Immediately, Ichiro Inogoshi looked at the tall and straight Tsukinoki Hideki: "Hey, Tsukinoki, aren't you a security guard? Shouldn't you handle this guy's troubles?"

Tsukinoki Hideki's eyes turned cold: "I lost my job when I was a security guard, and now I am the president of the security company. Do you think you can still order me around?"

"Oh, you are not familiar with it!"

But the old man was caught on crutches, and he was so excited that he couldn't help panting.

The theater manager at the side quickly said: "Mr. Leng Quan has asthma, please take him to rest."

Two staff members hurriedly stepped forward to support Mr. Leng Quan, and headed towards the nearby lounge, and the turmoil finally stopped.

The owner of the theater, Junko Hishida, immediately said: "I'm really sorry, I made everyone laugh. The speech and interview will start soon. Please go back to the lounge to rest."

"At half past ten, the manager will come to inform you."

Everyone in the corridor went back to the lounge.

Conan, who was full of curiosity, also walked back to Mori Kogoro's rest room, completely oblivious to the eyes of the two women on him.

They are Fushae and Uchida Asami!

Asami Uchida had also been to Kudo's house before, and had seen photos of Shin Kudo when he was a child.

With his sharp eyesight, he naturally felt that Conan and Kudo Shinichi looked very much alike, and he was terrified.

And Yukiko had seen the girl Uchida Asami before, and she felt bad when she saw her eyes.

She also kicked Conan specifically when he passed by, reminding him to be careful.

But the little devil thought his mother just wanted to kick him, so he couldn't help but glared at him, causing You Xizi to hold his forehead speechlessly!

Mori Kogoro immediately threw chestnuts on Conan's forehead: "It's rude to stare at elders, you can't be rude to adults!"

The strength was just right, and a big red envelope appeared, and the little devil squatted down with his head in his arms again, and Asami Uchida stopped his suspicions.But Fushahui spoke: "Detective Maori, do you have time to listen to my commission now?"

"If there is a speech, an interview, and I don't know how long it will be delayed, it just so happens that I have something more important to tell you!"

I glanced at the clock, it was only half past nine, and there was still an hour before the speech, so the time was naturally enough.

"Of course, Miss Mei, is there any extra rest room here?"

Mei Tsukuba, the girl with ponytails and glasses, was surprised and said, "Detective Mori, have you encountered another case? Can I listen in? I'm your fan."

Fu Shahui laughed lightly: "No, it's about other people's privacy, and it's not good for me if I know about it."

Tsukuba Mei's eyes were a little more disappointed, and she began to lead the way: "There is a rest room, please follow me."

But Conan, who was squatting, secretly pressed a pocket bug on Mori Kogoro's pants.

This little brat thought how secretive his hands and feet were!

Mori Kogoro stopped speechlessly, then turned around and hit Conan again, then turned and followed the two women out.As for the bug, it naturally shook to the ground.

Chapter 0055 Fusha painted sincerity

Soon, the two were led to another unoccupied rest room.

After the door was closed, Fushahui pretended to ask casually:

"Detective Maori, is that kid named Conan Shinichi Kudo?"

After all, Fushahui is a member of the dark organization, and has not yet fully surrendered, and cannot be classified as red or black.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori cannot hold back Conan and Yusaku!

"No, he's just a spy trained by me, just like Sherlock Holmes' little beggar, but I'm one of them."

"He's really a great detective, even this one is better than this!"

Saying this, Fushahui, who was wearing white high-heeled shoes, sat on the table, her silky thighs looked extraordinarily slender!

She was wearing a short white skirt, as if it could be blown up by a gust of wind.

Mori Kogoro lifted his bowler cap gently with his big hands, revealing a short blonde hair.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed his hands on the table, on the left and right of Fushahui, and leaned forward, giving her a sense of oppression!

Fushahui leaned back slightly, and there seemed to be a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

Mori Kogoro looked directly at Fusha's blue eyes with deep eyes: "How is it? How are you thinking? Are you cooperating with me?" Fusha's words followed him: "...or choose to die, Right, Mori-kun!"

"How could this be? I usually give preferential treatment to beauties..."

