The little loli was immediately lifted up, her little butt was spanked, and the Maori method was used.

"Oh, you said I was a pervert, and Xiaolan was also a pervert, so where is she perverted? Auntie is very strange!" Huiyuan Xiaobai pulled the side of the bathtub with his slippery short legs, wanting to curl up on it, Just want to climb outside.

But Eri grabbed her right shoulder with one hand, and little Lolita couldn't move for an instant.

"You are really a naughty child. Auntie didn't give you a good bath. How could you run away like this?"

At this moment, Yingli smiled very proudly, without the slightest depression like before!

But Huiyuan couldn't help but yelled: "Big Nailan, don't take care of your mother, are you two going to team up to bully me?"

Xiao Lan, who was stunned by the side, immediately came back to her senses, and couldn't help but lean over: "Mom, don't be like this, let me give Xiao Ai a bath?"

Yingli, who had the upper hand, was extremely imposing, and when she glanced at Xiaolan, Xiaolan was a little scared.

"It's ok, but if you have something to hide from your mother, tell me honestly, and I'll return Xiao Ai to you."

"It's all right, mom is so smart, how can I hide it from you!"

Yingli laughed softly: "Then you should stop and watch from the side."

"Do you know what this girl has done? Mom is disciplining her!"

After saying that, Eri pulled Haibara back like a lamb.

Little Lolita's slightly mournful cry for help came out: "Lan!"

Only then did Xiaolan come to her senses, and her little underwater hand got on her mother's body, smiling softly.

"How about this, mom, you can help Xiao Ai take a bath, then I will help you to take a bath, which can also save a little time."

Yingli immediately trembled, and couldn't help shouting softly: "Let go!"

"I won't let go!"

Eri didn't want to lose face in front of Haibara, so she immediately let go of little Lolita, and patted Xiaolan's little hand away.

"Don't wash, don't wash, all of you are dishonest!"

With the sound of splashing water, Eri's domineering figure was revealed.

She knew that Xiaolan was protecting her, so the possibility of her wanting to touch Huiyuan today was very low.

His phoenix eyes stared at the two women, then wiped his body with a towel and left.

Only then did Huiyuan heave a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but say, "Lan, do you know? Just now, I really almost said it all."

"Isn't your mother a very serious person? How did it become like this?"

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "Stay with Dad for so long, no matter how serious a person is, he will become a better person."

Huiyuan still had an expression of resentment on his face: "Maybe it's Yukiko and Fujiko's bad move, they both dealt with me like this before." "Damn it, the child's body is restricted too much. Do it, what a bad family."

Hearing this, Xiaolan even scolded herself, so Xiaolan couldn't help but also slapped Huiyuan's little butt.

"It's a family of bad guys, and I don't even look at who saved you, because my mother has become suspicious of me because I saved you."

"This is miserable, I feel that the paper can't wrap the fire..."

Huiyuan shook his head, leaning against the edge of the bathtub: "I don't think it's too late."

"You don't even look at Mira, Qingzi, and the addition of a lot of Lianhua recently. Anyone with a discerning eye will find it weird when they see it, let alone something about Suzuki's family."

"I think your mother guessed it nine times out of ten, but she couldn't accept it in her heart and kept lying to herself, so she pretended not to know."

Xiaolan's expression turned ugly for a moment: "No way?"

"Hmph, maybe this perverted woman was venting her anger on me just now!"

"Tch, it's clear that you still want to provoke my mother. What you said at the dinner table is really rude."

"What a disrespect, she forced me to take medicine, so I'm not allowed to fight back."

"Oh, so my mother forced you to take the medicine in the afternoon. I thought it was my father!"

The two women were noisy, and soon they had a water fight in the water, which was very happy.

But Eri who left the bathroom frowned, and Danfeng's eyes were full of thought.

She threw the wet towel in the cabinet at the door of the bathroom, and walked straight to Kogoro Mori's room.

Since she is the hostess of the house, she should sleep back in her original room.


Time passed, the next day, at [-] o'clock in the morning on Sunday morning, at Suzuki's home.

Tomoko woke up, feeling herself lying in a warm and generous bosom.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he caught a glimpse of Kogoro's face, and felt a little more at ease.

Great to wake up and see Kogoro again!

Tomoko rubbed her body, trying to change to a more comfortable sleeping position.

But as soon as his feet moved, it seemed that he had kicked something.

With a thought, Tomoko immediately pressed his two small hands to the left and right, but it was empty.

Tomoko woke up in an instant, stood up and turned around, and saw the scene that made his blood pressure soar.

