"Now the two of them are king against king, general against general, and they are very tit-for-tat at home."

"On the contrary, you still hold back such a big thunder, you want to piss us off!"

While talking, You Xizi became excited again, not as relaxed as talking to Xiaolan just now, I can only say that her acting skills are really amazing.

Mori Kogoro immediately embraced his soft and tender body, stroking his soft back with his big hand: "Well, it's complicated to say, a lot of things happened in the middle."

"Then make a long story short!"

"There's no way to make a long story short."

"Is it really?" You Xizi raised her head, staring at her.

Mori Kogoro avoided his gaze and said vaguely, "That's it!"

Immediately, his little hand patted it up, and his body struggled: "Bastard, bastard, how could you do this!"

But before he took a few shots, his hands were bound by Kogoro Mouri's big hands, and his lips were blocked even more.

Master-level kissing skills were displayed, and the deep kiss lasted for no one knows how long, and Yuxiko gradually calmed down.

When the two calendars were separated, she was still a little out of breath.

"Bastard, you are such a big bastard..." You Xizi still looked a little bit annoyed.

"I don't care, anyway, you can't make Yingri sad, if you let me see Yingli shed a tear, you will die."

"That's natural, I've been working hard, don't be angry, it will become ugly." He then gave You Xizi a light peck.

You Xizi couldn't help but snorted softly, and then said, "Scatter your paws, they say you're going to Mihua University, don't mess around!"

Mori Kogoro withdrew his hand, took the hat, and put it on Yukiko gently.

On the other side, on the sofa in Suzuki's living room, Sonoko took Xiaolan's arm and told her excitedly what happened from yesterday to today.

She treats Xiaolan as a best friend who can talk about anything and everything.

The communication is endless and very detailed!

From time to time, words like "Uncle is really amazing!" "Uncle knows a lot!" "I'm totally in love with Uncle!"The power of this kind of words is not stingy to the boys who say to their buddies with warmth, 'Your mother is awesome! '.

So Xiaolan's expression is always black!

In the end, his little hands couldn't help pinching Yuanzi's buttocks: "You damn girl, I'll tear your mouth apart." Yuanzi rubbed his ass and laughed dryly, then leaned forward again and said coquettishly: "People are happy!"

"But Xiaolan, the photo you took just now has to be deleted, it's too intrusive on people's privacy!"


Xiao Lan with her arms folded turned her head to the side.

Yuanzi hurriedly climbed to the other side, folded his hands together and said, "Please, please, or if word spreads, my mother and sister will definitely kill me."


Xiaolan turned her head to the other side again!

"Don't think I don't know what you did, Zhenchun told me everything."

"Not only did you take photos of playing games at the seaside on vacation, but you also made a small movie of the surveillance video of me in the gym last time, and showed it to Zhenchun. It's really despicable!"


Yuanzi's expression froze immediately, but he cursed in his heart: Damn girl, you are so loose-tongued, didn't you agree to make an alliance!

"Zhenchun also said that you plan to form an alliance with her, and then join forces to deal with me."

Hearing this, Yuanzi's amber eyes panicked immediately, and he quickly argued: "Nonsense, how could it be possible, it's all pure and slandering me. That little girl has a small chest, but she has a lot of eyes, Xiaolan, Don't be fooled by her."

Far away at Mori's house, Sera Masumi, who was thrown from the sky, sneezed a few times as if feeling something.

But Xiaolan didn't believe Yuanzi's words at all, instead she turned on her mobile phone, clicked on the high-resolution picture in the photo album, and immediately commented

Get up.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this posture lying like a frog, this lewd expression, is really a violin!"

Yuanzi's face turned red in an instant, screaming and rushing over to destroy the corpse: "Don't look!"

However, his small face was held down by Xiao Lan with one hand, so he couldn't make an inch of it.

"You're still wearing silk stockings. I've never seen you wearing silk stockings since I was a child. Pervert, pervert, pervert!"

"Listen to me honestly from now on, and don't make petty moves anymore, otherwise, you will not be the only one who is unlucky, but also your mother and your sister." Xiaolan's eyes were shining brightly, and she lowered her voice and began to threaten Yuanzi.

The eyes and expressions all imitate the villains on TV, which is quite similar.

At this moment, Xiaolan only felt extremely comfortable. She had always been threatened by Yuanzi before.

Now that the situation has reversed, seeing Yuanzi's little expression of begging for perfection, it's really great!

"Lan, Yuanzi, it's time to go."

Hearing the shouts outside, Xiaolan instantly changed into a sunny and gentle look, and replied loudly: "Okay, Dad!"

Chapter 0052 Asami Uchida of Dongda University

On the Lexus, looking at Sonoko in the back seat with a somewhat depressed expression, Kogoro Mori guessed what happened in an instant.

