fell continuously.Every drop of sweat dripped on Tomoko's body, and Tomoko couldn't help but tremble.

The aggression is like fire, it is the fire energy that is tormenting!

"Mom, mom, I'm so hot, so hot, like a big furnace!"

"But Mom, I will never give up, I will never give up, even if I risk my life!"

"Mom, do you understand what I mean?"

Every mother's call made Tomoko's heart palpitate!

And Sonoko, who said this, was holding Tomoko's little hand with all his strength.

There were tears in Tomoko's eyes again, and the other hand couldn't help stroking her daughter's cheek, wiping away the sweat from the tip of her nose. "I know, mom knows, mom knows."

"However, don't hold on if you can't hold on. You are still young, so you have to learn to protect yourself."

Even though Sonoko was very tired, she still laughed, her amber eyes seemed to be shining.

"I won't be unable to persist. I am the youngest present, and I must be stronger than my mother."

Hearing this, Tomoko's face immediately collapsed.

It's such a time, and you dare to mock yourself for being old and ask for a beating!

His little hands patted Yuanzi's head with all his strength.

This dozen was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Sonoko, who was emitting amazing heat, fell on her mother!

But that strange energy suddenly changed.

As immovable as a mountain, the fire element has transformed into an earth element!

"Okay, it's so heavy! Mom, it's so heavy! Too, it's terrible!" Yuanzi couldn't help but screamed.

And Tomoko's face was also blushing, and she couldn't help patting her little daughter's fragrant shoulders with her little hands.

"Get up for me, you are still pressing on me with such a heavy weight, you want to crush me to death!"

Yuanzi completely ignored Tomoko's words, shook his head crazily, and couldn't help screaming: "I can't take it anymore!" The inheritance stopped abruptly, and the alien energy retreated back into Tomoko's body, and it was Tomoko's turn to suffer.

Caught off guard, Tomoko couldn't help but gnawed on the shoulder of his little daughter.

It's just that Yuanzi at this moment is completely innocent about her mother!

As for the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, Ayako, she was lying on the sofa beside her like a salted fish, her long hair was all curly.From time to time, small electric currents danced on his long body, and his body trembled slightly.

When she just passed it on, she encountered the most terrifying turmoil, the energy of the electric system, and she was so shocked that she couldn't get over it now!

In the Ebisu sushi restaurant, Conan the Kid is eating sushi, but he is observing the three customers of the sushi restaurant.Beside the three tables of guests, there was another aunt watching them back and forth.

This aunt had just had her wallet stolen on the tram, but there was a GPS system device in the wallet.

She came to this sushi restaurant following the instructions on her mobile phone and found her wallet in the toilet.

The wallet was found, and there was no shortage of money in it, but a horse lottery ticket worth one million yen was missing.

And the suspects were locked in the three guests who came in front and back!

After hearing Akai Shuichi say that Wakita Kenze was a bit weird, Conan volunteered to come to test him.

But before he could figure out what was wrong with Wakita Kenze, he was attracted by the theft of a million horse lottery ticket.

As soon as there is a case, the little ghost will spontaneously enter the mode of forgetting everything and concentrating on it, and he almost didn't notice that Fusha Hui came in. "Hey, Aunt Fusha, aren't you at the doctor's house? Why are you here?"

Naturally, Fushae would not say that she came to find Kogoro Mori, so she smiled and said.

"I heard that the sushi here is very famous. I happened to be hungry, so I came over to try it. I didn't expect to meet you again."

"Oh, by the way, the Maori Detective Agency is right next door, no wonder..."

Conan rubbed his head and laughed dryly: "Hey, dinner at home is not ready, and I'm really hungry, so I can only come here to find something to eat!" Although it was a dry laugh, Conan became vigilant in his heart.

What I suspected with Akai before were Fushae and Wakita Kennori, but now I learned from my uncle that Fushae is a double-faced undercover agent, who is not only a member of the organization, but also a member of the NSA in the United States.

She appeared here, most likely because she wanted to exchange some information with Wakita Kanezuri.

Then the possibility that Wakita Kane is a member of the organization is infinitely high!

Seeing this, Kenze Wakita, who was wearing a single blindfold, said, "You two know each other, so let's sit together. The shop is not big, there are only a few tables."

