"It's okay, they will understand me, especially the doctor, he will definitely understand my painstaking efforts."

"And let me tell you a secret, Yusaku has already returned by plane, and he wants to deal with gin more than you."

"That lunatic?"

"It's just a little paranoid!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro lightly held Fusa's ankle!

Chapter 0056: Teaching Fusa Art of War

With the sound of zi la, gorgeous music sounded in the rest room immediately!

Looking at Fusha's flushed little face, Kogoro Mori's eyes flashed with surprise.

"It's great, ma'am, trust me, if you're a freak, there's no normal person in this world."

Fushahui frowned, water rippled in her blue eyes: "Don't say such impolite words!"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Then madam, you have already cooperated with me, and you even told me what happened nineteen years ago. What do you want to get?"

"Is Rum stepping down, or the boss stepping down?"

Hearing this, Fusha's eyes became a little bit more unkind, and she couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Moori, then turned her head to one side.

"Can you stop talking about today's business as a deal, and cooperating with you is just to cooperate with you."

"I don't want to go against you."

Mori Kogoro's eyes immediately became more satisfied, and he chuckled.

"It's my mistake. I misunderstood your sincerity, madam. It seems that I have to make a serious apology!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro also turned his face sideways, took Fusha's pink lips with his mouth, and the offensive started!

Master-level kissing skills were fully displayed, and Fushahui was already sweating after a passionate kiss.

Her body, fixed at the age of thirty, is the most mature and beautiful time for a woman, just like a blooming flower!So beautiful!

APTX, the real purpose of this drug is not to let people die silently, nor is it to make people rejuvenate like Conan Huiyuan!Its real purpose is to restrain the premature aging of the human body and keep people young forever.

And Fushahui is the survivor of this drug!

Therefore, nineteen years have passed, and she still maintains the same appearance as nineteen years ago. She has always looked thirty years old, youthful and not old!As for Haibara and Mary, their bodies shrunk after taking medicine A, which was written by Miyano Elena.

And Conan's unlucky reminder is that one in a billion is lucky.

Some of his genes are actually the same as Huiyuan and Mary's, and they are chimeric with drug A, so he also has the effect of rejuvenation.

APTX was developed by Elena Miyano herself, and one of the raw materials for research and development is the genes of her own family and the Miyano family.

This is also what she prepared for her two daughters, and it was mentioned in the tape.

This is why Mori Kogoro said that Mingmei will not die after taking APTX, but will also rejuvenate.

Even if it is Shiliang Zhenchun, there is a high probability that he will rejuvenate after eating APTX.

Mary is her older sister, with the same blood and most of the same genes, so she survived after taking APTX, and her body shrank.

Using human genes as the research object, this is the reason why Miyano Elena is called the Fallen Angel!

Seeing Fushahui's flushed little face, Kogoro Mori smirked again.

"Ma'am, be careful, I'm going to teach you the Fenglin Shanhuo Art of War that I have researched?"

"What tactics?"

The frowning Fushahui still had a confused expression on her face, but then her pupils burst open instantly.

His eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

In Dr. Ali's yard, the white-haired and bald Dr. Ali was in a great mood, driving the weeder to remove the weeds in the yard.

Next to help.

After the doctor had a girlfriend, he walked in a floating way, with a smile on his face all the time.

However, suddenly the lawn mower malfunctioned, and the top cover opened.

All the cut grass sprayed out, directly onto the doctor's forehead.

The weed fragments instantly dyed his white coat green, and even his shiny forehead was also green at the moment.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you? You're not hurt, are you?" The second child immediately greeted him with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay, just clean it up."

"Let's tidy up the yard quickly. I'll take you to buy beef later, and make curry beef at night. When Xiaohui comes back, she can eat my cooking, hehe!"

Speaking of this, Dr. Ali had a simple and honest smile on his face.

Yuantai, the little fat man, immediately drooled when he heard the curry beef.

And in the backstage corridor of Lingtian Theater, Conan, the sneaky little devil, attached his ears to the door of the rest room.

"Strange, what are they talking about? Why is there no sound at all?"

Isolated by the formation, Conan naturally didn't hear anything.

"Little friend, it's wrong to do this. Detective Maori is talking about something very important, so don't eavesdrop!"