His big rough hand gently pinched Fushahui's chin, and this action instantly made Fushahui's heart palpitate.

"...For example, it will make her die very rhythmically!"

"Then I don't have a choice?"

"In fact, if you come to see me, doesn't it mean that you have already chosen?"

Fushae put her arms around Kogoro Mori's head.

"Has anyone ever said that it would be very unpleasant to steal people's words like this?"

"No, because I'm usually good at other places!"

Fushahui couldn't help but let out a soft snort.

"You're really a rogue, talk about business, and talk about other things!"

"Don't you want to know what new information I got yesterday?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be puzzled and said:

"Let me guess, was it called by Rum to eat sushi? Or did Rum ask you to deal with the piano bar together in a week?"

Hearing this, Fushahui was immediately surprised.

"How do you know? It seems that that brat is really your spy?"

"This Rum is really stupid, lurking under the eyes of a great detective like you, you are really asking for trouble!"

"He is not the only one who is stupid, there are many people who are equally confident!"

Both Bourbon and Belmode have used the same trick.

"Then tell me, should I promise him?"

"Go, why don't you go, if you don't go, you won't be able to see a good show!"

"Then I will listen to you. When the time comes, I will go to the theater!"

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro suddenly felt itchy in his calf, and looked down, and saw Fusha's little jio painted with meat was rubbing against it.

He chuckled lightly: "Let's talk about the experiment nineteen years ago!"

Hearing this, Fusa'e's expression changed suddenly, and her plain hand even pushed Kogoro Mori away.

"You are really a spoiler!"

Fusha's expression became serious, she turned sideways, and actually took out a pack of ladies' cigarettes from her bag.

She also took out a lighter in the shape of a pocket pistol and lit it for herself, and then she calmed down a little.

This is the first time Mori Kogoro saw Fusae smoking.

The smoke was exhaled, covering his face a little bit densely!

"What do you want to know?"

Mori Kogoro asked directly: "Who is the person in charge of the experiment? Where is the location?"

"I don't know the location. I'm the same as many others. I was taken there by being stunned. Then I was given medicine, but I was the only one who woke up in the end!"

"Can you imagine that kind of scene? In the dark basement, there are hundreds of dead bodies lying on the hospital beds, and I am the only one who survived."

"I will never forget that scene, that cold feeling!."

A cigarette was quickly smoked, and then it was pressed on the table and extinguished.

Then she lit another ladies cigarette.

"I remember the person in charge, and you must know her too. You have fought against her before, and she is Belmode, the Witch with Thousand Faces!"


Mori Kogoro couldn't help but let out a long breath, it seems that Miyano and his wife are dead after all.

What a pity, Xiao Ai and Ming Mei knew that they might be disappointed again.

"Although I was the only survivor, the experiment failed in the end."

Only I was left with this appearance, a person not like a person, and a ghost not like a ghost! "

"Maybe it was because of my fate that I survived. Later, the boss valued me very much and asked me to take over the affairs of Eagle Country. But it is also because of this that I left Japan. I don't know much about the experiment."

"These things are top secret in the organization, and no more than three people know about them."

"Ordinary people don't understand it at all, so Belmode will know better!"

"After so many years, I have grown into the third in command of the organization. You must be aware of other things!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro also nodded.

He went forward, snatched the cigarette from his mouth, and pressed it on the table.

"Don't look at yourself like this, the years haven't left traces on you, you look beautiful?"

Fu Shahui shook her head and smiled wryly: "Don't you think I'm a freak?"

Mori Kogoro pecked his pink lips lightly, and laughed badly: "If it's a freak, then I dare not kiss it!"

Fushahui suddenly looked surprised.

Immediately, Mori Kogoro took Fusa's pink lips in one mouthful, and performed a master-level kissing technique.

Her green eyes trembled slightly, and she couldn't help wrapping her arms around his neck.

Immediately afterwards, his body couldn't help shaking, and Mori Kogoro repeated his actions in the tent yesterday.

After a passionate kiss, she couldn't help but speak, her voice trembling: "If you do this, you won't be afraid to let your friend down, Ali Bo

Sir, Yusaku Kudo? "

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