"Why, the boss has a new order, do you want us to join forces to kill this Maori detective?"

Conan's heart trembled for a moment.

"Of course not, such a talented person is not so easy to deal with."

"The boss just asked me to make friends with Kogoro Mori and see if there is any chance to cooperate with him. After all, with the injection of large capital, the goal of the boss can be achieved faster."

Hearing this, Fushahui also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's unexpected that the boss and Rum are so afraid of Maori detective's financial power!

"I'm looking for you for another person, and I must have left a deep impression on you last Sunday——gin!"

Chapter 0047 Eri vs. Haibara

Fusha opened the sliding door of the sushi restaurant, then turned and walked towards the doctor's house.

His expression was slightly dull, obviously thinking about something.

Rum invited himself to deal with Gin privately, it had nothing to do with the boss's order, but just wanted to clean up the traitor.Are these words true or false?

Expose his identity so easily in front of him, and show his hostility towards him.

Is this guy Rum?

There were too many worries in Fushahui's eyes, and she thought of the ferocious lone wolf-like figure on the viaduct before.

That gin, beating half of his team to death with his own power, is really terrifying!

Do you want to avenge this revenge?

He turned his head and looked at the Mori Detective Agency, and the figure of Mori Kogoro immediately appeared in his mind.What he did to himself at Dr. Ali's house, what he did to himself in the tent.

Perhaps, cooperating with him is the kingly way!

Fushahui had obviously made a decision, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her steps became extremely brisk.

Conan, who was in the room on the second floor of the office, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

This time there is really a clue!

The next full moon, Tokyo Tower, is next week!

However, the most urgent task is to recover the bug.

However, Conan never imagined that Wakita Kanezuri was squatting under the table at this moment.

The scarlet prosthetic eye looked at the bug stuck with chewing gum in the corner under the table, penetrating to the extreme.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Wakita Kenze's mouth, he didn't touch the bug at all, instead he put on the one-eyed eye mask, and he returned to his normal appearance.

In the restaurant on the third floor, Yingli slapped down the table angrily, her phoenix eyes fixed on her daughter.

"What, Xiao Wulang won't come back tonight. Could it be that he got the wind and knew that I was going to deal with him, so he went out to seek refuge? Lan!"

The bluff is about Eri at this moment,

Kogoro is really back, it is obvious who will deal with whom! .

Xiaolan quickly waved her hand and said, "How is it possible? How could I have tipped off the news."

"In the afternoon, the housekeeper Sato of the Suzuki family came to inform that Aunt Tomoko was stunned by the scheme of Ayako and Sonoko, and then moved to the basement to do something ulterior."

"Father hurried over when he heard it, he should be dealing with their affairs at Suzuki's house now!"

Hearing this, the girls at the dining table couldn't help but gasped.

The amount of information is too large, and it needs to be processed carefully.

Mira realized in an instant, and couldn't help complaining: "Mother and daughter, it's really perverted." After she finished speaking, she glanced in the direction of Eri and Xiaolan.

And the little butler Sakurako Yonehara, who was sitting at the bottom, lowered her head and didn't listen to them at all.

The little housekeeper didn't even dare to raise his head, and didn't dare to meet Mrs. Yingli's eyes, for fear that what he and Kogoro did downstairs in the afternoon would be exposed.

On the other side, Fujiko looked at Sakurako who looked like this, but raised his eyebrows strangely, as if he had sensed something.

At this time, the little loli Haibara, whose body had shrunk, came out of the room and gave Eri a dead eye.

"Yelling, don't you know any rules about eating?"

As soon as these words came out, Yingli Danfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately filled with murderous aura: "What did you say?"

Little Loli climbed onto the seat on her own, and just happened to be face to face with Eri, but she stared at her with a blank expression, not losing the wind at all.Mingmei, Zhenchun, Mary, and Xiaolan couldn't help exclaiming in their hearts: the palace of mourning is mighty!

But being swept away by Eri's eyes, they all lowered their heads and counted the rice grains in the bowl with chopsticks.

There was a smile on the corner of Yukiko's mouth: It seems that Eri has really met his opponent this time.

She opened her mouth to smooth things over and said: "Since Xiao Wulang is going to work, let's start, don't wait for him!"

As for Conan the Little Devil, even Yukiko forgot about it.

Bo Yun was treacherous under the dining table, and there was a group of harmony above. In this strange atmosphere, the girls finished their dinner.

