"Sure enough, you are a senior sister. You are amazing. You have started an internship so soon." Yuanzi couldn't help but praise.

Kogoro Mori looked at this beautiful and dignified girl in 0L outfit with fluttering long hair, and instantly remembered the plot of the original book.It should be a college student named Uchida Asami, who once confessed to that kid Kudo, but was rejected.

She looks very beautiful, but unfortunately her eyesight is not very good, what a pity!

He opened his mouth and said, "Go in, Yumi, didn't you say you still want me to give a speech?"

Yumi gave Kogoro a white look: "You came so late, you have already been put in the back row, don't worry, I'll just prepare the manuscript for you."

A group of people passed by the school gate, but Mori Kogoro saw a poster with Eri's name on it.

"Hey, Yumi, why did you invite Eri over here? She's from the University of Tokyo, why are you here to join in the fun?"

Hearing this, Uchida's female assistant couldn't help but glance at Kogoro, feeling a little offended.

"Who made me unable to get through to your phone, why don't you find someone to call you? Eri is the only one I can think of."

"Kogoro, what are you nervous about? You didn't do anything to offend Eri, did you?"

Hearing this, Yukiko couldn't help but chuckled: He's been sorry to Eri, but he's done it all over the place!

Chapter 0053 Returning to Mihua University

A group of people entered Mihua University and looked at the familiar campus.

The youthful breath of the green girls who passed by, Moori Kogoro suddenly felt extremely nostalgic.

Looking at the large gymnasium in the distance, You Xizi couldn't help but chuckled.

"I miss it so much. The first case of Kogoro's debut was in that gymnasium."

That was the case against Gin and Jiu, and it was also the case that made Yuxiko completely fall!

Speaking of this, Yukiko looked at Kogoro Mori.

The two looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, as if there was no one else around.

But Horikoshi Yumi stretched out her hand to wrap Kogoro's arm, and she became soft all of a sudden.

"Hey, Yukiko, don't go too far, this is my home field, Kogoro and I spent countless years in this school when we were in college." Youkiko chuckled, "Okay, I won't steal your limelight, yours The home game is inside the school, but mine is outside the school!" Speaking of this, she blinked at Kogoro Mori again, and started to discharge again.

What a fairy!

This naturally refers to the hotel near the university, which is her and Kogoro's love nest.

Looking back now, those years are still vivid in my mind, which is really ridiculous.

Mori Kogoro didn't have much money at that time, but Yukiko made her debut with a small fortune.

The hot spring hotel outside will rent two rooms for a long time, and the money is paid by Xizi.

Eri came over for a date and went back to the same hotel.

Usually after Kogoro finished accompanying Eri, he would pretend to go back to the school dormitory, and then go into Yukiko's room.

Or after spending time with Yukiko, he changed his way to accompany Eri, what a beast!

And when I dated Eri on campus, I would follow this Madonna from the judo club, Yumi Horikoshi, the light bulb.Now, they have all become their own women, what a trick!

Yumi couldn't help but chuckled: "Kogoro, do you know? Walking on campus together with your hand, this was my dream before, and now it has finally come true."

"Oh, it doesn't feel so good!"

Although she was making complaints, the smile on the corner of Yumei's mouth was extremely conspicuous, her eyes were extremely bright, and she looked completely in love.There is light in her eyes, even Xiaolan and Yuanzi can't bear to disturb her!

"Look at that red pine road, it's still exactly the same as before!"


At this time, a little girl's voice sounded, and Huiyuan and Conan were both here.

The little loli Huiyuan trotted over, and Mori Kogoro immediately picked her up: "Xiao Ai, why are you here?"

Hui Yuan whispered: "That woman said she would come here with you to give speeches and interviews, so I naturally have to come and have a look."

"Who knew that I met Conan on the way, and he was watching Fushae!" The woman was talking about Eri.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but asked, "Isn't Eri here yet?"

"I don't know. She seems to be very busy. She only said to go to the office to get some files in the morning."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded immediately, and Fusa'e's figure appeared in front of Mori Kogoro.

"Wow, it's such a big battle for Kogoro to go back to his alma mater, dragging his family!"

Mori Kogoro then laughed softly: "Don't worry, I won't miss your business."

But it also seemed that there were too many people, and there were too many beautiful women beside them, which attracted the attention of too many college students.Soon, they noticed Kogoro Mori standing out from the crowd in the middle, and all of them approached excitedly. "Is it the Maori detective?"

"I like you so much, can you sign it for me?"

"I can just take a group photo if I want. Hey, there is also Ms. Fujimine Yukiko, a super star!"

The popularity of the two was overwhelming, and as soon as they were recognized, they caused waves of riots.

Uchida Asami immediately said: "Please come with me to the school theater, that is the venue for today's speech." Although Asami is a big beauty, she is not squeamish at all.

As an assistant, she does the job of an assistant. She uses her elbows to help everyone clear the way, but it is quite difficult to move forward.Naturally, Kogoro Mori couldn't just sit and watch a beautiful girl act as a bodyguard to clear the way for him.

He immediately put Xiao Ai down and stood in front of Uchida Asami.