A gentle voice sounded, Asami Uchida of Toto University clapped her hands on her knees, squatted down slightly, and looked at Conan.

"It really looks like it!"

Conan panicked in an instant, and immediately rubbed his forehead and laughed dryly: "Hehehe, many people say that I look very similar to Brother Shinichi, because we are distant relatives!"

Xizi's chuckle sounded from behind: "That's right, this kid is a distant cousin of my Fujimine family, but he just doesn't learn well, and likes to spy on other people's privacy all day long!"

Upon hearing this, Conan immediately rolled up a pair of dead fish eyes.

"When I saw that you were not inside, I knew you had come here, go back!"

"It's Mami, it's been a long time, I heard that you have been admitted to the University of Tokyo, it's really uplifting!"

Uchida Asami smiled lightly and said, "It's just luck, Aunt Yukiko, I haven't seen you for a few years, you really are getting younger and younger."

"No, it's thick and thick!"

Whenever someone praised her for being young, You Xizi would be very happy.

In fact, she is really young. After taking the Fountain of Youth, everyone thought they were sisters when they went out with Xiaolan!

"You girl, you can really talk. It just so happens that your President Yumi and I are good friends. I asked her to take care of you. No need for this, work is work..."

"What's wrong with me? Let's go back and talk. I heard from Xiaolan and the others that you ran for Miss Chengdu as soon as you entered college. Is it true?"

Uchida Asami humbled herself and said, "It's good luck. Aunt Yukiko is the real beauty. I didn't even get the title of Miss Tedan."

"How can there be, I was still one vote short back then, so what is Miss Didan?"

"However, I got that vote later through my own efforts."

Yukiko was talking about sharing the same bed with Eri, of course.

She paid a huge price to win this crucial last vote.

So she also agrees with her title of Miss Didan from the bottom of her heart, and this is also one of the things she is most proud of.The two women walked towards the rest room, seeing that Conan, the little devil, wanted to eavesdrop, Yu Xizi couldn't help but stare back.Conan immediately followed up timidly.

The three of them entered the large rest room, and the entire corridor was empty.

It's just that they didn't know that in one of the rest rooms, scarlet blood slowly dripped from the edge of the table to the floor.The door of a rest room opened, and a pair of dark eyes looked out.

Chapter 0057 was shocked Fusha painted

Fenglinshanhuo witchcraft continued to wreak havoc.

Fushahui still looked surprised, as if she couldn't close her mouth!

She sensed different kinds of energy colliding in her body, this is fire energy!

She could feel the infinite heat, as if she was in purgatory.

The pores all over his body were opened, sweat dripped out continuously, and he was so hot that he couldn't help panting.

This is something she has never experienced in her life, not to mention adding extra material, and she doesn't know how to deal with it.

Fusha frowned, her blue eyes were full of water, as if she might shed tears at any moment, her little hands loosened and clenched, clenched and loosened.At this moment, how can she have the heroic and decisive appearance before!

Facing this existence that is like a divine weapon descending from the sky, beyond understanding!

His head was shaking desperately like a rattle: "Hot! Hot!"

That energy attribute instantly changed!

From the tyrannical fire element to the cool grass energy like mint, it contains a strong healing ability!

This seems to be turning from one pole to another, and the impact and stimulation brought to Fushahui is incomparably huge.

His eyes immediately turned up, his body immediately turned into a longbow, and even the toes couldn't stop curling up.

It took a long time for Fushahui to get used to it, and felt the coolness that penetrated into the spinal cord and bone marrow, making her eyes full of surprise.After adapting to the spirit of vegetation permeating her body, Fushahui only felt warm all over her body.

He didn't even want to move a finger, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of his mouth!

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the energy of the plants and trees that belonged to the forest changed again!

Move like thunder! ! !

The energy instantly turned into a violent and unparalleled thunder force!

Thousands of currents poured into it, and Fushahui trembled like an electric shock.

She couldn't help screaming anymore, as if she wanted to ask for help.

It's a pity that the sound was cut off by the formation, and no one outside could hear it.

In this formation condensed by witch power, the inheritance of witchcraft is carried out without any cover.

In the rest room, Conan was obviously pushed out by the girls.

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