"Ma'am, what would you like to eat?"

Fusha Hui narrowed her eyes slightly: "It's fine, but it must be a dish that surprises and satisfies me."

Wakita Kenzo nodded: "No problem, I'll go get ready!"

And at this moment, the aunt who had the million-dollar horse race roll stolen screamed angrily.

"Okay, the thieves among you still refuse to admit it, right?"

"You guys forced me to do this. I could have let you go if I handed it over honestly and apologized. Now, I'm going to call the police."

"When the police come, search your belongings. It will be clear at a glance who stole my horse lottery ticket."

Wakita Kenze immediately shouted: "Please don't do this. The police are here, and the people next to them will see it. It will affect the business of our store. There is a Maori detective agency right next to it. Please use Maori detectives to help reasoning One click, and the thief will be found very quickly."

Fu Shahui laughed softly: "Detective Maori is not at home, so I can't even get through the phone."

Wakita Kenze said, "Since Detective Mori is not here, let this little brother try. After all, he has lived in Detective Mori's house for so long, even a pig will become smarter!"

Hearing this, the stolen aunt immediately sneered. She didn't believe what a little kid could do to help, so she took out her mobile phone to call the police.But then, the mobile phone was snatched away by Wakita Kenzo.

Wakita Kenze immediately said in a deep voice: "To be honest, although I am a wandering chef who travels around, my reasoning level is not bad. Don't call the police. Let me help you find the culprit!"


The middle-aged aunt immediately looked at the old man Wakita Kanezuri in a daze, her eyes full of suspicion.

Chapter 0045 Four People Walking Out of the Basement

Fu Shahui asked in a low voice: "Conan, do you know what's going on?"

Conan nodded: "This aunt just followed the GPS system and found the stolen wallet in the toilet."

"But except for me, the other three guests have all been in the toilet, so they are all suspect."

"My aunt has a wound on her thumb from cutting vegetables. When the wallet was stolen, she once grabbed the thief and pressed the blood on the thief's cuff."

"Strangely, none of the three suspects left any blood on the cuffs of their clothes."

Fu Shahui laughed softly: "It is very likely that some special method was used to remove the blood stains, as long as a method is found, it will be fine."

"Conan, do you remember the meal they ordered when they came in?"

The little ghost nodded, and made a pondering expression: "I remember, the man with yellow hair came in and ordered high-quality sushi, steamed egg custard, cola, and pickled ginger slices in vinegar for seasoning!"

"This man in a suit came in and ordered ordinary sushi and oolong tea, and then ordered the seasonal grilled fish!"

"Finally, the lady in the suit came in and ordered seafood bowl, sea urchin, and a lot of wasabi!"

The one-eyed chef Wakita Kenzo couldn't help but said, "Wow, kid, why do you remember everything?"

"So smart, he looks like a detective!"

Conan immediately waved his hands in a panic, a drop of cold sweat ran down the back of his head, and the disgusting Zheng Taiyin appeared immediately.

"Haha, I learned it from my uncle. When I grow up, I want to be a super famous detective!"

Wakita Kenzo rubbed Conan's head with his rough hands: "Sure enough, you are very ambitious. You must be his disciple if you stay at the Mori Detective's house."

But the aunt next to her folded her arms and said with a bad attitude: "Hey, one-eyed man, didn't you say that your reasoning skills are good? Did you find the thief?"

Wakita Kenze immediately stood up majestically and closed his other eye.

"Of course I found out. As a chef, I know a lot about cooking."

"Do you know why ginger slices are added when frying pork?"

The aunt immediately shouted violently: "Don't talk about me, what I want is my horse lottery ticket!"

The one-eyed chef shook his head speechlessly: "It's really impatient. In fact, ginger slices have the function of decomposing protein, and can remove the blood on pork."

"The blood stains on the cuffs are also because the protein in it is stained with fibers, so you only need to pour ginger juice on it."

"So the thief is the yellow-haired customer who ordered a lot of pickled ginger."

The aunt immediately glared at the yellow-haired boy: "It's you!"

The little brother with yellow hair certainly didn't admit it: "Of course not, I haven't seen you before."

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