"Yuanzi, don't you really need to take a break?"

Seeing Xiaolan and Youxizi's nervous expressions, Sonoko pretended to be calm: "Of course not, I'm fine."

"I want to take a good look at Uncle's university later. Maybe I will go to Mihua University in the future. Walking the road that Uncle walked before and taking the classes that Uncle taught, that feeling must be great!"

Xiaolan next to her was shocked, and then complained: "Yuanzi, you are so poor at study, you skip class every three days, and you still want to go to college?"

"Why, it can't be done. When the time comes, I will ask my mother to donate the building, so I can go in and study? At that time, we can continue to be college classmates again."

Xiaolan immediately shook her head: "I don't want it, didn't I tell you? I won't study after graduating from high school."

"In the future, we must take care of the housework at home and take good care of Dad."

Speaking of this, Xiaolan looked gently in the direction of Mouri Kogoro.

You Xizi, who was in the front passenger seat, couldn't help complaining: "The family has hired Yingzi as a housekeeper, so you don't need your help, and I will also help with family affairs. Xiaolan, you should concentrate on your studies."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

This lazy woman, who obviously doesn't even cook and wants to order takeaway, is ashamed to say such a thing.

"No, like my father usually has so many commissions, running around, and he is reckless, I have to follow him and take care of him personally."

Not to be outdone, Xiaolan replied, and Kogoro, who was thoughtful and well-planned, forcibly turned into a reckless person who couldn't take care of himself.

Upon hearing this, Yuanzi changed his mind and said, "Then I won't go to university anymore, and I'll be just as good as Xiaolan."

"Uncle, just let me be your detective assistant!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's fine, as long as you are happy."

"But life is so long, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I will always be by your side."

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "It's good to stay by Dad's side!" You Xizi couldn't help but help her forehead speechlessly: This child is really hopeless!

Yuanzi on the side couldn't help complaining in a low voice: "Dead father!"


Xiaolan's eyes flickered coldly, she took out her mobile phone at some point, and the photo of her mother lying on the coffee table in the garden appeared again.Yuanzi hugged her immediately, and begged for mercy in a low voice.

The two girls in the back seat were noisy, Mori Kogoro ignored it, and asked Hong Hou to call Fushahui instead.

Soon, the phone was connected, and a lazy female voice rang.

"Hmph, big detective, you've finally finished your happy life, did you remember me now?"

The voice sounded like just waking up, soft and provocative.

You Xizi on the side couldn't help squinting his starry eyes, and coughed a few times.

Fu Shahui immediately realized: "You turn on the speakerphone, and there are other women beside you?"

Mori Kogoro hurriedly replied: "Now in the car, heading towards Mihua University, let's meet over there and discuss in detail."

"Alright, Mihua University, wait for me!"

The phone was hung up immediately, and Yuxiko's eyes were full of unkindness.

Sonoko in the back seat couldn't help but said: "Uncle, you can't do this, Dr. A Li finally got a girlfriend."

"I really can't hold back you looking for me, I'm so young, so fun..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Lan directly knocked on the garden.

Kogoro Mouri quickly said: "Where are you going, there is a case, and this Ms. Fushae has gotten into something serious!" After saying this, the three women all showed expressions of disbelief.

It is true that Mori Kogoro has too many previous convictions. Every time he said it was a case, he got mixed up with the woman in it, and his credibility was too low.

Seeing that the three women are not the same as Huyou, Mori Kogoro has no choice but to speed up the car and rush towards the university.

Soon, the car came to Mihua University.

A delicate woman with long wavy hair stood waiting at the door, wearing a white dress and high heels, like a blooming peony.This is Yumi Horikoshi, the president of the beauty company, who has a charming charm.

There is also a female assistant dressed as an OL who holds an umbrella for her.

Seeing Mori Kogoro getting off the car, Horikoshi Yumi immediately greeted him: "Really, Kogoro, I made a good promise before, why did I forget today, I was almost late."

"Sorry, sorry, I really didn't mean it."

Saying this, Yumi immediately embraced Mori Kogoro's arm, the smile on her face became more real, and then greeted Yukiko beside her.

And Xiaolan Yuanzi, who got off the car, saw the female assistant holding an umbrella for her, and couldn't help but said, "Senior sister, why are you here?"

Yuanzi also greeted: "Senior Uchida, aren't you in Dongda?"

Horikoshi Yumi couldn't help but look surprised: "You know each other?"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "Of course I do, Uchida-senpai graduated from Didan High School, and she was the manager of the school's football club before!"

Sonoko echoed, "I still remember meeting him twice at Kudo's house."

The elegant-looking girl said: "Although she is still a college student, she has already joined the 'Herbal Hall' and started an internship with the president."

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