Uchida Asami was dumbfounded as he dealt with a group of students with a gentle smile, while pushing them away fiercely.

In the end, Kogoro Mori escorted the girls into the Hishida Theater.

Fortunately, there is access control and security guards in this theater.

Once inside, college students who haven't bought tickets can't get in at all!

This Mihua University is a highly commercialized university.

Its large stadium is outsourced and leased out for big games.

The same is true for the Lingtian Theater. It was contracted by outsiders and has just been renovated. If students want to come in, they have to buy tickets.After entering the theater, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They only felt that Kogoro Mori's popularity was too terrifying.

Fu Shahui couldn't help chuckling: "As expected, you are a celebrity who came out of this school. It seems that the students like you very much!" At this time, a pair of middle-aged men and women in suits and leather shoes came up to you.

The wrinkled old woman is probably in her fifties, and she is the owner of Hishida Theater, Hishida Junko.

The man is in his forties and is Yusaku Umori, the manager of Hishida Theater.

Manager Shimori smiled flatteringly and said, "It's a great honor. Our theater has just been refurbished and invited world-renowned detectives and big stars to give speeches and interviews. It's a great honor!"

The female boss next to him, Hishida Junko, said, "Thanks to you two, today's tickets are all sold out."

And another young yellow-haired man led three staff members in blue T-shirts and uniforms standing aside.

This yellow-haired man is Naoya Kakuta, who was entrusted by Horikoshi Yumi to organize today's speech and tailoring events. He is the president of the event company.It was him who communicated with various matters, and Mori Kogoro was not present, and he was hired by the school's dance troupe to be on top.

"President Horikoshi, Maori Detective, this is the staff of this event, if you need anything, just ask them."

There were three workers next to him, two women and one man, but only one man and one woman bowed at the same time: "Please give me your advice."

However, there was a beautiful girl wearing glasses who didn't say anything, as if she was in a daze. .

Chapter 0054 double ponytail glasses girl

A quiet girl next to her reminded the girl with ponytail glasses: "Mei, Mei, say hello!"

The girl named Mei Tsukuba woke up immediately, her face flushed and she began to bow: "No, I'm sorry, I'm actually a fan of Detective Mori, I was really nervous just now, please give me your advice!"

Mori Kogoro could naturally see that the expression of the girl with glasses just now was not nervous, but obviously worried, but he didn't say much

It's okay, please take care of me next time! "

The president of the event company Jiaota immediately said: "Hurry up and take the distinguished guests to the backstage."

The three staff members showed the way ahead and led everyone to the rest room.

Soon, in the big break room, Mao Li and his party sat down, and the three staff members poured various tea and drinks.

But then, someone seemed to hear the voice in the rest room next door, and someone came over

First, a tall and straight middle-aged man who seemed to have been a soldier greeted respectfully: "Detective Mori, Ms. Yukiko, I am Hideki Tsukinoki, the president of a security company, it is a great honor to be interviewing with you .”

An obese middle-aged man next to him stepped forward and held Kogoro Mori's big hand: "Detective Mori, I'm your reasoning fan."

"If you have a chance, you must make a guest appearance in my mystery drama. I am sure many viewers want to see you."

This is an actor named Ichiro Inogoshi, who plays the role of detective in the mystery drama, and is also today's interview guest!

Including myself, Yukiko, Eri, and Horikoshi Yumi who may be on the stage, this interview is really too many people!

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Horikoshi Yumi, and saw her clasping her hands together to apologize to herself, and whispered.

"Because I really don't know if you and Yuxiko will come or not, so I invited these guests, I'm sorry!"

This was also his own mistake, so Mori Kogoro didn't say much!

But at this time, there was a noisy sound from the corridor outside, which attracted everyone's attention.

Through the window, I saw an old man wearing a black hat, leaning on a cane in his hand, scolding the female owner of the theater, Hishida Junko. "Are you kidding me? I won't approve of such a theater."

"When your father was alive, there was preferential treatment for the college students of Mihua University. Students can enter the theater at half price."

"Now after the renovation, the preferential treatment is gone, and the tickets are still so expensive. This has caused dissatisfaction among the students. The reputation of our theater has been ruined by you, a vampire, a capitalist!"

Hishida Junko sneered: "The backward management method of being proud of the financial deficit, maintaining a false harmony, but struggling to survive, has long since passed away with my father."

"Old Mr. Lengquan, your employment contract with our theater has been terminated long ago. You are no longer a member of our theater. Please don't make trouble?" Not from here, how unreasonable it is!" Moyoshi Lengquan, about [-] years old, immediately waved a black cane and drew towards Junko Hishida.

But this crutch was grabbed by the actor Ichiro Inogoshi!

This fat actor is very agile. He was still in the waiting room just now, and now he rushed out to be a hero.

Immediately, Ichiro Inogoshi waved his index finger and said the detective lines in his TV series: "Calm down, listen to my advice, if you really do this, I am afraid no one will open up to you in the future."

I have to say, the effect is embarrassing!

Sure enough, no matter who it is, there is a heart to pretend!

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