After dinner, all the girls had their own plans, so they dispersed separately.

Eri, on the other hand, was sitting on the sofa in the living room, with an unmoving appearance.

The little loli Haibara was going to take a bath in her pajamas, but when she passed by Eri, Eri made a sudden move.

She grabbed the back collar of Little Loli's clothes, and Hui Yuan couldn't move an inch.

Haibara turned his head slowly, with a calm expression on his face, but saw a slight smile on Eri's face.

"Xiao Ai, are you too smug now, sleeping in my room, sleeping with my man."

"You dare to provoke me like this, after all, you are just a child now!"

Speaking of this, Eri shook little Lolita's little hand.

"So, are you planning to commit domestic violence against children? You are a lawyer, want to know the law and break the law?"

The smile on Yingli's face became clearer: "Of course not, I have always liked children very much. For a child like Xiao Ai, I am very happy to get close to him?"

"You know, domestic violence is not the only way to make people uncomfortable."

"It just so happens that Kogoro won't be going home tonight, but we have a lot of time together."

"Auntie has to educate you well, what rules do you have to abide by when you live in someone else's house!"

Hearing this, Haibara immediately took out a pill that he had prepared a long time ago, and wanted to swallow it, but was snatched away by the quick-sighted Eri.

"I heard from Xiaolan that taking too much of this medicine is not good for your health, so don't take it indiscriminately!"

Hui Yuan immediately shouted: "Big Milk Lan, if you don't come out yet, your mother is going crazy!"

Xiaolan's room was opened immediately, and before her figure appeared, Yingli yelled coldly: "Go in!"


Xiaolan was shocked instantly, and immediately retreated into the room.

Huiyuan's head was immediately covered with black lines, feeling himself being picked up again, he walked to the bathroom.

A series of humiliating images instantly flashed in his mind.

She immediately screamed: "Big Nailan, if you don't come out again, I will reveal everything about you."

boom! ! !

Immediately the door was pushed open again, and Xiao Lan said a little timidly: "Mom, Xiao Ai, you two have something to talk about. When Dad comes back, he probably doesn't want to see the two of you making trouble like this."

Yingli immediately laughed softly: "Lan, you misunderstood, mom just wants to help Xiao Ai take a bath."

"This kid has been at our house for so long, and he hasn't gotten to know him well. He just happens to be free tonight, so he just happens to have a frank meeting!"

Seeing that Huiyuan was swearing to die, his mouth was covered.

Xiaolan felt a little trembling in her heart, but she still said, "Mom, why don't I wash it together too. Speaking of which, I haven't been close to my mother for a long time."

Hearing this, a drop of sweat trickled down Eri's ear.

The atmosphere froze for a moment.

Chapter 0048 Does Mom Know?

After a long time, in the bathroom of Maori's house, water vapor rose, and three heads emerged from the water.

In the pool full of bubbles, the three daughters Yingli, Xiaolan, and Xiaoai are taking a bath, but they are very far apart, as if the Wei, Shu and Wu are divided into three places.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Yingli's mouth: "What was Xiao Ai trying to shake out just now? What does Lan need to hide from me, a mother?" Hearing this, Xiao Lan instantly panicked!

"It's nothing, it's nothing, Xiao Ai is talking nonsense, how can I hide something from my mother, haha!"

"Mom, you also know my feelings for you, and I will never hide it from you."

Hearing this, Eri trembled slightly.

But she also saw through the panic in Xiaolan's eyes, so she became a little more courageous, and a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

Originally, Ying wanted to take the opportunity to teach Hui Yuan a lesson, but now it seems that she can press her daughter's secret.

His underwater little hand grabbed the little loli Huiyuan, with a seemingly gentle smile on his face.

"Xiao Ai, do you know what happened to Xiaolan? Tell auntie, as long as you tell me, auntie promises to get along with you peacefully in the future."

Saying this, his little underwater hands became irregular.

Haibara, who is like a little girl, has no backhand ability at all.

She sat on Yingri's slippery lap, her face flushed, she panicked instantly, and cried out in embarrassment and indignation.

"Pervert, pervert, let me go!"

"As expected, like a daughter, like a mother, both mother and daughter are perverts!"

"You wait, when uncle comes back, I will tell him everything, and you will die."

Yingli Dan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flickered in her eyes, she couldn't get used to threats.

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