But after all, I saw it once yesterday morning, so it will be easier to accept this time, no wonder!

The early birds get the worms, as the ancients said, that's the case.

Chapter 0049 Harmonious Family

Sisters Sonoko and Ayako licked the ice cream, with a delicious expression on their faces.

Especially Yuanzi put the ice cream in his mouth completely, without feeling cold at all, and his satisfied expression like a hamster is very cute.

Seeing her mother waking up, Yuanzi waved her hand and greeted her vaguely: "Mom, good morning!"

Tomoko held his temples to suppress the high blood pressure!

"When did you two wake up?"

Ayako smiled and said, "It hasn't been long, just thirty minutes ago, mom was still sleeping soundly!"

Tomoko lamented in his heart, he was really old, but he was not as good as these young people, he woke up before dawn, he was really full of energy

Immediately afterwards, Tomoko couldn't help but patted the person under him: "Bad guy, you still pretend to be asleep, you must have woken up a long time ago."

Mori Kogoro had a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and without opening his eyes, he directly grabbed Tomoko's soft back, pressed it down and gave him a light peck.

Then a gentle and magnetic voice sounded: "Seeing that Tomoko is sleeping so soundly, I don't want to wake you up, so I can only be a qualified mattress."

When Pengzi heard this, he suddenly felt elated.

And Sonoko immediately came forward and pecked Kogoro Mouri on the cheek in a sneak attack: "Okay, uncle, so you've been pretending to be asleep, it's too disgusting."

Mori Kogoro patted Sonoko's buttocks with his big hand: "I'm so dishonest early in the morning, do I have to learn the art of war again?"

Yuanzi immediately put on a coy gesture: "It's not impossible!"

Hearing this, Tomoko narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but stare at his daughter again, after all, he still wasn't quite used to it.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and as soon as he exerted his strength, he hugged Tomoko and said:

"I know you are eager to learn, and I have a lot of knowledge to teach you, but don't forget to sleep and eat."

"I didn't eat dinner last night, and I still have some strength, which is amazing. Take a bath first, and then talk about it after breakfast."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro headed towards Suzuki's big bathhouse.

"Uncle, wait for me!" X2

After about half an hour, in the dining room of Suzuki's house, the three girls were all hungry and eagerly waiting.

Smelling the scent coming from the kitchen, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Yuanzi wanted to get up again, but was hit on the head by his friend with chopsticks.

"No, if you go in and disturb the cooking process, I don't want to eat anything weird!"

Before the words were finished, Mori Kogoro came out with a black casserole, which was still steaming hot.

Soon, the casserole was placed on the dining table, and it was lifted directly, and the amazing aroma spread.

The slightly orange-yellow soup is still boiling, making one's mouth water at first glance.

This is black-bone chicken, yam and radish soup, which invigorates Qi and blood, and is specially for the three girls to restore their vitality.

"You can start now, don't wait for me."

After saying this, he turned around and went into the kitchen again, and brought out all the dishes.

There are glutinous rice siu mai, fried noodles, beef rice, clams steamed in wine, and red bean milk dew for dessert, all of which look extremely delicious.But even though the food was the top priority, the three girls still waited until Mori Kogoro sat on the main seat and heard him say 'start' before starting to eat.

Seeing that the dishes on the table were decreasing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye, the head chef, Mori Kogoro, also had a smile on his face.

"Wow, Uncle's food is the best I've ever eaten, I'm so full!"

Yuanzi's little head rested on the back of the chair, and he looked up as if he was stuffed.

Ayako couldn't help kicking Sonoko's calf: "Pay attention to your image!"

"No need, uncle is not an outsider, so uncle like me must think it's cute!"

After the little girl succeeded, she really felt like letting herself go, her true nature was fully exposed.

But fortunately, she didn't tie her hair up with a headband. With short messy hair and a white shirt, she looked like a beautiful girl.

Even though he was leaning on the chair and patting his stomach, Mori Kogoro didn't think there was anything wrong with her, on the contrary he felt that she was extremely cute.

Mori Kogoro was also full, so he got up and took Sonoko's hand and headed towards the living room.

"Let's go, teach you some new knowledge."

The studious Ayako followed immediately, but Tomoko couldn't help but shook her head and smiled wryly.

Immediately afterwards, she looked at the bowl full of black-bone chicken soup with a determined face, murmured 'invigorate qi and nourish blood' in her mouth, and then drained bowl after bowl of this extremely delicious soup.

Can't be compared to the past by the children!

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